| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| |
| #include "core/include/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser.h" // For CFX_FloatPoint. |
| #include "core/include/fpdfdoc/fpdf_vt.h" // For CPVT_WordRange. |
| #include "fpdfsdk/include/fxedit/fx_edit.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/include/pdfwindow/PWL_Wnd.h" |
| |
| class CFX_PathData; |
| struct CPWL_Color; |
| |
| template <class T> |
| T PWL_MIN(const T& i, const T& j) { |
| return ((i < j) ? i : j); |
| } |
| template <class T> |
| T PWL_MAX(const T& i, const T& j) { |
| return ((i > j) ? i : j); |
| } |
| |
| #define PWL_PDF2WIN(color) (uint8_t(color * 255)) |
| #define PWL_WIN2PDF(color) ((FX_FLOAT)((FX_FLOAT)color / 255.0f)) |
| |
| #define PWL_MAKEDWORD(low, high) \ |
| ((FX_DWORD)((FX_WORD)(low) | (FX_DWORD)(((FX_WORD)(high)) << 16))) |
| #define PWL_GETLOWWORD(dword) ((FX_WORD)(dword)) |
| #define PWL_GETHIGHWORD(dword) ((FX_WORD)(dword >> 16)) |
| |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_CROSS 3 |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_HELP 4 |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_KEY 6 |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_STAR 12 |
| |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_GRAPH 15 |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_TAG 18 |
| |
| #define PWL_ICONTYPE_FOXIT 19 |
| |
| |
| // checkbox & radiobutton style |
| #define PCS_CHECK 0 |
| #define PCS_CIRCLE 1 |
| #define PCS_CROSS 2 |
| #define PCS_DIAMOND 3 |
| #define PCS_SQUARE 4 |
| #define PCS_STAR 5 |
| |
| // pushbutton layout style |
| #define PPBL_LABEL 0 |
| #define PPBL_ICON 1 |
| |
| class CPWL_Point : public CFX_FloatPoint { |
| public: |
| CPWL_Point() : CFX_FloatPoint(0.0f, 0.0f) {} |
| CPWL_Point(FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy) : CFX_FloatPoint(fx, fy) {} |
| CPWL_Point(const CPWL_Point& point) : CFX_FloatPoint(point.x, point.y) {} |
| }; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| |
| class CPWL_PathData { |
| public: |
| CPWL_PathData() : point(), type(PWLPT_UNKNOWN) {} |
| CPWL_PathData(const CPWL_Point& pt, PWL_PATHDATA_TYPE tp) |
| : point(pt), type(tp) {} |
| |
| CPWL_Point point; |
| }; |
| |
| class IPWL_SpellCheck; |
| |
| class CPWL_Utils { |
| public: |
| static CFX_FloatRect InflateRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rcRect, FX_FLOAT fSize); |
| static CFX_FloatRect DeflateRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rcRect, FX_FLOAT fSize); |
| static FX_BOOL IntersectRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect1, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect2); |
| static FX_BOOL ContainsRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rcParent, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rcChild); |
| static CFX_FloatRect ScaleRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rcRect, FX_FLOAT fScale); |
| static CPVT_WordRange OverlapWordRange(const CPVT_WordRange& wr1, |
| const CPVT_WordRange& wr2); |
| static CFX_FloatRect GetCenterSquare(const CFX_FloatRect& rect); |
| static CPWL_Color SubstractColor(const CPWL_Color& sColor, |
| FX_FLOAT fColorSub); |
| static CPWL_Color DevideColor(const CPWL_Color& sColor, |
| FX_FLOAT fColorDevide); |
| static CFX_FloatRect MaxRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect1, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect2); |
| static CFX_FloatRect OffsetRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| FX_FLOAT x, |
| FX_FLOAT y); |
| static CFX_FloatPoint OffsetPoint(const CFX_FloatPoint& point, |
| FX_FLOAT x, |
| FX_FLOAT y); |
| static FX_COLORREF PWLColorToFXColor(const CPWL_Color& color, |
| int32_t nTransparancy = 255); |
| static FX_BOOL IsBlackOrWhite(const CPWL_Color& color); |
| static CPWL_Color GetReverseColor(const CPWL_Color& color); |
| |
| static CFX_ByteString GetColorAppStream(const CPWL_Color& color, |
| const FX_BOOL& bFillOrStroke = TRUE); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetBorderAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| FX_FLOAT fWidth, |
| const CPWL_Color& color, |
| const CPWL_Color& crLeftTop, |
| const CPWL_Color& crRightBottom, |
| int32_t nStyle, |
| const CPWL_Dash& dash); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetCircleBorderAppStream( |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| FX_FLOAT fWidth, |
| const CPWL_Color& color, |
| const CPWL_Color& crLeftTop, |
| const CPWL_Color& crRightBottom, |
| int32_t nStyle, |
| const CPWL_Dash& dash); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetRectFillAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const CPWL_Color& color); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetCircleFillAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const CPWL_Color& color); |
| |
| static CFX_ByteString GetPushButtonAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| IFX_Edit_FontMap* pFontMap, |
| CPDF_Stream* pIconStream, |
| CPDF_IconFit& IconFit, |
| const CFX_WideString& sLabel, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText, |
| FX_FLOAT fFontSize, |
| int32_t nLayOut); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetCheckBoxAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| int32_t nStyle, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetRadioButtonAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| int32_t nStyle, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| |
| static CFX_ByteString GetEditAppStream(IFX_Edit* pEdit, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset, |
| const CPVT_WordRange* pRange = NULL, |
| FX_BOOL bContinuous = TRUE, |
| FX_WORD SubWord = 0); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetEditSelAppStream( |
| IFX_Edit* pEdit, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset, |
| const CPVT_WordRange* pRange = NULL); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetSpellCheckAppStream( |
| IFX_Edit* pEdit, |
| IPWL_SpellCheck* pSpellCheck, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset, |
