| # |
| # |
| # This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| # under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as |
| # published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this |
| # particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided |
| # by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. |
| # |
| # This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT |
| # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or |
| # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License |
| # version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that |
| # accompanied this code). |
| # |
| # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version |
| # 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
| # Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. |
| # |
| # Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA |
| # or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any |
| # questions. |
| # |
| # <pre> |
| # This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of |
| # 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson. |
| |
| # This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better, |
| # go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to |
| # tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future). |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): |
| # A good source for time zone historical data outside the U.S. is |
| # Thomas G. Shanks and Rique Pottenger, The International Atlas (6th edition), |
| # San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (2003). |
| # |
| # Gwillim Law writes that a good source |
| # for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport |
| # Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM), |
| # published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries |
| # of the IATA's data after 1990. |
| # |
| # Except where otherwise noted, Shanks & Pottenger is the source for |
| # entries through 1990, and IATA SSIM is the source for entries afterwards. |
| # |
| # Earlier editions of these tables used the North American style (e.g. ARST and |
| # ARDT for Argentine Standard and Daylight Time), but the following quote |
| # suggests that it's better to use European style (e.g. ART and ARST). |
| # I suggest the use of _Summer time_ instead of the more cumbersome |
| # _daylight-saving time_. _Summer time_ seems to be in general use |
| # in Europe and South America. |
| # -- E O Cutler, _New York Times_ (1937-02-14), quoted in |
| # H L Mencken, _The American Language: Supplement I_ (1960), p 466 |
| # |
| # Earlier editions of these tables also used the North American style |
| # for time zones in Brazil, but this was incorrect, as Brazilians say |
| # "summer time". Reinaldo Goulart, a Sao Paulo businessman active in |
| # the railroad sector, writes (1999-07-06): |
| # The subject of time zones is currently a matter of discussion/debate in |
| # Brazil. Let's say that "the Brasilia time" is considered the |
| # "official time" because Brasilia is the capital city. |
| # The other three time zones are called "Brasilia time "minus one" or |
| # "plus one" or "plus two". As far as I know there is no such |
| # name/designation as "Eastern Time" or "Central Time". |
| # So I invented the following (English-language) abbreviations for now. |
| # Corrections are welcome! |
| # std dst |
| # -2:00 FNT FNST Fernando de Noronha |
| # -3:00 BRT BRST Brasilia |
| # -4:00 AMT AMST Amazon |
| # -5:00 ACT ACST Acre |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| # Argentina |
| |
| # From Bob Devine (1988-01-28): |
| # Argentina: first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April since 1976. |
| # Double Summer time from 1969 to 1974. Switches at midnight. |
| |
| # From U. S. Naval Observatory (1988-01-199): |
| |
| # From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26): |
| # I am sending modifications to the Argentine time zone table... |
| # AR was chosen because they are the ISO letters that represent Argentina. |
| |
| Rule Arg 1930 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1931 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1931 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1932 1940 - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1932 1939 - Nov 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1940 only - Jul 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1941 only - Jun 15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1941 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1943 only - Aug 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1943 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1946 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1946 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1963 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1963 only - Dec 15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1964 1966 - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1964 1966 - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1967 only - Apr 2 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1967 1968 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1968 1969 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1974 only - Jan 23 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 1974 only - May 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1988 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| # |
| # From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26): |
| # These corrections were contributed by InterSoft Argentina S.A., |
| # obtaining the data from the: |
| # Talleres de Hidrografia Naval Argentina |
| # (Argentine Naval Hydrography Institute) |
| Rule Arg 1989 1993 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 1989 1992 - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S |
| # |
| # From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26): |
| # From this moment on, the law that mandated the daylight saving |
| # time corrections was derogated and no more modifications |
| # to the time zones (for daylight saving) are now made. |
| # |
| # From Rives McDow (2000-01-10): |
| # On October 3, 1999, 0:00 local, Argentina implemented daylight savings time, |
| # which did not result in the switch of a time zone, as they stayed 9 hours |
| # from the International Date Line. |
| Rule Arg 1999 only - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S |
| # From Paul Eggert (2007-12-28): |
| # DST was set to expire on March 5, not March 3, but since it was converted |
| # to standard time on March 3 it's more convenient for us to pretend that |
| # it ended on March 3. |
| Rule Arg 2000 only - Mar 3 0:00 0 - |
| # |
| # From Peter Gradelski via Steffen Thorsen (2000-03-01): |
| # We just checked with our Sao Paulo office and they say the government of |
| # Argentina decided not to become one of the countries that go on or off DST. |
| # So Buenos Aires should be -3 hours from GMT at all times. |
| # |
| # From Fabian L. Arce Jofre (2000-04-04): |
| # The law that claimed DST for Argentina was derogated by President Fernando |
| # de la Rua on March 2, 2000, because it would make people spend more energy |
| # in the winter time, rather than less. The change took effect on March 3. |
| # |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2001-06-06): |
| # one of the major newspapers here in Argentina said that the 1999 |
| # Timezone Law (which never was effectively applied) will (would?) be |
| # in effect.... The article is at |
| # http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-06/e-01701.htm |
| # ... The Law itself is "Ley No 25155", sanctioned on 1999-08-25, enacted |
| # 1999-09-17, and published 1999-09-21. The official publication is at: |
| # http://www.boletin.jus.gov.ar/BON/Primera/1999/09-Septiembre/21/PDF/BO21-09-99LEG.PDF |
| # Regretfully, you have to subscribe (and pay) for the on-line version.... |
| # |
| # (2001-06-12): |
| # the timezone for Argentina will not change next Sunday. |
| # Apparently it will do so on Sunday 24th.... |
| # http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-12/s-03501.htm |
| # |
| # (2001-06-25): |
| # Last Friday (yes, the last working day before the date of the change), the |
| # Senate annulled the 1999 law that introduced the changes later postponed. |
| # http://www.clarin.com.ar/diario/2001-06-22/s-03601.htm |
| # It remains the vote of the Deputies..., but it will be the same.... |
| # This kind of things had always been done this way in Argentina. |
| # We are still -03:00 all year round in all of the country. |
| # |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2007-12-21): |
| # A user (Leonardo Chaim) reported that Argentina will adopt DST.... |
| # all of the country (all Zone-entries) are affected. News reports like |
| # http://www.lanacion.com.ar/opinion/nota.asp?nota_id=973037 indicate |
| # that Argentina will use DST next year as well, from October to |
| # March, although exact rules are not given. |
| # |
| # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2007-12-26) |
| # The last hurdle of Argentina DST is over, the proposal was approved in |
| # the lower chamber too (Deputados) with a vote 192 for and 2 against. |
| # By the way thanks to Mariano Absatz and Daniel Mario Vega for the link to |
| # the original scanned proposal, where the dates and the zero hours are |
| # clear and unambiguous...This is the article about final approval: |
| # <a href="http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=973996"> |
| # http://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/nota.asp?nota_id=973996 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # From Paul Eggert (2007-12-22): |
| # For dates after mid-2008, the following rules are my guesses and |
| # are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all. |
| |
| # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2008-09-05): |
| # As per message from Carlos Alberto Fonseca Arauz (Nicaragua), |
| # Argentina will start DST on Sunday October 19, 2008. |
| # |
| # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_argentina03.html"> |
| # http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_argentina03.html |
| # </a> |
| # OR |
