blob: b88445a7eb1b8fd603138e6c975553f119fef134 [file] [log] [blame]
use CGI qw(:standard escapeHTML);
# When something goes wrong before we start output, use this function
# so there is still output
sub failure {
print header("text/html"),start_html;
print "$_[0]\n";
print end_html;
# Most of the work is done in this directory
unless (chdir("/usr/tests/ltp/results")) {
failure("Could not get to the results directory\n");
# grab the parameters that determine what's going on then branch
$get_df = param("get_df");
if ($get_df) {
# copy a driver file and output it.
$get_df = (<$get_df*>)[0];
($host, $datestr, $suite, $type, $gz) = split(/\./, $get_df);
#print start_html, "<pre>\n";
if ($gz) {
open (DF, "gunzip -c $get_df|") || print "$get_df not found\n";
} else {
open (DF, "$get_df") || print "$get_df not found";
if ($type eq "driver" || $type eq "summary") {
print header("text/plain");
$zoom_tag = param("zoom_tag");
if ($zoom_tag) {
while (<DF>) {
# find the start of a test
while (<DF>) {
if (/\<\<\<test_start\>\>\>/) {
$line = <DF>;
if ($line =~ /^tag=$zoom_tag /) {
print "<<<test_start>>>\n";
print $line;
do {
$line = <DF>;
print $line;
} until ($line =~ /\<\<\<test_end\>\>\>/);
print "Did not find tag $zoom_tag\n";
} else {
while (<DF>) {
print $_;
} elsif ($type eq "scanner") {
print header("text/html");
print start_html, "<pre>\n";
while (<DF>) {
if (/^-+/) { last;}
@rest = <DF>;
# this is just to put the * at the end of the test case list
unless (param("raw")) {
foreach (@rest) { s/\*/{/; }
foreach (@rest) { s/(\s)-(\s)/\1}\2/; }
@rest = sort @rest;
foreach (@rest) { s/{/*/; }
foreach (@rest) { s/}/-/; }
foreach (@rest) {
s/(\S+)/<a href="results.cgi?get_df=$host.$datestr.$suite.driver&zoom_tag=\1">\1<\/a>/;
# colorize the status column
s/\bPASS\b/\<font color\=green\>PASS\<\/font\>/i;
s/\bFAIL\b/\<font color\=\"red\"\>FAIL\<\/font\>/i;
s/\bCONF\b/\<font color\=\"yellow\"\>CONF\<\/font\>/i;
s/\bBROK\b/\<font color\=\"blue\"\>BROK\<\/font\>/i;
print "\n</pre>",end_html;
#print "\n</pre>\n",end_html;
} else {
%results = ();
# run through the files in the results directory
@driver_files = <*driver*>;
foreach $df (sort(@driver_files)) {
($host, $datestr, $suite, $type, $gz) = split(/\./, $df);
$a_rec = ();
$a_rec->{HOST} = $host;
$a_rec->{DATE} = $datestr;
$a_rec->{SUITE} = $suite;
$a_rec->{DRIVER_FILE} = $df;
$results{ $a_rec->{DRIVER_FILE} } = $a_rec;
# write the HTML file
print header("text/html"),start_html;
@ri = values %results;
@ri = sort { $a->{HOST} cmp $b->{HOST}
||$b->{DATE} <=> $a->{DATE}
||$a->{SUITE} cmp $b->{SUITE} } @ri;
$lasthost = "";
$lastdate = "";
$lastsuite = "";
$indent = 0;
print "<table>\n";
print "<tr><th>Hostname<th>Date<th>Suite</tr>\n";
foreach $rp ( @ri ) {
$thishost = $rp->{HOST};
$thisdate = $rp->{DATE};
$thissuite = $rp->{SUITE};
# figure out where is the table we need to start
if ($lasthost ne $thishost) {
$indent = 0;
} elsif ($lastdate ne $thisdate) {
$indent = 1;
} elsif ($lastsuite ne $thissuite) {
$indent = 2;
# write the rows we need depending on the starting point
# host level
if ($indent <= 0) {
print "<tr><td>$thishost\n";
# date level
if ($indent <= 1) {
($year, $month, $day, $hour, $min) = ($thisdate =~ /(\d+)(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/);
print "<tr><td><td>$year-$month-$day $hour:$min\n";
# suite level
if ($indent <= 2) {
print "<tr><td><td><td>";
print "$thissuite";
print " [<a href=\"results.cgi?get_df=$rp->{DRIVER_FILE}\">driver output</a>]";
print " [<a href=\"results.cgi?get_df=$thishost.$thisdate.$thissuite.scanner\">results</a>]";
print " [<a href=\"results.cgi?get_df=$thishost.$thisdate.$thissuite.summary\">summary</a>]";
print "\n";
# make sure we update the $last... variables
$lasthost = $thishost;
$lastdate = $thisdate;
$lastsuite = $thissuite;
print "</table>\n";
print end_html;