blob: 21849c41eac3c87a9a5e611bfe170c29b8f20c05 [file] [log] [blame]
<assertion id="1" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
The mlockall() function shall cause all of the pages mapped by the address
space of a process to be memory-resident until unlocked or until the process
exits or execs another process image
<assertion id="2" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
The flags argument is constructed from the bitwise-inclusive OR of one or
more of the folowing symbolic constants, defined in sys/mman.h:
<assertion id="3" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
When the MCL_CURRENT flag is set, mlockall lock all of the pages currently
mapped into the address space of the process
<assertion id="4" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
When the MCL_FUTURE flag is set, mlockall lock all of the pages that become
mapped into the address space of the process in the future, when those
mappings are established
<assertion id="5" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
If MCL_FUTURE is specified, and the automatic locking of future mappings
eventually causes the amount of locked memory to exceed the amount of
available physical memory or any other implementation-defined limit, the
behavior is implementation-defined. The manner in which the implementation
informs the application of these situations is also implementation-defined
<assertion id="6" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
Upon successful return from the mlockall() function that specifies
MCL_CURRENT, all currently mapped pages of the process' address space shall
be memory-resident and locked
<assertion id="7" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:DESCRIPTION}">
The appropriate privilege is required to lock process memory with mlockall()
<assertion id="8" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:RETURN VALUE}">
Upon successful completion, the mlockall() function shall return a value of
<assertion id="9" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:RETURN VALUE}">
Upon unsuccessful completion, the mlockall() function shall return a value
of -1
<assertion id="10" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:RETURN VALUE}">
Upon unsuccessful completion, no additional memory shall be locked
<assertion id="11" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:RETURN VALUE}">
The effect of failure of mlockall() on previously existing locks in the
address space is unspecified
<assertion id="12" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:ERRORS}">
The mlockall() function shall set errno = EAGAIN if some or all of the
memory identified by the operation could not be locked when the call was
<assertion id="13" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:ERRORS}">
The mlockall() function shall set errno = EINVAL if the flags argument is
zero, or includes unimplemented flags
<assertion id="14" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:ERRORS}">
The mlockall() function may set errno = ENOMEM if locking all of the pages
currently mapped into the address space of the process would exceed an
implementation-defined limit on the amount of memory that the process may
<assertion id="15" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:mlockall:ERRORS}">
The mlockall() function may set errno = EPERM if the calling process does
not have the appropriate privilege to perform the requested operation