blob: eb95abdb51c44e8c6bc1e83f002e39f6ab4dd2e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "test_perf_data.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream> // NOLINT
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "binary_data_utils.h"
#include "compat/string.h"
#include "kernel/perf_internals.h"
#include "perf_data_utils.h"
namespace quipper {
namespace testing {
namespace {
// Write extra bytes to an output stream.
void WriteExtraBytes(size_t size, std::ostream* out) {
std::vector<char> padding(size);
out->write(, size);
u8 ReverseByte(u8 x) {
x = (x & 0xf0) >> 4 | (x & 0x0f) << 4; // exchange nibbles
x = (x & 0xcc) >> 2 | (x & 0x33) << 2; // exchange pairs
x = (x & 0xaa) >> 1 | (x & 0x55) << 1; // exchange neighbors
return x;
void SwapBitfieldOfBits(u8* field, size_t len) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
field[i] = ReverseByte(field[i]);
} // namespace
const unsigned long features) { // NOLINT
CHECK_EQ(112U, sizeof(perf_file_attr)) << "perf_file_attr has changed size!";
header_ = {
.magic = kPerfMagic,
.size = 104,
.attr_size = sizeof(struct perf_file_attr),
.attrs = {.offset = 104, .size = 0},
.data = {.offset = 104 , .size = 0},
.event_types = {0},
.adds_features = {features, 0, 0, 0},
ExamplePerfDataFileHeader::WithAttrIdsCount(size_t n) {
attr_ids_count_ = n;
return *this;
ExamplePerfDataFileHeader& ExamplePerfDataFileHeader::WithAttrCount(size_t n) {
header_.attrs.size = n * header_.attr_size;
return *this;
ExamplePerfDataFileHeader& ExamplePerfDataFileHeader::WithDataSize(size_t sz) { = sz;
return *this;
ExamplePerfDataFileHeader::WithCustomPerfEventAttrSize(size_t sz) {
size_t n_attrs = header_.attrs.size / header_.attr_size;
// Calculate sizeof(perf_file_attr) given the custom sizeof(perf_event_attr)
header_.attr_size = sz + sizeof(perf_file_section);
// Re-calculate the attrs section size and update offsets.
return WithAttrCount(n_attrs);
void ExamplePerfDataFileHeader::UpdateSectionOffsets() {
u64 offset = header_.size;
offset += attr_ids_count_ * sizeof(u64);
header_.attrs.offset = offset;
offset += header_.attrs.size; = offset;
offset +=;
CHECK_EQ(data_end_offset(), offset); // aka, the metadata offset.
void ExamplePerfDataFileHeader::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
struct perf_file_header local_header = {
.magic = MaybeSwap64(header_.magic),
.size = MaybeSwap64(header_.size),
.attr_size = MaybeSwap64(header_.attr_size),
.attrs = { .offset = MaybeSwap64(header_.attrs.offset),
.size = MaybeSwap64(header_.attrs.size) },
.data = { .offset = MaybeSwap64(,
.size = MaybeSwap64( },
.event_types = { .offset = MaybeSwap64(header_.event_types.offset),
.size = MaybeSwap64(header_.event_types.size) },
.adds_features = {0},
// Copy over the features bits manually since the byte swapping is more
// complicated.
for (size_t i = 0;
i < sizeof(header_.adds_features) / sizeof(uint64_t);
++i) {
reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(local_header.adds_features)[i] =
MaybeSwap64(reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(header_.adds_features)[i]);
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&local_header),
// Use original header values that weren't endian-swapped.
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<u64>(out->tellp()), header_.size);
void ExamplePipedPerfDataFileHeader::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const perf_pipe_file_header header = {
.magic = kPerfMagic,
.size = 16,
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&header), sizeof(header));
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<u64>(out->tellp()), header.size);
void ExamplePerfEventAttrEvent_Hardware::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
// Due to the unnamed union fields (eg, sample_period), this structure can't
// be initialized with designated initializers.
perf_event_attr attr = {};
attr.size = attr_size_;
attr.config = config_;
attr.sample_period = 100001;
attr.sample_type = sample_type_;
attr.read_format = read_format_;
attr.sample_id_all = sample_id_all_;
const size_t event_size =
sizeof(perf_event_header) +
attr.size +
ids_.size() * sizeof(decltype(ids_)::value_type);
const perf_event_header header = {
.misc = 0,
.size = static_cast<u16>(event_size),
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&header), sizeof(header));
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&attr),
std::min(sizeof(attr), static_cast<size_t>(attr_size_)));
if (sizeof(attr) < attr_size_)
WriteExtraBytes(attr_size_ - sizeof(attr), out);
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
ids_.size() * sizeof(decltype(ids_)::value_type));
void AttrIdsSection::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
ids_.size() * sizeof(decltype(ids_)::value_type));
void ExamplePerfFileAttr_Hardware::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
// Due to the unnamed union fields (eg, sample_period), this structure can't
// be initialized with designated initializers.
