blob: c791166cbf11131e19f68c705a94ff20fbbb022a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) Bull S.A. 1996
* Copyright (c) International Business Machines Corp., 2001
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
| semaphore_test_03 |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Description: Verify semop () command options |
| |
| Algorithm: o Spawn N child processes |
| |
| o Obtain N semaphores with semget (IPC_PRIVATE) |
| |
| o Call semop () with variations of the following |
| parameters: |
| |
| sem_op: negative, 0, positive |
| sem_flg: IPC_NOWAIT, SEM_UNDO |
| |
| System calls: The following system calls are made |
| |
| semget () - Gets a set of semaphores |
| semctl () - Controls semaphore operations |
| semop () - Performs semaphore operations |
| |
| Usage: semaphore_test_03 [-p nprocs] [-s nsems] |
| |
| where: nprocs - number of child processes to spawn |
| nsems - number of semaphores (per process) |
| |
| To compile: cc -o semaphore_test_03 semaphore_test_03.c |
| |
| Last update: Ver. 1.6, 7/21/94 13:37:28 |
| |
| Change Activity |
| |
| Version Date Name Reason |
| 0.1 050689 CTU Initial version |
| 0.2 111993 DJK Modify for AIX version 4.1 |
| 1.2 021494 DJK Moved to "prod" directory |
| 1.3 Jan-28-02 Manoj Iyer, IBM Austin,|
| Modified - Ported to work on PPC64. |
| |
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
* Defines
* MAX_SEMAPHORES: maximum number of semaphores per id (limited by
* maximum number of semaphore operations per call by semop () function).
* MAX_CHILDREN: maximum number of child processes to spawn
* DEFAULT_NUM_SEMAPHORES: default number of semaphores to create unless
* specified with (-s nsems) command line option
* DEFAULT_NUM_CHILDREN: default number of child processes to spawn unless
* specified with (-p nprocs) command line option
* USAGE: usage statement macro
* SEMOP_TABLE: macro for printing attempted semop command combinations
# define MAX_SEMAPHORES 32
# define MAX_CHILDREN 200
#define USAGE "\nUsage: %s [-s nsems] [-p nproc]\n\n" \
"\t-s nsems number of semaphores (per process)\n\n" \
"\t-p nproc number of child processes to spawn\n\n"
#define SEMOP_TABLE(p1,p2,p3,p4) \
if (proc_pid == parent_pid) \
printf ("\t %3d %3d %-10s %-20s\n", p1, p2, p3, p4)
#define SAFE_FREE(p) { if (p) { free(p); (p)=NULL; } }
* Function prototypes
* setup_signal_handler (): Sets up signal handler for SIGUSR1
* test_commands (): Tests semget () and semctl () commands
* handler (): Signal handler
* sys_error (): System error message function
* error (): Error message function
* parse_args (): Parse command line arguments
* catch: Signal catching function for SIGUSR1 signal
static void setup_signal_handler ();
static void test_commands ();
static void sys_error (const char *, int);
static void error (const char *, int);
static void parse_args (int, char **);
static void catch (int);
* Structures and Global variables:
* nsems: number of semaphores to create (per process)
* nprocs: number of child processes to spawn
* childpid: array containing process id's of the child processes
* parent_pid: process id of parent process
pid_t childpid [MAX_CHILDREN];
pid_t parent_pid;
pid_t errpid;
union semun {
int val;
struct semid_ds *buf;
unsigned short *array;
} arg;
| main |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Main program (see prolog for more details) |
| |
| Returns: (0) Successful completion |
| (-1) Error occurred |
| |
int main (int argc, char **argv)
pid_t pid; /* Child's process id */
int proc; /* Fork loop index */
int status; /* Child's exit status */
* Parse command line arguments, print out program header, setup
* signal handler (for SIGUSR1) and save parent process id.
parse_args (argc, argv);
printf ("%s: IPC Semaphore TestSuite program\n", *argv);
fflush (stdout);
setup_signal_handler ();
errpid = parent_pid = getpid ();
if (nsems < 8) nsems = 8;
* Fork off the additional processes.
