| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| |
| #include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_ext.h" |
| #include "core/include/fxcrt/fx_xml.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/localization/fgas_localeimp.h" |
| |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateHash 0xbde9abde |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TimeHash 0x2d71b00f |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTimeHash 0x158c72ed |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NumHash 0x0b4ff870 |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TextHash 0x2d08af85 |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_ZeroHash 0x568cb500 |
| #define FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NullHash 0x052931bb |
| |
| uint32_t uHash; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pName; |
| int32_t eSubCategory; |
| }; |
| |
| static const FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData[] = { |
| {0x14da2125, L"default", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Default}, |
| {0x9041d4b0, L"short", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Short}, |
| {0xa084a381, L"medium", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Medium}, |
| {0xcdce56b3, L"full", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Full}, |
| {0xf6b4afb0, L"long", FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY_Long}, |
| }; |
| static const int32_t g_iFXLocaleDateTimeSubCatCount = |
| sizeof(g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData) / sizeof(FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO); |
| |
| static const FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[] = { |
| {0x46f95531, L"percent", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Percent}, |
| {0x4c4e8acb, L"currency", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Currency}, |
| {0x54034c2f, L"decimal", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Decimal}, |
| {0x7568e6ae, L"integer", FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Integer}, |
| }; |
| static const int32_t g_iFXLocaleNumSubCatCount = |
| sizeof(g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData) / sizeof(FX_LOCALESUBCATEGORYINFO); |
| |
| FX_DWORD uHash; |
| int16_t iHour; |
| int16_t iMinute; |
| }; |
| |
| static const FX_LOCALETIMEZONEINFO g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData[] = { |
| {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'C', 'D', 'T'), -5, 0}, {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'C', 'S', 'T'), -6, 0}, |
| {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'E', 'D', 'T'), -4, 0}, {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'E', 'S', 'T'), -5, 0}, |
| {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'M', 'D', 'T'), -6, 0}, {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'M', 'S', 'T'), -7, 0}, |
| {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'P', 'D', 'T'), -7, 0}, {FXBSTR_ID(0, 'P', 'S', 'T'), -8, 0}, |
| }; |
| |
| static const CFX_WideStringC gs_wsTextSymbols = FX_WSTRC(L"AXO09"); |
| static const CFX_WideStringC gs_wsTimeSymbols = FX_WSTRC(L"hHkKMSFAzZ"); |
| static const CFX_WideStringC gs_wsDateSymbols = FX_WSTRC(L"DJMEeGgYwW"); |
| static const CFX_WideStringC gs_wsConstChars = FX_WSTRC(L",-:/. "); |
| |
| static FX_STRSIZE FX_Local_Find(const CFX_WideStringC& wsSymbols, |
| FX_WCHAR ch, |
| FX_STRSIZE nStart = 0) { |
| FX_STRSIZE nLength = wsSymbols.GetLength(); |
| if (nLength < 1 || nStart > nLength) { |
| return -1; |
| } |
| const FX_WCHAR* lpsz = |
| (const FX_WCHAR*)FXSYS_wcschr(wsSymbols.GetPtr() + nStart, ch); |
| return (lpsz == NULL) ? -1 : (FX_STRSIZE)(lpsz - wsSymbols.GetPtr()); |
| } |
| static const FX_WCHAR* const gs_LocalNumberSymbols[] = { |
| L"decimal", L"grouping", L"percent", L"minus", |
| L"zero", L"currencySymbol", L"currencyName", |
| }; |
| IFX_Locale* IFX_Locale::Create(CXML_Element* pLocaleData) { |
| return new CFX_Locale(pLocaleData); |
| } |
| CFX_Locale::CFX_Locale(CXML_Element* pLocaleData) { |
| m_pElement = pLocaleData; |
| } |
| CFX_Locale::~CFX_Locale() {} |
| CFX_WideString CFX_Locale::GetName() { |
| return CFX_WideString(); |
| } |
| static CFX_WideString FX_GetXMLContent(const CFX_ByteStringC& bsSpace, |
| CXML_Element* pxmlElement, |
| const CFX_ByteStringC& bsTag, |
| const CFX_WideStringC& wsName) { |
| CXML_Element* pDatePattern = NULL; |
| int32_t nCount = pxmlElement->CountElements(bsSpace, bsTag); |
| int32_t i = 0; |
| for (; i < nCount; i++) { |
| pDatePattern = pxmlElement->GetElement(bsSpace, bsTag, i); |
| if (pDatePattern->GetAttrValue("name") == wsName) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (i < nCount && pDatePattern) { |
| return pDatePattern->GetContent(0); |
| } |
| return L""; |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL eType, |
| CFX_WideString& wsNumSymbol) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| CFX_ByteString bsSpace; |
| CFX_WideString wsName = gs_LocalNumberSymbols[eType]; |
| CXML_Element* pNumberSymbols = |
| m_pElement->GetElement(bsSpace, "numberSymbols"); |
| if (!pNumberSymbols) { |
| return; |
| } |
| wsNumSymbol = |
| FX_GetXMLContent(bsSpace, pNumberSymbols, "numberSymbol", wsName); |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetDateTimeSymbols(CFX_WideString& wsDtSymbol) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| CFX_ByteString bsSpace; |
| CXML_Element* pNumberSymbols = |
| m_pElement->GetElement(bsSpace, "dateTimeSymbols"); |
| if (!pNumberSymbols) { |
| return; |
| } |
| wsDtSymbol = pNumberSymbols->GetContent(0); |
| } |
| static void FX_GetCalendarSymbol(CXML_Element* pXmlElement, |
| const CFX_ByteString& symbol_type, |
| int32_t index, |
| FX_BOOL bAbbr, |
| CFX_WideString& wsName) { |
| CFX_ByteString bsSpace; |
| CFX_ByteString pstrSymbolNames = symbol_type + "Names"; |
| CXML_Element* pChild = pXmlElement->GetElement(bsSpace, "calendarSymbols"); |
| if (!pChild) { |
| return; |
| } |
| CXML_Element* pSymbolNames = pChild->GetElement(bsSpace, pstrSymbolNames); |
| if (!pSymbolNames) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (pSymbolNames->GetAttrInteger("abbr") != bAbbr) { |
| pSymbolNames = pChild->GetElement(bsSpace, pstrSymbolNames, 1); |
| } |
| if (pSymbolNames && pSymbolNames->GetAttrInteger("abbr") == bAbbr) { |
| CXML_Element* pSymbolName = |
| pSymbolNames->GetElement(bsSpace, symbol_type, index); |
| if (pSymbolName) { |
| wsName = pSymbolName->GetContent(0); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetMonthName(int32_t nMonth, |
| CFX_WideString& wsMonthName, |
| FX_BOOL bAbbr) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| FX_GetCalendarSymbol(m_pElement, "month", nMonth, bAbbr, wsMonthName); |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetDayName(int32_t nWeek, |
| CFX_WideString& wsDayName, |
| FX_BOOL bAbbr) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| FX_GetCalendarSymbol(m_pElement, "day", nWeek, bAbbr, wsDayName); |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetMeridiemName(CFX_WideString& wsMeridiemName, |
| FX_BOOL bAM) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| FX_GetCalendarSymbol(m_pElement, "meridiem", bAM ? 0 : 1, FALSE, |
| wsMeridiemName); |
| } |
| static int32_t FX_ParseTimeZone(const FX_WCHAR* pStr, |
| int32_t iLen, |
| FX_TIMEZONE& tz) { |
| tz.tzHour = 0; |
| tz.tzMinute = 0; |
| if (iLen < 0) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| int32_t iStart = 1; |
| int32_t iEnd = iStart + 2; |
| while (iStart < iLen && iStart < iEnd) { |
| tz.tzHour = tz.tzHour * 10 + pStr[iStart++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (iStart < iLen && pStr[iStart] == ':') { |
| iStart++; |
| } |
| iEnd = iStart + 2; |
| while (iStart < iLen && iStart < iEnd) { |
| tz.tzMinute = tz.tzMinute * 10 + pStr[iStart++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (pStr[0] == '-') { |
| tz.tzHour = -tz.tzHour; |
| } |
| return iStart; |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetTimeZone(FX_TIMEZONE& tz) const { |
| tz.tzHour = 0; |
| tz.tzMinute = 0; |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| CXML_Element* pxmlTimeZone = m_pElement->GetElement("", "timeZone"); |
| if (pxmlTimeZone) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTimeZone = pxmlTimeZone->GetContent(0); |
| FX_ParseTimeZone(wsTimeZone, wsTimeZone.GetLength(), tz); |
| } |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetEraName(CFX_WideString& wsEraName, FX_BOOL bAD) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| FX_GetCalendarSymbol(m_pElement, "era", bAD ? 0 : 1, FALSE, wsEraName); |
| } |
| static void FX_GetPattern(CXML_Element* pXmlElement, |
| const CFX_ByteString& bsCategory, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsSubCategory, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| CFX_ByteString bsSpace; |
| CXML_Element* pDatePatterns = |
| pXmlElement->GetElement(bsSpace, bsCategory + "s"); |
| if (!pDatePatterns) { |
| return; |
| } |
| wsPattern = |
| FX_GetXMLContent(bsSpace, pDatePatterns, bsCategory, wsSubCategory); |
| } |
| static void FX_GetDateTimePattern(CXML_Element* pXmlElement, |
| const CFX_ByteString& bsCategory, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| CFX_WideString wsType = g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData[eType].pName; |
| FX_GetPattern(pXmlElement, bsCategory, wsType, wsPattern); |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetDatePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY eType, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPattern) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| FX_GetDateTimePattern(m_pElement, "datePattern", eType, wsPattern); |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetTimePattern(FX_LOCALEDATETIMESUBCATEGORY eType, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPattern) const { |
| if (!m_pElement) { |
| return; |
| } |
| FX_GetDateTimePattern(m_pElement, "timePattern", eType, wsPattern); |
| } |
| void CFX_Locale::GetNumPattern(FX_LOCALENUMSUBCATEGORY eType, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPattern) const { |
| CFX_WideString wsType = g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[eType].pName; |
| FX_GetPattern(m_pElement, "numberPattern", wsType, wsPattern); |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_IsDigit(FX_WCHAR c) { |
| return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_IsAlpha(FX_WCHAR c) { |
| return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_IsSpace(FX_WCHAR c) { |
| return (c == 0x20) || (c == 0x0d) || (c == 0x0a) || (c == 0x09); |
| } |
| static const FX_FLOAT gs_fraction_scales[] = { |
| 0.1f, 0.01f, 0.001f, 0.0001f, |
| 0.00001f, 0.000001f, 0.0000001f, 0.00000001f, |
| 0.000000001f, 0.0000000001f, 0.00000000001f}; |
| static const int32_t gs_fraction_count = |
| sizeof(gs_fraction_scales) / sizeof(FX_FLOAT); |
| |
| class CFX_LCNumeric { |
| public: |
| CFX_LCNumeric(); |
| CFX_LCNumeric(int64_t integral, |
| uint32_t fractional = 0, |
| int32_t exponent = 0); |
| CFX_LCNumeric(FX_FLOAT dbRetValue); |
| CFX_LCNumeric(double dbvalue); |
| CFX_LCNumeric(CFX_WideString& wsNumeric); |
| |
| FX_FLOAT GetFloat() const; |
| double GetDouble() const; |
| CFX_WideString ToString() const; |
| CFX_WideString ToString(int32_t nTreading, FX_BOOL bTrimTailZeros) const; |
| |
| int64_t m_Integral; |
| uint32_t m_Fractional; |
| int32_t m_Exponent; |
| }; |
| |
| static FX_BOOL FX_WStringToNumeric(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, |
| CFX_LCNumeric& lcnum) { |
| lcnum.m_Integral = 0; |
| lcnum.m_Fractional = 0; |
| lcnum.m_Exponent = 0; |
| |
| if (wsValue.IsEmpty()) |
| return FALSE; |
| |
| const int32_t nIntegralMaxLen = 17; |
| int32_t cc = 0; |
| bool bNegative = false; |
| bool bExpSign = false; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsValue; |
| int32_t len = wsValue.GetLength(); |
| while (cc < len && FX_IsSpace(str[cc])) |
| cc++; |
| |
| if (cc >= len) |
| return FALSE; |
| |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| bNegative = true; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| int32_t nIntegralLen = 0; |
| while (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '.') |
| break; |
| |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| if ((str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e')) |
| break; |
| else |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (nIntegralLen < nIntegralMaxLen) { |
| lcnum.m_Integral = lcnum.m_Integral * 10 + str[cc] - '0'; |
| nIntegralLen++; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| } |
| |
| lcnum.m_Integral = bNegative ? -lcnum.m_Integral : lcnum.m_Integral; |
| if (cc < len && str[cc] == '.') { |
| int scale = 0; |
| double fraction = 0.0; |
| cc++; |
| while (cc < len) { |
| if (scale >= gs_fraction_count) { |
| while (cc < len) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) |
| break; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| if ((str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e')) |
| break; |
| else |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| fraction += gs_fraction_scales[scale] * (str[cc] - '0'); |
| scale++; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| lcnum.m_Fractional = (FX_DWORD)(fraction * 4294967296.0); |
| } |
| if (cc < len && (str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e')) { |
| cc++; |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| bExpSign = true; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } |
| while (cc < len) { |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) |
| return FALSE; |
| lcnum.m_Exponent = lcnum.m_Exponent * 10 + str[cc] - '0'; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| lcnum.m_Exponent = bExpSign ? -lcnum.m_Exponent : lcnum.m_Exponent; |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| CFX_LCNumeric::CFX_LCNumeric() { |
| m_Integral = 0; |
| m_Fractional = 0; |
| m_Exponent = 0; |
| } |
| CFX_LCNumeric::CFX_LCNumeric(int64_t integral, |
| FX_DWORD fractional, |
| int32_t exponent) { |
| m_Integral = integral; |
| m_Fractional = fractional; |
| m_Exponent = exponent; |
| } |
| CFX_LCNumeric::CFX_LCNumeric(FX_FLOAT dbRetValue) { |
| m_Integral = (int64_t)dbRetValue; |
| m_Fractional = (FX_DWORD)(((dbRetValue > 0) ? (dbRetValue - m_Integral) |
| : (m_Integral - dbRetValue)) * |
| 4294967296); |
| m_Exponent = 0; |
| } |
| CFX_LCNumeric::CFX_LCNumeric(double dbvalue) { |
| m_Integral = (int64_t)dbvalue; |
| m_Fractional = (FX_DWORD)( |
| ((dbvalue > 0) ? (dbvalue - m_Integral) : (m_Integral - dbvalue)) * |
| 4294967296); |
| m_Exponent = 0; |
| } |
| CFX_LCNumeric::CFX_LCNumeric(CFX_WideString& wsNumeric) { |
| FX_WStringToNumeric(wsNumeric, *this); |
| } |
| FX_FLOAT CFX_LCNumeric::GetFloat() const { |
| FX_FLOAT dbRetValue = m_Fractional / 4294967296.0f; |
| dbRetValue = m_Integral + (m_Integral >= 0 ? dbRetValue : -dbRetValue); |
| if (m_Exponent != 0) { |
| dbRetValue *= FXSYS_pow(10, (FX_FLOAT)m_Exponent); |
| } |
| return dbRetValue; |
| } |
| double CFX_LCNumeric::GetDouble() const { |
| double value = m_Fractional / 4294967296.0; |
| value = m_Integral + (m_Integral >= 0 ? value : -value); |
| if (m_Exponent != 0) { |
| value *= FXSYS_pow(10, (FX_FLOAT)m_Exponent); |
| } |
| return value; |
| } |
| |
| CFX_WideString CFX_LCNumeric::ToString() const { |
| return ToString(8, TRUE); |
| } |
| |
| CFX_WideString CFX_LCNumeric::ToString(int32_t nTreading, |
| FX_BOOL bTrimTailZeros) const { |
| CFX_WideString wsFormat; |
| wsFormat.Format(L"%%.%df", nTreading); |
| CFX_WideString wsResult; |
| wsResult.Format(wsFormat.c_str(), GetDouble()); |
| if (bTrimTailZeros && nTreading > 0) { |
| wsResult.TrimRight(L"0"); |
| wsResult.TrimRight(L"."); |
| } |
| return wsResult; |
| } |
| |
| IFX_FormatString* IFX_FormatString::Create(IFX_LocaleMgr* pLocaleMgr, |
| FX_BOOL bUseLCID) { |
| if (!pLocaleMgr) { |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| return new CFX_FormatString(pLocaleMgr, bUseLCID); |
| } |
| CFX_FormatString::CFX_FormatString(IFX_LocaleMgr* pLocaleMgr, FX_BOOL bUseLCID) |
| : m_pLocaleMgr(pLocaleMgr), m_bUseLCID(bUseLCID) {} |
| CFX_FormatString::~CFX_FormatString() {} |
| void CFX_FormatString::SplitFormatString(const CFX_WideString& wsFormatString, |
| CFX_WideStringArray& wsPatterns) { |
| int32_t iStrLen = wsFormatString.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsFormatString; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pToken = pStr; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pEnd = pStr + iStrLen; |
| FX_BOOL iQuote = FALSE; |
| while (TRUE) { |
| if (pStr >= pEnd) { |
| CFX_WideString sub(pToken, pStr - pToken); |
| wsPatterns.Add(sub); |
| return; |