| # <a href="http://www.impulsobaires.com.ar/nota.php?id=57832 (in spanish)"> |
| # http://www.impulsobaires.com.ar/nota.php?id=57832 (in spanish) |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From Rodrigo Severo (2008-10-06): |
| # Here is some info available at a Gentoo bug related to TZ on Argentina's DST: |
| # ... |
| # ------- Comment #1 from [jmdocile] 2008-10-06 16:28 0000 ------- |
| # Hi, there is a problem with timezone-data-2008e and maybe with |
| # timezone-data-2008f |
| # Argentinian law [Number] 25.155 is no longer valid. |
| # <a href="http://www.infoleg.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/60000-64999/60036/norma.htm"> |
| # http://www.infoleg.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/60000-64999/60036/norma.htm |
| # </a> |
| # The new one is law [Number] 26.350 |
| # <a href="http://www.infoleg.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/135000-139999/136191/norma.htm"> |
| # http://www.infoleg.gov.ar/infolegInternet/anexos/135000-139999/136191/norma.htm |
| # </a> |
| # So there is no summer time in Argentina for now. |
| |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2008-10-20): |
| # Decree 1693/2008 applies Law 26.350 for the summer 2008/2009 establishing DST in Argentina |
| # From 2008-10-19 until 2009-03-15 |
| # <a href="http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Bora.Portal/CustomControls/PdfContent.aspx?fp=16102008&pi=3&pf=4&s=0&sec=01"> |
| # http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Bora.Portal/CustomControls/PdfContent.aspx?fp=16102008&pi=3&pf=4&s=0&sec=01 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # Decree 1705/2008 excepting 12 Provinces from applying DST in the summer 2008/2009: |
| # Catamarca, La Rioja, Mendoza, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, La Pampa, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Chubut, Santa Cruz |
| # and Tierra del Fuego |
| # <a href="http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Bora.Portal/CustomControls/PdfContent.aspx?fp=17102008&pi=1&pf=1&s=0&sec=01"> |
| # http://www.boletinoficial.gov.ar/Bora.Portal/CustomControls/PdfContent.aspx?fp=17102008&pi=1&pf=1&s=0&sec=01 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # Press release 235 dated Saturday October 18th, from the Government of the Province of Jujuy saying |
| # it will not apply DST either (even when it was not included in Decree 1705/2008) |
| # <a href="http://www.jujuy.gov.ar/index2/partes_prensa/18_10_08/235-181008.doc"> |
| # http://www.jujuy.gov.ar/index2/partes_prensa/18_10_08/235-181008.doc |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From fullinet (2009-10-18): |
| # As announced in |
| # <a hef="http://www.argentina.gob.ar/argentina/portal/paginas.dhtml?pagina=356"> |
| # http://www.argentina.gob.ar/argentina/portal/paginas.dhtml?pagina=356 |
| # </a> |
| # (an official .gob.ar) under title: "Sin Cambio de Hora" (english: "No hour change") |
| # |
| # "Por el momento, el Gobierno Nacional resolvio no modificar la hora |
| # oficial, decision que estaba en estudio para su implementacion el |
| # domingo 18 de octubre. Desde el Ministerio de Planificacion se anuncio |
| # que la Argentina hoy, en estas condiciones meteorologicas, no necesita |
| # la modificacion del huso horario, ya que 2009 nos encuentra con |
| # crecimiento en la produccion y distribucion energetica." |
| |
| Rule Arg 2007 only - Dec 30 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Arg 2008 2009 - Mar Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Arg 2008 only - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S |
| |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2004-05-21): |
| # Today it was officially published that the Province of Mendoza is changing |
| # its timezone this winter... starting tomorrow night.... |
| # http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040521-27158-normas.pdf |
| # From Paul Eggert (2004-05-24): |
| # It's Law No. 7,210. This change is due to a public power emergency, so for |
| # now we'll assume it's for this year only. |
| # |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): |
| # <a href="http://www.spicasc.net/horvera.html"> |
| # Hora de verano para la Republica Argentina (2003-06-08) |
| # </a> says that standard time in Argentina from 1894-10-31 |
| # to 1920-05-01 was -4:16:48.25. Go with this more-precise value |
| # over Shanks & Pottenger. |
| # |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-05): |
| # These media articles from a major newspaper mostly cover the current state: |
| # http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/27/de_604825.asp |
| # http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/28/de_605203.asp |
| # |
| # The following eight (8) provinces pulled clocks back to UTC-04:00 at |
| # midnight Monday May 31st. (that is, the night between 05/31 and 06/01). |
| # Apparently, all nine provinces would go back to UTC-03:00 at the same |
| # time in October 17th. |
| # |
| # Catamarca, Chubut, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, |
| # Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman. |
| # |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-14): |
| # ... this weekend, the Province of Tucuman decided it'd go back to UTC-03:00 |
| # yesterday midnight (that is, at 24:00 Saturday 12th), since the people's |
| # annoyance with the change is much higher than the power savings obtained.... |
| # |
| # From Gwillim Law (2004-06-14): |
| # http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/06/10/de_609078.asp ... |
| # "The time change in Tierra del Fuego was a conflicted decision from |
| # the start. The government had decreed that the measure would take |
| # effect on June 1, but a normative error forced the new time to begin |
| # three days earlier, from a Saturday to a Sunday.... |
| # Our understanding was that the change was originally scheduled to take place |
| # on June 1 at 00:00 in Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego (and some other |
| # provinces). Sunday was May 30, only two days earlier. So the article |
| # contains a contradiction. I would give more credence to the Saturday/Sunday |
| # date than the "three days earlier" phrase, and conclude that Tierra del |
| # Fuego set its clocks back at 2004-05-30 00:00. |
| # |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2004-10-05): |
| # The previous law 7210 which changed the province of Mendoza's time zone |
| # back in May have been modified slightly in a new law 7277, which set the |
| # new end date to 2004-09-26 (original date was 2004-10-17). |
| # http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040924-27244-normas.pdf |
| # |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2004-10-05): |
| # San Juan changed from UTC-03:00 to UTC-04:00 at midnight between |
| # Sunday, May 30th and Monday, May 31st. It changed back to UTC-03:00 |
| # at midnight between Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th.... |
| # http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000329.html |
| # http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000426.html |
| # http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000441.html |
| |
| # From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-01-17): |
| # Here are articles that Argentina Province San Luis is planning to end DST |
| # as earlier as upcoming Monday January 21, 2008 or February 2008: |
| # |
| # Provincia argentina retrasa reloj y marca diferencia con resto del pais |
| # (Argentine Province delayed clock and mark difference with the rest of the |
| # country) |
| # <a href="http://cl.invertia.com/noticias/noticia.aspx?idNoticia=200801171849_EFE_ET4373&idtel"> |
| # http://cl.invertia.com/noticias/noticia.aspx?idNoticia=200801171849_EFE_ET4373&idtel |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # Es inminente que en San Luis atrasen una hora los relojes |
| # (It is imminent in San Luis clocks one hour delay) |
| # <a href="http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/vernotae.asp?id_nota=253414"> |
| # http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/vernotae.asp?id_nota=253414 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_argentina02.html"> |
| # http://www.worldtimezone.net/dst_news/dst_news_argentina02.html |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2008-01-18): |
| # The page of the San Luis provincial government |
| # <a href="http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=0&id=22812"> |
| # http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=0&id=22812 |
| # </a> |
| # confirms what Alex Krivenyshev has earlier sent to the tz |
| # emailing list about that San Luis plans to return to standard |
| # time much earlier than the rest of the country. It also |
| # confirms that upon request the provinces San Juan and Mendoza |
| # refused to follow San Luis in this change. |
| # |
| # The change is supposed to take place Monday the 21.st at 0:00 |
| # hours. As far as I understand it if this goes ahead, we need |
| # a new timezone for San Luis (although there are also documented |
| # independent changes in the southamerica file of San Luis in |
| # 1990 and 1991 which has not been confirmed). |
| |
| # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2008-01-25): |
| # Unfortunately the below page has become defunct, about the San Luis |
| # time change. Perhaps because it now is part of a group of pages "Most |
| # important pages of 2008." |
| # |
| # You can use |
| # <a href="http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=8141&id=22834"> |
| # http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/notas.asp?idCanal=8141&id=22834 |
| # </a> |
| # instead it seems. Or use "Buscador" from the main page of the San Luis |
| # government, and fill in "huso" and click OK, and you will get 3 pages |
| # from which the first one is identical to the above. |
| |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2008-01-28): |
| # I can confirm that the Province of San Luis (and so far only that |
| # province) decided to go back to UTC-3 effective midnight Jan 20th 2008 |
| # (that is, Monday 21st at 0:00 is the time the clocks were delayed back |
| # 1 hour), and they intend to keep UTC-3 as their timezone all year round |
