blob: fe9f9f56e0aed89e27039d6b8add90916df62c70 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __NVC0_CONTEXT_H__
#define __NVC0_CONTEXT_H__
#include "pipe/p_context.h"
#include "pipe/p_defines.h"
#include "pipe/p_state.h"
#include "util/u_memory.h"
#include "util/u_math.h"
#include "util/u_inlines.h"
#include "util/u_dynarray.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_winsys.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_stateobj.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_screen.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_program.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_resource.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_query.h"
#include "nv50/nv50_transfer.h"
#include "nouveau_context.h"
#include "nouveau_debug.h"
#include "nv50/nv50_3ddefs.xml.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_3d.xml.h"
#include "nv50/nv50_2d.xml.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_m2mf.xml.h"
#include "nvc0/nve4_p2mf.xml.h"
#include "nvc0/nvc0_macros.h"
/* NOTE: must keep NVC0_NEW_3D_...PROG in consecutive bits in this order */
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_BLEND (1 << 0)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_RASTERIZER (1 << 1)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_ZSA (1 << 2)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_VERTPROG (1 << 3)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_TCTLPROG (1 << 4)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_TEVLPROG (1 << 5)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_GMTYPROG (1 << 6)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_FRAGPROG (1 << 7)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_BLEND_COLOUR (1 << 8)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_STENCIL_REF (1 << 9)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_CLIP (1 << 10)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_SAMPLE_MASK (1 << 11)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_FRAMEBUFFER (1 << 12)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_STIPPLE (1 << 13)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_SCISSOR (1 << 14)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_VIEWPORT (1 << 15)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_ARRAYS (1 << 16)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_VERTEX (1 << 17)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_CONSTBUF (1 << 18)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_TEXTURES (1 << 19)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_SAMPLERS (1 << 20)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_TFB_TARGETS (1 << 21)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_IDXBUF (1 << 22)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_SURFACES (1 << 23)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_MIN_SAMPLES (1 << 24)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_TESSFACTOR (1 << 25)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_BUFFERS (1 << 26)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_DRIVERCONST (1 << 27)
#define NVC0_NEW_3D_WINDOW_RECTS (1 << 28)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_PROGRAM (1 << 0)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_SURFACES (1 << 1)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_TEXTURES (1 << 2)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_SAMPLERS (1 << 3)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_CONSTBUF (1 << 4)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_GLOBALS (1 << 5)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_DRIVERCONST (1 << 6)
#define NVC0_NEW_CP_BUFFERS (1 << 7)
/* 3d bufctx (during draw_vbo, blit_3d) */
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_FB 0
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_VTX 1
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_VTX_TMP 2
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_IDX 3
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_TEX(s, i) ( 4 + 32 * (s) + (i))
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_CB(s, i) (164 + 16 * (s) + (i))
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_TFB 244
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_SUF 245
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_BUF 246
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_SCREEN 247
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_TLS 249
#define NVC0_BIND_3D_COUNT 250
/* compute bufctx (during launch_grid) */
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_CB(i) ( 0 + (i))
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_TEX(i) ( 16 + (i))
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_SUF 48
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_GLOBAL 49
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_DESC 50
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_SCREEN 51
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_QUERY 52
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_BUF 53
#define NVC0_BIND_CP_COUNT 54
/* bufctx for other operations */
#define NVC0_BIND_2D 0
#define NVC0_BIND_M2MF 0
#define NVC0_BIND_FENCE 1
/* 6 user uniform buffers, at 64K each */
#define NVC0_CB_USR_INFO(s) (s << 16)
#define NVC0_CB_USR_SIZE (6 << 16)