| } else if (*pStr == '\'') { |
| iQuote = !iQuote; |
| } else if (*pStr == L'|' && !iQuote) { |
| CFX_WideString sub(pToken, pStr - pToken); |
| wsPatterns.Add(sub); |
| pToken = pStr + 1; |
| } |
| pStr++; |
| } |
| } |
| static CFX_WideString FX_GetLiteralText(const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern, |
| int32_t& iPattern, |
| int32_t iLenPattern) { |
| CFX_WideString wsOutput; |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != '\'') { |
| return wsOutput; |
| } |
| iPattern++; |
| int32_t iQuote = 1; |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { |
| iQuote++; |
| if ((iPattern + 1 >= iLenPattern) || |
| ((pStrPattern[iPattern + 1] != '\'') && (iQuote % 2 == 0))) { |
| break; |
| } else { |
| iQuote++; |
| } |
| iPattern++; |
| } else if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\\' && (iPattern + 1 < iLenPattern) && |
| pStrPattern[iPattern + 1] == 'u') { |
| int32_t iKeyValue = 0; |
| iPattern += 2; |
| int32_t i = 0; |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern && i++ < 4) { |
| FX_WCHAR ch = pStrPattern[iPattern++]; |
| if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { |
| iKeyValue = iKeyValue * 16 + ch - '0'; |
| } else if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) { |
| iKeyValue = iKeyValue * 16 + ch - 'a' + 10; |
| } else if ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')) { |
| iKeyValue = iKeyValue * 16 + ch - 'A' + 10; |
| } |
| } |
| if (iKeyValue != 0) { |
| wsOutput += (FX_WCHAR)(iKeyValue & 0x0000FFFF); |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; |
| } |
| return wsOutput; |
| } |
| static CFX_WideString FX_GetLiteralTextReverse(const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern, |
| int32_t& iPattern) { |
| CFX_WideString wsOutput; |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != '\'') { |
| return wsOutput; |
| } |
| iPattern--; |
| int32_t iQuote = 1; |
| while (iPattern >= 0) { |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { |
| iQuote++; |
| if (iPattern - 1 >= 0 || |
| ((pStrPattern[iPattern - 1] != '\'') && (iQuote % 2 == 0))) { |
| break; |
| } else { |
| iQuote++; |
| } |
| iPattern--; |
| } else if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\\' && |
| pStrPattern[iPattern + 1] == 'u') { |
| iPattern--; |
| int32_t iKeyValue = 0; |
| int32_t iLen = wsOutput.GetLength(); |
| int32_t i = 1; |
| for (; i < iLen && i < 5; i++) { |
| FX_WCHAR ch = wsOutput[i]; |
| if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) { |
| iKeyValue = iKeyValue * 16 + ch - '0'; |
| } else if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f')) { |
| iKeyValue = iKeyValue * 16 + ch - 'a' + 10; |
| } else if ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')) { |
| iKeyValue = iKeyValue * 16 + ch - 'A' + 10; |
| } |
| } |
| if (iKeyValue != 0) { |
| wsOutput.Delete(0, i); |
| wsOutput = (FX_WCHAR)(iKeyValue & 0x0000FFFF) + wsOutput; |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| wsOutput = pStrPattern[iPattern--] + wsOutput; |
| } |
| return wsOutput; |
| } |
| FX_LOCALECATEGORY CFX_FormatString::GetCategory( |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsPattern; |
| FX_BOOL bBraceOpen = FALSE; |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStr, ccf, iLenf); |
| } else if (!bBraceOpen && FX_Local_Find(gs_wsConstChars, pStr[ccf]) < 0) { |
| CFX_WideString wsCategory(pStr[ccf]); |
| ccf++; |
| while (TRUE) { |
| if (ccf == iLenf) { |
| return eCategory; |
| } |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '.' || pStr[ccf] == '(') { |
| break; |
| } |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { |
| bBraceOpen = TRUE; |
| break; |
| } |
| wsCategory += pStr[ccf]; |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwHash = |
| FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsCategory, wsCategory.GetLength()); |
| if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateHash) { |
| if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time) { |
| return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; |
| } |
| eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date; |
| } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TimeHash) { |
| if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date) { |
| return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; |
| } |
| eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time; |
| } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTimeHash) { |
| return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; |
| } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_TextHash) { |
| return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Text; |
| } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NumHash) { |
| } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_ZeroHash) { |
| return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Zero; |
| } else if (dwHash == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_NullHash) { |
| return FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Null; |
| } |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '}') { |
| bBraceOpen = FALSE; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| return eCategory; |
| } |
| static FX_WORD FX_WStringToLCID(const FX_WCHAR* pstrLCID) { |
| if (!pstrLCID) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| wchar_t* pEnd; |
| return (FX_WORD)wcstol((wchar_t*)pstrLCID, &pEnd, 16); |
| } |
| FX_WORD CFX_FormatString::GetLCID(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| return FX_WStringToLCID(GetLocaleName(wsPattern)); |
| } |
| CFX_WideString CFX_FormatString::GetLocaleName( |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsPattern; |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStr, ccf, iLenf); |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { |
| ccf++; |
| CFX_WideString wsLCID; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') { |
| wsLCID += pStr[ccf++]; |
| } |
| return wsLCID; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| return CFX_WideString(); |
| } |
| IFX_Locale* CFX_FormatString::GetTextFormat(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| const CFX_WideStringC& wsCategory, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPurgePattern) { |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = NULL; |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsPattern; |
| FX_BOOL bBrackOpen = FALSE; |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { |
| int32_t iCurChar = ccf; |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStr, ccf, iLenf); |
| wsPurgePattern += CFX_WideStringC(pStr + iCurChar, ccf - iCurChar + 1); |
| } else if (!bBrackOpen && FX_Local_Find(gs_wsConstChars, pStr[ccf]) < 0) { |
| CFX_WideString wsSearchCategory(pStr[ccf]); |
| ccf++; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '{' && pStr[ccf] != '.' && |
| pStr[ccf] != '(') { |
| wsSearchCategory += pStr[ccf]; |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| if (wsSearchCategory != wsCategory) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { |
| ccf++; |
| CFX_WideString wsLCID; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') { |
| wsLCID += pStr[ccf++]; |
| } |
| pLocale = GetPatternLocale(wsLCID); |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { |
| bBrackOpen = TRUE; |
| break; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] != '}') { |
| wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| if (!bBrackOpen) { |
| wsPurgePattern = wsPattern; |
| } |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); |
| } |
| return pLocale; |
| } |
| #define FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent 0x01 |
| #define FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent 0x02 |
| #define FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv 0x04 |
| IFX_Locale* CFX_FormatString::GetNumericFormat(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| int32_t& iDotIndex, |
| FX_DWORD& dwStyle, |
| CFX_WideString& wsPurgePattern) { |
| dwStyle = 0; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = NULL; |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsPattern; |
| FX_BOOL bFindDot = FALSE; |
| FX_BOOL bBrackOpen = FALSE; |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { |
| int32_t iCurChar = ccf; |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStr, ccf, iLenf); |
| wsPurgePattern += CFX_WideStringC(pStr + iCurChar, ccf - iCurChar + 1); |
| } else if (!bBrackOpen && FX_Local_Find(gs_wsConstChars, pStr[ccf]) < 0) { |
| CFX_WideString wsCategory(pStr[ccf]); |
| ccf++; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '{' && pStr[ccf] != '.' && |
| pStr[ccf] != '(') { |
| wsCategory += pStr[ccf]; |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| if (wsCategory != FX_WSTRC(L"num")) { |
| bBrackOpen = TRUE; |
| ccf = 0; |
| continue; |
| } |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { |
| ccf++; |
| CFX_WideString wsLCID; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') { |
| wsLCID += pStr[ccf++]; |
| } |
| pLocale = GetPatternLocale(wsLCID); |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { |
| bBrackOpen = TRUE; |
| break; |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '.') { |
| CFX_WideString wsSubCategory; |
| ccf++; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '(' && pStr[ccf] != '{') { |
| wsSubCategory += pStr[ccf++]; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwSubHash = |
| FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsSubCategory, wsSubCategory.GetLength()); |
| for (int32_t i = 0; i < g_iFXLocaleNumSubCatCount; i++) { |
| if (g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[i].uHash == dwSubHash) { |
| eSubCategory = (FX_LOCALENUMSUBCATEGORY)g_FXLocaleNumSubCatData[i] |
| .eSubCategory; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| wsSubCategory.Empty(); |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); |
| } |
| FXSYS_assert(pLocale != NULL); |
| pLocale->GetNumPattern(eSubCategory, wsSubCategory); |
| iDotIndex = wsSubCategory.Find('.'); |
| if (iDotIndex > 0) { |
| iDotIndex += wsPurgePattern.GetLength(); |
| bFindDot = TRUE; |
| dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv; |
| } |
| wsPurgePattern += wsSubCategory; |
| if (eSubCategory == FX_LOCALENUMPATTERN_Percent) { |
| dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent; |
| } |
| continue; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == 'E') { |
| dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent; |
| wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '%') { |
| dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent; |
| wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] != '}') { |
| wsPurgePattern += pStr[ccf]; |
| } |
| if (!bFindDot) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '.' || pStr[ccf] == 'V' || pStr[ccf] == 'v') { |
| bFindDot = TRUE; |
| iDotIndex = wsPurgePattern.GetLength() - 1; |
| dwStyle |= FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv; |
| } |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| if (!bFindDot) { |
| iDotIndex = wsPurgePattern.GetLength(); |
| } |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); |
| } |
| return pLocale; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_GetNumericDotIndex(const CFX_WideString& wsNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsDotSymbol, |
| int32_t& iDotIndex) { |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| int32_t iLenf = wsNum.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNum; |
| int32_t iLenDot = wsDotSymbol.GetLength(); |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStr, ccf, iLenf); |
| } else if (ccf + iLenDot <= iLenf && |
| !FXSYS_wcsncmp(pStr + ccf, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsDotSymbol, |
| iLenDot)) { |
| iDotIndex = ccf; |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| iDotIndex = wsNum.Find('.'); |
| if (iDotIndex < 0) { |
| iDotIndex = iLenf; |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::ParseText(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsValue) { |
| wsValue.Empty(); |
| if (wsSrcText.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsTextFormat; |
| GetTextFormat(wsPattern, FX_WSTRC(L"text"), wsTextFormat); |
| if (wsTextFormat.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t iText = 0, iPattern = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrText = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcText; |
| int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTextFormat; |
| int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern && iText < iLenText) { |
| switch (pStrPattern[iPattern]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, iPattern, iLenPattern); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (iText + iLiteralLen > iLenText || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(pStrText + iText, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, |
| iLiteralLen)) { |
| wsValue = wsSrcText; |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| iText += iLiteralLen; |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| } |
| case 'A': |
| if (FX_IsAlpha(pStrText[iText])) { |
| wsValue += pStrText[iText]; |
| iText++; |
| } |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| case 'X': |
| wsValue += pStrText[iText]; |
| iText++; |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| case 'O': |
| case '0': |
| if (FX_IsDigit(pStrText[iText]) || FX_IsAlpha(pStrText[iText])) { |
| wsValue += pStrText[iText]; |
| iText++; |
| } |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| case '9': |
| if (FX_IsDigit(pStrText[iText])) { |
| wsValue += pStrText[iText]; |
| iText++; |
| } |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != pStrText[iText]) { |
| wsValue = wsSrcText; |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| iPattern++; |
| iText++; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| return iPattern == iLenPattern && iText == iLenText; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::ParseNum(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| FX_FLOAT& fValue) { |
| fValue = 0.0f; |
| if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t dot_index_f = -1; |
| FX_DWORD dwFormatStyle = 0; |
| CFX_WideString wsNumFormat; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = |
| GetNumericFormat(wsPattern, dot_index_f, dwFormatStyle, wsNumFormat); |
| if (!pLocale || wsNumFormat.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t iExponent = 0; |
| CFX_WideString wsDotSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal, wsDotSymbol); |
| CFX_WideString wsGroupSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping, wsGroupSymbol); |
| int32_t iGroupLen = wsGroupSymbol.GetLength(); |
| CFX_WideString wsMinus; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinus); |
| int32_t iMinusLen = wsMinus.GetLength(); |
| int cc = 0, ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcNum; |
| int len = wsSrcNum.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNumFormat; |
| int lenf = wsNumFormat.GetLength(); |
| double dbRetValue = 0; |
| double coeff = 1; |
| FX_BOOL bHavePercentSymbol = FALSE; |
| FX_BOOL bNeg = FALSE; |
| FX_BOOL bReverseParse = FALSE; |
| int32_t dot_index = 0; |
| if (!FX_GetNumericDotIndex(wsSrcNum, wsDotSymbol, dot_index) && |
| (dwFormatStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv)) { |
| bReverseParse = TRUE; |
| } |
| bReverseParse = FALSE; |
| if (bReverseParse) { |
| ccf = lenf - 1; |
| cc = len - 1; |
| while (ccf > dot_index_f && cc >= 0) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, ccf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iLiteralLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, |
| iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| } |
| case '9': |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue * coeff + (str[cc] - '0') * 0.1; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue * coeff + (str[cc] - '0') * 0.1; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (str[cc] != ' ') { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue * coeff + (str[cc] - '0') * 0.1; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (str[cc] == '+' || str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc -= iMinusLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc -= iMinusLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| if (cc >= dot_index) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bExpSign = FALSE; |
| while (cc >= 0) { |
| if (str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e') { |
| break; |
| } |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| iExponent = iExponent + (str[cc] - '0') * 10; |
| cc--; |
| continue; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc--; |
