| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_ext.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/ifx_systemfontinfo.h" |
| #include "third_party/freetype/include/freetype/fttypes.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/crt/fgas_stream.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_fontmgr.h" |
| |
| #include "xfa/fgas/crt/fgas_memory.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/crt/fgas_utils.h" |
| |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_Normal 0x00 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_FixedPitch 0x01 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_Serif 0x02 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_Symbolic 0x04 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_Script 0x08 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic 0x40 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold 0x40000 |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_BoldItalic (FX_FONTSTYLE_Bold | FX_FONTSTYLE_Italic) |
| #define FX_FONTSTYLE_ExactMatch 0x80000000 |
| |
| class CFX_FontSourceEnum_File; |
| class CFGAS_GEFont; |
| class CXFA_PDFFontMgr; |
| class CFGAS_FontMgr; |
| |
| #define FX_FONTMATCHPARA_MatchStyle 0x01 |
| |
| const FX_WCHAR* pwsFamily; |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles; |
| uint32_t dwUSB; |
| uint32_t dwMatchFlags; |
| FX_WCHAR wUnicode; |
| uint16_t wCodePage; |
| }; |
| |
| |
| uint32_t fsUsb[4]; |
| uint32_t fsCsb[2]; |
| }; |
| |
| inline bool operator==(const FX_FONTSIGNATURE& left, |
| const FX_FONTSIGNATURE& right) { |
| return left.fsUsb[0] == right.fsUsb[0] && left.fsUsb[1] == right.fsUsb[1] && |
| left.fsUsb[2] == right.fsUsb[2] && left.fsUsb[3] == right.fsUsb[3] && |
| left.fsCsb[0] == right.fsCsb[0] && left.fsCsb[1] == right.fsCsb[1]; |
| } |
| |
| FX_WCHAR wsFontFace[32]; |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles; |
| uint8_t uCharSet; |
| FX_FONTSIGNATURE FontSignature; |
| }; |
| |
| typedef CFX_MassArrayTemplate<FX_FONTDESCRIPTOR> CFX_FontDescriptors; |
| |
| inline bool operator==(const FX_FONTDESCRIPTOR& left, |
| const FX_FONTDESCRIPTOR& right) { |
| return left.uCharSet == right.uCharSet && |
| left.dwFontStyles == right.dwFontStyles && |
| left.FontSignature == right.FontSignature && |
| FXSYS_wcscmp(left.wsFontFace, right.wsFontFace) == 0; |
| } |
| |
| typedef void (*FX_LPEnumAllFonts)(CFX_FontDescriptors& fonts, |
| const FX_WCHAR* pwsFaceName, |
| FX_WCHAR wUnicode); |
| |
| FX_LPEnumAllFonts FX_GetDefFontEnumerator(); |
| |
| class CFGAS_FontMgr { |
| public: |
| explicit CFGAS_FontMgr(FX_LPEnumAllFonts pEnumerator); |
| ~CFGAS_FontMgr(); |
| |
| static std::unique_ptr<CFGAS_FontMgr> Create(FX_LPEnumAllFonts pEnumerator); |
| |
| CFGAS_GEFont* GetFontByCodePage(uint16_t wCodePage, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily); |
| CFGAS_GEFont* GetFontByUnicode(FX_WCHAR wUnicode, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily); |
| CFGAS_GEFont* LoadFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| uint16_t wCodePage); |
| void RemoveFont(CFGAS_GEFont* pFont); |
| |
| private: |
| CFGAS_GEFont* LoadFont(CFGAS_GEFont* pSrcFont, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| uint16_t wCodePage); |
| void RemoveFont(CFX_MapPtrToPtr& fontMap, CFGAS_GEFont* pFont); |
| FX_FONTDESCRIPTOR const* FindFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| uint32_t dwMatchFlags, |
| uint16_t wCodePage, |
| uint32_t dwUSB = 999, |
| FX_WCHAR wUnicode = 0); |
| |
| FX_LPEnumAllFonts m_pEnumerator; |
| CFX_FontDescriptors m_FontFaces; |
| CFX_ArrayTemplate<CFGAS_GEFont*> m_Fonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_CPFonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_FamilyFonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_UnicodeFonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_BufferFonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_StreamFonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrToPtr m_DeriveFonts; |
| }; |
| |
| class CFX_FontDescriptor { |
| public: |
| CFX_FontDescriptor(); |
| ~CFX_FontDescriptor(); |
| |
| int32_t m_nFaceIndex; |
| CFX_WideString m_wsFaceName; |
