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<title>pcre2_callout_enumerate specification</title>
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<h1>pcre2_callout_enumerate man page</h1>
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<b>#include &#60;pcre2.h&#62;</b>
<b>int pcre2_callout_enumerate(const pcre2_code *<i>code</i>,</b>
<b> int (*<i>callback</i>)(pcre2_callout_enumerate_block *, void *),</b>
<b> void *<i>callout_data</i>);</b>
This function scans a compiled regular expression and calls the <i>callback()</i>
function for each callout within the pattern. The yield of the function is zero
for success and non-zero otherwise. The arguments are:
<i>code</i> Points to the compiled pattern
<i>callback</i> The callback function
<i>callout_data</i> User data that is passed to the callback
The <i>callback()</i> function is passed a pointer to a data block containing
the following fields (not necessarily in this order):
uint32_t <i>version</i> Block version number
uint32_t <i>callout_number</i> Number for numbered callouts
PCRE2_SIZE <i>pattern_position</i> Offset to next item in pattern
PCRE2_SIZE <i>next_item_length</i> Length of next item in pattern
PCRE2_SIZE <i>callout_string_offset</i> Offset to string within pattern
PCRE2_SIZE <i>callout_string_length</i> Length of callout string
PCRE2_SPTR <i>callout_string</i> Points to callout string or is NULL
The second argument passed to the <b>callback()</b> function is the callout data
that was passed to <b>pcre2_callout_enumerate()</b>. The <b>callback()</b>
function must return zero for success. Any other value causes the pattern scan
to stop, with the value being passed back as the result of
There is a complete description of the PCRE2 native API in the
<a href="pcre2api.html"><b>pcre2api</b></a>
page and a description of the POSIX API in the
<a href="pcre2posix.html"><b>pcre2posix</b></a>
Return to the <a href="index.html">PCRE2 index page</a>.