| continue; |
| } else if (cc - iMinusLen + 1 > 0 && |
| !FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + (cc - iMinusLen + 1), |
| (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| bExpSign = TRUE; |
| cc -= iMinusLen; |
| } else { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| cc--; |
| iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, |
| wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iSymbolLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSymbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case 'r': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'R': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'b': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'B': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '.': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'v': |
| return FALSE; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iSysmbolLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSysmbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| bHavePercentSymbol = TRUE; |
| } break; |
| case '8': |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') { |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| while (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| dbRetValue = (str[cc] - '0') * coeff + dbRetValue; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| break; |
| case ',': { |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| cc -= iGroupLen - 1; |
| if (cc >= 0 && |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsGroupSymbol, |
| iGroupLen) == 0) { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc += iGroupLen - 1; |
| } |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case '(': |
| if (str[cc] == L'(') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (str[cc] == L')') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| } |
| dot_index = cc + 1; |
| } |
| ccf = dot_index_f - 1; |
| cc = dot_index - 1; |
| coeff = 1; |
| while (ccf >= 0 && cc >= 0) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, ccf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iLiteralLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| } |
| case '9': |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue + (str[cc] - '0') * coeff; |
| coeff *= 10; |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue + (str[cc] - '0') * coeff; |
| coeff *= 10; |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (str[cc] != ' ') { |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue + (str[cc] - '0') * coeff; |
| coeff *= 10; |
| cc--; |
| } |
| } else { |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (str[cc] == '+' || str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc -= iMinusLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc -= iMinusLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| if (cc >= dot_index) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bExpSign = FALSE; |
| while (cc >= 0) { |
| if (str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e') { |
| break; |
| } |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| iExponent = iExponent + (str[cc] - '0') * 10; |
| cc--; |
| continue; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc--; |
| continue; |
| } else if (cc - iMinusLen + 1 > 0 && |
| !FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + (cc - iMinusLen + 1), |
| (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| bExpSign = TRUE; |
| cc -= iMinusLen; |
| } else { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| cc--; |
| iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iSymbolLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSymbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case 'r': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'R': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'b': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'B': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '.': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'v': |
| return FALSE; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iSysmbolLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSysmbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| bHavePercentSymbol = TRUE; |
| } break; |
| case '8': |
| return FALSE; |
| case ',': { |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| cc -= iGroupLen - 1; |
| if (cc >= 0 && |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsGroupSymbol, |
| iGroupLen) == 0) { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc += iGroupLen - 1; |
| } |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case '(': |
| if (str[cc] == L'(') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (str[cc] == L')') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (!bReverseParse) { |
| ccf = dot_index_f + 1; |
| cc = (dot_index == len) ? len : dot_index + 1; |
| coeff = 0.1; |
| while (cc < len && ccf < lenf) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iLiteralLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, |
| iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc += iLiteralLen; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| } |
| case '9': |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue + (str[cc] - '0') * coeff; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue + (str[cc] - '0') * coeff; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (str[cc] != ' ') { |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| dbRetValue = dbRetValue + (str[cc] - '0') * coeff; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } else { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (str[cc] == '+' || str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| if (cc + iMinusLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += iMinusLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| if (cc + iMinusLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += iMinusLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| if (cc >= len || (str[cc] != 'E' && str[cc] != 'e')) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bExpSign = FALSE; |
| cc++; |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| bExpSign = TRUE; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } |
| while (cc < len) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| break; |
| } |
| iExponent = iExponent * 10 + str[cc] - '0'; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; |
| ccf++; |
| } break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, |
| wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iSymbolLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSymbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc += iSymbolLen; |
| ccf++; |
| } break; |
| case 'c': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'r') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'C' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'R') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'C': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'R') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'C' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'R') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'd': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'b') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'D' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'B') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'D': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'B') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'D' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'B') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '.': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'v': |
| return FALSE; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iSysmbolLen <= len && |
| !FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, |
| iSysmbolLen)) { |
| cc += iSysmbolLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| bHavePercentSymbol = TRUE; |
| } break; |
| case '8': { |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') { |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| while (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| dbRetValue = (str[cc] - '0') * coeff + dbRetValue; |
| coeff *= 0.1; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } break; |
| case ',': { |
| if (cc + iGroupLen <= len && |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsGroupSymbol, |
| iGroupLen) == 0) { |
| cc += iGroupLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } break; |
| case '(': |
| if (str[cc] == L'(') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (str[cc] == L')') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc != len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| if (iExponent) { |
| dbRetValue *= FXSYS_pow(10, (FX_FLOAT)iExponent); |
| } |
| if (bHavePercentSymbol) { |
| dbRetValue /= 100.0; |
| } |
| if (bNeg) { |
| dbRetValue = -dbRetValue; |
| } |
| fValue = (FX_FLOAT)dbRetValue; |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| void FX_ParseNumString(const CFX_WideString& wsNum, CFX_WideString& wsResult) { |
| int32_t iCount = wsNum.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNum; |
| FX_WCHAR* pDst = wsResult.GetBuffer(iCount); |
| int32_t nIndex = 0; |
| FX_BOOL bMinus = FALSE; |
| int32_t i = 0; |
| for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { |
| FX_WCHAR wc = pStr[i]; |
| if (wc == '.') { |
| break; |
| } |
| if ((wc == L'0' || wc == L' ' || wc == '+') && nIndex == 0) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (wc == '-') { |
| pDst[nIndex++] = wc; |
| bMinus = TRUE; |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (wc == L'0' && nIndex == 1 && bMinus) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| pDst[nIndex++] = wc; |
| } |
| if (bMinus && nIndex == 1) { |
| pDst[nIndex++] = '0'; |
| } |
| if (nIndex == 0) { |
| wsResult.ReleaseBuffer(0); |
| pDst = wsResult.GetBuffer(iCount + 1); |
| pDst[nIndex++] = '0'; |
| } |
| int32_t j = 0; |
| for (j = iCount - 1; j > i; j--) { |
| FX_WCHAR wc = pStr[j]; |
| if (wc != L'0' && wc != L' ') { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (j > i) { |
| pDst[nIndex++] = '.'; |
| FXSYS_wcsncpy(pDst + nIndex, pStr + i + 1, j - i); |
| nIndex += j - i; |
| } |
| wsResult.ReleaseBuffer(nIndex); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::ParseNum(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsValue) { |
| wsValue.Empty(); |
| if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t dot_index_f = -1; |
| FX_DWORD dwFormatStyle = 0; |
| CFX_WideString wsNumFormat; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = |
| GetNumericFormat(wsPattern, dot_index_f, dwFormatStyle, wsNumFormat); |
| if (!pLocale || wsNumFormat.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t iExponent = 0; |
| CFX_WideString wsDotSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal, wsDotSymbol); |
| CFX_WideString wsGroupSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping, wsGroupSymbol); |
| int32_t iGroupLen = wsGroupSymbol.GetLength(); |
| CFX_WideString wsMinus; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinus); |
| int32_t iMinusLen = wsMinus.GetLength(); |
| int cc = 0, ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcNum; |
| int len = wsSrcNum.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNumFormat; |
| int lenf = wsNumFormat.GetLength(); |
| FX_BOOL bHavePercentSymbol = FALSE; |
| FX_BOOL bNeg = FALSE; |
| FX_BOOL bReverseParse = FALSE; |
| int32_t dot_index = 0; |
| if (!FX_GetNumericDotIndex(wsSrcNum, wsDotSymbol, dot_index) && |
| (dwFormatStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv)) { |
| bReverseParse = TRUE; |
| } |
| bReverseParse = FALSE; |
| ccf = dot_index_f - 1; |
| cc = dot_index - 1; |
| while (ccf >= 0 && cc >= 0) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, ccf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iLiteralLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| } |
| case '9': |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsValue = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsValue; |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsValue = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsValue; |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (str[cc] != ' ') { |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsValue = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsValue; |
| cc--; |
| } |
| } else { |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (str[cc] == '+' || str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc -= iMinusLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc -= iMinusLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| if (cc >= dot_index) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bExpSign = FALSE; |
| while (cc >= 0) { |
| if (str[cc] == 'E' || str[cc] == 'e') { |
| break; |
| } |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| iExponent = iExponent + (str[cc] - '0') * 10; |
| cc--; |
| continue; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc--; |
| continue; |
| } else if (cc - iMinusLen + 1 > 0 && |
| !FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + (cc - iMinusLen + 1), |
| (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| bExpSign = TRUE; |
| cc -= iMinusLen; |
| } else { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| cc--; |
| iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iSymbolLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSymbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case 'r': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'R': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'R' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'C') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'b': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'B': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'B' && cc - 1 >= 0 && str[cc - 1] == 'D') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc -= 2; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| } else { |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '.': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'v': |
| return FALSE; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| cc -= iSysmbolLen - 1; |
| if (cc < 0 || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSysmbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| bHavePercentSymbol = TRUE; |
| } break; |
| case '8': |
| return FALSE; |
| case ',': { |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| cc -= iGroupLen - 1; |
| if (cc >= 0 && |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsGroupSymbol, |
| iGroupLen) == 0) { |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| cc += iGroupLen - 1; |
| } |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| } break; |
| case '(': |
| if (str[cc] == L'(') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (str[cc] == L')') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc--; |
| } |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| if (dot_index < len && (dwFormatStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_DotVorv)) { |
| wsValue += '.'; |
| } |
| if (!bReverseParse) { |
| ccf = dot_index_f + 1; |
| cc = (dot_index == len) ? len : dot_index + 1; |
| while (cc < len && ccf < lenf) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iLiteralLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, |
| iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc += iLiteralLen; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| } |
| case '9': |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| { wsValue += str[cc]; } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsValue += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (str[cc] != ' ') { |
| if (FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsValue += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } else { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (str[cc] == '+' || str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| if (cc + iMinusLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += iMinusLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| if (cc + iMinusLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsMinus, iMinusLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += iMinusLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| if (cc >= len || (str[cc] != 'E' && str[cc] != 'e')) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bExpSign = FALSE; |
| cc++; |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '+') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| bExpSign = TRUE; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } |
| while (cc < len) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| break; |