| # (that is, unless they change their mind any minute now). |
| # |
| # So we'll have to add yet another city to 'southamerica' (I think San |
| # Luis city is the mos populated city in the Province, so it'd be |
| # America/Argentina/San_Luis... of course I can't remember if San Luis's |
| # history of particular changes goes along with Mendoza or San Juan :-( |
| # (I only remember not being able to collect hard facts about San Luis |
| # back in 2004, when these provinces changed to UTC-4 for a few days, I |
| # mailed them personally and never got an answer). |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (2008-06-30): |
| # Unless otherwise specified, data are from Shanks & Pottenger through 1992, |
| # from the IATA otherwise. As noted below, Shanks & Pottenger say that |
| # America/Cordoba split into 6 subregions during 1991/1992, one of which |
| # was America/San_Luis, but we haven't verified this yet so for now we'll |
| # keep America/Cordoba a single region rather than splitting it into the |
| # other 5 subregions. |
| |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2009-03-13): |
| # Yesterday (with our usual 2-day notice) the Province of San Luis |
| # decided that next Sunday instead of "staying" @utc-03:00 they will go |
| # to utc-04:00 until the second Saturday in October... |
| # |
| # The press release is at |
| # <a href="http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/SL/Paginas/NoticiaDetalle.asp?TemaId=1&InfoPrensaId=3102"> |
| # http://www.sanluis.gov.ar/SL/Paginas/NoticiaDetalle.asp?TemaId=1&InfoPrensaId=3102 |
| # </a> |
| # (I couldn't find the decree, but |
| # <a href="http://www.sanluis.gov.ar"> |
| # www.sanluis.gov.ar |
| # <a/> |
| # is the official page for the Province Government). |
| # |
| # There's also a note in only one of the major national papers (La Nación) at |
| # <a href="http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1107912"> |
| # http://www.lanacion.com.ar/nota.asp?nota_id=1107912 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # The press release says: |
| # (...) anunció que el próximo domingo a las 00:00 los puntanos deberán |
| # atrasar una hora sus relojes. |
| # |
| # A partir de entonces, San Luis establecerá el huso horario propio de |
| # la Provincia. De esta manera, durante el periodo del calendario anual |
| # 2009, el cambio horario quedará comprendido entre las 00:00 del tercer |
| # domingo de marzo y las 24:00 del segundo sábado de octubre. |
| # Quick&dirty translation |
| # (...) announced that next Sunday, at 00:00, Puntanos (the San Luis |
| # inhabitants) will have to turn back one hour their clocks |
| # |
| # Since then, San Luis will establish its own Province timezone. Thus, |
| # during 2009, this timezone change will run from 00:00 the third Sunday |
| # in March until 24:00 of the second Saturday in October. |
| |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2009-10-16): |
| # ...the Province of San Luis is a case in itself. |
| # |
| # The Law at |
| # <a href="http://www.diputadossanluis.gov.ar/diputadosasp/paginas/verNorma.asp?NormaID=276>" |
| # http://www.diputadossanluis.gov.ar/diputadosasp/paginas/verNorma.asp?NormaID=276 |
| # </a> |
| # is ambiguous because establishes a calendar from the 2nd Sunday in |
| # October at 0:00 thru the 2nd Saturday in March at 24:00 and the |
| # complement of that starting on the 2nd Sunday of March at 0:00 and |
| # ending on the 2nd Saturday of March at 24:00. |
| # |
| # This clearly breaks every time the 1st of March or October is a Sunday. |
| # |
| # IMHO, the "spirit of the Law" is to make the changes at 0:00 on the 2nd |
| # Sunday of October and March. |
| # |
| # The problem is that the changes in the rest of the Provinces that did |
| # change in 2007/2008, were made according to the Federal Law and Decrees |
| # that did so on the 3rd Sunday of October and March. |
| # |
| # In fact, San Luis actually switched from UTC-4 to UTC-3 last Sunday |
| # (October 11th) at 0:00. |
| # |
| # So I guess a new set of rules, besides "Arg", must be made and the last |
| # America/Argentina/San_Luis entries should change to use these... |
| # |
| # I'm enclosing a patch that does what I say... regretfully, the San Luis |
| # timezone must be called "WART/WARST" even when most of the time (like, |
| # right now) WARST == ART... that is, since last Sunday, all the country |
| # is using UTC-3, but in my patch, San Luis calls it "WARST" and the rest |
| # of the country calls it "ART". |
| # ... |
| |
| # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2010-04-09): |
| # According to news reports from El Diario de la Republica Province San |
| # Luis, Argentina (standard time UTC-04) will keep Daylight Saving Time |
| # after April 11, 2010--will continue to have same time as rest of |
| # Argentina (UTC-3) (no DST). |
| # |
| # Confirmaron la prórroga del huso horario de verano (Spanish) |
| # <a href="http://www.eldiariodelarepublica.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=29383&Itemid=9"> |
| # http://www.eldiariodelarepublica.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=29383&Itemid=9 |
| # </a> |
| # or (some English translation): |
| # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_argentina08.html"> |
| # http://www.worldtimezone.com/dst_news/dst_news_argentina08.html |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From Mariano Absatz (2010-04-12): |
| # yes...I can confirm this...and given that San Luis keeps calling |
| # UTC-03:00 "summer time", we should't just let San Luis go back to "Arg" |
| # rules...San Luis is still using "Western ARgentina Time" and it got |
| # stuck on Summer daylight savings time even though the summer is over. |
| |
| # |
| # Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF), |
| Zone America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT |
| # |
| # Cordoba (CB), Santa Fe (SF), Entre Rios (ER), Corrientes (CN), Misiones (MN), |
| # Chaco (CC), Formosa (FM), Santiago del Estero (SE) |
| # |
| # Shanks & Pottenger also make the following claims, which we haven't verified: |
| # - Formosa switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-07. |
| # - Misiones switched to -3:00 on 1990-12-29. |
| # - Chaco switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-04. |
| # - Santiago del Estero switched to -4:00 on 1991-04-01, |
| # then to -3:00 on 1991-04-26. |
| # |
| Zone America/Argentina/Cordoba -4:16:48 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT |
| # |
| # Salta (SA), La Pampa (LP), Neuquen (NQ), Rio Negro (RN) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Salta -4:21:40 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # Tucuman (TM) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Tucuman -4:20:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 13 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT |
| # |
| # La Rioja (LR) |
| Zone America/Argentina/La_Rioja -4:27:24 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # San Juan (SJ) |
| Zone America/Argentina/San_Juan -4:34:04 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 May 31 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jul 25 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # Jujuy (JY) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Jujuy -4:21:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Mar 4 |
| -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 28 |
| -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 17 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 6 |
| -3:00 1:00 ARST 1992 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # Catamarca (CT), Chubut (CH) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Catamarca -4:23:08 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # Mendoza (MZ) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Mendoza -4:35:16 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Mar 4 |
| -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 15 |
| -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 15 |
| -4:00 1:00 WARST 1992 Mar 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 1992 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 May 23 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Sep 26 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # San Luis (SL) |
| |
| Rule SanLuis 2008 2009 - Mar Sun>=8 0:00 0 - |
| Rule SanLuis 2007 2009 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S |
| |
| Zone America/Argentina/San_Luis -4:25:24 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 |
| -3:00 1:00 ARST 1990 Mar 14 |
| -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 15 |
| -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 1991 Jun 1 |
| -3:00 - ART 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 1:00 WARST 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 May 31 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jul 25 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Jan 21 |
| -4:00 SanLuis WAR%sT |
| # |
| # Santa Cruz (SC) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -4:36:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| # |
| # Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur (TF) |
| Zone America/Argentina/Ushuaia -4:33:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31 |
| -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time |
| -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3 |
| -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3 |
| -3:00 - ART 2004 May 30 |
| -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20 |
| -3:00 Arg AR%sT 2008 Oct 18 |
| -3:00 - ART |
| |
| # Aruba |
| Zone America/Aruba -4:40:24 - LMT 1912 Feb 12 # Oranjestad |
| -4:30 - ANT 1965 # Netherlands Antilles Time |
| -4:00 - AST |
| |
| # Bolivia |
| Zone America/La_Paz -4:32:36 - LMT 1890 |
| -4:32:36 - CMT 1931 Oct 15 # Calamarca MT |
| -4:32:36 1:00 BOST 1932 Mar 21 # Bolivia ST |
| -4:00 - BOT # Bolivia Time |
| |
| # Brazil |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18): |
| # The mayor of Rio recently attempted to change the time zone rules |
| # just in his city, in order to leave more summer time for the tourist trade. |
| # The rule change lasted only part of the day; |
| # the federal government refused to follow the city's rules, and business |