perf_event_attr attr = {0};
attr.type = MaybeSwap32(PERF_TYPE_HARDWARE);
attr.size = MaybeSwap32(attr_size_);
attr.config = MaybeSwap64(config_);
attr.sample_period = MaybeSwap64(1);
attr.sample_type = MaybeSwap64(sample_type_);
// Bit fields.
attr.sample_id_all = sample_id_all_;
attr.precise_ip = 2; // For testing a bit field that is more than one bit.
if (is_cross_endian()) {
// The order of operations here is for native-to-cross-endian conversion.
// Contrast with similar code in PerfReader for cross-endian-to-native
// conversion, which performs these swap operations in reverse order.
const auto tmp = attr.precise_ip;
attr.precise_ip = (tmp & 0x2) >> 1 | (tmp & 0x1) << 1;
auto *const bitfield_start = &attr.read_format + 1;
SwapBitfieldOfBits(reinterpret_cast<u8*>(bitfield_start), sizeof(u64));
// perf_event_attr can be of a size other than the static struct size. Thus we
// cannot simply statically create a perf_file_attr (which contains a
// perf_event_attr and a perf_file_section). Instead, create and write each
// component separately.
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&attr),
std::min(sizeof(attr), static_cast<size_t>(attr_size_)));
if (sizeof(attr) < attr_size_)
WriteExtraBytes(attr_size_ - sizeof(attr), out);
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&ids_section_),
void ExamplePerfFileAttr_Tracepoint::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
// Due to the unnamed union fields (eg, sample_period), this structure can't
// be initialized with designated initializers.
perf_event_attr attr = {};
// See kernel src: tools/perf/util/evsel.c perf_evsel__newtp()
attr.size = sizeof(perf_event_attr);
attr.config = tracepoint_event_id_;
attr.sample_period = 1;
attr.sample_type = (PERF_SAMPLE_IP |
const perf_file_attr file_attr = {
.attr = attr,
.ids = {.offset = 104, .size = 0},
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&file_attr), sizeof(file_attr));
size_t ExampleMmapEvent::GetSize() const {
offsetof(struct mmap_event, filename) +
GetUint64AlignedStringLength(filename_) +
sample_id_.size(); // sample_id_all
void ExampleMmapEvent::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const size_t event_size = GetSize();
struct mmap_event event = {
.header = {
.type = MaybeSwap32(PERF_RECORD_MMAP),
.misc = 0,
.size = MaybeSwap16(static_cast<u16>(event_size)),
.pid = MaybeSwap32(pid_),
.tid = MaybeSwap32(pid_),
.start = MaybeSwap64(start_),
.len = MaybeSwap64(len_),
.pgoff = MaybeSwap64(pgoff_),
// .filename = ..., // written separately
const size_t pre_mmap_offset = out->tellp();
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&event),
offsetof(struct mmap_event, filename));
const size_t filename_aligned_length =
*out << filename_
<< string(filename_aligned_length - filename_.size(), '\0');
out->write(, sample_id_.size());
const size_t written_event_size =
static_cast<size_t>(out->tellp()) - pre_mmap_offset;
void ExampleMmap2Event::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const size_t filename_aligned_length =
const size_t event_size =
offsetof(struct mmap2_event, filename) +
filename_aligned_length +
sample_id_.size(); // sample_id_all
struct mmap2_event event = {
.header = {
.misc = 0,
.size = static_cast<u16>(event_size),
.pid = pid_,
.tid = tid_,
.start = start_,
.len = len_,
.pgoff = pgoff_,
.maj = maj_,
.min = min_,
.ino = ino_,
.ino_generation = 9,
.prot = 1|2, // == PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
.flags = 2, // == MAP_PRIVATE
// .filename = ..., // written separately
const size_t pre_mmap_offset = out->tellp();
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&event),
offsetof(struct mmap2_event, filename));
*out << filename_
<< string(filename_aligned_length - filename_.size(), '\0');
out->write(, sample_id_.size());
const size_t written_event_size =
static_cast<size_t>(out->tellp()) - pre_mmap_offset;
void ExampleForkExitEvent::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const size_t event_size = sizeof(struct fork_event) + sample_id_.size();
struct fork_event event = {
.header = {
.type = MaybeSwap32(type_),
.misc = 0,
.size = MaybeSwap16(static_cast<u16>(event_size)),
.pid = MaybeSwap32(pid_), .ppid = MaybeSwap32(ppid_),
.tid = MaybeSwap32(tid_), .ptid = MaybeSwap32(ptid_),
.time = MaybeSwap64(time_),
const size_t pre_event_offset = out->tellp();
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&event), sizeof(event));
out->write(, sample_id_.size());
const size_t written_event_size =
static_cast<size_t>(out->tellp()) - pre_event_offset;
void FinishedRoundEvent::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const perf_event_header event = {
.misc = 0,
.size = sizeof(struct perf_event_header),