| } |
| iExponent = iExponent * 10 + str[cc] - '0'; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| iExponent = bExpSign ? -iExponent : iExponent; |
| ccf++; |
| } break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, |
| wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSymbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iSymbolLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, iSymbolLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc += iSymbolLen; |
| ccf++; |
| } break; |
| case 'c': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'r') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'C' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'R') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'C': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'R') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'C' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'R') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'd': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'b') { |
| if (str[cc] == 'D' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'B') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'D': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'B') { |
| if (str[cc] == ' ') { |
| cc++; |
| } else if (str[cc] == 'D' && cc + 1 < len && str[cc + 1] == 'B') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '.': |
| case 'V': |
| case 'v': |
| return FALSE; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| int32_t iSysmbolLen = wsSymbol.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iSysmbolLen <= len && |
| !FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSymbol, |
| iSysmbolLen)) { |
| cc += iSysmbolLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| bHavePercentSymbol = TRUE; |
| } break; |
| case '8': { |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') { |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| while (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsValue += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } break; |
| case ',': { |
| if (cc + iGroupLen <= len && |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsGroupSymbol, |
| iGroupLen) == 0) { |
| cc += iGroupLen; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } break; |
| case '(': |
| if (str[cc] == L'(') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (str[cc] == L')') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| } else if (str[cc] != L' ') { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc != len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| if (iExponent || bHavePercentSymbol) { |
| CFX_Decimal decimal = CFX_Decimal(wsValue); |
| if (iExponent) { |
| decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(FXSYS_pow(10, (FX_FLOAT)iExponent)); |
| } |
| if (bHavePercentSymbol) { |
| decimal = decimal / CFX_Decimal(100); |
| } |
| wsValue = decimal; |
| } |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsValue = CFX_WideStringC('-') + wsValue; |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE CFX_FormatString::GetDateTimeFormat( |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| IFX_Locale*& pLocale, |
| CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern) { |
| pLocale = NULL; |
| CFX_WideString wsTempPattern; |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| int32_t iLenf = wsPattern.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStr = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsPattern; |
| int32_t iFindCategory = 0; |
| FX_BOOL bBraceOpen = FALSE; |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '\'') { |
| int32_t iCurChar = ccf; |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStr, ccf, iLenf); |
| wsTempPattern += CFX_WideStringC(pStr + iCurChar, ccf - iCurChar + 1); |
| } else if (!bBraceOpen && iFindCategory != 3 && |
| FX_Local_Find(gs_wsConstChars, pStr[ccf]) < 0) { |
| CFX_WideString wsCategory(pStr[ccf]); |
| ccf++; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '{' && pStr[ccf] != '.' && |
| pStr[ccf] != '(') { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == 'T') { |
| wsDatePattern = wsPattern.Left(ccf); |
| wsTimePattern = wsPattern.Right(wsPattern.GetLength() - ccf); |
| wsTimePattern.SetAt(0, ' '); |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); |
| } |
| return FX_DATETIMETYPE_DateTime; |
| } |
| wsCategory += pStr[ccf]; |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| if (!(iFindCategory & 1) && wsCategory == FX_WSTRC(L"date")) { |
| iFindCategory |= 1; |
| eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date; |
| if (iFindCategory & 2) { |
| iFindCategory = 4; |
| } |
| } else if (!(iFindCategory & 2) && wsCategory == FX_WSTRC(L"time")) { |
| iFindCategory |= 2; |
| eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time; |
| } else if (wsCategory == FX_WSTRC(L"datetime")) { |
| iFindCategory = 3; |
| eCategory = FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime; |
| } else { |
| continue; |
| } |
| while (ccf < iLenf) { |
| if (pStr[ccf] == '(') { |
| ccf++; |
| CFX_WideString wsLCID; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != ')') { |
| wsLCID += pStr[ccf++]; |
| } |
| pLocale = GetPatternLocale(wsLCID); |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '{') { |
| bBraceOpen = TRUE; |
| break; |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '.') { |
| CFX_WideString wsSubCategory; |
| ccf++; |
| while (ccf < iLenf && pStr[ccf] != '(' && pStr[ccf] != '{') { |
| wsSubCategory += pStr[ccf++]; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwSubHash = |
| FX_HashCode_String_GetW(wsSubCategory, wsSubCategory.GetLength()); |
| for (int32_t i = 0; i < g_iFXLocaleDateTimeSubCatCount; i++) { |
| if (g_FXLocaleDateTimeSubCatData[i].uHash == dwSubHash) { |
| eSubCategory = |
| .eSubCategory; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); |
| } |
| FXSYS_assert(pLocale != NULL); |
| switch (eCategory) { |
| pLocale->GetDatePattern(eSubCategory, wsDatePattern); |
| wsDatePattern = wsTempPattern + wsDatePattern; |
| break; |
| pLocale->GetTimePattern(eSubCategory, wsTimePattern); |
| wsTimePattern = wsTempPattern + wsTimePattern; |
| break; |
| case FX_LOCALECATEGORY_DateTime: |
| pLocale->GetDatePattern(eSubCategory, wsDatePattern); |
| wsDatePattern = wsTempPattern + wsDatePattern; |
| pLocale->GetTimePattern(eSubCategory, wsTimePattern); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| wsTempPattern.Empty(); |
| continue; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } else if (pStr[ccf] == '}') { |
| bBraceOpen = FALSE; |
| if (!wsTempPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Time) { |
| wsTimePattern = wsTempPattern; |
| } else if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date) { |
| wsDatePattern = wsTempPattern; |
| } |
| wsTempPattern.Empty(); |
| } |
| } else { |
| wsTempPattern += pStr[ccf]; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| if (!wsTempPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| if (eCategory == FX_LOCALECATEGORY_Date) { |
| wsDatePattern += wsTempPattern; |
| } else { |
| wsTimePattern += wsTempPattern; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| pLocale = m_pLocaleMgr->GetDefLocale(); |
| } |
| if (!iFindCategory) { |
| wsTimePattern.Empty(); |
| wsDatePattern = wsPattern; |
| } |
| return (FX_DATETIMETYPE)iFindCategory; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_ParseLocaleDate(const CFX_WideString& wsDate, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale, |
| CFX_Unitime& datetime, |
| int32_t& cc) { |
| int32_t year = 1900; |
| int32_t month = 1; |
| int32_t day = 1; |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsDate; |
| int32_t len = wsDate.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsDatePattern; |
| int32_t lenf = wsDatePattern.GetLength(); |
| while (cc < len && ccf < lenf) { |
| if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iLiteralLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc += iLiteralLen; |
| ccf++; |
| continue; |
| } else if (FX_Local_Find(gs_wsDateSymbols, strf[ccf]) < 0) { |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| continue; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbolNum = 1; |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbol = strf[ccf++]; |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == dwSymbol) { |
| ccf++; |
| dwSymbolNum++; |
| } |
| dwSymbol = (dwSymbol << 8) | (dwSymbolNum + '0'); |
| if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'D', '1')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| day = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| day = day * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'D', '2')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| day = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len) { |
| day = day * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'J', '1')) { |
| int i = 0; |
| while (cc < len && i < 3 && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| cc++; |
| i++; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'J', '3')) { |
| cc += 3; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '1')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| month = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| month = month * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '2')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| month = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len) { |
| month = month * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '3')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMonthNameAbbr; |
| FX_WORD i = 0; |
| for (; i < 12; i++) { |
| pLocale->GetMonthName(i, wsMonthNameAbbr, TRUE); |
| if (wsMonthNameAbbr.IsEmpty()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (!FXSYS_wcsncmp((const FX_WCHAR*)wsMonthNameAbbr, str + cc, |
| wsMonthNameAbbr.GetLength())) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (i < 12) { |
| cc += wsMonthNameAbbr.GetLength(); |
| month = i + 1; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '4')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMonthName; |
| FX_WORD i = 0; |
| for (; i < 12; i++) { |
| pLocale->GetMonthName(i, wsMonthName, FALSE); |
| if (wsMonthName.IsEmpty()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (!FXSYS_wcsncmp((const FX_WCHAR*)wsMonthName, str + cc, |
| wsMonthName.GetLength())) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (i < 12) { |
| cc += wsMonthName.GetLength(); |
| month = i + 1; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'E', '1')) { |
| cc += 1; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'E', '3')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsDayNameAbbr; |
| FX_WORD i = 0; |
| for (; i < 7; i++) { |
| pLocale->GetDayName(i, wsDayNameAbbr, TRUE); |
| if (wsDayNameAbbr.IsEmpty()) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (!FXSYS_wcsncmp((const FX_WCHAR*)wsDayNameAbbr, str + cc, |
| wsDayNameAbbr.GetLength())) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (i < 12) { |
| cc += wsDayNameAbbr.GetLength(); |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'E', '4')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsDayName; |
| int32_t i = 0; |
| for (; i < 7; i++) { |
| pLocale->GetDayName(i, wsDayName, FALSE); |
| if (wsDayName == L"") { |
| continue; |
| } |
| if (!FXSYS_wcsncmp((const FX_WCHAR*)wsDayName, str + cc, |
| wsDayName.GetLength())) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (i < 12) { |
| cc += wsDayName.GetLength(); |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'e', '1')) { |
| cc += 1; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'G', '1')) { |
| cc += 2; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'Y', '2')) { |
| if (cc + 2 > len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| year = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc >= len || !FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| year = year * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (year <= 29) { |
| year += 2000; |
| } else { |
| year += 1900; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'Y', '4')) { |
| int i = 0; |
| year = 0; |
| if (cc + 4 > len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| while (i < 4) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| year = year * 10 + str[cc] - '0'; |
| cc++; |
| i++; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'w', '1')) { |
| cc += 1; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'W', '2')) { |
| cc += 2; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_Unitime ut; |
| ut.Set(year, month, day); |
| datetime = datetime + ut; |
| return cc; |
| } |
| static void FX_ResolveZone(uint8_t& wHour, |
| uint8_t& wMinute, |
| FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale) { |
| int32_t iMinuteDiff = wHour * 60 + wMinute; |
| FX_TIMEZONE tzLocale; |
| pLocale->GetTimeZone(tzLocale); |
| iMinuteDiff += tzLocale.tzHour * 60 + |
| (tzLocale.tzHour < 0 ? -tzLocale.tzMinute : tzLocale.tzMinute); |
| iMinuteDiff -= tzDiff.tzHour * 60 + |
| (tzDiff.tzHour < 0 ? -tzDiff.tzMinute : tzDiff.tzMinute); |
| while (iMinuteDiff > 1440) { |
| iMinuteDiff -= 1440; |
| } |
| while (iMinuteDiff < 0) { |
| iMinuteDiff += 1440; |
| } |
| wHour = iMinuteDiff / 60; |
| wMinute = iMinuteDiff % 60; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_ParseLocaleTime(const CFX_WideString& wsTime, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale, |
| CFX_Unitime& datetime, |
| int32_t& cc) { |
| uint8_t hour = 0; |
| uint8_t minute = 0; |
| uint8_t second = 0; |
| FX_WORD millisecond = 0; |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTime; |
| int len = wsTime.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTimePattern; |
| int lenf = wsTimePattern.GetLength(); |
| FX_BOOL bHasA = FALSE; |
| while (cc < len && ccf < lenf) { |
| if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (cc + iLiteralLen > len || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(str + cc, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc += iLiteralLen; |
| ccf++; |
| continue; |
| } else if (FX_Local_Find(gs_wsTimeSymbols, strf[ccf]) == -1) { |
| if (strf[ccf] != str[cc]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| cc++; |
| ccf++; |
| continue; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbolNum = 1; |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbol = strf[ccf++]; |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == dwSymbol) { |
| ccf++; |
| dwSymbolNum++; |
| } |
| dwSymbol = (dwSymbol << 8) | (dwSymbolNum + '0'); |
| if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'k', '1') || |
| dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'H', '1') || |
| dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'h', '1') || |
| dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'K', '1')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| hour = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| hour = hour * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'K', '1') && hour == 24) { |
| hour = 0; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'k', '2') || |
| dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'H', '2') || |
| dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'h', '2') || |
| dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'K', '2')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| hour = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc >= len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| hour = hour * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'K', '2') && hour == 24) { |
| hour = 0; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '1')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| minute = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| minute = minute * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '2')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| minute = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc >= len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| minute = minute * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'S', '1')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| second = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| second = second * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'S', '2')) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| second = str[cc++] - '0'; |
| if (cc >= len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| second = second * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'F', '3')) { |
| if (cc + 3 >= len) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int i = 0; |