| # was in a chaos, so the mayor backed down that afternoon. |
| |
| # From IATA SSIM (1996-02): |
| # _Only_ the following states in BR1 observe DST: Rio Grande do Sul (RS), |
| # Santa Catarina (SC), Parana (PR), Sao Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), |
| # Espirito Santo (ES), Minas Gerais (MG), Bahia (BA), Goias (GO), |
| # Distrito Federal (DF), Tocantins (TO), Sergipe [SE] and Alagoas [AL]. |
| # [The last three states are new to this issue of the IATA SSIM.] |
| |
| # From Gwillim Law (1996-10-07): |
| # Geography, history (Tocantins was part of Goias until 1989), and other |
| # sources of time zone information lead me to believe that AL, SE, and TO were |
| # always in BR1, and so the only change was whether or not they observed DST.... |
| # The earliest issue of the SSIM I have is 2/91. Each issue from then until |
| # 9/95 says that DST is observed only in the ten states I quoted from 9/95, |
| # along with Mato Grosso (MT) and Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), which are in BR2 |
| # (UTC-4).... The other two time zones given for Brazil are BR3, which is |
| # UTC-5, no DST, and applies only in the state of Acre (AC); and BR4, which is |
| # UTC-2, and applies to Fernando de Noronha (formerly FN, but I believe it's |
| # become part of the state of Pernambuco). The boundary between BR1 and BR2 |
| # has never been clearly stated. They've simply been called East and West. |
| # However, some conclusions can be drawn from another IATA manual: the Airline |
| # Coding Directory, which lists close to 400 airports in Brazil. For each |
| # airport it gives a time zone which is coded to the SSIM. From that |
| # information, I'm led to conclude that the states of Amapa (AP), Ceara (CE), |
| # Maranhao (MA), Paraiba (PR), Pernambuco (PE), Piaui (PI), and Rio Grande do |
| # Norte (RN), and the eastern part of Para (PA) are all in BR1 without DST. |
| |
| # From Marcos Tadeu (1998-09-27): |
| # <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/verao1.html"> |
| # Brazilian official page |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From Jesper Norgaard (2000-11-03): |
| # [For an official list of which regions in Brazil use which time zones, see:] |
| # http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbr.htm |
| # http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbrhv.htm |
| |
| # From Celso Doria via David Madeo (2002-10-09): |
| # The reason for the delay this year has to do with elections in Brazil. |
| # |
| # Unlike in the United States, elections in Brazil are 100% computerized and |
| # the results are known almost immediately. Yesterday, it was the first |
| # round of the elections when 115 million Brazilians voted for President, |
| # Governor, Senators, Federal Deputies, and State Deputies. Nobody is |
| # counting (or re-counting) votes anymore and we know there will be a second |
| # round for the Presidency and also for some Governors. The 2nd round will |
| # take place on October 27th. |
| # |
| # The reason why the DST will only begin November 3rd is that the thousands |
| # of electoral machines used cannot have their time changed, and since the |
| # Constitution says the elections must begin at 8:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM, |
| # the Government decided to postpone DST, instead of changing the Constitution |
| # (maybe, for the next elections, it will be possible to change the clock)... |
| |
| # From Rodrigo Severo (2004-10-04): |
| # It's just the biannual change made necessary by the much hyped, supposedly |
| # modern Brazilian eletronic voting machines which, apparently, can't deal |
| # with a time change between the first and the second rounds of the elections. |
| |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2007-09-20): |
| # Brazil will start DST on 2007-10-14 00:00 and end on 2008-02-17 00:00: |
| # http://www.mme.gov.br/site/news/detail.do;jsessionid=BBA06811AFCAAC28F0285210913513DA?newsId=13975 |
| |
| # From Paul Schulze (2008-06-24): |
| # ...by law number 11.662 of April 24, 2008 (published in the "Diario |
| # Oficial da Uniao"...) in Brazil there are changes in the timezones, |
| # effective today (00:00am at June 24, 2008) as follows: |
| # |
| # a) The timezone UTC+5 is e[x]tinguished, with all the Acre state and the |
| # part of the Amazonas state that had this timezone now being put to the |
| # timezone UTC+4 |
| # b) The whole Para state now is put at timezone UTC+3, instead of just |
| # part of it, as was before. |
| # |
| # This change follows a proposal of senator Tiao Viana of Acre state, that |
| # proposed it due to concerns about open television channels displaying |
| # programs inappropriate to youths in the states that had the timezone |
| # UTC+5 too early in the night. In the occasion, some more corrections |
| # were proposed, trying to unify the timezones of any given state. This |
| # change modifies timezone rules defined in decree 2.784 of 18 June, |
| # 1913. |
| |
| # From Rodrigo Severo (2008-06-24): |
| # Just correcting the URL: |
| # <a href="https://www.in.gov.br/imprensa/visualiza/index.jsp?jornal=do&secao=1&pagina=1&data=25/04/2008"> |
| # https://www.in.gov.br/imprensa/visualiza/index.jsp?jornal=do&secao=1&pagina=1&data=25/04/2008 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # As a result of the above Decree I believe the America/Rio_Branco |
| # timezone shall be modified from UTC-5 to UTC-4 and a new timezone shall |
| # be created to represent the...west side of the Para State. I |
| # suggest this new timezone be called Santarem as the most |
| # important/populated city in the affected area. |
| # |
| # This new timezone would be the same as the Rio_Branco timezone up to |
| # the 2008/06/24 change which would be to UTC-3 instead of UTC-4. |
| |
| # From Alex Krivenyshev (2008-06-24): |
| # This is a quick reference page for New and Old Brazil Time Zones map. |
| # <a href="http://www.worldtimezone.com/brazil-time-new-old.php"> |
| # http://www.worldtimezone.com/brazil-time-new-old.php |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # - 4 time zones replaced by 3 time zones-eliminating time zone UTC- 05 |
| # (state Acre and the part of the Amazonas will be UTC/GMT- 04) - western |
| # part of Par state is moving to one timezone UTC- 03 (from UTC -04). |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (2002-10-10): |
| # The official decrees referenced below are mostly taken from |
| # <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV.html"> |
| # Decretos sobre o Horario de Verao no Brasil |
| # </a>. |
| |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2008-08-29): |
| # As announced by the government and many newspapers in Brazil late |
| # yesterday, Brazil will start DST on 2008-10-19 (need to change rule) and |
| # it will end on 2009-02-15 (current rule for Brazil is fine). Based on |
| # past years experience with the elections, there was a good chance that |
| # the start was postponed to November, but it did not happen this year. |
| # |
| # It has not yet been posted to http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV.html |
| # |
| # An official page about it: |
| # <a href="http://www.mme.gov.br/site/news/detail.do?newsId=16722"> |
| # http://www.mme.gov.br/site/news/detail.do?newsId=16722 |
| # </a> |
| # Note that this link does not always work directly, but must be accessed |
| # by going to |
| # <a href="http://www.mme.gov.br/first"> |
| # http://www.mme.gov.br/first |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # One example link that works directly: |
| # <a href="http://jornale.com.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13530&Itemid=54"> |
| # http://jornale.com.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13530&Itemid=54 |
| # (Portuguese) |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # We have a written a short article about it as well: |
| # <a href="http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/brazil-dst-2008-2009.html"> |
| # http://www.timeanddate.com/news/time/brazil-dst-2008-2009.html |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # From Alexander Krivenyshev (2011-10-04): |
| # State Bahia will return to Daylight savings time this year after 8 years off. |
| # The announcement was made by Governor Jaques Wagner in an interview to a |
| # television station in Salvador. |
| |
| # In Portuguese: |
| # <a href="http://g1.globo.com/bahia/noticia/2011/10/governador-jaques-wagner-confirma-horario-de-verao-na-bahia.html"> |
| # http://g1.globo.com/bahia/noticia/2011/10/governador-jaques-wagner-confirma-horario-de-verao-na-bahia.html |
| # </a> and |
| # <a href="http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/noticias/0,,OI5390887-EI8139,00-Bahia+volta+a+ter+horario+de+verao+apos+oito+anos.html"> |
| # http://noticias.terra.com.br/brasil/noticias/0,,OI5390887-EI8139,00-Bahia+volta+a+ter+horario+de+verao+apos+oito+anos.html |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues (2011-10-07): |
| # There is news in the media, however there is still no decree about it. |
| # I just send a e-mail to Zulmira Brandão at |
| # <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/">http://pcdsh01.on.br/</a> the |
| # oficial agency about time in Brazil, and she confirmed that the old rule is |
| # still in force. |
| |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV20466.htm">20,466</a> (1931-10-01) |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV21896.htm">21,896</a> (1932-01-10) |
| Rule Brazil 1931 only - Oct 3 11:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1932 1933 - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 1932 only - Oct 3 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV23195.htm">23,195</a> (1933-10-10) |
| # revoked DST. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV27496.htm">27,496</a> (1949-11-24) |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV27998.htm">27,998</a> (1950-04-13) |
| Rule Brazil 1949 1952 - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1950 only - Apr 16 1:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 1951 1952 - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV32308.htm">32,308</a> (1953-02-24) |