| const CPVT_WordRange* pRange = NULL); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetTextAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| IFX_Edit_FontMap* pFontMap, |
| const CFX_WideString& sText, |
| int32_t nAlignmentH, |
| int32_t nAlignmentV, |
| FX_FLOAT fFontSize, |
| FX_BOOL bMultiLine, |
| FX_BOOL bAutoReturn, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetDropButtonAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox); |
| |
| static void DrawFillRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const CPWL_Color& color, |
| int32_t nTransparancy); |
| static void DrawFillRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const FX_COLORREF& color); |
| static void DrawStrokeRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const FX_COLORREF& color, |
| FX_FLOAT fWidth); |
| static void DrawStrokeLine(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint& ptMoveTo, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint& ptLineTo, |
| const FX_COLORREF& color, |
| FX_FLOAT fWidth); |
| static void DrawBorder(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| FX_FLOAT fWidth, |
| const CPWL_Color& color, |
| const CPWL_Color& crLeftTop, |
| const CPWL_Color& crRightBottom, |
| int32_t nStyle, |
| int32_t nTransparancy); |
| static void DrawFillArea(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint* pPts, |
| int32_t nCount, |
| const FX_COLORREF& color); |
| static void DrawShadow(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| FX_BOOL bVertical, |
| FX_BOOL bHorizontal, |
| CFX_FloatRect rect, |
| int32_t nTransparancy, |
| int32_t nStartGray, |
| int32_t nEndGray); |
| static void DrawEditSpellCheck(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| IFX_Edit* pEdit, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rcClip, |
| const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset, |
| const CPVT_WordRange* pRange, |
| IPWL_SpellCheck* pSpellCheck); |
| |
| public: |
| static void ConvertCMYK2RGB(FX_FLOAT dC, |
| FX_FLOAT dM, |
| FX_FLOAT dY, |
| FX_FLOAT dK, |
| FX_FLOAT& dR, |
| FX_FLOAT& dG, |
| FX_FLOAT& dB); |
| static void ConvertRGB2CMYK(FX_FLOAT dR, |
| FX_FLOAT dG, |
| FX_FLOAT dB, |
| FX_FLOAT& dC, |
| FX_FLOAT& dM, |
| FX_FLOAT& dY, |
| FX_FLOAT& dK); |
| |
| static void ConvertRGB2GRAY(FX_FLOAT dR, |
| FX_FLOAT dG, |
| FX_FLOAT dB, |
| FX_FLOAT& dGray); |
| static void ConvertGRAY2RGB(FX_FLOAT dGray, |
| FX_FLOAT& dR, |
| FX_FLOAT& dG, |
| FX_FLOAT& dB); |
| |
| static void ConvertCMYK2GRAY(FX_FLOAT dC, |
| FX_FLOAT dM, |
| FX_FLOAT dY, |
| FX_FLOAT dK, |
| FX_FLOAT& dGray); |
| static void ConvertGRAY2CMYK(FX_FLOAT dGray, |
| FX_FLOAT& dC, |
| FX_FLOAT& dM, |
| FX_FLOAT& dY, |
| FX_FLOAT& dK); |
| |
| static void PWLColorToARGB(const CPWL_Color& color, |
| int32_t& alpha, |
| FX_FLOAT& red, |
| FX_FLOAT& green, |
| FX_FLOAT& blue); |
| |
| public: |
| static CFX_ByteString GetIconAppStream( |
| int32_t nType, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const CPWL_Color& crFill, |
| const CPWL_Color& crStroke = PWL_DEFAULT_BLACKCOLOR); |
| static void DrawIconAppStream(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, |
| CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device, |
| int32_t nType, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& rect, |
| const CPWL_Color& crFill, |
| const CPWL_Color& crStroke, |
| const int32_t nTransparancy); |
| |
| private: |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStreamFromArray(const CPWL_PathData* pPathData, |
| int32_t nCount); |
| static void GetPathDataFromArray(CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CPWL_PathData* pPathData, |
| int32_t nCount); |
| |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Check(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Circle(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Cross(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Diamond(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Square(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Star(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox, |
| const CPWL_Color& crText); |
| |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_Check(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_Circle(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_Cross(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_Diamond(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_Square(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_Star(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox); |
| static CFX_ByteString GetAP_HalfCircle(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| FX_FLOAT fRotate); |
| |
| static void GetGraphics_Checkmark(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Circle(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Comment(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Cross(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Help(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_InsertText(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Key(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_NewParagraph(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_TextNote(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Paragraph(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_RightArrow(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_RightPointer(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Star(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_UpArrow(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_UpLeftArrow(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Graph(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Paperclip(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Attachment(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Tag(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| static void GetGraphics_Foxit(CFX_ByteString& sPathData, |
| CFX_PathData& path, |
| const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox, |
| const PWL_PATH_TYPE type); |
| }; |
| |