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&event), sizeof(event));
size_t ExamplePerfSampleEvent::GetSize() const {
return sizeof(struct sample_event) + sample_info_.size();
void ExamplePerfSampleEvent::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const sample_event event = {
.header = {
.type = MaybeSwap32(PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE),
.misc = MaybeSwap16(PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER),
.size = MaybeSwap16(static_cast<u16>(GetSize())),
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&event), sizeof(event));
out->write(, sample_info_.size());
: ExamplePerfSampleEvent(
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a313bb8cc, 0x00007f4a313bdb40, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ce4de2, 0x00007f4a313bb8b3, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a313bb8b0, 0x00007f4a30ce4de0, 0x01)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff45c1, 0x00007f4a313bb8a0, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff49f2, 0x00007f4a30ff45bb, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff4a98, 0x00007f4a30ff49ed, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff4a7c, 0x00007f4a30ff4a91, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff4a34, 0x00007f4a30ff4a46, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff4c22, 0x00007f4a30ff4a0e, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff4bb3, 0x00007f4a30ff4c1b, 0x01)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff4a09, 0x00007f4a30ff4b60, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff49e8, 0x00007f4a30ff4a00, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff42db, 0x00007f4a30ff49e0, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a30ff42bb, 0x00007f4a30ff42d4, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a333bf88b, 0x00007f4a30ff42ac, 0x02)
.BranchStack_lbr(0x00007f4a333bf853, 0x00007f4a333bf885, 0x02)) {
// Event size matching the event produced above
const size_t ExamplePerfSampleEvent_BranchStack::kEventSize =
(1 /*perf_event_header*/ + 1 /*nr*/ + 16*3 /*lbr*/) * sizeof(u64);
void ExamplePerfSampleEvent_Tracepoint::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const sample_event event = {
.header = {
.size = 0x0078,
const u64 sample_event_array[] = {
0x00007f999c38d15a, // IP
0x0000068d0000068d, // TID (u32 pid, tid)
0x0001e0211cbab7b9, // TIME
0x0000000000000000, // CPU
0x0000000000000001, // PERIOD
0x0000004900000044, // RAW (u32 size = 0x44 = 68 = 4 + 8*sizeof(u64))
0x000000090000068d, // .
0x0000000000000000, // .
0x0000100000000000, // .
0x0000000300000000, // .
0x0000002200000000, // .
0xffffffff00000000, // .
0x0000000000000000, // .
0x0000000000000000, // .
sizeof(event.header) + sizeof(sample_event_array));
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&event), sizeof(event));
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sample_event_array),
// Event size matching the event produced above
const size_t ExamplePerfSampleEvent_Tracepoint::kEventSize =
(1 /*perf_event_header*/ + 14 /*sample array*/) * sizeof(u64);
void ExampleStringMetadata::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const perf_file_section &index_entry = index_entry_.index_entry_;
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<u64>(out->tellp()), index_entry.offset);
const u32 data_size_value = MaybeSwap32(data_.size());
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&data_size_value),
out->write(, data_.size());
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<u64>(out->tellp()), index_entry.offset + size());
void ExampleStringMetadataEvent::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const size_t initial_position = out->tellp();
const u32 data_size = data_.size();
const perf_event_header header = {
.type = type_,
.misc = 0,
.size = static_cast<u16>(sizeof(header) + sizeof(data_size) + data_.size()),
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&header), sizeof(header));
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&data_size), sizeof(data_size));
out->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, data_.size());
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<u64>(out->tellp()), initial_position + header.size);
static const char kTraceMetadataValue[] =
const string ExampleTracingMetadata::Data::kTraceMetadata(
kTraceMetadataValue, sizeof(kTraceMetadataValue)-1);
void ExampleTracingMetadata::Data::WriteTo(std::ostream* out) const {
const perf_file_section &index_entry = parent_->index_entry_.index_entry_;
CHECK_EQ(static_cast<u64>(out->tellp()), index_entry.offset);
out->write(, kTraceMetadata.size());
index_entry.offset + index_entry.size);
} // namespace testing
} // namespace quipper