if (nprocs > 0) {
printf ("\n\tParent: spawning %d child processes\n", nprocs);
fflush (stdout);
for (proc = 1; proc < nprocs; proc++) {
* Child leaves loop, parent continues to fork.
if ((pid = fork ()) < 0)
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
else if (pid == (pid_t)0)
errpid = pid;
childpid [proc] = pid;
pid = getpid();
* Test the semget () and semctl () commands
test_commands (pid);
* Finished testing commands, only parent process needs to continue
if (pid != parent_pid) exit (0);
* Wait for all of the child processes to complete & check their
* exit status.
* Upon completion of the child proccesses, exit program with success.
for (proc = 1; proc < nprocs; proc++) {
waitpid (childpid [proc], &status, 0);
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally",
if (nprocs > 0)
printf ("\n\tAll child processes verified commands successfully\n");
printf ("\nsuccessful!\n");
return (0);
| test_commands () |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Verifies options for semop () system function call. |
| |
static void test_commands (pid_t proc_pid)
int i; /* Misc loop index */
int val; /* Value (semctl parameter) */
int semid; /* Unique semaphore id */
int status; /* Child's exit status */
int expected_value; /* Expected semaphore value */
pid_t pid; /* Misc process id */
gid_t gid = getgid (); /* Misc group id */
uid_t uid = getuid (); /* Misc user id */
mode_t mode = 0666; /* Misc mode bits */
// ushort array [MAX_SEMAPHORES]; /* Misc array of semaphore values */
struct sembuf semoparray [MAX_SEMAPHORES];
* Create the semaphores...
if (proc_pid == parent_pid)
printf ("\n\tCreating %d semaphores ...\n", nsems);
if ((semid = semget (IPC_PRIVATE, nsems, IPC_CREAT|mode)) < 0)
sys_error ("semget (IPC_PRIVATE) failed", __LINE__);
* Set the semaphore uid, gid and mode
if (proc_pid == parent_pid)
printf ("\n\tSetting semaphore uid, gid and mode ... semid = %d\n", semid);
arg.buf = (struct semid_ds *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct semid_ds));
if (!arg.buf)
error("calloc failed", __LINE__);
arg.buf->sem_perm.uid = uid;
arg.buf->sem_perm.gid = gid;
arg.buf->sem_perm.mode = mode;
if (semctl (semid, 0, IPC_SET, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl failed", __LINE__);
* Verify that semaphore uid, gid and mode were set correctly
if (proc_pid == parent_pid)
printf ("\n\tVerifying semaphore info ...\n");
if (semctl (semid, 0, IPC_STAT, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (IPC_STAT) failed", __LINE__);
if (arg.buf->sem_perm.uid != uid)
error ("semctl: uid was not set", __LINE__);
if (arg.buf->sem_perm.gid != gid)
error ("semctl: gid was not set", __LINE__);
if ((arg.buf->sem_perm.mode & 0777) != mode)
error ("semctl: mode was not set", __LINE__);
if (arg.buf->sem_nsems != nsems)
error ("semctl: nsems (number of semaphores) was not set",
* Set the value of each semaphore in the set to 2.
