blob: b8147f35f3ef538a566ac078647ec364dc9f4f27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2001-2004
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "rbt.h"
* ***********************************************
* D.H. IBM, S. Rao
* Module: Operations executed on red-black struct
* ***********************************************
/* Construct a red-black tree node */
rb_node *rbnode_construct(datatype object, rb_color color)
rb_node *node = (rb_node *) malloc(sizeof(rb_node));
if (!node) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory Shortage - No Execution Possible\n");
return NULL;
node->object = object;
node->color = color;
node->parent = node->right = node->left = NULL;
return node;
/* Destructor of a red-black tree node */
void rbnode_destruct(rb_node *node, destructor d)
if (!node)
if (d != NULL)
rbnode_destruct(node->right, d);
rbnode_destruct(node->left, d);
/* Determine the depth of the subtree spanned by a given node */
int rbnode_depth(rb_node *node)
/* Recursively determine the depth of the left and right
* subtrees
int irightdepth = (node->right) ? rbnode_depth(node->right) : 0;
int ileftdepth = (node->left) ? rbnode_depth(node->left) : 0;
/* Return the maximal child depth + 1 (the current node) */
return ((irightdepth > ileftdepth) ? (irightdepth + 1) : (ileftdepth + 1));
/* Return the leftmost leaf in the tree */
rb_node *rbnode_minimum(rb_node *node)
while (node->left)
node = node->left;
return node;
/* Return the rightmost leaf in the tree */
rb_node *rbnode_maximum(rb_node *node)
while (node->right)
node = node->right;
return node;
/* Replace an object */
void rbnode_replace(rb_node *node, datatype object)
/* Make sure the replacement does not violate the tree order
* Replace the object at the node
node->object = object;
/* Get the next node in the tree (according to the tree order) */
rb_node *rbnode_successor(rb_node *node)
rb_node *succ_node;
if (node->right) {
/* If there is a right child, the successor is the
* minimal object in the sub-tree spanned by this
* child.
succ_node = node->right;
while (succ_node->left)
succ_node = succ_node->left;
} else {
/* Otherwise, go up the tree until reaching the parent
* from the left direction.
rb_node *prev_node = node;
succ_node = node->parent;
while (succ_node && prev_node == succ_node->right) {
prev_node = succ_node;
succ_node = succ_node->parent;
return (succ_node);
/* Get the previous node in the tree (according to the tree order) */
rb_node *rbnode_predecessor(rb_node *node)
rb_node *pred_node;
if (node->left) {
/* If there is a left child, the predecessor is the
* maximal object in the sub-tree spanned by this
* child.
pred_node = node->left;
while (pred_node->right)
pred_node = pred_node->right;
} else {
/* Otherwise, go up the tree until reaching the parent
* from the right direction.
rb_node *prev_node = node;
pred_node = node->parent;
while (pred_node && prev_node == pred_node->left) {
prev_node = pred_node;
pred_node = pred_node->parent;
return (pred_node);
/* Return a pointer to a duplication of the given node */
rb_node *rbnode_duplicate(rb_node *node)
/* Create a node of the same color, containing the same
* object
rb_node *dup_node = rbnode_construct(node->object, node->color);
if (!dup_node)
return NULL;
/* Duplicate the children recursively */
if (node->right) {
dup_node->right = rbnode_duplicate(node->right);
dup_node->right->parent = dup_node;
} else {
dup_node->right = NULL;
if (node->left) {
dup_node->left = rbnode_duplicate(node->left);
dup_node->left->parent = dup_node;
} else {
dup_node->left = NULL;
return dup_node; /* Return the duplicated node */
/* Traverse a red-black subtree */
void rbnode_traverse(rb_node *node, opr *op)
if (!node)
rbnode_traverse(node->left, op);
rbnode_traverse(node->right, op);
* ***********************************
* Operations on rb_tree struct
* ***********************************
/* Intialize a tree */
void rbtree_init(rb_tree *tree)
/* tree->comp = comp; */
tree->isize = 0;
tree->root = NULL;
/* Construct a tree given a comparison function */
rb_tree *rbtree_construct()
rb_tree *tree = (rb_tree *) malloc(sizeof(rb_tree));
if (!tree) {
fprintf(stderr, "Memory Issue - Shortge Exists!\n");
return NULL;
return tree;
/* Remove all objects from a black-red tree */
