| // Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| |
| #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_string.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_system.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_assist.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_bind.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_border.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_calculate.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_caption.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_data.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_font.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_margin.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_para.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_validate.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_object.h" |
| |
| XFA_CHECKSTATE_Neutral = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| class CXFA_Node; |
| class IFX_Locale; |
| |
| class CXFA_WidgetData : public CXFA_Data { |
| public: |
| explicit CXFA_WidgetData(CXFA_Node* pNode); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetUIChild(); |
| XFA_ELEMENT GetUIType(); |
| CFX_WideString GetRawValue(); |
| int32_t GetAccess(FX_BOOL bTemplate = FALSE); |
| int32_t GetRotate(); |
| CXFA_Border GetBorder(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Caption GetCaption(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Font GetFont(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Margin GetMargin(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Para GetPara(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| void GetEventList(CXFA_NodeArray& events); |
| int32_t GetEventByActivity(int32_t iActivity, |
| CXFA_NodeArray& events, |
| FX_BOOL bIsFormReady = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Value GetDefaultValue(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Value GetFormValue(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Calculate GetCalculate(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Validate GetValidate(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Bind GetBind(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Assist GetAssist(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| FX_BOOL GetWidth(FX_FLOAT& fWidth); |
| FX_BOOL GetHeight(FX_FLOAT& fHeight); |
| FX_BOOL GetMinWidth(FX_FLOAT& fMinWidth); |
| FX_BOOL GetMinHeight(FX_FLOAT& fMinHeight); |
| FX_BOOL GetMaxWidth(FX_FLOAT& fMaxWidth); |
| FX_BOOL GetMaxHeight(FX_FLOAT& fMaxHeight); |
| CXFA_Border GetUIBorder(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| CXFA_Margin GetUIMargin(FX_BOOL bModified = FALSE); |
| void GetUIMargin(CFX_RectF& rtUIMargin); |
| int32_t GetButtonHighlight(); |
| FX_BOOL GetButtonRollover(CFX_WideString& wsRollover, FX_BOOL& bRichText); |
| FX_BOOL GetButtonDown(CFX_WideString& wsDown, FX_BOOL& bRichText); |
| int32_t GetCheckButtonShape(); |
| int32_t GetCheckButtonMark(); |
| FX_FLOAT GetCheckButtonSize(); |
| FX_BOOL IsAllowNeutral(); |
| FX_BOOL IsRadioButton(); |
| XFA_CHECKSTATE GetCheckState(); |
| void SetCheckState(XFA_CHECKSTATE eCheckState, bool bNotify); |
| CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupNode(); |
| CXFA_Node* GetSelectedMember(); |
| CXFA_Node* SetSelectedMember(const CFX_WideStringC& wsName, bool bNotify); |
| void SetSelectedMemberByValue(const CFX_WideStringC& wsValue, |
| bool bNotify, |
| FX_BOOL bScriptModify, |
| FX_BOOL bSyncData); |
| CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupFirstMember(); |
| CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupNextMember(CXFA_Node* pNode); |
| int32_t GetChoiceListCommitOn(); |
| FX_BOOL IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry(); |
| int32_t GetChoiceListOpen(); |
| FX_BOOL IsListBox(); |
| int32_t CountChoiceListItems(FX_BOOL bSaveValue = FALSE); |
| FX_BOOL GetChoiceListItem(CFX_WideString& wsText, |
| int32_t nIndex, |
| FX_BOOL bSaveValue = FALSE); |
| void GetChoiceListItems(CFX_WideStringArray& wsTextArray, |
| FX_BOOL bSaveValue = FALSE); |
| int32_t CountSelectedItems(); |
| int32_t GetSelectedItem(int32_t nIndex = 0); |
| void GetSelectedItems(CFX_Int32Array& iSelArray); |
| void GetSelectedItemsValue(CFX_WideStringArray& wsSelTextArray); |
| FX_BOOL GetItemState(int32_t nIndex); |
| void SetItemState(int32_t nIndex, |
| FX_BOOL bSelected, |
| bool bNotify, |
| FX_BOOL bScriptModify, |
| FX_BOOL bSyncData); |
| void SetSelectedItems(CFX_Int32Array& iSelArray, |
| bool bNotify, |
| FX_BOOL bScriptModify, |
| FX_BOOL bSyncData); |
| void ClearAllSelections(); |
| void InsertItem(const CFX_WideString& wsLabel, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsValue, |
| int32_t nIndex = -1, |
| FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE); |
| void GetItemLabel(const CFX_WideStringC& wsValue, CFX_WideString& wsLabel); |
| void GetItemValue(const CFX_WideStringC& wsLabel, CFX_WideString& wsValue); |
| FX_BOOL DeleteItem(int32_t nIndex, |
| FX_BOOL bNotify = FALSE, |
| FX_BOOL bScriptModify = FALSE, |
| FX_BOOL bSyncData = TRUE); |
| int32_t GetHorizontalScrollPolicy(); |
| int32_t GetNumberOfCells(); |
| FX_BOOL SetValue(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType); |
| FX_BOOL GetPictureContent(CFX_WideString& wsPicture, |
| IFX_Locale* GetLocal(); |
| FX_BOOL GetValue(CFX_WideString& wsValue, XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType); |
| FX_BOOL GetNormalizeDataValue(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, |
| CFX_WideString& wsNormalizeValue); |
| FX_BOOL GetFormatDataValue(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, |
| CFX_WideString& wsFormatedValue); |
| void NormalizeNumStr(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, CFX_WideString& wsOutput); |
| CFX_WideString GetBarcodeType(); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_CharEncoding(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_Checksum(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_DataLength(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_StartChar(FX_CHAR& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_EndChar(FX_CHAR& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_ECLevel(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_ModuleWidth(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_ModuleHeight(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_PrintChecksum(FX_BOOL& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_TextLocation(int32_t& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_Truncate(FX_BOOL& val); |
| FX_BOOL GetBarcodeAttribute_WideNarrowRatio(FX_FLOAT& val); |
| void GetPasswordChar(CFX_WideString& wsPassWord); |
| FX_BOOL IsMultiLine(); |
| int32_t GetVerticalScrollPolicy(); |
| int32_t GetMaxChars(XFA_ELEMENT& eType); |
| FX_BOOL GetFracDigits(int32_t& iFracDigits); |
| FX_BOOL GetLeadDigits(int32_t& iLeadDigits); |
| |
| CFX_WideString NumericLimit(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, |
| int32_t iLead, |
| int32_t iTread) const; |
| |
| FX_BOOL m_bIsNull; |
| FX_BOOL m_bPreNull; |
| |
| protected: |
| void SyncValue(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, bool bNotify); |
| void InsertListTextItem(CXFA_Node* pItems, |
| const CFX_WideString& wsText, |
| int32_t nIndex = -1); |
| void FormatNumStr(const CFX_WideString& wsValue, |
| IFX_Locale* pLocale, |
| CFX_WideString& wsOutput); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* m_pUiChildNode; |
| XFA_ELEMENT m_eUIType; |
| }; |
| |