| while (i < 3) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| millisecond = millisecond * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| i++; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'A', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsAM; |
| pLocale->GetMeridiemName(wsAM, TRUE); |
| CFX_WideString wsPM; |
| pLocale->GetMeridiemName(wsPM, FALSE); |
| if ((cc + wsAM.GetLength() <= len) && |
| (CFX_WideStringC(str + cc, wsAM.GetLength()) == wsAM)) { |
| cc += wsAM.GetLength(); |
| bHasA = TRUE; |
| } else if ((cc + wsPM.GetLength() <= len) && |
| (CFX_WideStringC(str + cc, wsPM.GetLength()) == wsPM)) { |
| cc += wsPM.GetLength(); |
| bHasA = TRUE; |
| bPM = TRUE; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'Z', '1')) { |
| if (cc + 3 > len) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwHash = str[cc++]; |
| dwHash = (dwHash << 8) | str[cc++]; |
| dwHash = (dwHash << 8) | str[cc++]; |
| if (dwHash == FXBSTR_ID(0, 'G', 'M', 'T')) { |
| FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff; |
| tzDiff.tzHour = 0; |
| tzDiff.tzMinute = 0; |
| if (cc < len && (str[cc] == '-' || str[cc] == '+')) { |
| cc += FX_ParseTimeZone(str + cc, len - cc, tzDiff); |
| } |
| FX_ResolveZone(hour, minute, tzDiff, pLocale); |
| } else { |
| g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData + FX_ArraySize(g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData); |
| const FX_LOCALETIMEZONEINFO* pTimeZoneInfo = |
| std::lower_bound(g_FXLocaleTimeZoneData, pEnd, dwHash, |
| [](const FX_LOCALETIMEZONEINFO& info, |
| FX_DWORD hash) { return info.uHash < hash; }); |
| if (pTimeZoneInfo < pEnd && dwHash == pTimeZoneInfo->uHash) { |
| hour += pTimeZoneInfo->iHour; |
| minute += pTimeZoneInfo->iHour > 0 ? pTimeZoneInfo->iMinute |
| : -pTimeZoneInfo->iMinute; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'z', '1')) { |
| if (str[cc] != 'Z') { |
| FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff; |
| cc += FX_ParseTimeZone(str + cc, len - cc, tzDiff); |
| FX_ResolveZone(hour, minute, tzDiff, pLocale); |
| } else { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (bHasA) { |
| if (bPM) { |
| hour += 12; |
| if (hour == 24) { |
| hour = 12; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (hour == 12) { |
| hour = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Unitime ut; |
| ut.Set(0, 0, 0, hour, minute, second, millisecond); |
| datetime = datetime + ut; |
| return cc; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::ParseDateTime(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcDateTime, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE eDateTimeType, |
| CFX_Unitime& dtValue) { |
| dtValue.Set(0); |
| if (wsSrcDateTime.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = NULL; |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE eCategory = |
| GetDateTimeFormat(wsPattern, pLocale, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern); |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) { |
| eCategory = eDateTimeType; |
| } |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate) { |
| int32_t iStart = 0; |
| if (!FX_ParseLocaleTime(wsSrcDateTime, wsTimePattern, pLocale, dtValue, |
| iStart)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (!FX_ParseLocaleDate(wsSrcDateTime, wsDatePattern, pLocale, dtValue, |
| iStart)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } else { |
| int32_t iStart = 0; |
| if ((eCategory & FX_DATETIMETYPE_Date) && |
| !FX_ParseLocaleDate(wsSrcDateTime, wsDatePattern, pLocale, dtValue, |
| iStart)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if ((eCategory & FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time) && |
| !FX_ParseLocaleTime(wsSrcDateTime, wsTimePattern, pLocale, dtValue, |
| iStart)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::ParseZero(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTextFormat; |
| GetTextFormat(wsPattern, FX_WSTRC(L"zero"), wsTextFormat); |
| int32_t iText = 0, iPattern = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrText = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcText; |
| int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTextFormat; |
| int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern && iText < iLenText) { |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, iPattern, iLenPattern); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (iText + iLiteralLen > iLenText || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(pStrText + iText, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, |
| iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| iText += iLiteralLen; |
| iPattern++; |
| continue; |
| } else if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != pStrText[iText]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } else { |
| iText++; |
| iPattern++; |
| } |
| } |
| return iPattern == iLenPattern && iText == iLenText; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::ParseNull(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTextFormat; |
| GetTextFormat(wsPattern, FX_WSTRC(L"null"), wsTextFormat); |
| int32_t iText = 0, iPattern = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrText = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcText; |
| int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTextFormat; |
| int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern && iText < iLenText) { |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { |
| CFX_WideString wsLiteral = |
| FX_GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, iPattern, iLenPattern); |
| int32_t iLiteralLen = wsLiteral.GetLength(); |
| if (iText + iLiteralLen > iLenText || |
| FXSYS_wcsncmp(pStrText + iText, (const FX_WCHAR*)wsLiteral, |
| iLiteralLen)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| iText += iLiteralLen; |
| iPattern++; |
| continue; |
| } else if (pStrPattern[iPattern] != pStrText[iText]) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } else { |
| iText++; |
| iPattern++; |
| } |
| } |
| return iPattern == iLenPattern && iText == iLenText; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatText(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcText, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t iLenText = wsSrcText.GetLength(); |
| if (iLenText == 0) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsTextFormat; |
| GetTextFormat(wsPattern, FX_WSTRC(L"text"), wsTextFormat); |
| int32_t iText = 0, iPattern = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrText = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcText; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTextFormat; |
| int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { |
| switch (pStrPattern[iPattern]) { |
| case '\'': { |
| wsOutput += FX_GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, iPattern, iLenPattern); |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| } |
| case 'A': |
| if (iText >= iLenText || !FX_IsAlpha(pStrText[iText])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| case 'X': |
| if (iText >= iLenText) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| case 'O': |
| case '0': |
| if (iText >= iLenText || |
| (!FX_IsDigit(pStrText[iText]) && !FX_IsAlpha(pStrText[iText]))) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| case '9': |
| if (iText >= iLenText || !FX_IsDigit(pStrText[iText])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += pStrText[iText++]; |
| iPattern++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| return iText == iLenText; |
| } |
| static int32_t FX_GetNumTrailingLimit(const CFX_WideString& wsFormat, |
| int iDotPos, |
| FX_BOOL& bTrimTailZeros) { |
| if (iDotPos < 0) { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| int32_t iCount = wsFormat.GetLength(); |
| int32_t iTreading = 0; |
| for (iDotPos++; iDotPos < iCount; iDotPos++) { |
| FX_WCHAR wc = wsFormat[iDotPos]; |
| if (wc == L'z' || wc == L'9' || wc == 'Z') { |
| iTreading++; |
| bTrimTailZeros = (wc == L'9' ? FALSE : TRUE); |
| } |
| } |
| return iTreading; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatStrNum(const CFX_WideStringC& wsInputNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsInputNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t dot_index_f = -1; |
| FX_DWORD dwNumStyle = 0; |
| CFX_WideString wsNumFormat; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = |
| GetNumericFormat(wsPattern, dot_index_f, dwNumStyle, wsNumFormat); |
| if (!pLocale || wsNumFormat.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t cc = 0, ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNumFormat; |
| int lenf = wsNumFormat.GetLength(); |
| CFX_WideString wsSrcNum = wsInputNum; |
| wsSrcNum.TrimLeft('0'); |
| if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsSrcNum[0] == '.') { |
| wsSrcNum.Insert(0, '0'); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal decimal = CFX_Decimal(wsSrcNum); |
| if (dwNumStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent) { |
| decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(100); |
| wsSrcNum = decimal; |
| } |
| int32_t exponent = 0; |
| if (dwNumStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent) { |
| int fixed_count = 0; |
| while (ccf < dot_index_f) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': |
| FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, dot_index_f); |
| break; |
| case '9': |
| case 'z': |
| case 'Z': |
| fixed_count++; |
| break; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| int threshold = 1; |
| while (fixed_count > 1) { |
| threshold *= 10; |
| fixed_count--; |
| } |
| if (decimal != CFX_Decimal(0)) { |
| if (decimal < CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { |
| decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(10); |
| exponent = -1; |
| while (decimal < CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { |
| decimal = decimal * CFX_Decimal(10); |
| exponent -= 1; |
| } |
| } else if (decimal > CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { |
| threshold *= 10; |
| while (decimal > CFX_Decimal(threshold)) { |
| decimal = decimal / CFX_Decimal(10); |
| exponent += 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bTrimTailZeros = FALSE; |
| int32_t iTreading = |
| FX_GetNumTrailingLimit(wsNumFormat, dot_index_f, bTrimTailZeros); |
| int32_t scale = decimal.GetScale(); |
| if (iTreading < scale) { |
| decimal.SetScale(iTreading); |
| wsSrcNum = decimal; |
| } |
| if (bTrimTailZeros && scale > 0 && iTreading > 0) { |
| wsSrcNum.TrimRight(L"0"); |
| wsSrcNum.TrimRight(L"."); |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsGroupSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping, wsGroupSymbol); |
| FX_BOOL bNeg = FALSE; |
| if (wsSrcNum[0] == '-') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| wsSrcNum.Delete(0, 1); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bAddNeg = FALSE; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcNum; |
| int len = wsSrcNum.GetLength(); |
| int dot_index = wsSrcNum.Find('.'); |
| if (dot_index == -1) { |
| dot_index = len; |
| } |
| ccf = dot_index_f - 1; |
| cc = dot_index - 1; |
| while (ccf >= 0) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '9': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsOutput; |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L'0') + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (str[0] != '0') { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsOutput; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (str[0] == '0') { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L' ') + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsOutput; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L' ') + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusSymbol + wsOutput; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L' ') + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusSymbol + wsOutput; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| CFX_WideString wsExp; |
| wsExp.Format(L"E%+d", exponent); |
| wsOutput = wsExp + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsSymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'r': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"CR" + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'R': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"CR" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'b': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"db" + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'B': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"DB" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsSymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ',': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| wsOutput = wsGroupSymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case '(': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"(" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L")" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case '\'': |
| wsOutput = FX_GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, ccf) + wsOutput; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| default: |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(strf[ccf]) + wsOutput; |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| int nPos = dot_index % 3; |
| wsOutput.Empty(); |
| for (int32_t i = 0; i < dot_index; i++) { |
| if (i % 3 == nPos && i != 0) { |
| wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; |
| } |
| wsOutput += wsSrcNum[i]; |
| } |
| if (dot_index < len) { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput += wsSymbol; |
| wsOutput += wsSrcNum.Right(len - dot_index - 1); |
| } |
| if (bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (dot_index_f == wsNumFormat.GetLength()) { |
| if (!bAddNeg && bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsDotSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal, wsDotSymbol); |
| if (strf[dot_index_f] == 'V') { |
| wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; |
| } else if (strf[dot_index_f] == '.') { |
| if (dot_index < len) { |
| wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; |
| } else { |
| if (strf[dot_index_f + 1] == '9' || strf[dot_index_f + 1] == 'Z') { |
| wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ccf = dot_index_f + 1; |
| cc = dot_index + 1; |
| while (ccf < lenf) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': |
| wsOutput += FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '9': |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L'0'; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L'0'; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| CFX_WideString wsExp; |
| wsExp.Format(L"E%+d", exponent); |
| wsOutput += wsExp; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput += wsSymbol; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'c': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'r') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"CR"; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'C': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'R') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"CR"; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L" "; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'd': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'b') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"db"; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'D': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'B') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"DB"; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L" "; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput += wsSymbol; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '8': { |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') { |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| while (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } break; |
| case ',': |
| wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '(': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += '('; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += ' '; |
| } |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += ')'; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += ' '; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!bAddNeg && bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusymbol); |
| wsOutput = |
| wsMinusymbol + wsOutput[0] + wsOutput.Mid(1, wsOutput.GetLength() - 1); |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatLCNumeric(CFX_LCNumeric& lcNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| int32_t dot_index_f = -1; |
| FX_DWORD dwNumStyle = 0; |
| CFX_WideString wsNumFormat; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = |
| GetNumericFormat(wsPattern, dot_index_f, dwNumStyle, wsNumFormat); |
