blob: 6071c07925e8de968e92feae9dfd7ca52841c1a2 [file] [log] [blame]
<assertion id="1" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:DESCRIPTION}">
When pid = 0, the scheduling policy is returned for the calling process
<assertion id="2" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:DESCRIPTION}">
If pid is negative, the behavior is unspecified
<assertion id="3" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:DESCRIPTION}">
The values that can be returned by sched_getscheduler() are defined in the
sched.h header
<assertion id="4" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:RETURN VALUE}">
sched_getscheduler() returns the scheduling policy of the specified process
on success
<assertion id="5" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:RETURN VALUE}">
sched_getscheduler() returns -1 on failure
<assertion id="6" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:ERRORS}">
sched_getscheduler() sets errno == ESRCH if the pid cannot be found
<assertion id="7" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_getscheduler:ERRORS}">
sched_getscheduler() sets errno == EPERM if the requesting process does not
have permission