blob: 6d4b7c0787e6b8e7534eb241aa42112f59c4a180 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "aaudio/AAudioLoader.h"
#include "aaudio/AudioStreamAAudio.h"
#include "common/OboeDebug.h"
#include "oboe/Utilities.h"
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <sys/system_properties.h>
using namespace oboe;
AAudioLoader *AudioStreamAAudio::mLibLoader = nullptr;
// 'C' wrapper for the data callback method
static aaudio_data_callback_result_t oboe_aaudio_data_callback_proc(
AAudioStream *stream,
void *userData,
void *audioData,
int32_t numFrames) {
AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream = (AudioStreamAAudio *)userData;
if (oboeStream != NULL) {
return static_cast<aaudio_data_callback_result_t>(
oboeStream->callOnAudioReady(stream, audioData, numFrames));
} else {
return static_cast<aaudio_data_callback_result_t>(DataCallbackResult::Stop);
static void oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc(AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream,
AAudioStream *stream,
Result error) {
if (oboeStream != NULL) {
oboeStream->onErrorInThread(stream, error);
// 'C' wrapper for the error callback method
static void oboe_aaudio_error_callback_proc(
AAudioStream *stream,
void *userData,
aaudio_result_t error) {
AudioStreamAAudio *oboeStream = (AudioStreamAAudio *)userData;
if (oboeStream != NULL) {
// Handle error on a separate thread
std::thread t(oboe_aaudio_error_thread_proc, oboeStream, stream, static_cast<Result>(error));
namespace oboe {
* Create a stream that uses Oboe Audio API.
AudioStreamAAudio::AudioStreamAAudio(const AudioStreamBuilder &builder)
: AudioStream(builder)
, mFloatCallbackBuffer(nullptr)
, mShortCallbackBuffer(nullptr)
, mAAudioStream(nullptr) {;
LOGD("AudioStreamAAudio() call isSupported()");
AudioStreamAAudio::~AudioStreamAAudio() {
delete[] mFloatCallbackBuffer;
delete[] mShortCallbackBuffer;
bool AudioStreamAAudio::isSupported() {
mLibLoader = AAudioLoader::getInstance();
int openResult = mLibLoader->open();
return openResult == 0;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::open() {
Result result = Result::OK;
if (mAAudioStream != nullptr) {
return Result::ErrorInvalidState;
result = AudioStream::open();
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
LOGD("AudioStreamAAudio(): AAudio_createStreamBuilder()");
AAudioStreamBuilder *aaudioBuilder;
result = static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->createStreamBuilder(&aaudioBuilder));
if (result != Result::OK) {
return result;
LOGD(" try with deviceId = %d", (int) mDeviceId);
mLibLoader->builder_setBufferCapacityInFrames(aaudioBuilder, mBufferCapacityInFrames);
mLibLoader->builder_setChannelCount(aaudioBuilder, mChannelCount);
mLibLoader->builder_setDeviceId(aaudioBuilder, mDeviceId);
mLibLoader->builder_setDirection(aaudioBuilder, static_cast<aaudio_direction_t>(mDirection));
mLibLoader->builder_setFormat(aaudioBuilder, static_cast<aaudio_format_t>(mFormat));
mLibLoader->builder_setSampleRate(aaudioBuilder, mSampleRate);
// TODO get more parameters from the builder?
if (mStreamCallback != nullptr) {
mLibLoader->builder_setDataCallback(aaudioBuilder, oboe_aaudio_data_callback_proc, this);
mLibLoader->builder_setFramesPerDataCallback(aaudioBuilder, getFramesPerCallback());
mLibLoader->builder_setErrorCallback(aaudioBuilder, oboe_aaudio_error_callback_proc, this);
AAudioStream *stream = nullptr;
result = static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->builder_openStream(aaudioBuilder, &stream));;
if (result != Result::OK) {
goto error2;
// Query and cache the values that will not change.
mDeviceId = mLibLoader->stream_getDeviceId(mAAudioStream);
mChannelCount = mLibLoader->stream_getChannelCount(mAAudioStream);
mSampleRate = mLibLoader->stream_getSampleRate(mAAudioStream);
mNativeFormat = static_cast<AudioFormat>(mLibLoader->stream_getFormat(mAAudioStream));
if (mFormat == AudioFormat::Unspecified) {
mFormat = mNativeFormat;
mSharingMode = static_cast<SharingMode>(mLibLoader->stream_getSharingMode(mAAudioStream));
mPerformanceMode = static_cast<PerformanceMode>(
mBufferCapacityInFrames = mLibLoader->stream_getBufferCapacity(mAAudioStream);
LOGD(" app format = %d", (int) mFormat);
LOGD(" native format = %d", (int) mNativeFormat);
LOGD(" sample rate = %d", (int) mSampleRate);
LOGD(" capacity = %d", (int) mBufferCapacityInFrames);
LOGD(" AAudioStream_Open() returned %s, mAAudioStream = %p",
return result;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::close()
// The main reason we have this mutex if to prevent a collision between a call
// by the application to stop a stream at the same time that an onError callback
// is being executed because of a disconnect. The close will delete the stream,
// which could otherwise cause the requestStop() to crash.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
Result result = Result::OK;
// This will delete the AAudio stream object so we need to null out the pointer.