| if (!pLocale || wsNumFormat.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| int32_t cc = 0, ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNumFormat; |
| int lenf = wsNumFormat.GetLength(); |
| double dbOrgRaw = lcNum.GetDouble(); |
| double dbRetValue = dbOrgRaw; |
| if (dwNumStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent) { |
| dbRetValue *= 100; |
| } |
| int32_t exponent = 0; |
| if (dwNumStyle & FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent) { |
| int fixed_count = 0; |
| while (ccf < dot_index_f) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': |
| FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, dot_index_f); |
| break; |
| case '9': |
| case 'z': |
| case 'Z': |
| fixed_count++; |
| break; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| int threshold = 1; |
| while (fixed_count > 1) { |
| threshold *= 10; |
| fixed_count--; |
| } |
| if (dbRetValue != 0) { |
| if (dbRetValue < threshold) { |
| dbRetValue *= 10; |
| exponent = -1; |
| while (dbRetValue < threshold) { |
| dbRetValue *= 10; |
| exponent -= 1; |
| } |
| } else if (dbRetValue > threshold) { |
| threshold *= 10; |
| while (dbRetValue > threshold) { |
| dbRetValue /= 10; |
| exponent += 1; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (dwNumStyle & (FX_NUMSTYLE_Percent | FX_NUMSTYLE_Exponent)) { |
| lcNum = CFX_LCNumeric(dbRetValue); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bTrimTailZeros = FALSE; |
| int32_t iTreading = |
| FX_GetNumTrailingLimit(wsNumFormat, dot_index_f, bTrimTailZeros); |
| CFX_WideString wsNumeric = lcNum.ToString(iTreading, bTrimTailZeros); |
| if (wsNumeric.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsGroupSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Grouping, wsGroupSymbol); |
| FX_BOOL bNeg = FALSE; |
| if (wsNumeric[0] == '-') { |
| bNeg = TRUE; |
| wsNumeric.Delete(0, 1); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL bAddNeg = FALSE; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsNumeric; |
| int len = wsNumeric.GetLength(); |
| int dot_index = wsNumeric.Find('.'); |
| if (dot_index == -1) { |
| dot_index = len; |
| } |
| ccf = dot_index_f - 1; |
| cc = dot_index - 1; |
| while (ccf >= 0) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '9': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsOutput; |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L'0') + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| if (lcNum.m_Integral != 0) { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsOutput; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| if (lcNum.m_Integral == 0) { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L' ') + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(str[cc]) + wsOutput; |
| } |
| cc--; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L' ') + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'S': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusSymbol + wsOutput; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(L' ') + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 's': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusSymbol + wsOutput; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| CFX_WideString wsExp; |
| wsExp.Format(L"E%+d", exponent); |
| wsOutput = wsExp + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsSymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case 'r': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'c') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"CR" + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'R': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'C') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"CR" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'b': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'd') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"db" + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'B': |
| if (ccf - 1 >= 0 && strf[ccf - 1] == 'D') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"DB" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf -= 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsSymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ',': |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| wsOutput = wsGroupSymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case '(': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L"(" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput = L")" + wsOutput; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput = L" " + wsOutput; |
| } |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| case '\'': |
| wsOutput = FX_GetLiteralTextReverse(strf, ccf) + wsOutput; |
| ccf--; |
| break; |
| default: |
| wsOutput = CFX_WideStringC(strf[ccf]) + wsOutput; |
| ccf--; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc >= 0) { |
| int nPos = dot_index % 3; |
| wsOutput.Empty(); |
| for (int32_t i = 0; i < dot_index; i++) { |
| if (i % 3 == nPos && i != 0) { |
| wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; |
| } |
| wsOutput += wsNumeric[i]; |
| } |
| if (dot_index < len) { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput += wsSymbol; |
| wsOutput += wsNumeric.Right(len - dot_index - 1); |
| } |
| if (bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (dot_index_f == wsNumFormat.GetLength()) { |
| if (!bAddNeg && bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusymbol); |
| wsOutput = wsMinusymbol + wsOutput; |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsDotSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Decimal, wsDotSymbol); |
| if (strf[dot_index_f] == 'V') { |
| wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; |
| } else if (strf[dot_index_f] == '.') { |
| if (dot_index < len) { |
| wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; |
| } else { |
| if (strf[dot_index_f + 1] == '9' || strf[dot_index_f + 1] == 'Z') { |
| wsOutput += wsDotSymbol; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ccf = dot_index_f + 1; |
| cc = dot_index + 1; |
| while (ccf < lenf) { |
| switch (strf[ccf]) { |
| case '\'': |
| wsOutput += FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '9': |
| if (cc < len) { |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L'0'; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'z': |
| if (cc < len) { |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'Z': |
| if (cc < len) { |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L'0'; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'E': { |
| CFX_WideString wsExp; |
| wsExp.Format(L"E%+d", exponent); |
| wsOutput += wsExp; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '$': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_CurrencySymbol, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput += wsSymbol; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case 'c': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'r') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"CR"; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'C': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'R') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"CR"; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L" "; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'd': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'b') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"db"; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case 'D': |
| if (ccf + 1 < lenf && strf[ccf + 1] == 'B') { |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += L"DB"; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += L" "; |
| } |
| ccf += 2; |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| } |
| break; |
| case '%': { |
| CFX_WideString wsSymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Percent, wsSymbol); |
| wsOutput += wsSymbol; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '8': { |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == '8') { |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| while (cc < len && FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| wsOutput += str[cc]; |
| cc++; |
| } |
| } break; |
| case ',': |
| wsOutput += wsGroupSymbol; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case '(': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += '('; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += ' '; |
| } |
| bAddNeg = TRUE; |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| case ')': |
| if (bNeg) { |
| wsOutput += ')'; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += ' '; |
| } |
| ccf++; |
| break; |
| default: |
| ccf++; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!bAddNeg && bNeg) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinusymbol; |
| pLocale->GetNumbericSymbol(FX_LOCALENUMSYMBOL_Minus, wsMinusymbol); |
| wsOutput = |
| wsOutput[0] + wsMinusymbol + wsOutput.Mid(1, wsOutput.GetLength() - 1); |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatNum(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsSrcNum.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| return FormatStrNum(wsSrcNum, wsPattern, wsOutput); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatNum(FX_FLOAT fNum, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_LCNumeric lcNum(fNum); |
| return FormatLCNumeric(lcNum, wsPattern, wsOutput); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL FX_DateFromCanonical(const CFX_WideString& wsDate, |
| CFX_Unitime& datetime) { |
| int32_t year = 1900; |
| int32_t month = 1; |
| int32_t day = 1; |
| FX_WORD wYear = 0; |
| int cc_start = 0, cc = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsDate; |
| int len = wsDate.GetLength(); |
| if (len > 10) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| while (cc < len && cc < 4) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| wYear = wYear * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| year = wYear; |
| if (cc < 4 || wYear < 1900) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| cc_start = cc; |
| uint8_t tmpM = 0; |
| while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| tmpM = tmpM * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| month = tmpM; |
| if (cc == cc_start + 1 || tmpM > 12 || tmpM < 1) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '-') { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| uint8_t tmpD = 0; |
| cc_start = cc; |
| while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| tmpD = tmpD * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| day = tmpD; |
| if (tmpD < 1) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if ((tmpM == 1 || tmpM == 3 || tmpM == 5 || tmpM == 7 || tmpM == 8 || |
| tmpM == 10 || tmpM == 12) && |
| tmpD > 31) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if ((tmpM == 4 || tmpM == 6 || tmpM == 9 || tmpM == 11) && tmpD > 30) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL iLeapYear; |
| if ((wYear % 4 == 0 && wYear % 100 != 0) || wYear % 400 == 0) { |
| iLeapYear = TRUE; |
| } else { |
| iLeapYear = FALSE; |
| } |
| if ((iLeapYear && tmpM == 2 && tmpD > 29) || |
| (!iLeapYear && tmpM == 2 && tmpD > 28)) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Unitime ut; |
| ut.Set(year, month, day); |
| datetime = datetime + ut; |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL FX_TimeFromCanonical(const CFX_WideStringC& wsTime, |
| CFX_Unitime& datetime, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale) { |
| if (wsTime.GetLength() == 0) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| uint8_t hour = 0; |
| uint8_t minute = 0; |
| uint8_t second = 0; |
| FX_WORD millisecond = 0; |
| int cc_start = 0, cc = cc_start; |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTime.GetPtr(); |
| int len = wsTime.GetLength(); |
| while (cc < len && cc < 2) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| hour = hour * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (cc < 2 || hour >= 24) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == ':') { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| cc_start = cc; |
| while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| minute = minute * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (cc == cc_start + 1 || minute >= 60) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == ':') { |
| cc++; |
| } |
| cc_start = cc; |
| while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 2) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| second = second * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (cc == cc_start + 1 || second >= 60) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| if (str[cc] == '.') { |
| cc++; |
| cc_start = cc; |
| while (cc < len && cc < cc_start + 3) { |
| if (!FX_IsDigit(str[cc])) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| millisecond = millisecond * 10 + str[cc++] - '0'; |
| } |
| if (cc < cc_start + 3 || millisecond >= 1000) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| } |
| if (cc < len) { |
| FX_TIMEZONE tzDiff; |
| tzDiff.tzHour = 0; |
| tzDiff.tzMinute = 0; |
| if (str[cc] != 'Z') { |
| cc += FX_ParseTimeZone(str + cc, len - cc, tzDiff); |
| } |
| FX_ResolveZone(hour, minute, tzDiff, pLocale); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Unitime ut; |
| ut.Set(0, 0, 0, hour, minute, second, millisecond); |
| datetime = datetime + ut; |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| static FX_WORD FX_GetSolarMonthDays(FX_WORD year, FX_WORD month) { |
| if (month % 2) { |
| return 31; |
| } else if (month == 2) { |
| return FX_IsLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28; |
| } |
| return 30; |
| } |
| static FX_WORD FX_GetWeekDay(FX_WORD year, FX_WORD month, FX_WORD day) { |
| FX_WORD g_month_day[] = {0, 3, 3, 6, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5}; |
| FX_WORD nDays = |
| (year - 1) % 7 + (year - 1) / 4 - (year - 1) / 100 + (year - 1) / 400; |
| nDays += g_month_day[month - 1] + day; |
| if (FX_IsLeapYear(year) && month > 2) { |
| nDays++; |
| } |
| return nDays % 7; |
| } |
| static FX_WORD FX_GetWeekOfMonth(FX_WORD year, FX_WORD month, FX_WORD day) { |
| FX_WORD week_day = FX_GetWeekDay(year, month, 1); |
| FX_WORD week_index = 0; |
| week_index += day / 7; |
| day = day % 7; |
| if (week_day + day > 7) { |
| week_index++; |
| } |
| return week_index; |
| } |
| static FX_WORD FX_GetWeekOfYear(FX_WORD year, FX_WORD month, FX_WORD day) { |
| FX_WORD nDays = 0; |
| for (FX_WORD i = 1; i < month; i++) { |
| nDays += FX_GetSolarMonthDays(year, i); |
| } |
| nDays += day; |
| FX_WORD week_day = FX_GetWeekDay(year, 1, 1); |
| FX_WORD week_index = 1; |
| week_index += nDays / 7; |
| nDays = nDays % 7; |
| if (week_day + nDays > 7) { |
| week_index++; |
| } |
| return week_index; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_DateFormat(const CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale, |
| const CFX_Unitime& datetime, |
| CFX_WideString& wsResult) { |
| FX_BOOL bRet = TRUE; |
| int32_t year = datetime.GetYear(); |
| uint8_t month = datetime.GetMonth(); |
| uint8_t day = datetime.GetDay(); |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsDatePattern; |
| int32_t lenf = wsDatePattern.GetLength(); |
| while (ccf < lenf) { |
| if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { |
| wsResult += FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| ccf++; |
| continue; |
| } else if (FX_Local_Find(gs_wsDateSymbols, strf[ccf]) < 0) { |
| wsResult += strf[ccf++]; |
| continue; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbolNum = 1; |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbol = strf[ccf++]; |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == dwSymbol) { |
| ccf++; |
| dwSymbolNum++; |
| } |
| dwSymbol = (dwSymbol << 8) | (dwSymbolNum + '0'); |
| if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'D', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsDay; |
| wsDay.Format(L"%d", day); |
| wsResult += wsDay; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'D', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsDay; |
| wsDay.Format(L"%02d", day); |
| wsResult += wsDay; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'J', '1')) { |
| FX_WORD nDays = 0; |
| for (int i = 1; i < month; i++) { |
| nDays += FX_GetSolarMonthDays(year, i); |
| } |
| nDays += day; |
| CFX_WideString wsDays; |
| wsDays.Format(L"%d", nDays); |
| wsResult += wsDays; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'J', '3')) { |
| FX_WORD nDays = 0; |
| for (int i = 1; i < month; i++) { |
| nDays += FX_GetSolarMonthDays(year, i); |
| } |
| nDays += day; |
| CFX_WideString wsDays; |
| wsDays.Format(L"%03d", nDays); |
| wsResult += wsDays; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMonth; |
| wsMonth.Format(L"%d", month); |
