blob: ac531a3aef6c15ff90406ad82321480f1f87601a [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import pytest
import re
import shutil
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from os import environ, chdir
from os.path import dirname, exists, realpath
import tracie
RESULTS_YAML = "results/results.yml"
JUNIT_XML = "results/junit.xml"
TRACE_LOG_TEST1 = "results/trace1/test/gl-test-device/magenta.testtrace.log"
TRACE_LOG_TEST2 = "results/trace2/test/vk-test-device/olive.testtrace.log"
TRACE_PNG_TEST1 = "results/trace1/test/gl-test-device/magenta.testtrace-0.png"
TRACE_PNG_TEST2 = "results/trace2/test/vk-test-device/olive.testtrace-0.png"
TRACIE_DIR = dirname(realpath(__file__)) + "/.."
logger = logging.getLogger()
def write_to(content, filename):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def read_from(filename):
with open(filename) as f:
content =
return content
def run_tracie():
Run tests for the .testtrace types, using the "gl-test-device" and
"vk-test-device" device names.
result = tracie.main(["--device-name", "gl-test-device",
"--file", "./tests/traces.yml"])
if not result:
return False
result = tracie.main(["--device-name", "vk-test-device",
"--file", "./tests/traces.yml"])
return result
def prepare_for_run(tmp_path):
Copy all the tracie scripts to the test dir for the unit tests.
This avoids polluting the normal working dir with test result artifacts.
test_dir = str(tmp_path) + "/run"
shutil.copytree(TRACIE_DIR, test_dir)
# Change the working dir to the test_dir
# Set the traces-db
shutil.move("./tests/test-data", "./traces-db")
# Disable trace storing
environ["TRACIE_STORE_IMAGES"] = "0"
environ["TRACIE_UPLOAD_TO_MINIO"] = "0"
environ["CI_PROJECT_PATH"] = "test-project"
environ["CI_PIPELINE_ID"] = "667"
environ["CI_JOB_ID"] = "42"
def cleanup(tmp_path):
Performs the clean up of the test dir.
if exists(tmp_path):
def run_test(tmp_path):
Wraps the execution of each test as follows:
logger.debug("Working dir: %s", tmp_path)
def check_results_yaml_content(filename, expectations):
Checks the content of the filename with the list of expectations
passed as parameter.
filename (str): The path of the file to check
expectations (list): A list with the content to find in the file
bool: The return value. True if the content of the filename satisfies
the expectations, False otherwise.
content = read_from(filename)
for e in expectations:
ocurrencies = re.findall(e, content)
if not len(ocurrencies):
logger.error("Expectation not found in %s: %s", filename, e)
return False
return True
def test_tracie_succeeds_if_all_images_match():
assert run_tracie()
expectations = [
"actual: 5efda83854befe0155ff8517a58d5b51",
"expected: 5efda83854befe0155ff8517a58d5b51",
assert check_results_yaml_content(RESULTS_YAML, expectations)
def test_tracie_fails_on_image_mismatch():
filename = "./tests/traces.yml"
content = read_from(filename)
content = content.replace("5efda83854befe0155ff8517a58d5b51",
write_to(content, filename)
assert not run_tracie()
expectations = [
"actual: 5efda83854befe0155ff8517a58d5b51",
"expected: 8e0a801367e1714463475a824dab363b",
assert check_results_yaml_content(RESULTS_YAML, expectations)
def test_tracie_traces_with_and_without_checksum():
filename = "./tests/traces.yml"
content = read_from(filename)
content += ''' - path: trace1/red.testtrace
- device: bla
checksum: 000000000000000'''
write_to(content, filename)
# red.testtrace should be skipped, since it doesn't
# have any checksums for our device
filename = "./traces-db/trace1/red.testtrace"
content = "ff0000ff"
write_to(content, filename)
assert run_tracie()
def test_tracie_only_traces_without_checksum():
filename = "./tests/traces.yml"
content = '''traces:
- path: trace1/red.testtrace
- device: bla
checksum: 000000000000000'''
write_to(content, filename)
# red.testtrace should be skipped, since it doesn't
# have any checksums for our device
filename = "./traces-db/trace1/red.testtrace"
content = "ff0000ff"
write_to(content, filename)
assert run_tracie()
def test_tracie_with_no_traces():
filename = "./tests/traces.yml"
content = 'traces:'
write_to(content, filename)
assert run_tracie()
expectations = [
assert check_results_yaml_content(RESULTS_YAML, expectations)
def test_tracie_fails_on_dump_image_error():
# "invalid" should fail to parse as rgba and
# cause an error
filename = "./traces-db/trace1/magenta.testtrace"
write_to("invalid\n", filename)
expectations = [
"actual: error",
"expected: 8e0a801367e1714463475a824dab363b",
assert check_results_yaml_content(RESULTS_YAML, expectations)
def test_tracie_stores_only_logs_on_checksum_match():
assert run_tracie()
assert exists(TRACE_LOG_TEST1)
assert exists(TRACE_LOG_TEST2)
assert not exists(TRACE_PNG_TEST1)
assert not exists(TRACE_PNG_TEST2)
def test_tracie_stores_images_on_checksum_mismatch():
filename = "./tests/traces.yml"
content = read_from(filename)
content = content.replace("5efda83854befe0155ff8517a58d5b51",
write_to(content, filename)
assert not run_tracie()
assert not exists(TRACE_PNG_TEST1)
assert exists(TRACE_PNG_TEST2)
def test_tracie_stores_images_on_request():
environ["TRACIE_STORE_IMAGES"] = "1"
assert run_tracie()
assert exists(TRACE_PNG_TEST1)
assert exists(TRACE_PNG_TEST2)
def test_tracie_writes_junit_xml():
assert run_tracie()
junit_xml = ET.parse(JUNIT_XML)
assert junit_xml.getroot().tag == 'testsuites'
testsuites = junit_xml.findall("./testsuite")
testcases_gl = junit_xml.findall("./testsuite[@name='traces.yml:gl-test-device']/testcase")
testcases_vk = junit_xml.findall("./testsuite[@name='traces.yml:vk-test-device']/testcase")
assert len(testsuites) == 2
assert len(testcases_gl) == 1
assert len(testcases_vk) == 1
assert testcases_gl[0].get("name") == "trace1/magenta.testtrace"
assert testcases_gl[0].get("classname") == "traces.yml:gl-test-device"
assert testcases_vk[0].get("name") == "trace2/olive.testtrace"
assert testcases_vk[0].get("classname") == "traces.yml:vk-test-device"
def test_tracie_writes_dashboard_url_in_junit_xml_failure_tag():
filename = "./tests/traces.yml"
content = read_from(filename)
content = content.replace("5efda83854befe0155ff8517a58d5b51",
write_to(content, filename)
assert not run_tracie()
junit_xml = ET.parse(JUNIT_XML)
failures_gl = junit_xml.findall("./testsuite[@name='traces.yml:gl-test-device']/testcase/failure")
failures_vk = junit_xml.findall("./testsuite[@name='traces.yml:vk-test-device']/testcase/failure")
assert len(failures_gl) == 0
assert len(failures_vk) == 1
dashboard_url = ""
assert dashboard_url in failures_vk[0].text