blob: 27e80df32f274d55c5203495edeca1312f2a0dae [file] [log] [blame]
<assertion id="1" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
sched_setparam() sets the scheduling parameters to the parameters specified
in the sched_param structure pointed to by param
<assertion id="2" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
Higher numerical values for the priority represent higher priorities
<assertion id="3" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
If pid is negative, the behavior of sched_setparam() is unspecified
<assertion id="4" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
If a process specified by pid exists, and if the calling process has
permission, the scheduling parameters shall be set for the process whose
process ID is equal to pid
<assertion id="5" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
If pid is zero, the scheduling parameters shall be set for the calling
<assertion id="6" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
The conditions under which one process has permission to change the
scheduling parameters of another process are implementation-defined
<assertion id="7" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
Implementations may require the requesting process to have the appropriate
privilege to set its own scheduling parameters or those of another process
<assertion id="8" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
The target process, whether it is running or not running, shall be moved to
the tail of the thread list for its priority
<assertion id="9" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
If the priority of the process specified by the pid argument is set higher
than that of the lowest priority running process and if the specified
process is ready to run, the process specified by the pid argument shall
preempt a lowest priority running process
<assertion id="10" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
If the process calling sched_setparam() sets its own priority lower than
that of one or more other non-empty process lists, then the process that is
the head of the highest priority list shall preempt the calling process
<assertion id="11" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
The originating process might not receive notification of the completion of
the requested priority change until the higher priority process has
<assertion id="12" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION} pt:SS">
The sched_ss_repl_period and sched_ss_init_budget members of the param
argument shall represent the time parameters to be used by the sporadic
server scheduling policy for the target process
<assertion id="13" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION} pt:SS">
The sched_ss_max_repl member of the param argument shall represent the
maximum number of replenishments that are allowed to be pending
simultaneously for the process scheduled under the SCHED_SPORADIC policy
<assertion id="14" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION} pt:SS">
If the scheduling policy of the target process is either SCHED_FIFO or
SCHED_RR, the sched_ss_low_priority, sched_ss_repl_period, and
sched_ss_init_budget members of the param argument shall have no effect on
the scheduling behavior
<assertion id="15" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION} pt:SS">
If the scheduling policy of the target process is not SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR,
or SCHED_SPORADIC, the effects of the sched_ss_low_priority,
sched_ss_repl_period, and sched_ss_init_budget members are
implementation-defined (this case includes the SCHED_OTHER policy)
<assertion id="16" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
If the current scheduling policy for the process specified by pid is not
implementation-defined; this case includes the SCHED_OTHER policy
<assertion id="17" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
For threads with system scheduling contention scope, this function shall have no effect on their scheduling
<assertion id="18" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
For threads with process scheduling contention scope, the threads' scheduling policy and associated parameters shall not be affected
<assertion id="19" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
The underlying kernel-scheduled entities for the system contention scope threads shall not be affected by this function
<assertion id="20" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
The underlying kernel-scheduled entities for the process contention scope
threads shall have their scheduling parameters changed to the value
specified in param
<assertion id="21" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:DESCRIPTION}">
Kernel-scheduled entities for use by process contention scope threads that
are created after this call completes shall inherit their scheduling policy
and associated scheduling parameters from the process
<assertion id="22" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:RETURN VALUE}">
If successful, the sched_setparam() function shall return zero
<assertion id="23" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:RETURN VALUE}">
If the call to sched_setparam() is unsuccessful, the priority shall remain
<assertion id="24" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:RETURN VALUE">
If the call to sched_setparam() is unsuccessful, the function shall return a
value of -1
<assertion id="25" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:ERRORS}">
sched_setparam() sets errno == EINVAL when one or more of the requested
scheduling parameters is outside the range defined for the scheduling policy
of the specified pid
<assertion id="26" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:ERRORS}">
sched_setparam() sets errno == EPERM when the requesting process does not
have permission to set the scheduling parameters for the specified process,
or does not have the appropriate privilege to invoke schedparam()
<assertion id="27" tag="ref:XSH6:{System Interfaces:sched_setparam:ERRORS}">
sched_setparam() sets errno == ESRCH when no process can be found
corresponding to that specified by pid