blob: e965b01775dfe5d8ebc0829979a9e12a6a3f3b93 [file] [log] [blame]
<assertion id="1" tag="ref:XSH6:35574:355575">
The pthread_spin_unlock( ) function shall release the spin lock referenced by lock which was
locked via the pthread_spin_lock( ) or pthread_spin_trylock( ) functions.
<assertion id="2" tag="ref:XSH6:35581:35582">
Upon successful completion, the pthread_spin_unlock( ) function shall return zero; otherwise,
an error number shall be returned to indicate the error.
<assertion id="3" tag="ref:XSH6:35584:35587">
The pthread_spin_unlock( ) function may fail if:
[EINVAL] An invalid argument was specified.
[EPERM] The calling thread does not hold the lock.
These functions shall not return an error code of EINTR.