void rbtree_clean(rb_tree *tree, destructor d)
if (tree->root)
rbnode_destruct(tree->root, d);
tree->root = NULL;
tree->isize = 0;
/* Destruct a red-black tree */
void rbtree_destruct(rb_tree *tree, destructor d)
rbtree_clean(tree, d);
/* Returns the size of the tree */
int rbtree_size(rb_tree *tree)
return tree->isize;
/* Returns the depth of the tree */
int rbtree_depth(rb_tree *tree)
if (!(tree->root))
return 0;
return rbnode_depth(tree->root);
/* Check whether the tree contains a certain object */
int rbtree_contains(rb_tree *tree, datatype object)
return (rbtree_find(tree, object) != NULL);
/* Insert an object into the rb-tree */
rb_node *rbtree_insert(rb_tree *tree, datatype object)
rb_node *cur_node;
rb_node *new_node;
int comp_result = 0;
if (!(tree->root)) {
/* Assign a new root node (the root is always
* black)
new_node = rbnode_construct(object, black);
if (!new_node)
return NULL;
tree->root = new_node;
tree->isize = 1;
return new_node;
/* Find a spot for the new object, insert the object as a red
* leaf
cur_node = tree->root;
new_node = rbnode_construct(object, red);
if (!new_node)
return NULL;
while (cur_node) {
/* Compare inserted object with the object stored in
* the current node
comp_result = COMP_NODES(object, cur_node->object);
if (comp_result == 0) {
printf("Attempted to insert duplicate node, aborting\n");
return NULL;
if (comp_result > 0) {
if (!(cur_node->left)) {
/* Insert the new leaf as the left
* child of the current node
cur_node->left = new_node;
new_node->parent = cur_node;
cur_node = NULL; /* Terminate the while loop */
} else {
/* Go to the left subtree */
cur_node = cur_node->left;
} else {
if (!(cur_node->right)) {
/* Insert the new leaf as the right
* child of the current node
cur_node->right = new_node;
new_node->parent = cur_node;
cur_node = NULL; /* Terminate the while loop */
} else {
/* Go to the right subtree */
cur_node = cur_node->right;
/* Mark the fact that a new node was added */
/* Fix the tree properties */
rbtree_insert_fixup(tree, new_node);
return new_node;
/* Insert a new object to the tree as the a successor of a given
* node
rb_node *insert_successor_at(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *at_node, datatype object)
rb_node *parent;
rb_node *new_node;
if (!(tree->root)) {
/* Assign a new root node (the root is always
* black)
new_node = rbnode_construct(object, black);
if (!new_node)
return NULL;
tree->root = new_node;
tree->isize = 1;
return new_node;
/* Insert the new object as a red leaf, being the successor of
* node
new_node = rbnode_construct(object, red);
if (!new_node)
return NULL;
if (!at_node) {
/* The new node should become the tree's minimum Place
* is as the left child of the current minimal leaf
parent = rbnode_minimum(tree->root);
parent->left = new_node;
} else {
/* Make sure the insertion does not violate the tree
* order In case given node has no right child, place
* the new node as its right child. Otherwise, place
* it at the leftmost position at the sub-tree rooted
* at its right side.
if (!at_node->right) {
parent = at_node;
parent->right = new_node;
} else {
parent = rbnode_minimum(at_node->right);
parent->left = new_node;
new_node->parent = parent;
/* Mark that a new node was added */
/* Fix the tree properties */
rbtree_insert_fixup(tree, new_node);
return new_node;
/* Insert a new object to the tree as the a predecessor of a given node */
rb_node *insert_predecessor_at(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *at_node, datatype object)
rb_node *parent;
rb_node *new_node;
if (!(tree->root)) {
/* Assign a new root node (the root is always
* black)
new_node = rbnode_construct(object, black);
if (!new_node)
return NULL;
tree->root = new_node;
tree->isize = 1;
return new_node;
/* Insert the new object as a red leaf, being the predecessor
* of at_node
new_node = rbnode_construct(object, red);
if (!new_node)
return NULL;
if (!at_node) {
/* The new node should become the tree maximum. Place
* is as the right child of the current maximal leaf
parent = rbnode_maximum(tree->root);
parent->right = new_node;
} else {
/* Make sure the insertion does not violate the tree
* order In case given node has no left child, place
* the new node as its left child. Otherwise, place it
* at the rightmost position at the sub-tree rooted at
* its left side.