arg.array = malloc(sizeof(int) * nsems);
if (!arg.array)
error("malloc failed", __LINE__);
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++)
arg.array [i] = 2;
if (semctl (semid, 0, SETALL, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (SETALL) failed", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* possibilities for sem_flg are: */
/* 0 */
/* SEM_UN */
/* Return Immediately */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
if (proc_pid == parent_pid) {
printf ("\n\tTesting semop() with all Semaphore values, options and flags\n");
printf ("\n\t Semval Semop Semflag Description\n");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 1 --- semval = 2, sem_op = -1, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval > |sem_op| THEN (semval - |sem_op|) = 1 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(2, -1, "0", "Obtain resource");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = -1;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 1;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 2 --- semval = 1, sem_op = -1, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval = |sem_op| THEN (semval - |sem_op|) = 0 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(1, -1, "0", "Obtain resource");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = -1;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 3 --- semval = 0, sem_op = 0, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semop = 0 AND semval = 0 returns immediately. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(0, 0, "0", "Semop function returns immediately");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = 0;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 4 --- semval = 5, sem_op = 1, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semop > 0 THEN (semval + sem_op) = 6 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(5, 1, "0", "Return resource");
arg.array = malloc(sizeof(int) * nsems);
if (!arg.array)
error("malloc failed", __LINE__);
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.array [i] = 5;
if (semctl (semid, 0, SETALL, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (SETALL) failed", __LINE__);
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = 1;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 6;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 5 --- semval = 6, sem_op = -7, sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT */
/* --- semval < |sem_op| && IPC_NOWAIT, THEN return immed. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(6, -7, "IPC_NOWAIT", "Semop function returns immediately");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = -7;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) >= 0)
error ("semop did not return EAGAIN", __LINE__);
if (errno != EAGAIN)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 6;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 6 --- semval = 6, sem_op = 0, sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT */
/* --- semop = 0 AND semval != 0 AND IPC_NOWAIT, */
/* --- THEN return immediately. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(6, 0, "IPC_NOWAIT", "Semop function returns immediately");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = 0;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = IPC_NOWAIT;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) >= 0)
error ("semop did not return EAGAIN", __LINE__);
if (errno != EAGAIN)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 6;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 7 --- semval = 6, sem_op = 1, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semop > 0 THEN (semval + sem_op) = 7 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(6, 1, "0", "Return resource");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = 1;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 7;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, i, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 8 --- semval = 7, sem_op[0] = -8, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval < |semop| && ! IPC_NOWAIT, caller sleeps */
/* call #1 --- semval = 7, sem_op[0] = 2, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semop > 0 THEN (semval + sem_op) = 9 */
/* --- "child" is awaken via call #1. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(7, -8, "0", "Sleep (until resource becomes available)");
* Child process
if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = -8;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
} else if (pid < 0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = 2;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before proceeding...
while (!semctl (semid, 0, GETNCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
expected_value = 1;
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 0, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 9 --- semval = 7, sem_op[0] = -8, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval < |semop| && ! IPC_NOWAIT, caller sleeps */
/* --- "child" is awaken via a signal. AFTER AWAKENING, */
/* --- semval > |sem_op| THEN (semval - |sem_op|) = 1 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(7, -8, "0", "Sleep (until signaled)");
* Child process
if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 1;
semoparray [0].sem_op = -8;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) >= 0)
error ("semop did not return EINTR", __LINE__);
if (errno != EINTR) {
printf ("semop returned: %d\n", errno);
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
exit (0);
} else if (pid < (pid_t)0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before proceeding...
while (!semctl (semid, 1, GETNCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
kill (pid, SIGUSR1);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
expected_value = 7;
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 1, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 10 --- semval = 1, sem_op[3] = -3, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval < |semop| && ! IPC_NOWAIT, caller sleeps */
/* call #1 --- semval = 1, sem_op[3] = 5, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- sem_op > 0 THEN (semval + sem_op) = 6 */
/* call #2 --- semval = 6, sem_op[3] = 5, sem_flg = SEM_UN */
/* --- sem_op > 0 && SEM_UN, THEN */
/* --- THEN (semval + sem_op) = 11 */
/* --- "child" is awaken via call #2. */
/* --- semval < |semop (-3)| THEN semval = 8 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(1, 5, "SEM_UNDO", "Sleep (until resource becomes available)");
* Child process
if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = -3;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
exit (0);
} else if (pid < (pid_t)0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before proceeding...
while (!semctl (semid, 0, GETNCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = 5;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = 5;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
expected_value = 8;
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 0, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 11 --- semval = 7, sem_op[3] = -8, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval < |semop| && ! IPC_NOWAIT, caller sleeps */
/* --- "child" is awaken via removal of semaphores */
/* THE FOLLOWING SHOULD SHOW now be destroyed */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(7, -8, "0", "Sleep (until semaphores are removed)");
* Child process
if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 2;
semoparray [0].sem_op = -8;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) >= 0)
error ("semop did not return ERMID", __LINE__);
if (errno != EIDRM) {
printf ("semop returned: %d\n", errno);
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
exit (0);
} else if (pid < (pid_t)0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before deleting the
* semaphores...