| Rule Brazil 1953 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV34724.htm">34,724</a> (1953-11-30) |
| # revoked DST. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV52700.htm">52,700</a> (1963-10-18) |
| # established DST from 1963-10-23 00:00 to 1964-02-29 00:00 |
| # in SP, RJ, GB, MG, ES, due to the prolongation of the drought. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV53071.htm">53,071</a> (1963-12-03) |
| # extended the above decree to all of the national territory on 12-09. |
| Rule Brazil 1963 only - Dec 9 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV53604.htm">53,604</a> (1964-02-25) |
| # extended summer time by one day to 1964-03-01 00:00 (start of school). |
| Rule Brazil 1964 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV55639.htm">55,639</a> (1965-01-27) |
| Rule Brazil 1965 only - Jan 31 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1965 only - Mar 31 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV57303.htm">57,303</a> (1965-11-22) |
| Rule Brazil 1965 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV57843.htm">57,843</a> (1966-02-18) |
| Rule Brazil 1966 1968 - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 1966 1967 - Nov 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV63429.htm">63,429</a> (1968-10-15) |
| # revoked DST. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV91698.htm">91,698</a> (1985-09-27) |
| Rule Brazil 1985 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree 92,310 (1986-01-21) |
| # Decree 92,463 (1986-03-13) |
| Rule Brazil 1986 only - Mar 15 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree 93,316 (1986-10-01) |
| Rule Brazil 1986 only - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1987 only - Feb 14 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV94922.htm">94,922</a> (1987-09-22) |
| Rule Brazil 1987 only - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1988 only - Feb 7 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV96676.htm">96,676</a> (1988-09-12) |
| # except for the states of AC, AM, PA, RR, RO, and AP (then a territory) |
| Rule Brazil 1988 only - Oct 16 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1989 only - Jan 29 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV98077.htm">98,077</a> (1989-08-21) |
| # with the same exceptions |
| Rule Brazil 1989 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1990 only - Feb 11 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV99530.htm">99,530</a> (1990-09-17) |
| # adopted by RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, GO, MS, DF. |
| # Decree 99,629 (1990-10-19) adds BA, MT. |
| Rule Brazil 1990 only - Oct 21 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1991 only - Feb 17 0:00 0 - |
| # <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1991.htm">Unnumbered decree</a> (1991-09-25) |
| # adopted by RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, BA, GO, MT, MS, DF. |
| Rule Brazil 1991 only - Oct 20 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1992 only - Feb 9 0:00 0 - |
| # <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1992.htm">Unnumbered decree</a> (1992-10-16) |
| # adopted by same states. |
| Rule Brazil 1992 only - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1993 only - Jan 31 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV942.htm">942</a> (1993-09-28) |
| # adopted by same states, plus AM. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1252.htm">1,252</a> (1994-09-22; |
| # web page corrected 2004-01-07) adopted by same states, minus AM. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1636.htm">1,636</a> (1995-09-14) |
| # adopted by same states, plus MT and TO. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV1674.htm">1,674</a> (1995-10-13) |
| # adds AL, SE. |
| Rule Brazil 1993 1995 - Oct Sun>=11 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1994 1995 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 1996 only - Feb 11 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/HV2000.htm">2,000</a> (1996-09-04) |
| # adopted by same states, minus AL, SE. |
| Rule Brazil 1996 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1997 only - Feb 16 0:00 0 - |
| # From Daniel C. Sobral (1998-02-12): |
| # In 1997, the DS began on October 6. The stated reason was that |
| # because international television networks ignored Brazil's policy on DS, |
| # they bought the wrong times on satellite for coverage of Pope's visit. |
| # This year, the ending date of DS was postponed to March 1 |
| # to help dealing with the shortages of electric power. |
| # |
| # Decree 2,317 (1997-09-04), adopted by same states. |
| Rule Brazil 1997 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV2495.JPG">2,495</a> |
| # (1998-02-10) |
| Rule Brazil 1998 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/Hv98.jpg">2,780</a> (1998-09-11) |
| # adopted by the same states as before. |
| Rule Brazil 1998 only - Oct 11 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 1999 only - Feb 21 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV3150.gif">3,150</a> |
| # (1999-08-23) adopted by same states. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV99.gif">3,188</a> (1999-09-30) |
| # adds SE, AL, PB, PE, RN, CE, PI, MA and RR. |
| Rule Brazil 1999 only - Oct 3 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 2000 only - Feb 27 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DEC3592.htm">3,592</a> (2000-09-06) |
| # adopted by the same states as before. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/Dec3630.jpg">3,630</a> (2000-10-13) |
| # repeals DST in PE and RR, effective 2000-10-15 00:00. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/Dec3632.jpg">3,632</a> (2000-10-17) |
| # repeals DST in SE, AL, PB, RN, CE, PI and MA, effective 2000-10-22 00:00. |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/figuras/HV3916.gif">3,916</a> |
| # (2001-09-13) reestablishes DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE. |
| Rule Brazil 2000 2001 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 2001 2006 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree 4,399 (2002-10-01) repeals DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE. |
| # <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2002/D4399.htm">4,399</a> |
| Rule Brazil 2002 only - Nov 3 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree 4,844 (2003-09-24; corrected 2003-09-26) repeals DST in BA, MT, TO. |
| # <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.br/CCIVIL/decreto/2003/D4844.htm">4,844</a> |
| Rule Brazil 2003 only - Oct 19 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree 5,223 (2004-10-01) reestablishes DST in MT. |
| # <a href="http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2004-2006/2004/Decreto/D5223.htm">5,223</a> |
| Rule Brazil 2004 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV5539.gif">5,539</a> (2005-09-19), |
| # adopted by the same states as before. |
| Rule Brazil 2005 only - Oct 16 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV5920.gif">5,920</a> (2006-10-03), |
| # adopted by the same states as before. |
| Rule Brazil 2006 only - Nov 5 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 2007 only - Feb 25 0:00 0 - |
| # Decree <a href="http://pcdsh01.on.br/DecHV6212.gif">6,212</a> (2007-09-26), |
| # adopted by the same states as before. |
| Rule Brazil 2007 only - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S |
| # From Frederico A. C. Neves (2008-09-10): |
| # Acording to this decree |
| # <a href="http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2007-2010/2008/Decreto/D6558.htm"> |
| # http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2007-2010/2008/Decreto/D6558.htm |
| # </a> |
| # [t]he DST period in Brazil now on will be from the 3rd Oct Sunday to the |
| # 3rd Feb Sunday. There is an exception on the return date when this is |
| # the Carnival Sunday then the return date will be the next Sunday... |
| Rule Brazil 2008 max - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Brazil 2008 2011 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2012 only - Feb Sun>=22 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2013 2014 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2015 only - Feb Sun>=22 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2016 2022 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2023 only - Feb Sun>=22 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2024 2025 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2026 only - Feb Sun>=22 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2027 2033 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2034 only - Feb Sun>=22 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2035 2036 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Brazil 2037 only - Feb Sun>=22 0:00 0 - |
| # From Arthur David Olson (2008-09-29): |
| # The next is wrong in some years but is better than nothing. |
| Rule Brazil 2038 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 - |
| |
| # The latest ruleset listed above says that the following states observe DST: |
| # DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP. |
| |
| # |
| # Fernando de Noronha (administratively part of PE) |
| Zone America/Noronha -2:09:40 - LMT 1914 |
| -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 1990 Sep 17 |
| -2:00 - FNT 1999 Sep 30 |
| -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 2000 Oct 15 |
| -2:00 - FNT 2001 Sep 13 |
| -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 2002 Oct 1 |
| -2:00 - FNT |
| # Other Atlantic islands have no permanent settlement. |
| # These include Trindade and Martin Vaz (administratively part of ES), |
| # Atol das Rocas (RN), and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo (PE). |
| # Fernando de Noronha was a separate territory from 1942-09-02 to 1989-01-01; |
| # it also included the Penedos. |
| # |
| # Amapa (AP), east Para (PA) |
| # East Para includes Belem, Maraba, Serra Norte, and Sao Felix do Xingu. |
| # The division between east and west Para is the river Xingu. |
| # In the north a very small part from the river Javary (now Jari I guess, |
| # the border with Amapa) to the Amazon, then to the Xingu. |
