| # Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
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| 'core/fxcodec/codec/fx_codec_jpeg.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/codec/fx_codec_jpx_opj.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithDecoder.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithDecoder.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithIntDecoder.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithIntDecoder.h', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_BitStream.h', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Context.h', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_GrdProc.cpp', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_HuffmanTable.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_HuffmanTable.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_HuffmanTable_Standard.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_HuffmanTable_Standard.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Image.cpp', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_List.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Page.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_PatternDict.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_PatternDict.h', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_PddProc.h', |
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| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_SddProc.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Segment.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Segment.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_SymbolDict.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_SymbolDict.h', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_TrdProc.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_TrdProc.h', |
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| # https://code.google.com/p/pdfium/issues/detail?id=100 |
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| ], |
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| # conversion to check that an address is 16-bit aligned (benign). |
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| 'core/fxge/apple/fx_quartz_device.cpp', |
| 'core/fxge/dib/dib_int.h', |
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| 'core/fxge/dib/fx_dib_convert.cpp', |
| 'core/fxge/dib/fx_dib_engine.cpp', |
| 'core/fxge/dib/fx_dib_main.cpp', |
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| 'core/fxge/freetype/fx_freetype.cpp', |
| 'core/fxge/ge/fx_ge.cpp', |
| 'core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_device.cpp', |
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| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/global.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/report.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/report.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/resource.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/resource.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/util.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/util.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/jsapi/include/fxjs_v8.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/jsapi/fxjs_v8.cpp', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'formfiller', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cba_fontmap.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cba_fontmap.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_checkbox.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_checkbox.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_combobox.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_combobox.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_formfiller.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_formfiller.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_iformfiller.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_iformfiller.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_listbox.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_listbox.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_pushbutton.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_pushbutton.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_radiobutton.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_radiobutton.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_textfield.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_textfield.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'pdfium_unittests', |
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| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gtest.gyp:gtest_main', |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'pdfium', |
| 'test_support', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'core/fxcrt/cfx_retain_ptr_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_font/fpdf_font_cid_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_font/fpdf_font_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_page/fpdf_page_parser_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_page/fpdf_page_parser_old_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/cpdf_array_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/cpdf_object_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/cpdf_parser_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/cpdf_simple_parser_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/cpdf_syntax_parser_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/fpdf_parser_decode_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfdoc/doc_basic_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdftext/fpdf_text_int_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcodec/codec/fx_codec_jpx_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_basic_bstring_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_basic_gcc_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_basic_memmgr_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_basic_wstring_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_bidi_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_extension_unittest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxcrt/fx_system_unittest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfdoc_unittest.cpp', |
| 'testing/fx_string_testhelpers.h', |
| 'testing/fx_string_testhelpers.cpp', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['pdf_enable_xfa==1', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'xfa/fde/xml/fde_xml_imp_unittest.cpp', |
| 'xfa/fxbarcode/pdf417/BC_PDF417HighLevelEncoder_unittest.cpp', |
| 'xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_utils_imp_unittest.cpp', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['pdf_enable_v8==1', { |
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| '<(DEPTH)/v8', |
| '<(DEPTH)/v8/include', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/public_methods_unittest.cpp', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['pdf_use_skia==1', { |
| 'defines': ['PDF_ENABLE_SKIA'], |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/skia/skia.gyp:skia', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'core/fxge/skia/fx_skia_device_unittest.cpp', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'pdfium_embeddertests', |
| 'type': 'executable', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| 'pdfium', |
| 'test_support', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_page/fpdf_page_func_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/cpdf_parser_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/fpdf_parser_decode_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_render/fpdf_render_loadimage_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'core/fpdfapi/fpdf_render/fpdf_render_pattern_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'core/fxge/ge/fx_ge_text_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdf_dataavail_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfdoc_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfedit_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfext_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfformfill_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfsave_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdftext_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfview_c_api_test.c', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfview_c_api_test.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfview_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fsdk_baseform_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'testing/embedder_test.cpp', |
| 'testing/embedder_test.h', |
| 'testing/embedder_test_mock_delegate.h', |
| 'testing/embedder_test_timer_handling_delegate.h', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['pdf_enable_xfa==1', { |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'xfa/fxfa/parser/xfa_parser_imp_embeddertest.cpp', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ['pdf_enable_v8==1', { |
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| '<(DEPTH)/v8', |
| '<(DEPTH)/v8/include', |
| ], |
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| '<(DEPTH)/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8', |
| '<(DEPTH)/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8_libplatform', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'fpdfsdk/javascript/public_methods_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/jsapi/fxjs_v8_embeddertest.cpp', |
| 'testing/js_embedder_test.cpp', |
| 'testing/js_embedder_test.h', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| { |
| 'target_name': 'test_support', |
| 'type': 'static_library', |
| 'dependencies': [ |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gmock.gyp:gmock', |
| '<(DEPTH)/testing/gtest.gyp:gtest', |
| ], |
| 'sources': [ |
| 'testing/fx_string_testhelpers.cpp', |
| 'testing/fx_string_testhelpers.h', |
| 'testing/test_support.cpp', |
| 'testing/test_support.h', |
| 'testing/utils/path_service.cpp', |
| ], |
| 'conditions': [ |
| ['pdf_enable_v8==1', { |
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| '<(DEPTH)/v8', |
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| ], |
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| '<(DEPTH)/v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8_libplatform', |
| ], |
| }], |
| ], |
| }, |
| ], |
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| ['pdf_enable_xfa==1', { |
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| { |
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| 'dependencies': [ |
| 'javascript', |
| 'xfa.gyp:xfa', |
| ], |
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| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_app.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_doc.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_page.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/fpdfxfa_util.cpp', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/include/fpdfxfa_app.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/include/fpdfxfa_doc.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/include/fpdfxfa_page.h', |
| 'fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa/include/fpdfxfa_util.h', |
| ], |
| }, |
| ] |
| }], |
| ] |
| } |