blob: 9708276b557b8c419d209c88c4f6f46e57f4412a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) Min Guo <>., 2003
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Use gcc -o xmm xmm.c -pthread -lm to compile.
#include "test.h"
#include "usctest.h"
/* Extern Global Variables */
extern int Tst_count;
extern char *TESTDIR; /* temporary dir created by tst_tmpdir() */
/* Global Variables */
char *TCID = "tcore"; /* test program identifier. */
#if defined __i386__ || defined(__x86_64__)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 16
int TST_TOTAL = 1; /* total number of tests in this file. */
/* Circular buffer of integers. */
struct prodcons
int buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; /* the actual data */
pthread_mutex_t lock; /* mutex ensuring exclusive access to buffer */
int readpos, writepos; /* positions for reading and writing */
pthread_cond_t notempty; /* signaled when buffer is not empty */
pthread_cond_t notfull; /* signaled when buffer is not full */
/* Initialize a buffer */
static void
init (struct prodcons *b)
pthread_mutex_init (&b->lock, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&b->notempty, NULL);
pthread_cond_init (&b->notfull, NULL);
b->readpos = 0;
b->writepos = 0;
/* Store an integer in the buffer */
static void
put (struct prodcons *b, int data)
pthread_mutex_lock (&b->lock);
/* Wait until buffer is not full */
while ((b->writepos + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE == b->readpos)
pthread_cond_wait (&b->notfull, &b->lock);
/* pthread_cond_wait reacquired b->lock before returning */
/* Write the data and advance write pointer */
b->buffer[b->writepos] = data;
if (b->writepos >= BUFFER_SIZE)
b->writepos = 0;
/* Signal that the buffer is now not empty */
pthread_cond_signal (&b->notempty);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&b->lock);
/* Read and remove an integer from the buffer */
static int
get (struct prodcons *b)
int data;
pthread_mutex_lock (&b->lock);
/* Wait until buffer is not empty */
while (b->writepos == b->readpos)
pthread_cond_wait (&b->notempty, &b->lock);
/* Read the data and advance read pointer */
data = b->buffer[b->readpos];
if (b->readpos >= BUFFER_SIZE)
b->readpos = 0;
/* Signal that the buffer is now not full */
pthread_cond_signal (&b->notfull);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&b->lock);
return data;
/* A test program: one thread inserts integers from 1 to 10000,
the other reads them and prints them. */
#define OVER (-1)
struct prodcons buffer;
static void *
producer (void *data)
int n;
pid_t pid;
long double a3 = 100.5678943, b3 = 200.578435698;
long double c3, d3, e3, f3;
a3 += b3;
a3 *= pow(b3, 2);
pid = getpid();
tst_resm(TINFO,"producer pid=%d", pid);
for (n = 0; n < 10000; n++)
tst_resm(TINFO,"%d --->", n);
put (&buffer, n);
if (n==7686) {
system("ps ax | grep ex");
c3 = pow(pid, pid);
d3 = log(pid);
e3 = c3 * d3;
f3 = c3 / d3;
char buf[16];
sprintf(buf, "%d%d\n", pid, pid);
asm volatile ("movups (%0), %%xmm1;"::"r" (buf):"memory");
put (&buffer, OVER);
return NULL;
static void *
consumer (void *data)
int d;
char *junk = NULL;
pid_t pid;
long double a2 = 10002.5, b2 = 2888883.5;
long double d2, e2, f2;
a2 += b2;
pid = getpid();
tst_resm(TINFO,"consumer pid=%d", pid);
while (1)
d = get (&buffer);
if (d == OVER)
tst_resm(TINFO,"---> %d", d);
if (d==7688) {
system("ps ax | grep ex");
d2 = pid * a2 / b2;
e2 = tan(pid);
f2 = cos (pid)/d2;
char buf[16];
char buf1[16];
sprintf(buf, "%d%d\n", pid, pid);
asm volatile ("movups (%0), %%xmm2;":: "r" (buf):"memory");
asm volatile ("movups (%0), %%xmm5;":: "r" (buf):"memory");
*junk = 0;
return NULL;
main (void)
pthread_t th_a, th_b;
void *retval;
double a1 = 1.5, b1 = 2.5;
long double c1 ;
pid_t pid;
a1 += b1;
pid = getpid();
init (&buffer);
/* Create the threads */
pthread_create (&th_a, NULL, producer, 0);
pthread_create (&th_b, NULL, consumer, 0);
c1 = exp(pid);
/* Wait until producer and consumer finish. */
pthread_join (th_a, &retval);
pthread_join (th_b, &retval);
return 0;
#else /* Not __i386__ */
int TST_TOTAL = 0; /* Total number of test cases. */
int main() {
tst_resm(TCONF, "tcore only works on x86 systems ...");
#endif /* __i386__ */