| Zone America/Belem -3:13:56 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # |
| # west Para (PA) |
| # West Para includes Altamira, Oribidos, Prainha, Oriximina, and Santarem. |
| Zone America/Santarem -3:38:48 - LMT 1914 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -4:00 - AMT 2008 Jun 24 00:00 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # |
| # Maranhao (MA), Piaui (PI), Ceara (CE), Rio Grande do Norte (RN), |
| # Paraiba (PB) |
| Zone America/Fortaleza -2:34:00 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17 |
| -3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 22 |
| -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # |
| # Pernambuco (PE) (except Atlantic islands) |
| Zone America/Recife -2:19:36 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17 |
| -3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 15 |
| -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # |
| # Tocantins (TO) |
| Zone America/Araguaina -3:12:48 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17 |
| -3:00 - BRT 1995 Sep 14 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2003 Sep 24 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # |
| # Alagoas (AL), Sergipe (SE) |
| Zone America/Maceio -2:22:52 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17 |
| -3:00 - BRT 1995 Oct 13 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1996 Sep 4 |
| -3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 22 |
| -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # |
| # Bahia (BA) |
| # There are too many Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/Bahia instead |
| # of America/Salvador. |
| Zone America/Bahia -2:34:04 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2003 Sep 24 |
| -3:00 - BRT |
| # as noted above, not yet in operation. |
| # -3:00 - BRT 2011 Oct 16 |
| # -3:00 Brazil BR%sT |
| # |
| # Goias (GO), Distrito Federal (DF), Minas Gerais (MG), |
| # Espirito Santo (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Parana (PR), |
| # Santa Catarina (SC), Rio Grande do Sul (RS) |
| Zone America/Sao_Paulo -3:06:28 - LMT 1914 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1963 Oct 23 00:00 |
| -3:00 1:00 BRST 1964 |
| -3:00 Brazil BR%sT |
| # |
| # Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) |
| Zone America/Campo_Grande -3:38:28 - LMT 1914 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT |
| # |
| # Mato Grosso (MT) |
| Zone America/Cuiaba -3:44:20 - LMT 1914 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 2003 Sep 24 |
| -4:00 - AMT 2004 Oct 1 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT |
| # |
| # Rondonia (RO) |
| Zone America/Porto_Velho -4:15:36 - LMT 1914 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -4:00 - AMT |
| # |
| # Roraima (RR) |
| Zone America/Boa_Vista -4:02:40 - LMT 1914 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -4:00 - AMT 1999 Sep 30 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 2000 Oct 15 |
| -4:00 - AMT |
| # |
| # east Amazonas (AM): Boca do Acre, Jutai, Manaus, Floriano Peixoto |
| # The great circle line from Tabatinga to Porto Acre divides |
| # east from west Amazonas. |
| Zone America/Manaus -4:00:04 - LMT 1914 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -4:00 - AMT 1993 Sep 28 |
| -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1994 Sep 22 |
| -4:00 - AMT |
| # |
| # west Amazonas (AM): Atalaia do Norte, Boca do Maoco, Benjamin Constant, |
| # Eirunepe, Envira, Ipixuna |
| Zone America/Eirunepe -4:39:28 - LMT 1914 |
| -5:00 Brazil AC%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -5:00 - ACT 1993 Sep 28 |
| -5:00 Brazil AC%sT 1994 Sep 22 |
| -5:00 - ACT 2008 Jun 24 00:00 |
| -4:00 - AMT |
| # |
| # Acre (AC) |
| Zone America/Rio_Branco -4:31:12 - LMT 1914 |
| -5:00 Brazil AC%sT 1988 Sep 12 |
| -5:00 - ACT 2008 Jun 24 00:00 |
| -4:00 - AMT |
| |
| # Chile |
| |
| # From Eduardo Krell (1995-10-19): |
| # The law says to switch to DST at midnight [24:00] on the second SATURDAY |
| # of October.... The law is the same for March and October. |
| # (1998-09-29): |
| # Because of the drought this year, the government decided to go into |
| # DST earlier (saturday 9/26 at 24:00). This is a one-time change only ... |
| # (unless there's another dry season next year, I guess). |
| |
| # From Julio I. Pacheco Troncoso (1999-03-18): |
| # Because of the same drought, the government decided to end DST later, |
| # on April 3, (one-time change). |
| |
| # From Oscar van Vlijmen (2006-10-08): |
| # http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio.htm |
| |
| # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2006-10-08): |
| # I think that there are some obvious mistakes in the suggested link |
| # from Oscar van Vlijmen,... for instance entry 66 says that GMT-4 |
| # ended 1990-09-12 while entry 67 only begins GMT-3 at 1990-09-15 |
| # (they should have been 1990-09-15 and 1990-09-16 respectively), but |
| # anyhow it clears up some doubts too. |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-12-27): |
| # The following data for Chile and America/Santiago are from |
| # <http://www.horaoficial.cl/horaof.htm> (2006-09-20), transcribed by |
| # Jesper Norgaard Welen. The data for Pacific/Easter are from Shanks |
| # & Pottenger, except with DST transitions after 1932 cloned from |
| # America/Santiago. The pre-1980 Pacific/Easter data are dubious, |
| # but we have no other source. |
| |
| # From German Poo-Caaman~o (2008-03-03): |
| # Due to drought, Chile extends Daylight Time in three weeks. This |
| # is one-time change (Saturday 3/29 at 24:00 for America/Santiago |
| # and Saturday 3/29 at 22:00 for Pacific/Easter) |
| # The Supreme Decree is located at |
| # <a href="http://www.shoa.cl/servicios/supremo316.pdf"> |
| # http://www.shoa.cl/servicios/supremo316.pdf |
| # </a> |
| # and the instructions for 2008 are located in: |
| # <a href="http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio.htm"> |
| # http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio.htm |
| # </a>. |
| |
| # From Jose Miguel Garrido (2008-03-05): |
| # ... |
| # You could see the announces of the change on |
| # <a href="http://www.shoa.cl/noticias/2008/04hora/hora.htm"> |
| # http://www.shoa.cl/noticias/2008/04hora/hora.htm |
| # </a>. |
| |
| # From Angel Chiang (2010-03-04): |
| # Subject: DST in Chile exceptionally extended to 3 April due to earthquake |
| # <a href="http://www.gobiernodechile.cl/viewNoticia.aspx?idArticulo=30098"> |
| # http://www.gobiernodechile.cl/viewNoticia.aspx?idArticulo=30098 |
| # </a> |
| # (in Spanish, last paragraph). |
| # |
| # This is breaking news. There should be more information available later. |
| |
| # From Arthur Daivd Olson (2010-03-06): |
| # Angel Chiang's message confirmed by Julio Pacheco; Julio provided a patch. |
| |
| # From Glenn Eychaner (2011-03-02): [geychaner@mac.com] |
| # It appears that the Chilean government has decided to postpone the |
| # change from summer time to winter time again, by three weeks to April |
| # 2nd: |
| # <a href="http://www.emol.com/noticias/nacional/detalle/detallenoticias.asp?idnoticia=467651"> |
| # http://www.emol.com/noticias/nacional/detalle/detallenoticias.asp?idnoticia=467651 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # This is not yet reflected in the offical "cambio de hora" site, but |
| # probably will be soon: |
| # <a href="http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio.htm"> |
| # http://www.horaoficial.cl/cambio.htm |
| # </a> |
| |
| # From Arthur David Olson (2011-03-02): |
| # The emol.com article mentions a water shortage as the cause of the |
| # postponement, which may mean that it's not a permanent change. |
| |
| # From Glenn Eychaner (2011-03-28): |
| # The article: |
| # <a href="http://diario.elmercurio.com/2011/03/28/_portada/_portada/noticias/7565897A-CA86-49E6-9E03-660B21A4883E.htm?id=3D{7565897A-CA86-49E6-9E03-660B21A4883E}"> |
| # http://diario.elmercurio.com/2011/03/28/_portada/_portada/noticias/7565897A-CA86-49E6-9E03-660B21A4883E.htm?id=3D{7565897A-CA86-49E6-9E03-660B21A4883E} |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # In English: |
| # Chile's clocks will go back an hour this year on the 7th of May instead |
| # of this Saturday. They will go forward again the 3rd Saturday in |
| # August, not in October as they have since 1968. This is a pilot plan |
| # which will be reevaluated in 2012. |
| |
| Rule Chile 1927 1932 - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1928 1932 - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1942 only - Jun 1 4:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1942 only - Aug 1 5:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1946 only - Jul 15 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1946 only - Sep 1 3:00u 0:00 - |
| Rule Chile 1947 only - Apr 1 4:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1968 only - Nov 3 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1969 only - Mar 30 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1969 only - Nov 23 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1970 only - Mar 29 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1971 only - Mar 14 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1970 1972 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1972 1986 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1973 only - Sep 30 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1974 1987 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1987 only - Apr 12 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1988 1989 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1988 only - Oct Sun>=1 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1989 only - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1990 only - Mar 18 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1990 only - Sep 16 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1991 1996 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1991 1997 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1997 only - Mar 30 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1998 only - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1998 only - Sep 27 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 1999 only - Apr 4 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 1999 2010 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 2011 only - Aug Sun>=16 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 2012 max - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S |