while (!semctl (semid, 2, GETNCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
arg.val = 0;
if (semctl (semid, 0, IPC_RMID, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (IPC_RMID) failed", __LINE__);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Create the semaphores...
if ((semid = semget (IPC_PRIVATE, nsems, IPC_CREAT|mode)) < 0)
sys_error ("semget (IPC_PRIVATE) failed", __LINE__);
* Set the semaphore uid, gid and mode
arg.buf = (struct semid_ds *) calloc (1, sizeof (struct semid_ds));
if (!arg.buf)
error("calloc failed", __LINE__);
arg.buf->sem_perm.uid = uid;
arg.buf->sem_perm.gid = gid;
arg.buf->sem_perm.mode = mode;
if (semctl (semid, 0, IPC_SET, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl failed", __LINE__);
* Verify that semaphore uid, gid and mode were set correctly
if (semctl (semid, 0, IPC_STAT, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (IPC_STAT) failed", __LINE__);
if (arg.buf->sem_perm.uid != uid)
error ("semctl: uid was not set", __LINE__);
if (arg.buf->sem_perm.gid != gid)
error ("semctl: gid was not set", __LINE__);
if ((arg.buf->sem_perm.mode & 0777) != mode)
error ("semctl: mode was not set", __LINE__);
if (arg.buf->sem_nsems != nsems)
error ("semctl: nsems (number of semaphores) was not set",
arg.array = malloc(sizeof(int) * nsems);
if (!arg.array)
error("malloc failed", __LINE__);
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++)
arg.array [i] = 9;
if (semctl (semid, 0, SETALL, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (SETALL) failed", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 12 --- semval = 9, sem_op = -1, sem_flg = SEM_UN */
/* --- semval > |sem_op| THEN (semval - |sem_op|) = 8 */
/* --- ALSO (semadj = semadj + sem_op) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(9, -1, "SEM_UNDO", "Obtain resource");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = -1;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 8;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 0, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 13 --- semval = 8, sem_op = -8, sem_flg = SEM_UN */
/* --- semval = |sem_op| THEN (semval - |sem_op|) = 0 */
/* --- ALSO (semadj = semadj + sem_op) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(8, -8, "SEM_UNDO", "Obtain resource");
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
semoparray [i].sem_num = i;
semoparray [i].sem_op = -8;
semoparray [i].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, nsems) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
expected_value = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++) {
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 0, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
arg.array = malloc(sizeof(int) * nsems);
if (!arg.array)
error("malloc failed", __LINE__);
for (i = 0; i < nsems; i++)
arg.array [i] = 9;
if (semctl (semid, 0, SETALL, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (SETALL) failed", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 14 --- semval = 9, sem_op[4] = 0, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval != 0 && ! IPC_NOWAIT caller sleeps */
/* --- ALSO ++semzcnt */
/* --- "child" is awaken via a signal. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(9, 0, "0", "Sleep (until signaled)");
* Child process
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) >= 0)
error ("semop did not return EINTR", __LINE__);
if (errno != EINTR) {
printf ("semop returned: %d\n", errno);
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
exit (0);
} else if (pid < 0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before proceeding...
while (!semctl (semid, 0, GETZCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
kill (pid, SIGUSR1);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
expected_value = 9;
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 0, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 15 --- semval = 9, sem_op[0] = 0, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval != 0 && ! IPC_NOWAIT caller sleeps */
/* --- ALSO ++semzcnt */
/* call #1 --- semval = 9, sem_op[0] = -9, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- THEN (semval - |sem_op|) = 0 and --semzcnt */
/* --- "child" is awaken via call #1. */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(9, 0, "0", "Sleep (until resource becomes available)");
* Child process
if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
} else if (pid < (pid_t)0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before proceeding...
