blob: 1e7a1b0d581e425821175de0d6c19122ed16123f [file] [log] [blame]
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "posixtest.h"
* Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Created by: julie.n.fleischer REMOVE-THIS AT intel DOT com
* This file is licensed under the GPL license. For the full content
* of this license, see the COPYING file at the top level of this
* source tree.
* Test that when the null signal is sent to kill(), error checking is
* still performed.
* 1) Send a signal to generate an ESRCH error.
* ==> Send a signal to PID 999999
* 2) Verify ESRCH error received and kill() returned -1.
* 3) Send a signal to generate an EPERM error.
* ==> Set UID to 1 and send a signal to init (pid = 1)
* 4) Verify EPERM error received and kill() returned -1.
* Note: These tests make the assumptions that:
* - They will be running as root.
* - The PID 999999 can never exist.
* - The UID 1 is available for assignment and cannot sent
* signals to root.
* *** I need to check to see if these assumptions are always valid.
int main()
int failure = 0;
if (-1 == kill(999999, 0)) {
if (ESRCH == errno) {
printf("ESRCH error received\n");
} else {
printf("kill() failed on ESRCH errno not set correctly\n");
failure = 1;
} else {
printf("kill() did not fail on ESRCH\n");
failure = 1;
setuid(1); /* this is added incase user is root. If user is normal user, then it has no effect on the tests*/
if (-1 == kill(1, 0)) {
if (EPERM == errno) {
printf("EPERM error received\n");
} else {
printf("kill() failed on EPERM errno not set correctly\n");
failure = 1;
} else {
printf("kill() did not fail on EPERM\n");
failure = 1;
if (failure) {
printf("At least one test FAILED -- see output for status\n");
return PTS_FAIL;
} else {
printf("All tests PASSED\n");
return PTS_PASS;