| Rule Chile 2000 2007 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| # N.B.: the end of March 29 in Chile is March 30 in Universal time, |
| # which is used below in specifying the transition. |
| Rule Chile 2008 only - Mar 30 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 2009 only - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 2010 only - Apr Sun>=1 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 2011 only - May Sun>=2 3:00u 0 - |
| Rule Chile 2012 max - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 - |
| # IATA SSIM anomalies: (1992-02) says 1992-03-14; |
| # (1996-09) says 1998-03-08. Ignore these. |
| Zone America/Santiago -4:42:46 - LMT 1890 |
| -4:42:46 - SMT 1910 # Santiago Mean Time |
| -5:00 - CLT 1916 Jul 1 # Chile Time |
| -4:42:46 - SMT 1918 Sep 1 # Santiago Mean Time |
| -4:00 - CLT 1919 Jul 1 # Chile Time |
| -4:42:46 - SMT 1927 Sep 1 # Santiago Mean Time |
| -5:00 Chile CL%sT 1947 May 22 # Chile Time |
| -4:00 Chile CL%sT |
| Zone Pacific/Easter -7:17:44 - LMT 1890 |
| -7:17:28 - EMT 1932 Sep # Easter Mean Time |
| -7:00 Chile EAS%sT 1982 Mar 13 21:00 # Easter I Time |
| -6:00 Chile EAS%sT |
| # |
| # Sala y Gomez Island is like Pacific/Easter. |
| # Other Chilean locations, including Juan Fernandez Is, San Ambrosio, |
| # San Felix, and Antarctic bases, are like America/Santiago. |
| |
| # Colombia |
| Rule CO 1992 only - May 3 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule CO 1993 only - Apr 4 0:00 0 - |
| Zone America/Bogota -4:56:20 - LMT 1884 Mar 13 |
| -4:56:20 - BMT 1914 Nov 23 # Bogota Mean Time |
| -5:00 CO CO%sT # Colombia Time |
| # Malpelo, Providencia, San Andres |
| # no information; probably like America/Bogota |
| |
| # Curacao |
| # |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): |
| # Shanks & Pottenger say that The Bottom and Philipsburg have been at |
| # -4:00 since standard time was introduced on 1912-03-02; and that |
| # Kralendijk and Rincon used Kralendijk Mean Time (-4:33:08) from |
| # 1912-02-02 to 1965-01-01. The former is dubious, since S&P also say |
| # Saba Island has been like Curacao. |
| # This all predates our 1970 cutoff, though. |
| # |
| # By July 2007 Curacao and St Maarten are planned to become |
| # associated states within the Netherlands, much like Aruba; |
| # Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius would become directly part of the |
| # Netherlands as Kingdom Islands. This won't affect their time zones |
| # though, as far as we know. |
| # |
| Zone America/Curacao -4:35:44 - LMT 1912 Feb 12 # Willemstad |
| -4:30 - ANT 1965 # Netherlands Antilles Time |
| -4:00 - AST |
| |
| # From Arthur David Olson (2011-06-15): |
| # At least for now, use links for places with new iso3166 codes. |
| # The name "Lower Prince's Quarter" is both longer than fourteen charaters |
| # and contains an apostrophe; use "Lower_Princes" below. |
| |
| Link America/Curacao America/Lower_Princes # Sint Maarten |
| Link America/Curacao America/Kralendijk # Bonaire, Sint Estatius and Saba |
| |
| # Ecuador |
| # |
| # From Paul Eggert (2007-03-04): |
| # Apparently Ecuador had a failed experiment with DST in 1992. |
| # <http://midena.gov.ec/content/view/1261/208/> (2007-02-27) and |
| # <http://www.hoy.com.ec/NoticiaNue.asp?row_id=249856> (2006-11-06) both |
| # talk about "hora Sixto". Leave this alone for now, as we have no data. |
| # |
| Zone America/Guayaquil -5:19:20 - LMT 1890 |
| -5:14:00 - QMT 1931 # Quito Mean Time |
| -5:00 - ECT # Ecuador Time |
| Zone Pacific/Galapagos -5:58:24 - LMT 1931 # Puerto Baquerizo Moreno |
| -5:00 - ECT 1986 |
| -6:00 - GALT # Galapagos Time |
| |
| # Falklands |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): |
| # Between 1990 and 2000 inclusive, Shanks & Pottenger and the IATA agree except |
| # the IATA gives 1996-09-08. Go with Shanks & Pottenger. |
| |
| # From Falkland Islands Government Office, London (2001-01-22) |
| # via Jesper Norgaard: |
| # ... the clocks revert back to Local Mean Time at 2 am on Sunday 15 |
| # April 2001 and advance one hour to summer time at 2 am on Sunday 2 |
| # September. It is anticipated that the clocks will revert back at 2 |
| # am on Sunday 21 April 2002 and advance to summer time at 2 am on |
| # Sunday 1 September. |
| |
| # From Rives McDow (2001-02-13): |
| # |
| # I have communicated several times with people there, and the last |
| # time I had communications that was helpful was in 1998. Here is |
| # what was said then: |
| # |
| # "The general rule was that Stanley used daylight saving and the Camp |
| # did not. However for various reasons many people in the Camp have |
| # started to use daylight saving (known locally as 'Stanley Time') |
| # There is no rule as to who uses daylight saving - it is a matter of |
| # personal choice and so it is impossible to draw a map showing who |
| # uses it and who does not. Any list would be out of date as soon as |
| # it was produced. This year daylight saving ended on April 18/19th |
| # and started again on September 12/13th. I do not know what the rule |
| # is, but can find out if you like. We do not change at the same time |
| # as UK or Chile." |
| # |
| # I did have in my notes that the rule was "Second Saturday in Sep at |
| # 0:00 until third Saturday in Apr at 0:00". I think that this does |
| # not agree in some cases with Shanks; is this true? |
| # |
| # Also, there is no mention in the list that some areas in the |
| # Falklands do not use DST. I have found in my communications there |
| # that these areas are on the western half of East Falkland and all of |
| # West Falkland. Stanley is the only place that consistently observes |
| # DST. Again, as in other places in the world, the farmers don't like |
| # it. West Falkland is almost entirely sheep farmers. |
| # |
| # I know one lady there that keeps a list of which farm keeps DST and |
| # which doesn't each year. She runs a shop in Stanley, and says that |
| # the list changes each year. She uses it to communicate to her |
| # customers, catching them when they are home for lunch or dinner. |
| |
| # From Paul Eggert (2001-03-05): |
| # For now, we'll just record the time in Stanley, since we have no |
| # better info. |
| |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2011-04-01): |
| # The Falkland Islands will not turn back clocks this winter, but stay on |
| # daylight saving time. |
| # |
| # One source: |
| # <a href="http://www.falklandnews.com/public/story.cfm?get=5914&source=3"> |
| # http://www.falklandnews.com/public/story.cfm?get=5914&source=3 |
| # </a> |
| # |
| # We have gotten this confirmed by a clerk of the legislative assembly: |
| # Normally the clocks revert to Local Mean Time (UTC/GMT -4 hours) on the |
| # third Sunday of April at 0200hrs and advance to Summer Time (UTC/GMT -3 |
| # hours) on the first Sunday of September at 0200hrs. |
| # |
| # IMPORTANT NOTE: During 2011, on a trial basis, the Falkland Islands |
| # will not revert to local mean time, but clocks will remain on Summer |
| # time (UTC/GMT - 3 hours) throughout the whole of 2011. Any long term |
| # change to local time following the trial period will be notified. |
| Rule Falk 1937 1938 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Falk 1938 1942 - Mar Sun>=19 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Falk 1939 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Falk 1940 1942 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Falk 1943 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Falk 1983 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Falk 1984 1985 - Apr lastSun 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Falk 1984 only - Sep 16 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Falk 1985 2000 - Sep Sun>=9 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Falk 1986 2000 - Apr Sun>=16 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Falk 2001 2010 - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 0 - |
| Rule Falk 2012 max - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 0 - |
| Rule Falk 2001 max - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S |
| Zone Atlantic/Stanley -3:51:24 - LMT 1890 |
| -3:51:24 - SMT 1912 Mar 12 # Stanley Mean Time |
| -4:00 Falk FK%sT 1983 May # Falkland Is Time |
| -3:00 Falk FK%sT 1985 Sep 15 |
| -4:00 Falk FK%sT |
| |
| # French Guiana |
| Zone America/Cayenne -3:29:20 - LMT 1911 Jul |
| -4:00 - GFT 1967 Oct # French Guiana Time |
| -3:00 - GFT |
| |
| # Guyana |
| Zone America/Guyana -3:52:40 - LMT 1915 Mar # Georgetown |
| -3:45 - GBGT 1966 May 26 # Br Guiana Time |
| -3:45 - GYT 1975 Jul 31 # Guyana Time |
| -3:00 - GYT 1991 |
| # IATA SSIM (1996-06) says -4:00. Assume a 1991 switch. |
| -4:00 - GYT |
| |
| # Paraguay |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): |
| # Shanks & Pottenger say that spring transitions are from 01:00 -> 02:00, |
| # and autumn transitions are from 00:00 -> 23:00. Go with pre-1999 |
| # editions of Shanks, and with the IATA, who say transitions occur at 00:00. |
| Rule Para 1975 1988 - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 1975 1978 - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Para 1979 1991 - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Para 1989 only - Oct 22 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 1990 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 1991 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 1992 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Para 1992 only - Oct 5 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 1993 only - Mar 31 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Para 1993 1995 - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 1994 1995 - Feb lastSun 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Para 1996 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 - |
| # IATA SSIM (2000-02) says 1999-10-10; ignore this for now. |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2000-10-02): |
| # I have three independent reports that Paraguay changed to DST this Sunday |
