blob: 65f7b3b4f4710ab205090bdc44d2a32e08a167d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "nugget/app/keymaster/keymaster_defs.proto";
import "nugget/app/keymaster/keymaster_types.proto";
import "nugget/protobuf/options.proto";
* Keymaster service methods.
* TODO: some methods may be implemented in the host side HAL implementation.
service Keymaster {
option (nugget.protobuf.app_id) = "KEYMASTER";
option (nugget.protobuf.app_name) = "Keymaster";
option (nugget.protobuf.app_version) = 1;
* Both request and response buffers are sized such
* that a key-blob may be fully contained.
* TODO: revisit this choice in the event that memory
* is running out. Supporting smaller buffers will
* require that the keymaster app switch from the
* transport API to the datagram API.
option (nugget.protobuf.request_buffer_size) = 2048;
option (nugget.protobuf.response_buffer_size) = 2048;
* KM3 methods, from:
* ::android::hardware::keymaster::V3_0::IKeymasterDevice
rpc AddRngEntropy (AddRngEntropyRequest) returns (AddRngEntropyResponse);
rpc GenerateKey (GenerateKeyRequest) returns (GenerateKeyResponse);
rpc GetKeyCharacteristics (GetKeyCharacteristicsRequest) returns (GetKeyCharacteristicsResponse);
rpc ImportKey (ImportKeyRequest) returns (ImportKeyResponse);
rpc ExportKey (ExportKeyRequest) returns (ExportKeyResponse);
rpc AttestKey (AttestKeyRequest) returns (AttestKeyResponse);
rpc UpgradeKey (UpgradeKeyRequest) returns (UpgradeKeyResponse);
rpc DeleteKey (DeleteKeyRequest) returns (DeleteKeyResponse);
rpc DeleteAllKeys (DeleteAllKeysRequest) returns (DeleteAllKeysResponse);
rpc DestroyAttestationIds (DestroyAttestationIdsRequest) returns (DestroyAttestationIdsResponse);
rpc BeginOperation (BeginOperationRequest) returns (BeginOperationResponse);
rpc UpdateOperation (UpdateOperationRequest) returns (UpdateOperationResponse);
rpc FinishOperation (FinishOperationRequest) returns (FinishOperationResponse);
rpc AbortOperation (AbortOperationRequest) returns (AbortOperationResponse);
* KM4 methods.
rpc ImportWrappedKey (ImportWrappedKeyRequest) returns (ImportKeyResponse);
* Vendor specific methods (bootloader, manufacturing, status,
* factory reset, upgrade).
// Only callable by the Bootloader.
rpc SetRootOfTrust (SetRootOfTrustRequest) returns (SetRootOfTrustResponse);
// Only callable by the Bootloader.
rpc SetBootState (SetBootStateRequest) returns (SetBootStateResponse);
* KM3 messages.
// AddEntropy
message AddRngEntropyRequest {
bytes data = 1;
message AddRngEntropyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
// GenerateKey
message GenerateKeyRequest {
KeyParameters params = 1;
message GenerateKeyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
KeyBlob blob = 2;
KeyCharacteristics characteristics = 3;
// GetKeyCharacteristics
message GetKeyCharacteristicsRequest {
KeyBlob blob = 1;
bytes client_id = 2;
bytes app_data = 3;
message GetKeyCharacteristicsResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
KeyCharacteristics characteristics = 2;
// ImportKey
message ImportKeyRequest {
KeyParameters params = 1;
RSAKey rsa = 2;
ECKey ec = 3;
SymmetricKey symmetric_key = 4;
message ImportKeyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
KeyBlob blob = 2;
KeyCharacteristics characteristics = 3;
// ExportKey
message ExportKeyRequest {
KeyFormat format = 1;
KeyBlob blob = 2;
bytes client_id = 3;
bytes app_data = 4;
message ExportKeyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
bytes key_material = 2;
// AttestKey
message AttestKeyRequest {
KeyBlob blob = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
message AttestKeyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
CertificateChain chain = 2;
// UpgradeKey
message UpgradeKeyRequest {
KeyBlob blob = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
message UpgradeKeyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
KeyBlob blob = 2;
// DeleteKey
message DeleteKeyRequest {
KeyBlob blob = 1;
message DeleteKeyResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
// DeleteAllKeys
message DeleteAllKeysRequest {}
message DeleteAllKeysResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
// DestroyAttestationIds
message DestroyAttestationIdsRequest {}
message DestroyAttestationIdsResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
// BeginOperation
message BeginOperationRequest {
KeyPurpose purpose = 1;
KeyBlob blob = 2;
KeyParameters params = 3;
message BeginOperationResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
OperationHandle handle = 3;
// UpdateOperation
message UpdateOperationRequest {
OperationHandle handle = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
bytes input = 3;
message UpdateOperationResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
uint32 consumed = 2;
KeyParameters params = 3;
bytes output = 4;
// FinishOperation
message FinishOperationRequest {
OperationHandle handle = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
bytes input = 3;
bytes signature = 4;
message FinishOperationResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
bytes output = 3;
// AbortOperation
message AbortOperationRequest {
OperationHandle handle = 1;
message AbortOperationResponse {
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
* KM4 messages.
// ImportWrappedKey
message ImportWrappedKeyRequest {
uint32 key_format = 1;
KeyParameters params = 2;
bytes rsa_envelope = 3;
bytes initialization_vector = 4; // Fixed sized array.
bytes encrypted_import_key = 5;
bytes aad = 6;
bytes gcm_tag = 7; // Fixed sized array.
KeyBlob wrapping_key_blob = 8;
bytes masking_key = 9; // Fixed sized array.
// ImportWrappedKey returns a ImportKeyResponse.
* Vendor HAL.
// SetRootOfTrustRequest
// Only callable by the Bootloader.
message SetRootOfTrustRequest {
bytes digest = 1;
message SetRootOfTrustResponse {
// Specified in keymaster_defs.proto:ErrorCode
ErrorCode error_code = 1;
// SetBootStateRequest
// Only callable by the Bootloader.
message SetBootStateRequest {
bool is_unlocked = 1;
bytes public_key = 2;
uint32 color = 3;
uint32 system_version = 4;
uint32 system_security_level = 5;
message SetBootStateResponse {
// Specified in keymaster_defs.proto:ErrorCode
ErrorCode error_code = 1;