blob: de2a724fb668c9ca052ecbc77d5ecde0f5dbdc56 [file] [log] [blame]
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after a ftp client
requests large data via IPv4
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after many ftp
clients request data over IPv4 asynchronously for a long time
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after a ftp client
requests large data via IPv6
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after many ftp
clients request data over IPv6 asynchronously for a long time
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after a ftp client
uploads a large data via IPv4
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after many ftp clients
uploads data over IPv4 asynchronously for a long time
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after a ftp client
uploads a large data via IPv6
Verify the ftp server or the kernel is not down after many ftp clients
uploads data over IPv6 asynchronously for a long time