if (!(at_node->left)) {
parent = at_node;
parent->left = new_node;
} else {
parent = rbnode_maximum(at_node->left);
parent->right = new_node;
new_node->parent = parent;
/* Mark that a new node was added */
/* Fix the tree properties */
rbtree_insert_fixup(tree, new_node);
return new_node;
/* Remove an object from the tree */
void rbtree_remove(rb_tree *tree, datatype object, destructor d)
rb_node *node = rbtree_find(tree, object); /* Find the node */
rbtree_remove_at(tree, node, d); /* Remove the node */
/* Remove the object pointed by the given node. */
void rbtree_remove_at(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *node, destructor d)
rb_node *child = NULL;
/* In case of deleting the single object stored in the tree,
* free the root, thus emptying the tree
if (tree->isize == 1) {
rbnode_destruct(tree->root, d);
tree->root = NULL;
tree->isize = 0;
/* Remove the given node from the tree */
if (node->left && node->right) {
/* If the node we want to remove has two children,
* find its successor, which is the leftmost child in
* its right sub-tree and has at most one child (it
* may have a right child).
rb_node *succ_node = rbnode_minimum(node->right);
/* Now physically swap node and its successor. Notice
* this may temporarily violate the tree properties,
* but we are going to remove node anyway. This way
* we have moved node to a position were it is more
* convinient to delete it.
int immediate_succ = (node->right == succ_node);
rb_node *succ_parent = succ_node->parent;
rb_node *succ_left = succ_node->left;
rb_node *succ_right = succ_node->right;
rb_color succ_color = succ_node->color;
succ_node->parent = node->parent;
succ_node->left = node->left;
succ_node->right = immediate_succ ? node : node->right;
succ_node->color = node->color;
node->parent = immediate_succ ? succ_node : succ_parent;
node->left = succ_left;
node->right = succ_right;
node->color = succ_color;
if (!immediate_succ) {
if (succ_node == node->parent->left)
node->parent->left = node;
node->parent->right = node;
if (node->left)
node->left->parent = node;
if (node->right)
node->right->parent = node;
if (succ_node->parent) {
if (node == succ_node->parent->left)
succ_node->parent->left = succ_node;
succ_node->parent->right = succ_node;
} else {
tree->root = succ_node;
if (succ_node->left)
succ_node->left->parent = succ_node;
if (succ_node->right)
succ_node->right->parent = succ_node;
/* At this stage, the node we are going to remove has at most
* one child
child = (node->left) ? node->left : node->right;
/* Splice out the node to be removed, by linking its parent
* straight to the removed node's single child.
if (child)
child->parent = node->parent;
if (!(node->parent)) {
/* If we are deleting the root, make the child the new
* tree node
tree->root = child;
} else {
/* Link the removed node parent to its child */
if (node == node->parent->left)
node->parent->left = child;
node->parent->right = child;
/* Fix-up the red-black properties that may have been damaged:
* If we have just removed a black node, the black-depth
* property is no longer valid
if (node->color == black && child)
rbtree_remove_fixup(tree, child);
/* Delete the un-necessary node (nullify both its children
* because the node's destructor is recursive).
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
/* Decrease the number of objects in the tree */
/* Get the tree minimum */
rb_node *rbtree_minimum(rb_tree *tree)
if (!(tree->root))
return NULL;
/* Return the leftmost leaf in the tree */
return rbnode_minimum(tree->root);
/* Get the tree maximum */
rb_node *rbtree_maximum(rb_tree *tree)
if (!(tree->root))
return NULL;
/* Return the rightmost leaf in the tree */
return rbnode_maximum(tree->root);
/* Return a pointer to the node containing the given object */
rb_node *rbtree_find(rb_tree *tree, datatype object)
rb_node *cur_node = tree->root;
int comp_result;
while (cur_node) {
comp_result = COMP_NODES(object, cur_node->object);
/* In case of equality, we can return the current
* node.