AAudioStream *stream =;
if (stream != nullptr) {
result = static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_close(stream));
return result;
DataCallbackResult AudioStreamAAudio::callOnAudioReady(AAudioStream *stream,
void *audioData,
int32_t numFrames) {
return mStreamCallback->onAudioReady(
void AudioStreamAAudio::onErrorInThread(AAudioStream *stream, Result error) {
LOGD("onErrorInThread() - entering ===================================");
assert(stream == mAAudioStream.load());
if (mStreamCallback != nullptr) {
mStreamCallback->onErrorBeforeClose(this, error);
if (mStreamCallback != nullptr) {
mStreamCallback->onErrorAfterClose(this, error);
LOGD("onErrorInThread() - exiting ===================================");
Result AudioStreamAAudio::convertApplicationDataToNative(int32_t numFrames) {
Result result = Result::ErrorUnimplemented;
int32_t numSamples = numFrames * getChannelCount();
if (mFormat == AudioFormat::Float) {
if (mNativeFormat == AudioFormat::I16) {
convertFloatToPcm16(mFloatCallbackBuffer, mShortCallbackBuffer, numSamples);
result = Result::OK;
} else if (mFormat == AudioFormat::I16) {
if (mNativeFormat == AudioFormat::Float) {
convertPcm16ToFloat(mShortCallbackBuffer, mFloatCallbackBuffer, numSamples);
result = Result::OK;
return result;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestStart() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestStart(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestPause() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestPause(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestFlush() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestFlush(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::requestStop() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mLock);
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_requestStop(stream));
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
ErrorOrValue<int32_t> AudioStreamAAudio::write(const void *buffer,
int32_t numFrames,
int64_t timeoutNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
int32_t result = mLibLoader->stream_write(mAAudioStream, buffer,
numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds);
if (result < 0) {
return ErrorOrValue<int32_t>(static_cast<Result>(result));
} else {
return ErrorOrValue<int32_t>(result);
} else {
return ErrorOrValue<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
ErrorOrValue<int32_t> AudioStreamAAudio::read(void *buffer,
int32_t numFrames,
int64_t timeoutNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
int32_t result = mLibLoader->stream_read(mAAudioStream, buffer,
numFrames, timeoutNanoseconds);
if (result < 0) {
return ErrorOrValue<int32_t>(static_cast<Result>(result));
} else {
return ErrorOrValue<int32_t>(result);
} else {
return ErrorOrValue<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
Result AudioStreamAAudio::waitForStateChange(StreamState currentState,
StreamState *nextState,
int64_t timeoutNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
aaudio_stream_state_t aaudioNextState;
aaudio_result_t result = mLibLoader->stream_waitForStateChange(
*nextState = static_cast<StreamState>(aaudioNextState);
return static_cast<Result>(result);
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
Result AudioStreamAAudio::setBufferSizeInFrames(int32_t requestedFrames) {
if (requestedFrames > mBufferCapacityInFrames) {
requestedFrames = mBufferCapacityInFrames;
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_setBufferSize(mAAudioStream, requestedFrames));
StreamState AudioStreamAAudio::getState() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<StreamState>(mLibLoader->stream_getState(stream));
} else {
return StreamState::Closed;
int32_t AudioStreamAAudio::getBufferSizeInFrames() const {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return mLibLoader->stream_getBufferSize(stream);
} else {
return static_cast<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
int32_t AudioStreamAAudio::getFramesPerBurst() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return mLibLoader->stream_getFramesPerBurst(stream);
} else {
return static_cast<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
int64_t AudioStreamAAudio::getFramesRead() const {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return mLibLoader->stream_getFramesRead(stream);
} else {
return static_cast<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
int64_t AudioStreamAAudio::getFramesWritten() const {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return mLibLoader->stream_getFramesWritten(stream);
} else {
return static_cast<int64_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
int32_t AudioStreamAAudio::getXRunCount() const {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return mLibLoader->stream_getXRunCount(stream);
} else {
return static_cast<int32_t>(Result::ErrorNull);
Result AudioStreamAAudio::getTimestamp(clockid_t clockId,
int64_t *framePosition,
int64_t *timeNanoseconds) {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
return static_cast<Result>(mLibLoader->stream_getTimestamp(stream, clockId,
framePosition, timeNanoseconds));
} else {
return Result::ErrorNull;
ErrorOrValue<double> AudioStreamAAudio::calculateLatencyMillis() {
AAudioStream *stream = mAAudioStream.load();
if (stream != nullptr) {
bool isOutput = (getDirection() == oboe::Direction::Output);
// Get the time that a known audio frame was presented.
int64_t hardwareFrameIndex;
int64_t hardwareFrameHardwareTime;
auto result = getTimestamp(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,
if (result != oboe::Result::OK) {
return ErrorOrValue<double>(static_cast<Result>(result));
// Get counter closest to the app.
int64_t appFrameIndex = isOutput ? getFramesWritten() : getFramesRead();
// Assume that the next frame will be processed at the current time
using namespace std::chrono;
int64_t appFrameAppTime =
// Calculate the number of frames between app and hardware
int64_t frameIndexDelta = appFrameIndex - hardwareFrameIndex;
// Calculate the time which the next frame will be or was presented
int64_t frameTimeDelta = (frameIndexDelta * oboe::kNanosPerSecond) / getSampleRate();
int64_t appFrameHardwareTime = hardwareFrameHardwareTime + frameTimeDelta;
// The current latency is the difference in time between when the current frame is at
// the app and when it is at the hardware.
int64_t latencyNanos = (isOutput)
? (appFrameHardwareTime - appFrameAppTime) // hardware is later
: (appFrameAppTime - appFrameHardwareTime); // hardware is earlier
double latencyMillis = (double) latencyNanos / kNanosPerMillisecond;
return ErrorOrValue<double>(latencyMillis);
} else {
return ErrorOrValue<double>(Result::ErrorNull);
} // namespace oboe