while (!semctl (semid, 0, GETZCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
semoparray [0].sem_num = 0;
semoparray [0].sem_op = -9;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) < 0)
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
expected_value = 0;
arg.val = 0;
if ((val = semctl (semid, 0, GETVAL, arg)) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (GETVAL) failed", __LINE__);
if (val != expected_value)
error ("incorrect semaphore value", __LINE__);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* TEST # 16 --- semval = 4, sem_op[4] = 0, sem_flg = 0 */
/* --- semval != 0 && ! IPC_NOWAIT caller sleeps */
/* --- ALSO ++semzcnt */
/* --- "child" is awaken via removal of semaphores */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
SEMOP_TABLE(4, 0, "0", "Sleep (until semaphores are removed)");
* Child process
arg.val = 4;
if (semctl (semid, 4, SETVAL, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (SETALL) failed", __LINE__);
if ((pid = fork()) == (pid_t)0) {
semoparray [0].sem_num = 4;
semoparray [0].sem_op = -8;
semoparray [0].sem_flg = 0;
if (semop (semid, semoparray, 1) >= 0)
error ("semop did not return ERMID", __LINE__);
if (errno != EIDRM) {
printf ("semop returned: %d\n", errno);
sys_error ("semop failed", __LINE__);
exit (0);
} else if (pid < 0) {
sys_error ("fork failed", __LINE__);
* Wait for child process's semaphore request before proceeding...
while (!semctl (semid, 4, GETNCNT, arg))
sleep (1);
arg.val = 0;
if (semctl (semid, 0, IPC_RMID, arg) < 0)
sys_error ("semctl (IPC_RMDI) failed", __LINE__);
waitpid (pid, &status, 0); /* Wait for child to complete */
if (WEXITSTATUS (status))
sys_error ("child process terminated abnormally", __LINE__);
| parse_args () |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Parse the command line arguments & initialize global |
| variables. |
| |
| Updates: (command line options) |
| |
| [-p] nproc: number of child processes |
| |
void parse_args (int argc, char **argv)
int opt;
int errflag = 0;
char *program_name = *argv;
extern char *optarg; /* Command line option */
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "s:p:")) != EOF) {
switch (opt) {
case 's':
nsems = atoi (optarg);
case 'p':
nprocs = atoi (optarg);
if (nsems >= MAX_SEMAPHORES) {
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: nsems must be less than %d\n",
if (nprocs >= MAX_CHILDREN) {
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: nproc must be less than %d\n",
if (errflag) {
fprintf (stderr, USAGE, program_name);
exit (2);
| setup_signal_handler () |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Sets up signal handler for SIGUSR1 signal |
| |
static void setup_signal_handler ()
struct sigaction sigact;
sigact.sa_flags = 0;
sigfillset (&sigact.sa_mask);
* Establish the signal handler for SIGUSR1
sigact.sa_handler = (void (*)(int)) catch;
if (sigaction (SIGUSR1, &sigact, NULL) < 0)
sys_error ("sigaction failed", __LINE__);
| catch () |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Signal catching function for SIGUSR1 |
| |
static void catch (int sig)
char err_msg [256];
pid_t pid = getpid ();
if (sig == SIGUSR1) {
if (pid == parent_pid)
printf ("\t\t\t\t <<< caught signal (SIGUSR1, %d) >>>\n",
} else {
sprintf (err_msg, "caught unexpected signal (%d)", sig);
error (err_msg, __LINE__);
| sys_error () |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Creates system error message and calls error () |
| |
static void sys_error (const char *msg, int line)
char syserr_msg [256];
sprintf (syserr_msg, "%s: %s\n", msg, strerror (errno));
error (syserr_msg, line);
| error () |
| ==================================================================== |
| |
| Function: Prints out message and exits... |
| |
static void error (const char *msg, int line)
fprintf (stderr, "ERROR pid %d [line: %d] %s\n", errpid, line, msg);
exit (-1);