| # (10-01). |
| # |
| # Translated by Gwillim Law (2001-02-27) from |
| # <a href="http://www.diarionoticias.com.py/011000/nacional/naciona1.htm"> |
| # Noticias, a daily paper in Asuncion, Paraguay (2000-10-01) |
| # </a>: |
| # Starting at 0:00 today, the clock will be set forward 60 minutes, in |
| # fulfillment of Decree No. 7,273 of the Executive Power.... The time change |
| # system has been operating for several years. Formerly there was a separate |
| # decree each year; the new law has the same effect, but permanently. Every |
| # year, the time will change on the first Sunday of October; likewise, the |
| # clock will be set back on the first Sunday of March. |
| # |
| Rule Para 1996 2001 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S |
| # IATA SSIM (1997-09) says Mar 1; go with Shanks & Pottenger. |
| Rule Para 1997 only - Feb lastSun 0:00 0 - |
| # Shanks & Pottenger say 1999-02-28; IATA SSIM (1999-02) says 1999-02-27, but |
| # (1999-09) reports no date; go with above sources and Gerd Knops (2001-02-27). |
| Rule Para 1998 2001 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 - |
| # From Rives McDow (2002-02-28): |
| # A decree was issued in Paraguay (no. 16350) on 2002-02-26 that changed the |
| # dst method to be from the first Sunday in September to the first Sunday in |
| # April. |
| Rule Para 2002 2004 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Para 2002 2003 - Sep Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S |
| # |
| # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2005-01-02): |
| # There are several sources that claim that Paraguay made |
| # a timezone rule change in autumn 2004. |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2005-01-05): |
| # Decree 1,867 (2004-03-05) |
| # From Carlos Raul Perasso via Jesper Norgaard Welen (2006-10-13) |
| # <http://www.presidencia.gov.py/decretos/D1867.pdf> |
| Rule Para 2004 2009 - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 2005 2009 - Mar Sun>=8 0:00 0 - |
| # From Carlos Raul Perasso (2010-02-18): |
| # By decree number 3958 issued yesterday ( |
| # <a href="http://www.presidencia.gov.py/v1/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/decreto3958.pdf"> |
| # http://www.presidencia.gov.py/v1/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/decreto3958.pdf |
| # </a> |
| # ) |
| # Paraguay changes its DST schedule, postponing the March rule to April and |
| # modifying the October date. The decree reads: |
| # ... |
| # Art. 1. It is hereby established that from the second Sunday of the month of |
| # April of this year (2010), the official time is to be set back 60 minutes, |
| # and that on the first Sunday of the month of October, it is to be set |
| # forward 60 minutes, in all the territory of the Paraguayan Republic. |
| # ... |
| Rule Para 2010 max - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Para 2010 max - Apr Sun>=8 0:00 0 - |
| |
| Zone America/Asuncion -3:50:40 - LMT 1890 |
| -3:50:40 - AMT 1931 Oct 10 # Asuncion Mean Time |
| -4:00 - PYT 1972 Oct # Paraguay Time |
| -3:00 - PYT 1974 Apr |
| -4:00 Para PY%sT |
| |
| # Peru |
| # |
| # <a href="news:xrGmb.39935$gA1.13896113@news4.srv.hcvlny.cv.net"> |
| # From Evelyn C. Leeper via Mark Brader (2003-10-26):</a> |
| # When we were in Peru in 1985-1986, they apparently switched over |
| # sometime between December 29 and January 3 while we were on the Amazon. |
| # |
| # From Paul Eggert (2006-03-22): |
| # Shanks & Pottenger don't have this transition. Assume 1986 was like 1987. |
| |
| Rule Peru 1938 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Peru 1938 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Peru 1938 1939 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Peru 1939 1940 - Mar Sun>=24 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Peru 1986 1987 - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Peru 1986 1987 - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Peru 1990 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Peru 1990 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| # IATA is ambiguous for 1993/1995; go with Shanks & Pottenger. |
| Rule Peru 1994 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Peru 1994 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Zone America/Lima -5:08:12 - LMT 1890 |
| -5:08:36 - LMT 1908 Jul 28 # Lima Mean Time? |
| -5:00 Peru PE%sT # Peru Time |
| |
| # South Georgia |
| Zone Atlantic/South_Georgia -2:26:08 - LMT 1890 # Grytviken |
| -2:00 - GST # South Georgia Time |
| |
| # South Sandwich Is |
| # uninhabited; scientific personnel have wintered |
| |
| # Suriname |
| Zone America/Paramaribo -3:40:40 - LMT 1911 |
| -3:40:52 - PMT 1935 # Paramaribo Mean Time |
| -3:40:36 - PMT 1945 Oct # The capital moved? |
| -3:30 - NEGT 1975 Nov 20 # Dutch Guiana Time |
| -3:30 - SRT 1984 Oct # Suriname Time |
| -3:00 - SRT |
| |
| # Trinidad and Tobago |
| Zone America/Port_of_Spain -4:06:04 - LMT 1912 Mar 2 |
| -4:00 - AST |
| |
| # Uruguay |
| # From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18): |
| # Uruguay wins the prize for the strangest peacetime manipulation of the rules. |
| # From Shanks & Pottenger: |
| # Whitman gives 1923 Oct 1; go with Shanks & Pottenger. |
| Rule Uruguay 1923 only - Oct 2 0:00 0:30 HS |
| Rule Uruguay 1924 1926 - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1924 1925 - Oct 1 0:00 0:30 HS |
| Rule Uruguay 1933 1935 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 HS |
| # Shanks & Pottenger give 1935 Apr 1 0:00 & 1936 Mar 30 0:00; go with Whitman. |
| Rule Uruguay 1934 1936 - Mar Sat>=25 23:30s 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1936 only - Nov 1 0:00 0:30 HS |
| Rule Uruguay 1937 1941 - Mar lastSun 0:00 0 - |
| # Whitman gives 1937 Oct 3; go with Shanks & Pottenger. |
| Rule Uruguay 1937 1940 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 HS |
| # Whitman gives 1941 Oct 24 - 1942 Mar 27, 1942 Dec 14 - 1943 Apr 13, |
| # and 1943 Apr 13 ``to present time''; go with Shanks & Pottenger. |
| Rule Uruguay 1941 only - Aug 1 0:00 0:30 HS |
| Rule Uruguay 1942 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1942 only - Dec 14 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1943 only - Mar 14 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1959 only - May 24 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1959 only - Nov 15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1960 only - Jan 17 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1960 only - Mar 6 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1965 1967 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1965 only - Sep 26 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1966 1967 - Oct 31 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1968 1970 - May 27 0:00 0:30 HS |
| Rule Uruguay 1968 1970 - Dec 2 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1972 only - Apr 24 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1972 only - Aug 15 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1974 only - Mar 10 0:00 0:30 HS |
| Rule Uruguay 1974 only - Dec 22 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1976 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1977 only - Dec 4 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1978 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1979 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1980 only - May 1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1987 only - Dec 14 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1988 only - Mar 14 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1988 only - Dec 11 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1989 only - Mar 12 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1989 only - Oct 29 0:00 1:00 S |
| # Shanks & Pottenger say no DST was observed in 1990/1 and 1991/2, |
| # and that 1992/3's DST was from 10-25 to 03-01. Go with IATA. |
| Rule Uruguay 1990 1992 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 - |
| Rule Uruguay 1990 1991 - Oct Sun>=21 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1992 only - Oct 18 0:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 1993 only - Feb 28 0:00 0 - |
| # From Eduardo Cota (2004-09-20): |
| # The uruguayan government has decreed a change in the local time.... |
| # http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/decretos/2004091502.htm |
| Rule Uruguay 2004 only - Sep 19 0:00 1:00 S |
| # From Steffen Thorsen (2005-03-11): |
| # Uruguay's DST was scheduled to end on Sunday, 2005-03-13, but in order to |
| # save energy ... it was postponed two weeks.... |
| # http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/noticias/2005/03/2005031005.htm |
| Rule Uruguay 2005 only - Mar 27 2:00 0 - |
| # From Eduardo Cota (2005-09-27): |
| # http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/decretos/2005/09/CM%20119_09%2009%202005_00001.PDF |
| # This means that from 2005-10-09 at 02:00 local time, until 2006-03-12 at |
| # 02:00 local time, official time in Uruguay will be at GMT -2. |
| Rule Uruguay 2005 only - Oct 9 2:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 2006 only - Mar 12 2:00 0 - |
| # From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2006-09-06): |
| # http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_web/decretos/2006/09/CM%20210_08%2006%202006_00001.PDF |
| Rule Uruguay 2006 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S |
| Rule Uruguay 2007 max - Mar Sun>=8 2:00 0 - |
| Zone America/Montevideo -3:44:44 - LMT 1898 Jun 28 |
| -3:44:44 - MMT 1920 May 1 # Montevideo MT |
| -3:30 Uruguay UY%sT 1942 Dec 14 # Uruguay Time |
| -3:00 Uruguay UY%sT |
| |
| # Venezuela |
| # |
| # From John Stainforth (2007-11-28): |
| # ... the change for Venezuela originally expected for 2007-12-31 has |
| # been brought forward to 2007-12-09. The official announcement was |
| # published today in the "Gaceta Oficial de la Republica Bolivariana |
| # de Venezuela, numero 38.819" (official document for all laws or |
| # resolution publication) |
| # http://www.globovision.com/news.php?nid=72208 |
| |
| Zone America/Caracas -4:27:44 - LMT 1890 |
| -4:27:40 - CMT 1912 Feb 12 # Caracas Mean Time? |
| -4:30 - VET 1965 # Venezuela Time |
| -4:00 - VET 2007 Dec 9 03:00 |
| -4:30 - VET |