/* 6 driver constbuts, at 2K each */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_INFO(s) NVC0_CB_USR_SIZE + (s << 11)
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_SIZE (6 << 11)
/* XXX: Figure out what this UNK data is. */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_UNK_INFO 0x000
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_UNK_SIZE (8 * 4)
/* 32 textures handles, at 1 32-bits integer each */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_TEX_INFO(i) 0x020 + (i) * 4
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_TEX_SIZE (32 * 4)
/* 8 sets of 32-bits coordinate offsets */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_MS_INFO 0x0a0 /* CP */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_MS_SIZE (8 * 2 * 4)
/* block/grid size, at 3 32-bits integers each and gridid */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_GRID_INFO 0x0e0 /* CP */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_GRID_SIZE (7 * 4)
/* 8 user clip planes, at 4 32-bits floats each */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_UCP_INFO 0x100
/* 13 ubos, at 4 32-bits integer each */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_UBO_INFO(i) 0x100 + (i) * 4 * 4 /* CP */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_UBO_SIZE ((NVC0_MAX_PIPE_CONSTBUFS - 1) * 4 * 4)
/* 8 sets of 32-bits integer pairs sample offsets */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_SAMPLE_INFO 0x180 /* FP */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_SAMPLE_SIZE (8 * 4 * 2)
/* draw parameters (index bais, base instance, drawid) */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_DRAW_INFO 0x180 /* VP */
/* 32 user buffers, at 4 32-bits integers each */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_BUF_INFO(i) 0x200 + (i) * 4 * 4
/* 8 surfaces, at 16 32-bits integers each */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_SU_INFO(i) 0x400 + (i) * 16 * 4
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_SU_SIZE (NVC0_MAX_IMAGES * 16 * 4)
/* 1 64-bits address and 1 32-bits sequence */
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_MP_INFO 0x600
#define NVC0_CB_AUX_MP_SIZE 3 * 4
/* 4 32-bits floats for the vertex runout, put at the end */
struct nvc0_blitctx;
bool nvc0_blitctx_create(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_blitctx_destroy(struct nvc0_context *);
struct nvc0_context {
struct nouveau_context base;
struct nouveau_bufctx *bufctx_3d;
struct nouveau_bufctx *bufctx;
struct nouveau_bufctx *bufctx_cp;
struct nvc0_screen *screen;
void (*m2mf_copy_rect)(struct nvc0_context *,
const struct nv50_m2mf_rect *dst,
const struct nv50_m2mf_rect *src,
uint32_t nblocksx, uint32_t nblocksy);
uint32_t dirty_3d; /* dirty flags for 3d state */
uint32_t dirty_cp; /* dirty flags for compute state */
struct nvc0_graph_state state;
struct nvc0_blend_stateobj *blend;
struct nvc0_rasterizer_stateobj *rast;
struct nvc0_zsa_stateobj *zsa;
struct nvc0_vertex_stateobj *vertex;
struct nvc0_program *vertprog;
struct nvc0_program *tctlprog;
struct nvc0_program *tevlprog;
struct nvc0_program *gmtyprog;
struct nvc0_program *fragprog;
struct nvc0_program *compprog;
struct nvc0_program *tcp_empty;
struct nvc0_constbuf constbuf[6][NVC0_MAX_PIPE_CONSTBUFS];
uint16_t constbuf_dirty[6];
uint16_t constbuf_valid[6];
uint16_t constbuf_coherent[6];
bool cb_dirty;
struct pipe_vertex_buffer vtxbuf[PIPE_MAX_ATTRIBS];
unsigned num_vtxbufs;
uint32_t vtxbufs_coherent;
struct pipe_index_buffer idxbuf;
uint32_t constant_vbos;
uint32_t vbo_user; /* bitmask of vertex buffers pointing to user memory */
uint32_t vb_elt_first; /* from pipe_draw_info, for vertex upload */
uint32_t vb_elt_limit; /* max - min element (count - 1) */
uint32_t instance_off; /* current base vertex for instanced arrays */
uint32_t instance_max; /* last instance for current draw call */
struct pipe_sampler_view *textures[6][PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS];
unsigned num_textures[6];
uint32_t textures_dirty[6];
uint32_t textures_coherent[6];
struct nv50_tsc_entry *samplers[6][PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS];
unsigned num_samplers[6];
uint32_t samplers_dirty[6];
bool seamless_cube_map;
uint32_t tex_handles[6][PIPE_MAX_SAMPLERS]; /* for nve4 */
struct pipe_framebuffer_state framebuffer;
struct pipe_blend_color blend_colour;
struct pipe_stencil_ref stencil_ref;
struct pipe_poly_stipple stipple;
struct pipe_scissor_state scissors[NVC0_MAX_VIEWPORTS];
unsigned scissors_dirty;
struct pipe_viewport_state viewports[NVC0_MAX_VIEWPORTS];
unsigned viewports_dirty;
struct pipe_clip_state clip;
struct nvc0_window_rect_stateobj window_rect;
unsigned sample_mask;
unsigned min_samples;
float default_tess_outer[4];
float default_tess_inner[2];
bool vbo_push_hint;
uint8_t tfbbuf_dirty;
struct pipe_stream_output_target *tfbbuf[4];
unsigned num_tfbbufs;
struct pipe_query *cond_query;
bool cond_cond; /* inverted rendering condition */
uint cond_mode;
uint32_t cond_condmode; /* the calculated condition */
struct nvc0_blitctx *blit;
/* NOTE: some of these surfaces may reference buffers */
struct pipe_surface *surfaces[2][NVC0_MAX_SURFACE_SLOTS];
uint16_t surfaces_dirty[2];
uint16_t surfaces_valid[2];
struct pipe_shader_buffer buffers[6][NVC0_MAX_BUFFERS];
