blob: f7787fed2fcdb8656862d2050e105a5770c04b75 [file] [log] [blame]
Compiling and Installing
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
1. Prerequisites for building
1.1 General
Build system
- `Meson <>`__ is required when building on \*nix
platforms and is supported on windows.
- `SCons <>`__ is an alternative for building on
Windows and Linux.
- Android Build system when building as native Android component. Meson
is used when when building ARC.
The following compilers are known to work, if you know of others or
you're willing to maintain support for other compiler get in touch.
- GCC 4.2.0 or later (some parts of Mesa may require later versions)
- clang - exact minimum requirement is currently unknown.
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or later is required, for building on
Third party/extra tools.
- `Python <>`__ - Python is required. When
building with SCons 2.7 is required. When building with meson 3.5 or
newer is required.
- `Python Mako module <>`__ - Python Mako
module is required. Version 0.8.0 or later should work.
- lex / yacc - for building the Mesa IR and GLSL compiler.
On Linux systems, Flex and bison versions 2.5.35 and 2.4.1,
respectively, (or later) should work. On Windows with MinGW, install
Flex and bison with:
mingw-get install msys-flex msys-bison
For MSVC on Windows, install `Win
flex-bison <>`__.
.. note::
Some versions can be buggy (eg. Flex 2.6.2) so do try others
if things fail.
1.2 Requirements
The requirements depends on the features selected at configure stage.
Check/install the respective -devel package as prompted by the configure
error message.
Here are some common ways to retrieve most/all of the dependencies based
on the packaging tool used by your distro.
zypper source-install --build-deps-only Mesa # openSUSE/SLED/SLES
yum-builddep mesa # yum Fedora, OpenSuse(?)
dnf builddep mesa # dnf Fedora
apt-get build-dep mesa # Debian and derivatives
... # others
2. Building with meson
**Meson >= 0.46.0 is required**
Meson is the latest build system in mesa, it is currently able to build
for \*nix systems like Linux and BSD, macOS, Haiku, and Windows.
The general approach is:
meson builddir/
ninja -C builddir/
sudo ninja -C builddir/ install
On windows you can also use the visual studio backend
meson builddir --backend=vs
cd builddir
msbuild mesa.sln /m
Please read the :doc:`detailed meson instructions <meson>` for more
3. Building with SCons (Windows/Linux)
To build Mesa with SCons on Linux or Windows do
The build output will be placed in
build/\ *platform*-*machine*-*debug*/..., where *platform* is for
example linux or windows, *machine* is x86 or x86_64, optionally
followed by -debug for debug builds.
To build Mesa with SCons for Windows on Linux using the MinGW
crosscompiler toolchain do
scons platform=windows toolchain=crossmingw machine=x86 libgl-gdi
This will create:
- build/windows-x86-debug/gallium/targets/libgl-gdi/opengl32.dll — Mesa
+ Gallium + softpipe (or llvmpipe), binary compatible with Windows's
Put them all in the same directory to test them. Additional information
is available in `README.WIN32 <README.WIN32>`__.
4. Building with AOSP (Android)
Currently one can build Mesa for Android as part of the AOSP project,
yet your experience might vary.
In order to achieve that one should update their local manifest to point
to the upstream repo, set the appropriate BOARD_GPU_DRIVERS and build
the libGLES_mesa library.
FINISHME: Improve on the instructions add references to Rob H
repos/Jenkins, Android-x86 and/or other resources.
5. Library Information
When compilation has finished, look in the top-level ``lib/`` (or
``lib64/``) directory. You'll see a set of library files similar to
lrwxrwxrwx 1 brian users 10 Mar 26 07:53 ->*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 brian users 19 Mar 26 07:53 ->*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brian users 3375861 Mar 26 07:53*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 brian users 14 Mar 26 07:53 ->*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 brian users 23 Mar 26 07:53 ->*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brian users 23871 Mar 26 07:53*
**libGL** is the main OpenGL library (i.e. Mesa), while **libOSMesa** is
the OSMesa (Off-Screen) interface library.
If you built the DRI hardware drivers, you'll also see the DRI drivers:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brian users 16895413 Jul 21 12:11
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brian users 16895413 Jul 21 12:11
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brian users 11849858 Jul 21 12:12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 brian users 11757388 Jul 21 12:12
If you built with Gallium support, look in lib/gallium/ for
Gallium-based versions of libGL and device drivers.
6. Building OpenGL programs with pkg-config
Running ``ninja install`` will install package configuration files for
the pkg-config utility.
When compiling your OpenGL application you can use pkg-config to
determine the proper compiler and linker flags.
For example, compiling and linking a GLUT application can be done with:
gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs glut` mydemo.c -o mydemo