| CFX_WideStringArray m_wsFamilyNames; |
| uint32_t m_dwFontStyles; |
| uint32_t m_dwUsb[4]; |
| uint32_t m_dwCsb[2]; |
| }; |
| |
| typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<CFX_FontDescriptor*> CFX_FontDescriptors; |
| |
| struct FX_FontDescriptorInfo { |
| public: |
| CFX_FontDescriptor* pFont; |
| int32_t nPenalty; |
| |
| bool operator>(const FX_FontDescriptorInfo& other) const { |
| return nPenalty > other.nPenalty; |
| } |
| bool operator<(const FX_FontDescriptorInfo& other) const { |
| return nPenalty < other.nPenalty; |
| } |
| bool operator==(const FX_FontDescriptorInfo& other) const { |
| return nPenalty == other.nPenalty; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| typedef CFX_ArrayTemplate<FX_FontDescriptorInfo> CFX_FontDescriptorInfos; |
| |
| struct FX_HandleParentPath { |
| FX_HandleParentPath() {} |
| FX_HandleParentPath(const FX_HandleParentPath& x) { |
| pFileHandle = x.pFileHandle; |
| bsParentPath = x.bsParentPath; |
| } |
| FX_FileHandle* pFileHandle; |
| CFX_ByteString bsParentPath; |
| }; |
| |
| class CFX_FontSourceEnum_File { |
| public: |
| CFX_FontSourceEnum_File(); |
| ~CFX_FontSourceEnum_File(); |
| |
| FX_POSITION GetStartPosition(); |
| IFX_FileAccess* GetNext(FX_POSITION& pos); |
| |
| private: |
| CFX_ByteString GetNextFile(); |
| |
| CFX_WideString m_wsNext; |
| CFX_ObjectArray<FX_HandleParentPath> m_FolderQueue; |
| CFX_ByteStringArray m_FolderPaths; |
| }; |
| |
| class CFGAS_FontMgr { |
| public: |
| explicit CFGAS_FontMgr(CFX_FontSourceEnum_File* pFontEnum); |
| ~CFGAS_FontMgr(); |
| static std::unique_ptr<CFGAS_FontMgr> Create( |
| CFX_FontSourceEnum_File* pFontEnum); |
| |
| CFGAS_GEFont* GetFontByCodePage(uint16_t wCodePage, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily); |
| CFGAS_GEFont* GetFontByUnicode(FX_WCHAR wUnicode, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily); |
| void RemoveFont(CFGAS_GEFont* pFont); |
| |
| inline CFGAS_GEFont* LoadFont(const FX_WCHAR* pszFontFamily, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| uint16_t wCodePage) { |
| return GetFontByCodePage(wCodePage, dwFontStyles, pszFontFamily); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool EnumFonts(); |
| bool EnumFontsFromFontMapper(); |
| bool EnumFontsFromFiles(); |
| void RegisterFace(FXFT_Face pFace, const CFX_WideString* pFaceName); |
| void RegisterFaces(IFX_SeekableReadStream* pFontStream, |
| const CFX_WideString* pFaceName); |
| void GetNames(const uint8_t* name_table, CFX_WideStringArray& Names); |
| std::vector<uint16_t> GetCharsets(FXFT_Face pFace) const; |
| void GetUSBCSB(FXFT_Face pFace, uint32_t* USB, uint32_t* CSB); |
| uint32_t GetFlags(FXFT_Face pFace); |
| bool VerifyUnicode(CFX_FontDescriptor* pDesc, FX_WCHAR wcUnicode); |
| bool VerifyUnicode(CFGAS_GEFont* pFont, FX_WCHAR wcUnicode); |
| int32_t IsPartName(const CFX_WideString& Name1, const CFX_WideString& Name2); |
| int32_t MatchFonts(CFX_FontDescriptorInfos& MatchedFonts, |
| uint16_t wCodePage, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| const CFX_WideString& FontName, |
| FX_WCHAR wcUnicode = 0xFFFE); |
| int32_t CalcPenalty(CFX_FontDescriptor* pInstalled, |
| uint16_t wCodePage, |
| uint32_t dwFontStyles, |
| const CFX_WideString& FontName, |
| FX_WCHAR wcUnicode = 0xFFFE); |
| CFGAS_GEFont* LoadFont(const CFX_WideString& wsFaceName, |
| int32_t iFaceIndex, |
| int32_t* pFaceCount); |
| FXFT_Face LoadFace(IFX_SeekableReadStream* pFontStream, int32_t iFaceIndex); |
| IFX_SeekableReadStream* CreateFontStream(CFX_FontMapper* pFontMapper, |
| IFX_SystemFontInfo* pSystemFontInfo, |
| uint32_t index); |
| IFX_SeekableReadStream* CreateFontStream(const CFX_ByteString& bsFaceName); |
| |
| CFX_FontDescriptors m_InstalledFonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrTemplate<uint32_t, CFX_FontDescriptorInfos*> m_Hash2CandidateList; |
| CFX_MapPtrTemplate<uint32_t, CFX_ArrayTemplate<CFGAS_GEFont*>*> m_Hash2Fonts; |
| CFX_MapPtrTemplate<CFGAS_GEFont*, IFX_SeekableReadStream*> m_IFXFont2FileRead; |
| CFX_MapPtrTemplate<FX_WCHAR, CFGAS_GEFont*> m_FailedUnicodes2Nullptr; |
| CFX_FontSourceEnum_File* const m_pFontSource; |
| }; |
| #endif |
| |