uint32_t buffers_dirty[6];
uint32_t buffers_valid[6];
struct pipe_image_view images[6][NVC0_MAX_IMAGES];
uint16_t images_dirty[6];
uint16_t images_valid[6];
struct util_dynarray global_residents;
static inline struct nvc0_context *
nvc0_context(struct pipe_context *pipe)
return (struct nvc0_context *)pipe;
static inline unsigned
nvc0_shader_stage(unsigned pipe)
switch (pipe) {
case PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX: return 0;
case PIPE_SHADER_TESS_CTRL: return 1;
case PIPE_SHADER_TESS_EVAL: return 2;
case PIPE_SHADER_GEOMETRY: return 3;
case PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT: return 4;
case PIPE_SHADER_COMPUTE: return 5;
assert(!"invalid PIPE_SHADER type");
return 0;
/* nvc0_context.c */
struct pipe_context *nvc0_create(struct pipe_screen *, void *, unsigned flags);
void nvc0_bufctx_fence(struct nvc0_context *, struct nouveau_bufctx *,
bool on_flush);
void nvc0_default_kick_notify(struct nouveau_pushbuf *);
/* nvc0_draw.c */
extern struct draw_stage *nvc0_draw_render_stage(struct nvc0_context *);
/* nvc0_program.c */
bool nvc0_program_translate(struct nvc0_program *, uint16_t chipset,
struct pipe_debug_callback *);
bool nvc0_program_upload_code(struct nvc0_context *, struct nvc0_program *);
void nvc0_program_destroy(struct nvc0_context *, struct nvc0_program *);
void nvc0_program_library_upload(struct nvc0_context *);
uint32_t nvc0_program_symbol_offset(const struct nvc0_program *,
uint32_t label);
void nvc0_program_init_tcp_empty(struct nvc0_context *);
/* nvc0_shader_state.c */
void nvc0_vertprog_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_tctlprog_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_tevlprog_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_gmtyprog_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_fragprog_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_compprog_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_tfb_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
/* nvc0_state.c */
extern void nvc0_init_state_functions(struct nvc0_context *);
/* nvc0_state_validate.c */
struct nvc0_state_validate {
void (*func)(struct nvc0_context *);
uint32_t states;
bool nvc0_state_validate(struct nvc0_context *, uint32_t,
struct nvc0_state_validate *, int, uint32_t *,
struct nouveau_bufctx *);
bool nvc0_state_validate_3d(struct nvc0_context *, uint32_t);
/* nvc0_surface.c */
extern void nvc0_clear(struct pipe_context *, unsigned buffers,
const union pipe_color_union *color,
double depth, unsigned stencil);
extern void nvc0_init_surface_functions(struct nvc0_context *);
/* nvc0_tex.c */
bool nvc0_validate_tic(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, int s);
bool nvc0_validate_tsc(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, int s);
bool nve4_validate_tsc(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, int s);
void nvc0_validate_suf(struct nvc0_context *nvc0, int s);
void nvc0_validate_textures(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_validate_samplers(struct nvc0_context *);
void nve4_set_tex_handles(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_validate_surfaces(struct nvc0_context *);
void nve4_set_surface_info(struct nouveau_pushbuf *, struct pipe_image_view *,
struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_mark_image_range_valid(const struct pipe_image_view *);
void nvc0_update_tic(struct nvc0_context *, struct nv50_tic_entry *,
struct nv04_resource *);
struct pipe_sampler_view *
nvc0_create_texture_view(struct pipe_context *,
struct pipe_resource *,
const struct pipe_sampler_view *,
uint32_t flags,
enum pipe_texture_target);
struct pipe_sampler_view *
nvc0_create_sampler_view(struct pipe_context *,
struct pipe_resource *,
const struct pipe_sampler_view *);
/* nvc0_transfer.c */
nvc0_init_transfer_functions(struct nvc0_context *);
nvc0_m2mf_push_linear(struct nouveau_context *nv,
struct nouveau_bo *dst, unsigned offset, unsigned domain,
unsigned size, const void *data);
nve4_p2mf_push_linear(struct nouveau_context *nv,
struct nouveau_bo *dst, unsigned offset, unsigned domain,
unsigned size, const void *data);
nvc0_cb_bo_push(struct nouveau_context *,
struct nouveau_bo *bo, unsigned domain,
unsigned base, unsigned size,
unsigned offset, unsigned words, const uint32_t *data);
/* nvc0_vbo.c */
void nvc0_draw_vbo(struct pipe_context *, const struct pipe_draw_info *);
void *
nvc0_vertex_state_create(struct pipe_context *pipe,
unsigned num_elements,
const struct pipe_vertex_element *elements);
nvc0_vertex_state_delete(struct pipe_context *pipe, void *hwcso);
void nvc0_vertex_arrays_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
void nvc0_idxbuf_validate(struct nvc0_context *);
/* nvc0_video.c */
struct pipe_video_codec *
nvc0_create_decoder(struct pipe_context *context,
const struct pipe_video_codec *templ);
struct pipe_video_buffer *
nvc0_video_buffer_create(struct pipe_context *pipe,
const struct pipe_video_buffer *templat);
/* nvc0_push.c */
void nvc0_push_vbo(struct nvc0_context *, const struct pipe_draw_info *);
/* nve4_compute.c */
void nve4_launch_grid(struct pipe_context *, const struct pipe_grid_info *);
/* nvc0_compute.c */
void nvc0_launch_grid(struct pipe_context *, const struct pipe_grid_info *);
void nvc0_compute_validate_globals(struct nvc0_context *);