| wsResult += wsMonth; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMonth; |
| wsMonth.Format(L"%02d", month); |
| wsResult += wsMonth; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '3')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTemp; |
| pLocale->GetMonthName(month - 1, wsTemp, TRUE); |
| wsResult += wsTemp; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '4')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTemp; |
| pLocale->GetMonthName(month - 1, wsTemp, FALSE); |
| wsResult += wsTemp; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'E', '1')) { |
| FX_WORD wWeekDay = FX_GetWeekDay(year, month, day); |
| CFX_WideString wsWeekDay; |
| wsWeekDay.Format(L"%d", wWeekDay + 1); |
| wsResult += wsWeekDay; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'E', '3')) { |
| FX_WORD wWeekDay = FX_GetWeekDay(year, month, day); |
| CFX_WideString wsTemp; |
| pLocale->GetDayName(wWeekDay, wsTemp, TRUE); |
| wsResult += wsTemp; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'E', '4')) { |
| FX_WORD wWeekDay = FX_GetWeekDay(year, month, day); |
| if (pLocale) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTemp; |
| pLocale->GetDayName(wWeekDay, wsTemp, FALSE); |
| wsResult += wsTemp; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'e', '1')) { |
| FX_WORD wWeekDay = FX_GetWeekDay(year, month, day); |
| CFX_WideString wsWeekDay; |
| wsWeekDay.Format(L"%d", wWeekDay ? wWeekDay : 7); |
| wsResult += wsWeekDay; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'G', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsTemp; |
| pLocale->GetEraName(wsTemp, year < 0); |
| wsResult += wsTemp; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'Y', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsYear; |
| wsYear.Format(L"%02d", year % 100); |
| wsResult += wsYear; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'Y', '4')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsYear; |
| wsYear.Format(L"%d", year); |
| wsResult += wsYear; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'w', '1')) { |
| FX_WORD week_index = FX_GetWeekOfMonth(year, month, day); |
| CFX_WideString wsWeekInMonth; |
| wsWeekInMonth.Format(L"%d", week_index); |
| wsResult += wsWeekInMonth; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'W', '2')) { |
| FX_WORD week_index = FX_GetWeekOfYear(year, month, day); |
| CFX_WideString wsWeekInYear; |
| wsWeekInYear.Format(L"%02d", week_index); |
| wsResult += wsWeekInYear; |
| } |
| } |
| return bRet; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_TimeFormat(const CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale, |
| const CFX_Unitime& datetime, |
| CFX_WideString& wsResult) { |
| FX_BOOL bRet = TRUE; |
| uint8_t hour = datetime.GetHour(); |
| uint8_t minute = datetime.GetMinute(); |
| uint8_t second = datetime.GetSecond(); |
| FX_WORD millisecond = datetime.GetMillisecond(); |
| int32_t ccf = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* strf = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTimePattern; |
| int32_t lenf = wsTimePattern.GetLength(); |
| FX_WORD wHour = hour; |
| if (wsTimePattern.Find('A') != -1) { |
| if (wHour >= 12) { |
| bPM = TRUE; |
| } |
| } |
| while (ccf < lenf) { |
| if (strf[ccf] == '\'') { |
| wsResult += FX_GetLiteralText(strf, ccf, lenf); |
| ccf++; |
| continue; |
| } else if (FX_Local_Find(gs_wsTimeSymbols, strf[ccf]) < 0) { |
| wsResult += strf[ccf++]; |
| continue; |
| } |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbolNum = 1; |
| FX_DWORD dwSymbol = strf[ccf++]; |
| while (ccf < lenf && strf[ccf] == dwSymbol) { |
| ccf++; |
| dwSymbolNum++; |
| } |
| dwSymbol = (dwSymbol << 8) | (dwSymbolNum + '0'); |
| if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'h', '1')) { |
| if (wHour > 12) { |
| wHour -= 12; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%d", wHour == 0 ? 12 : wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'h', '2')) { |
| if (wHour > 12) { |
| wHour -= 12; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%02d", wHour == 0 ? 12 : wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'K', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%d", wHour == 0 ? 24 : wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'K', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%02d", wHour == 0 ? 24 : wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'k', '1')) { |
| if (wHour > 12) { |
| wHour -= 12; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%d", wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'H', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%d", wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'k', '2')) { |
| if (wHour > 12) { |
| wHour -= 12; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%02d", wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'H', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsHour; |
| wsHour.Format(L"%02d", wHour); |
| wsResult += wsHour; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinute; |
| wsMinute.Format(L"%d", minute); |
| wsResult += wsMinute; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'M', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMinute; |
| wsMinute.Format(L"%02d", minute); |
| wsResult += wsMinute; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'S', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsSecond; |
| wsSecond.Format(L"%d", second); |
| wsResult += wsSecond; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'S', '2')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsSecond; |
| wsSecond.Format(L"%02d", second); |
| wsResult += wsSecond; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'F', '3')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMilliseconds; |
| wsMilliseconds.Format(L"%03d", millisecond); |
| wsResult += wsMilliseconds; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'A', '1')) { |
| CFX_WideString wsMeridiem; |
| pLocale->GetMeridiemName(wsMeridiem, !bPM); |
| wsResult += wsMeridiem; |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'Z', '1')) { |
| wsResult += FX_WSTRC(L"GMT"); |
| pLocale->GetTimeZone(tz); |
| if (!bGMT && (tz.tzHour != 0 || tz.tzMinute != 0)) { |
| if (tz.tzHour < 0) { |
| wsResult += FX_WSTRC(L"-"); |
| } else { |
| wsResult += FX_WSTRC(L"+"); |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsTimezone; |
| wsTimezone.Format(L"%02d:%02d", FXSYS_abs(tz.tzHour), tz.tzMinute); |
| wsResult += wsTimezone; |
| } |
| } else if (dwSymbol == FXBSTR_ID(0, 0, 'z', '1')) { |
| pLocale->GetTimeZone(tz); |
| if (!bGMT && tz.tzHour != 0 && tz.tzMinute != 0) { |
| if (tz.tzHour < 0) { |
| wsResult += FX_WSTRC(L"-"); |
| } else { |
| wsResult += FX_WSTRC(L"+"); |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsTimezone; |
| wsTimezone.Format(L"%02d:%02d", FXSYS_abs(tz.tzHour), tz.tzMinute); |
| wsResult += wsTimezone; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return bRet; |
| } |
| static FX_BOOL FX_FormatDateTime(const CFX_Unitime& dt, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsDatePattern, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsTimePattern, |
| FX_BOOL bDateFirst, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| FX_BOOL bRet = TRUE; |
| CFX_WideString wsDateOut, wsTimeOut; |
| if (!wsDatePattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| bRet &= FX_DateFormat(wsDatePattern, pLocale, dt, wsDateOut); |
| } |
| if (!wsTimePattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| bRet &= FX_TimeFormat(wsTimePattern, pLocale, dt, wsTimeOut); |
| } |
| wsOutput = bDateFirst ? wsDateOut + wsTimeOut : wsTimeOut + wsDateOut; |
| return bRet; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatDateTime(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcDateTime, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsSrcDateTime.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = NULL; |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE eCategory = |
| GetDateTimeFormat(wsPattern, pLocale, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern); |
| if (pLocale == NULL || eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_Unitime dt(0); |
| int32_t iT = wsSrcDateTime.Find(L"T"); |
| if (iT < 0) { |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Date) { |
| FX_DateFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime, dt); |
| } else if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time) { |
| FX_TimeFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime, dt, pLocale); |
| } |
| } else { |
| FX_DateFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime.Left(iT), dt); |
| FX_TimeFromCanonical( |
| wsSrcDateTime.Right(wsSrcDateTime.GetLength() - iT - 1), dt, pLocale); |
| } |
| return FX_FormatDateTime(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, |
| eCategory != FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate, pLocale, |
| wsOutput); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatDateTime(const CFX_WideString& wsSrcDateTime, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput, |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE eDateTimeType) { |
| if (wsSrcDateTime.IsEmpty() || wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = NULL; |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE eCategory = |
| GetDateTimeFormat(wsPattern, pLocale, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern); |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) { |
| if (eDateTimeType == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time) { |
| wsTimePattern = wsDatePattern; |
| wsDatePattern.Empty(); |
| } |
| eCategory = eDateTimeType; |
| } |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Unknown) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_Unitime dt(0); |
| int32_t iT = wsSrcDateTime.Find(L"T"); |
| if (iT < 0) { |
| if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Date && |
| FX_DateFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime, dt)) { |
| return FX_FormatDateTime(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, TRUE, pLocale, |
| wsOutput); |
| } else if (eCategory == FX_DATETIMETYPE_Time && |
| FX_TimeFromCanonical(wsSrcDateTime, dt, pLocale)) { |
| return FX_FormatDateTime(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, TRUE, pLocale, |
| wsOutput); |
| } |
| } else { |
| CFX_WideStringC wsSrcDate((const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcDateTime, iT); |
| CFX_WideStringC wsSrcTime((const FX_WCHAR*)wsSrcDateTime + iT + 1, |
| wsSrcDateTime.GetLength() - iT - 1); |
| if (wsSrcDate.IsEmpty() || wsSrcTime.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| if (FX_DateFromCanonical(wsSrcDate, dt) && |
| FX_TimeFromCanonical(wsSrcTime, dt, pLocale)) { |
| return FX_FormatDateTime(dt, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern, |
| eCategory != FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate, pLocale, |
| wsOutput); |
| } |
| } |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatDateTime(const CFX_Unitime& dt, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern; |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale = NULL; |
| FX_DATETIMETYPE eCategory = |
| GetDateTimeFormat(wsPattern, pLocale, wsDatePattern, wsTimePattern); |
| if (!pLocale) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| return FX_FormatDateTime(dt, wsPattern, wsTimePattern, |
| eCategory != FX_DATETIMETYPE_TimeDate, pLocale, |
| wsOutput); |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatZero(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsTextFormat; |
| GetTextFormat(wsPattern, FX_WSTRC(L"zero"), wsTextFormat); |
| int32_t iPattern = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTextFormat; |
| int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { |
| wsOutput += FX_GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, iPattern, iLenPattern); |
| iPattern++; |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| FX_BOOL CFX_FormatString::FormatNull(const CFX_WideString& wsPattern, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput) { |
| if (wsPattern.IsEmpty()) { |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| CFX_WideString wsTextFormat; |
| GetTextFormat(wsPattern, FX_WSTRC(L"null"), wsTextFormat); |
| int32_t iPattern = 0; |
| const FX_WCHAR* pStrPattern = (const FX_WCHAR*)wsTextFormat; |
| int32_t iLenPattern = wsTextFormat.GetLength(); |
| while (iPattern < iLenPattern) { |
| if (pStrPattern[iPattern] == '\'') { |
| wsOutput += FX_GetLiteralText(pStrPattern, iPattern, iLenPattern); |
| iPattern++; |
| continue; |
| } else { |
| wsOutput += pStrPattern[iPattern++]; |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| IFX_Locale* CFX_FormatString::GetPatternLocale( |
| const CFX_WideStringC& wsLocale) { |
| if (m_bUseLCID) { |
| } |
| return m_pLocaleMgr->GetLocaleByName(wsLocale); |
| } |
| #define FXMATH_DECIMAL_NEGMASK (0x80000000L) |
| #define FXMATH_DECIMAL_FORCEBOOL(x) (!(!(x))) |
| (((SCALE) << 0x10) | ((NEG) ? FXMATH_DECIMAL_NEGMASK : 0)) |
| ((uint8_t)(((FLAGS) & ~FXMATH_DECIMAL_NEGMASK) >> 0x10)) |
| #define FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(x) ((x) >> 0x10 >> 0x10) |
| #define FXMATH_DECIMAL_LSHIFT32BIT(x) ((x) << 0x10 << 0x10) |
| static inline uint8_t fxmath_decimal_helper_div10(uint64_t& phi, |
| uint64_t& pmid, |
| uint64_t& plo) { |
| uint8_t retVal; |
| pmid += FXMATH_DECIMAL_LSHIFT32BIT(phi % 0xA); |
| phi /= 0xA; |
| plo += FXMATH_DECIMAL_LSHIFT32BIT(pmid % 0xA); |
| pmid /= 0xA; |
| retVal = plo % 0xA; |
| plo /= 0xA; |
| return retVal; |
| } |
| static inline uint8_t fxmath_decimal_helper_div10_any(uint64_t nums[], |
| uint8_t numcount) { |
| uint8_t retVal = 0; |
| for (int i = numcount - 1; i > 0; i--) { |
| nums[i - 1] += FXMATH_DECIMAL_LSHIFT32BIT(nums[i] % 0xA); |
| nums[i] /= 0xA; |
| } |
| if (numcount) { |
| retVal = nums[0] % 0xA; |
| nums[0] /= 0xA; |
| } |
| return retVal; |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10(uint64_t& phi, |
| uint64_t& pmid, |
| uint64_t& plo) { |
| plo *= 0xA; |
| pmid = pmid * 0xA + FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(plo); |
| plo = (uint32_t)plo; |
| phi = phi * 0xA + FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(pmid); |
| pmid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10_any(uint64_t nums[], |
| uint8_t numcount) { |
| nums[0] *= 0xA; |
| for (int i = 1; i < numcount; i++) { |
| nums[i] = nums[i] * 0xA + FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(nums[i - 1]); |
| nums[i - 1] = (uint32_t)nums[i - 1]; |
| } |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize(uint64_t& phi, |
| uint64_t& pmid, |
| uint64_t& plo) { |
| phi += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(pmid); |
| pmid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| pmid += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(plo); |
| plo = (uint32_t)plo; |
| phi += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(pmid); |
| pmid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize_any(uint64_t nums[], |
| uint8_t len) { |
| { |
| for (int i = len - 2; i > 0; i--) { |
| nums[i + 1] += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(nums[i]); |
| nums[i] = (uint32_t)nums[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { |
| nums[i + 1] += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(nums[i]); |
| nums[i] = (uint32_t)nums[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| static inline int8_t fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_compare(uint32_t hi1, |
| uint32_t mid1, |
| uint32_t lo1, |
| uint32_t hi2, |
| uint32_t mid2, |
| uint32_t lo2) { |
| int8_t retVal = 0; |
| if (!retVal) { |
| retVal += (hi1 > hi2 ? 1 : (hi1 < hi2 ? -1 : 0)); |
| } |
| if (!retVal) { |
| retVal += (mid1 > mid2 ? 1 : (mid1 < mid2 ? -1 : 0)); |
| } |
| if (!retVal) { |
| retVal += (lo1 > lo2 ? 1 : (lo1 < lo2 ? -1 : 0)); |
| } |
| return retVal; |
| } |
| static inline int8_t fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_compare_any(uint64_t a[], |
| uint8_t al, |
| uint64_t b[], |
| uint8_t bl) { |
| int8_t retVal = 0; |
| for (int i = std::max(al - 1, bl - 1); i >= 0; i--) { |
| uint64_t l = (i >= al ? 0 : a[i]), r = (i >= bl ? 0 : b[i]); |
| retVal += (l > r ? 1 : (l < r ? -1 : 0)); |
| if (retVal) { |
| return retVal; |
| } |
| } |
| return retVal; |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_dec_any(uint64_t a[], uint8_t al) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) { |
| if (a[i]--) { |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_inc_any(uint64_t a[], uint8_t al) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) { |
| a[i]++; |
| if ((uint32_t)a[i] == a[i]) { |
| return; |
| } |
| a[i] = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_mul(uint64_t a[], |