if (comp_result == 0)
return cur_node;
/* Go down to the left or right child. */
cur_node = (comp_result > 0) ? cur_node->left : cur_node->right;
/* If we get here, the object is not in the tree */
return NULL;
void rbtree_rotate_left(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *x_node)
/* Get the right child of the node */
rb_node *y_node = x_node->right;
/* Change its left subtree (T2) to x's right subtree */
x_node->right = y_node->left;
/* Link T2 to its new parent x */
if (y_node->left != NULL)
y_node->left->parent = x_node;
/* Assign x's parent to be y's parent */
y_node->parent = x_node->parent;
if (!(x_node->parent)) {
/* Make y the new tree root */
tree->root = y_node;
} else {
/* Assign a pointer to y from x's parent */
if (x_node == x_node->parent->left)
x_node->parent->left = y_node;
x_node->parent->right = y_node;
/* Assign x to be y's left child */
y_node->left = x_node;
x_node->parent = y_node;
/* Right-rotate the sub-tree spanned by the given node */
void rbtree_rotate_right(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *y_node)
/* Get the left child of the node */
rb_node *x_node = y_node->left;
/* Change its right subtree (T2) to y's left subtree */
y_node->left = x_node->right;
/* Link T2 to its new parent y */
if (x_node->right != NULL)
x_node->right->parent = y_node;
/* Assign y's parent to be x's parent */
x_node->parent = y_node->parent;
if (!(y_node->parent)) {
/* Make x the new tree root */
tree->root = x_node;
} else {
/* Assign a pointer to x from y's parent */
if (y_node == y_node->parent->left)
y_node->parent->left = x_node;
y_node->parent->right = x_node;
/* Assign y to be x's right child */
x_node->right = y_node;
y_node->parent = x_node;
/* Fix the tree so it maintains the red-black properties after an insert */
void rbtree_insert_fixup(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *node)
/* Fix the red-black propreties. We may have inserted a red
* leaf as the child of a red parent - so we have to fix the
* coloring of the parent recursively.
rb_node *curr_node = node;
rb_node *grandparent;
rb_node *uncle;
assert(node && node->color == red);
while (curr_node != tree->root && curr_node->parent->color == red) {
/* Get a pointer to the current node's grandparent
* (the root is always black, so the red parent must
* have a parent).
grandparent = curr_node->parent->parent;
if (curr_node->parent == grandparent->left) {
/* If the red parent is a left child, the
* uncle is the right child of the grandparent.
uncle = grandparent->right;
if (uncle && uncle->color == red) {
/* If both parent and uncle are red,
* color them black and color the
* grandparent red. In case of a NULL
* uncle, treat it as a black node
curr_node->parent->color = black;
uncle->color = black;
grandparent->color = red;
/* Move to the grandparent */
curr_node = grandparent;
} else {
/* Make sure the current node is a
* right child. If not, left-rotate the
* parent's sub-tree so the parent
* becomes the right child of the
* current node (see _rotate_left).
if (curr_node == curr_node->parent->right) {
curr_node = curr_node->parent;
rbtree_rotate_left(tree, curr_node);
/* Color the parent black and the
* grandparent red
curr_node->parent->color = black;
grandparent->color = red;
/* Right-rotate the grandparent's
* sub-tree
rbtree_rotate_right(tree, grandparent);
} else {
/* If the red parent is a right child, the
* uncle is the left child of the grandparent.
uncle = grandparent->left;
if (uncle && uncle->color == red) {
/* If both parent and uncle are red,
* color them black and color the
* grandparent red. In case of a NULL
* uncle, treat it as a black node
curr_node->parent->color = black;
uncle->color = black;
grandparent->color = red;
/* Move to the grandparent */
curr_node = grandparent;
} else {
/* Make sure the current node is a
* left child. If not, right-rotate
* the parent's sub-tree so the parent
* becomes the left child of the
* current node.
if (curr_node == curr_node->parent->left) {
curr_node = curr_node->parent;
rbtree_rotate_right(tree, curr_node);
/* Color the parent black and the
* grandparent red
curr_node->parent->color = black;
grandparent->color = red;
/* Left-rotate the grandparent's
* sub-tree
rbtree_rotate_left(tree, grandparent);
/* Make sure that the root is black */
tree->root->color = black;
void rbtree_remove_fixup(rb_tree *tree, rb_node *node)
rb_node *curr_node = node;
rb_node *sibling;
while (curr_node != tree->root && curr_node->color == black) {
/* Get a pointer to the current node's sibling (notice
* that the node's parent must exist, since the node
* is not the root).
if (curr_node == curr_node->parent->left) {
/* If the current node is a left child, its
* sibling is the right child of the parent.
sibling = curr_node->parent->right;
/* Check the sibling's color. Notice that NULL
* nodes are treated as if they are colored
* black.
