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<title>pcre2_match_data_free specification</title>
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<h1>pcre2_match_data_free man page</h1>
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<b>#include &#60;pcre2.h&#62;</b>
<b>void pcre2_match_data_free(pcre2_match_data *<i>match_data</i>);</b>
If <i>match_data</i> is NULL, this function does nothing. Otherwise,
<i>match_data</i> must point to a match data block, which this function frees,
using the memory freeing function from the general context or compiled pattern
with which it was created, or <b>free()</b> if that was not set.
If the PCRE2_COPY_MATCHED_SUBJECT was used for a successful match using this
match data block, the copy of the subject that was remembered with the block is
also freed.
There is a complete description of the PCRE2 native API in the
<a href="pcre2api.html"><b>pcre2api</b></a>
page and a description of the POSIX API in the
<a href="pcre2posix.html"><b>pcre2posix</b></a>
Return to the <a href="index.html">PCRE2 index page</a>.