| uint8_t al, |
| uint64_t b[], |
| uint8_t bl, |
| uint64_t c[], |
| uint8_t cl) { |
| assert(al + bl <= cl); |
| { |
| for (int i = 0; i < cl; i++) { |
| c[i] = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| for (int i = 0; i < al; i++) { |
| for (int j = 0; j < bl; j++) { |
| uint64_t m = (uint64_t)a[i] * b[j]; |
| c[i + j] += (uint32_t)m; |
| c[i + j + 1] += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(m); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| for (int i = 0; i < cl - 1; i++) { |
| c[i + 1] += FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(c[i]); |
| c[i] = (uint32_t)c[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| { |
| for (int i = 0; i < cl; i++) { |
| c[i] = (uint32_t)c[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_div(uint64_t a[], |
| uint8_t al, |
| uint64_t b[], |
| uint8_t bl, |
| uint64_t c[], |
| uint8_t cl) { |
| int i; |
| for (i = 0; i < cl; i++) { |
| c[i] = 0; |
| } |
| uint64_t left[16] = {0}, right[16] = {0}; |
| left[0] = 0; |
| for (i = 0; i < al; i++) { |
| right[i] = a[i]; |
| } |
| uint64_t tmp[16]; |
| while (fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_compare_any(left, al, right, al) <= 0) { |
| uint64_t cur[16]; |
| for (i = 0; i < al; i++) { |
| cur[i] = left[i] + right[i]; |
| } |
| for (i = al - 1; i >= 0; i--) { |
| if (i) { |
| cur[i - 1] += FXMATH_DECIMAL_LSHIFT32BIT(cur[i] % 2); |
| } |
| cur[i] /= 2; |
| } |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_mul(cur, al, b, bl, tmp, 16); |
| switch (fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_compare_any(tmp, 16, a, al)) { |
| case -1: |
| for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { |
| left[i] = cur[i]; |
| } |
| left[0]++; |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize_any(left, al); |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { |
| right[i] = cur[i]; |
| } |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_dec_any(right, al); |
| break; |
| case 0: |
| for (i = 0; i < std::min(al, cl); i++) { |
| c[i] = cur[i]; |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| for (i = 0; i < std::min(al, cl); i++) { |
| c[i] = left[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| static inline FX_BOOL fxmath_decimal_helper_outofrange(uint64_t a[], |
| uint8_t al, |
| uint8_t goal) { |
| for (int i = goal; i < al; i++) { |
| if (a[i]) { |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| } |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_shrinkintorange(uint64_t a[], |
| uint8_t al, |
| uint8_t goal, |
| uint8_t& scale) { |
| FX_BOOL bRoundUp = FALSE; |
| while (scale != 0 && (scale > FXMATH_DECIMAL_SCALELIMIT || |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_outofrange(a, al, goal))) { |
| bRoundUp = fxmath_decimal_helper_div10_any(a, al) >= 5; |
| scale--; |
| } |
| if (bRoundUp) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize_any(a, goal); |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_inc_any(a, goal); |
| } |
| } |
| static inline void fxmath_decimal_helper_truncate(uint64_t& phi, |
| uint64_t& pmid, |
| uint64_t& plo, |
| uint8_t& scale, |
| uint8_t minscale = 0) { |
| while (scale > minscale) { |
| uint64_t thi = phi, tmid = pmid, tlo = plo; |
| if (fxmath_decimal_helper_div10(thi, tmid, tlo) != 0) { |
| break; |
| } |
| phi = thi, pmid = tmid, plo = tlo; |
| scale--; |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal() { |
| m_uLo = m_uMid = m_uHi = m_uFlags = 0; |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(uint64_t val) { |
| m_uLo = (uint32_t)val; |
| m_uMid = (uint32_t)FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT(val); |
| m_uHi = 0; |
| m_uFlags = 0; |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(uint32_t val) { |
| m_uLo = (uint32_t)val; |
| m_uMid = m_uHi = 0; |
| m_uFlags = 0; |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(uint32_t lo, |
| uint32_t mid, |
| uint32_t hi, |
| FX_BOOL neg, |
| uint8_t scale) { |
| scale = (scale > FXMATH_DECIMAL_SCALELIMIT ? 0 : scale); |
| m_uLo = lo; |
| m_uMid = mid; |
| m_uHi = hi; |
| m_uFlags = FXMATH_DECIMAL_MAKEFLAGS(neg && IsNotZero(), scale); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(int32_t val) { |
| if (val >= 0) { |
| *this = CFX_Decimal((uint32_t)val); |
| } else { |
| *this = CFX_Decimal((uint32_t)-val); |
| SetNegate(); |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(int64_t val) { |
| if (val >= 0) { |
| *this = CFX_Decimal((uint64_t)val); |
| } else { |
| *this = CFX_Decimal((uint64_t)-val); |
| SetNegate(); |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(FX_FLOAT val, uint8_t scale) { |
| FX_FLOAT newval = fabs(val); |
| uint64_t phi, pmid, plo; |
| plo = (uint64_t)newval; |
| pmid = (uint64_t)(newval / 1e32); |
| phi = (uint64_t)(newval / 1e64); |
| newval = FXSYS_fmod(newval, 1.0f); |
| for (uint8_t iter = 0; iter < scale; iter++) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10(phi, pmid, plo); |
| newval *= 10; |
| plo += (uint64_t)newval; |
| newval = FXSYS_fmod(newval, 1.0f); |
| } |
| plo += FXSYS_round(newval); |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize(phi, pmid, plo); |
| m_uHi = (uint32_t)phi; |
| m_uMid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| m_uLo = (uint32_t)plo; |
| m_uFlags = FXMATH_DECIMAL_MAKEFLAGS(val < 0 && IsNotZero(), scale); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(const CFX_WideStringC& strObj) { |
| const FX_WCHAR* str = strObj.GetPtr(); |
| const FX_WCHAR* strBound = str + strObj.GetLength(); |
| FX_BOOL pointmet = 0; |
| FX_BOOL negmet = 0; |
| uint8_t scale = 0; |
| m_uHi = m_uMid = m_uLo = 0; |
| while (str != strBound && *str == ' ') { |
| str++; |
| } |
| if (str != strBound && *str == '-') { |
| negmet = 1; |
| str++; |
| } else if (str != strBound && *str == '+') { |
| str++; |
| } |
| while (str != strBound && ((*str >= '0' && *str <= '9') || *str == '.') && |
| if (*str == '.') { |
| if (pointmet) { |
| goto cont; |
| } |
| pointmet = 1; |
| } else { |
| m_uHi = m_uHi * 0xA + FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT((uint64_t)m_uMid * 0xA); |
| m_uMid = m_uMid * 0xA + FXMATH_DECIMAL_RSHIFT32BIT((uint64_t)m_uLo * 0xA); |
| m_uLo = m_uLo * 0xA + (*str - '0'); |
| if (pointmet) { |
| scale++; |
| } |
| } |
| cont: |
| str++; |
| } |
| m_uFlags = FXMATH_DECIMAL_MAKEFLAGS(negmet && IsNotZero(), scale); |
| } |
| |
| CFX_Decimal::CFX_Decimal(const CFX_ByteStringC& strObj) { |
| *this = CFX_Decimal(CFX_WideString::FromLocal(strObj)); |
| } |
| |
| CFX_Decimal::operator CFX_WideString() const { |
| CFX_WideString retString; |
| CFX_WideString tmpbuf; |
| uint64_t phi = m_uHi, pmid = m_uMid, plo = m_uLo; |
| while (phi || pmid || plo) { |
| tmpbuf += fxmath_decimal_helper_div10(phi, pmid, plo) + '0'; |
| } |
| uint8_t outputlen = (uint8_t)tmpbuf.GetLength(); |
| uint8_t scale = (uint8_t)FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags); |
| while (scale >= outputlen) { |
| tmpbuf += '0'; |
| outputlen++; |
| } |
| if (FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags) && IsNotZero()) { |
| retString += '-'; |
| } |
| for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < outputlen; idx++) { |
| if (idx == (outputlen - scale) && scale != 0) { |
| retString += '.'; |
| } |
| retString += tmpbuf[outputlen - 1 - idx]; |
| } |
| return retString; |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal::operator double() const { |
| double pow = (double)(1 << 16) * (1 << 16); |
| double base = |
| ((double)m_uHi) * pow * pow + ((double)m_uMid) * pow + ((double)m_uLo); |
| int8_t scale = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags); |
| return (bNeg ? -1 : 1) * base * ::pow(10.0, -scale); |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::SetScale(uint8_t newscale) { |
| uint8_t oldscale = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags); |
| if (newscale > oldscale) { |
| uint64_t phi = m_uHi, pmid = m_uMid, plo = m_uLo; |
| for (uint8_t iter = 0; iter < newscale - oldscale; iter++) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10(phi, pmid, plo); |
| } |
| m_uHi = (uint32_t)phi; |
| m_uMid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| m_uLo = (uint32_t)plo; |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags) && IsNotZero(), newscale); |
| } else if (newscale < oldscale) { |
| uint64_t phi, pmid, plo; |
| phi = 0, pmid = 0, plo = 5; |
| { |
| for (uint8_t iter = 0; iter < oldscale - newscale - 1; iter++) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10(phi, pmid, plo); |
| } |
| } |
| phi += m_uHi; |
| pmid += m_uMid; |
| plo += m_uLo; |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize(phi, pmid, plo); |
| { |
| for (uint8_t iter = 0; iter < oldscale - newscale; iter++) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_div10(phi, pmid, plo); |
| } |
| } |
| m_uHi = (uint32_t)phi; |
| m_uMid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| m_uLo = (uint32_t)plo; |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags) && IsNotZero(), newscale); |
| } |
| } |
| uint8_t CFX_Decimal::GetScale() { |
| uint8_t oldscale = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags); |
| return oldscale; |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::SetAbs() { |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::SetNegate() { |
| if (IsNotZero()) { |
| } |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::FloorOrCeil(FX_BOOL bFloor) { |
| uint64_t nums[3] = {m_uLo, m_uMid, m_uHi}; |
| FX_BOOL bDataLoss = FALSE; |
| for (int i = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags); i > 0; i--) { |
| bDataLoss = fxmath_decimal_helper_div10_any(nums, 3) || bDataLoss; |
| } |
| if (bDataLoss && (bFloor ? FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags) |
| : !FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags))) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_inc_any(nums, 3); |
| } |
| m_uHi = (uint32_t)nums[2]; |
| m_uMid = (uint32_t)nums[1]; |
| m_uLo = (uint32_t)nums[0]; |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags) && IsNotZero(), 0); |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::SetFloor() { |
| FloorOrCeil(TRUE); |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::SetCeiling() { |
| FloorOrCeil(FALSE); |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::SetTruncate() { |
| FloorOrCeil(!FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(m_uFlags)); |
| } |
| void CFX_Decimal::Swap(CFX_Decimal& val) { |
| uint32_t tmp; |
| tmp = m_uHi; |
| m_uHi = val.m_uHi; |
| val.m_uHi = tmp; |
| tmp = m_uMid; |
| m_uMid = val.m_uMid; |
| val.m_uMid = tmp; |
| tmp = m_uLo; |
| m_uLo = val.m_uLo; |
| val.m_uLo = tmp; |
| tmp = m_uFlags; |
| m_uFlags = val.m_uFlags; |
| val.m_uFlags = tmp; |
| } |
| int8_t CFX_Decimal::Compare(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| CFX_Decimal lhs = *this, rhs = val; |
| int8_t retVal = 0; |
| if (FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(lhs.m_uFlags) != |
| uint8_t scale = std::min(FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(lhs.m_uFlags), |
| lhs.SetScale(scale); |
| rhs.SetScale(scale); |
| } |
| retVal = -(FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(lhs.m_uFlags) - |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(rhs.m_uFlags)); |
| if (retVal) { |
| return retVal; |
| } |
| retVal = fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_compare(lhs.m_uHi, lhs.m_uMid, lhs.m_uLo, |
| rhs.m_uHi, rhs.m_uMid, rhs.m_uLo); |
| return (FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(lhs.m_uFlags) ? -retVal : retVal); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::AddOrMinus(const CFX_Decimal& val, |
| FX_BOOL isAdding) const { |
| CFX_Decimal lhs = *this, rhs = val; |
| if (FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(lhs.m_uFlags) != |
| uint8_t scale = std::max(FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(lhs.m_uFlags), |
| lhs.SetScale(scale); |
| rhs.SetScale(scale); |
| } |
| if (!isAdding) { |
| rhs.SetNegate(); |
| } |
| if (FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(lhs.m_uFlags) == |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2NEG(rhs.m_uFlags)) { |
| uint64_t phi = lhs.m_uHi, pmid = lhs.m_uMid, plo = lhs.m_uLo; |
| phi += rhs.m_uHi; |
| pmid += rhs.m_uMid; |
| plo += rhs.m_uLo; |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_normalize(phi, pmid, plo); |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(lhs.m_uFlags) != 0) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_div10(phi, pmid, plo); |
| FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(lhs.m_uFlags) - 1); |
| } |
| lhs.m_uHi = (uint32_t)phi; |
| lhs.m_uMid = (uint32_t)pmid; |
| lhs.m_uLo = (uint32_t)plo; |
| return lhs; |
| } else { |
| if (fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_compare(lhs.m_uHi, lhs.m_uMid, lhs.m_uLo, |
| rhs.m_uHi, rhs.m_uMid, |
| rhs.m_uLo) < 0) { |
| lhs.Swap(rhs); |
| } |
| lhs.m_uHi -= rhs.m_uHi; |
| if (lhs.m_uMid < rhs.m_uMid) { |
| lhs.m_uHi--; |
| } |
| lhs.m_uMid -= rhs.m_uMid; |
| if (lhs.m_uLo < rhs.m_uLo) { |
| if (!lhs.m_uMid) { |
| lhs.m_uHi--; |
| } |
| lhs.m_uMid--; |
| } |
| lhs.m_uLo -= rhs.m_uLo; |
| return lhs; |
| } |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::Multiply(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| uint64_t a[3] = {m_uLo, m_uMid, m_uHi}, |
| b[3] = {val.m_uLo, val.m_uMid, val.m_uHi}; |
| uint64_t c[6]; |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_mul(a, 3, b, 3, c, 6); |
| uint8_t scale = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags) + |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_shrinkintorange(c, 6, 3, scale); |
| return CFX_Decimal((uint32_t)c[0], (uint32_t)c[1], (uint32_t)c[2], neg, |
| scale); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::Divide(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| if (!val.IsNotZero()) { |
| return CFX_Decimal(); |
| } |
| uint64_t a[7] = {m_uLo, m_uMid, m_uHi}, |
| b[3] = {val.m_uLo, val.m_uMid, val.m_uHi}, c[7] = {0}; |
| uint8_t scale = 0; |
| for (int i = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(val.m_uFlags) - |
| i > 0; i--) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10_any(a, 7); |
| } |
| } else { |
| scale = FXMATH_DECIMAL_FLAGS2SCALE(m_uFlags) - |
| } |
| uint8_t minscale = scale; |
| if (!IsNotZero()) { |
| return CFX_Decimal(0, 0, 0, 0, minscale); |
| } |
| while (!a[6]) { |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_mul10_any(a, 7); |
| scale++; |
| } |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_div10_any(a, 7); |
| scale--; |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_raw_div(a, 6, b, 3, c, 7); |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_shrinkintorange(c, 6, 3, scale); |
| fxmath_decimal_helper_truncate(c[2], c[1], c[0], scale, minscale); |
| return CFX_Decimal((uint32_t)c[0], (uint32_t)c[1], (uint32_t)c[2], neg, |
| scale); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::Modulus(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| CFX_Decimal lhs = *this, rhs_abs = val; |
| rhs_abs.SetAbs(); |
| if (!rhs_abs.IsNotZero()) { |
| return *this; |
| } |
| while (TRUE) { |
| CFX_Decimal lhs_abs = lhs; |
| lhs_abs.SetAbs(); |
| if (lhs_abs < rhs_abs) { |
| break; |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal quot = lhs / rhs_abs; |
| quot.SetTruncate(); |
| lhs = lhs - quot * rhs_abs; |
| } |
| return lhs; |
| } |
| bool CFX_Decimal::operator==(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Compare(val) == 0; |
| } |
| bool CFX_Decimal::operator<=(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Compare(val) <= 0; |
| } |
| bool CFX_Decimal::operator>=(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Compare(val) >= 0; |
| } |
| bool CFX_Decimal::operator!=(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Compare(val) != 0; |
| } |
| bool CFX_Decimal::operator<(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Compare(val) < 0; |
| } |
| bool CFX_Decimal::operator>(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Compare(val) > 0; |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::operator+(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return AddOrMinus(val, TRUE); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::operator-(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return AddOrMinus(val, FALSE); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::operator*(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Multiply(val); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::operator/(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Divide(val); |
| } |
| CFX_Decimal CFX_Decimal::operator%(const CFX_Decimal& val) const { |
| return Modulus(val); |
| } |