if (sibling && sibling->color == red) {
/* In case the sibling is red, color
* it black and rotate. Then color
* the parent red (the grandparent is
* now black)
sibling->color = black;
curr_node->parent->color = red;
rbtree_rotate_left(tree, curr_node->parent);
sibling = curr_node->parent->right;
if (sibling &&
(!(sibling->left) || sibling->left->color == black) &&
(!(sibling->right) || sibling->right->color == black)) {
/* If the sibling has two black
* children, color it red
sibling->color = red;
if (curr_node->parent->color == red) {
/* If the parent is red, we
* can safely color it black
* and terminate the fix
* process.
curr_node->parent->color = black;
/* In order to stop the while loop */
curr_node = tree->root;
} else {
/* The black depth of the
* entire sub-tree rooted at
* the parent is now too small
* - fix it up recursively.
curr_node = curr_node->parent;
} else {
if (!sibling) {
/* Take special care of the
* case of a NULL sibling
if (curr_node->parent->color == red) {
curr_node->parent->color = black;
/* In order to stop
* the while loop */
curr_node = tree->root;
} else {
curr_node = curr_node->parent;
} else {
/* In this case, at least one
* of the sibling's children
* is red. It is therfore
* obvious that the sibling
* itself is black.
if (sibling->right && sibling->right->color == red) {
/* If the right child
* of the sibling is
* red, color it black
* and rotate around
* the current parent.
sibling->right->color = black;
rbtree_rotate_left(tree, curr_node->parent);
} else {
/* If the left child
* of the sibling is
* red, rotate around
* the sibling, then
* rotate around the
* new sibling of our
* current node.
rbtree_rotate_right(tree, sibling);
sibling = curr_node->parent->right;
rbtree_rotate_left(tree, sibling);
/* It is now safe to color the
* parent black and to
* terminate the fix process.
if (curr_node->parent->parent)
curr_node->parent->parent->color = curr_node->parent->color;
curr_node->parent->color = black;
/* In order to stop the while loop */
curr_node = tree->root;
} else {
/* If the current node is a right child, its
* sibling is the left child of the parent.
sibling = curr_node->parent->left;
/* Check the sibling's color. Notice that NULL
* nodes are treated as if they are colored
* black.
if (sibling && sibling->color == red) {
/* In case the sibling is red, color
* it black and rotate. Then color
* the parent red (the grandparent is
* now black).
sibling->color = black;
curr_node->parent->color = red;
rbtree_rotate_right(tree, curr_node->parent);
sibling = curr_node->parent->left;
if (sibling &&
(!(sibling->left) || sibling->left->color == black) &&
(!(sibling->right) || sibling->right->color == black)) {
/* If the sibling has two black children, color it red */
sibling->color = red;
if (curr_node->parent->color == red) {
/* If the parent is red, we
* can safely color it black
* and terminate the fix-up
* process.
curr_node->parent->color = black;
/* In order to stop the while
* loop
curr_node = tree->root;
} else {
/* The black depth of the
* entire sub-tree rooted at
* the parent is now too small
* - fix it up recursively.
curr_node = curr_node->parent;
} else {
if (!sibling) {
/* Take special care of the
* case of a NULL sibling */
if (curr_node->parent->color == red) {
curr_node->parent->color = black;
/* In order to stop
* the while loop */
curr_node = tree->root;
} else {
curr_node = curr_node->parent;
} else {
/* In this case, at least one
* of the sibling's children is
* red. It is therfore obvious
* that the sibling itself is
* black.
if (sibling->left && sibling->left->color == red) {
/* If the left child
* of the sibling is
* red, color it black
* and rotate around
* the current parent
sibling->left->color = black;
rbtree_rotate_right(tree, curr_node->parent);
} else {
/* If the right child
* of the sibling is
* red, rotate around
* the sibling, then
* rotate around the
* new sibling of our
* current node
rbtree_rotate_left(tree, sibling);
sibling = curr_node->parent->left;
rbtree_rotate_right(tree, sibling);
/* It is now safe to color the
* parent black and to
* terminate the fix process.
if (curr_node->parent->parent)
curr_node->parent->parent->color = curr_node->parent->color;
curr_node->parent->color = black;
/* In order to stop the while loop */
curr_node = tree->root;
/* The root can always be colored black */
curr_node->color = black;
/* Traverse a red-black tree */
void rbtree_traverse(rb_tree *tree, opr *op)
rbnode_traverse(tree->root, op);