blob: 11719bb048f101cdbf863763e719aab6a0ac9184 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This tool translates a collection of files into a mostly equivalent
# BUILD file for the Bazel build system. The input to the tool is a
# JSON description of the GN build definition generated with the following
# command:
# gn desc out --format=json --all-toolchains "//*" > desc.json
# The tool is then given a list of GN labels for which to generate Bazel
# build rules.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import gn_utils
from compat import itervalues, iteritems, basestring
# Arguments for the GN output directory.
# host_os="linux" is to generate the right build files from Mac OS.
gn_args = ' '.join([
# Default targets to translate to the blueprint file.
# These targets will be exported with public visibility in the generated BUILD.
public_targets = [
# These targets are required by internal build rules but don't need to be
# exported publicly.
default_targets = [
] + public_targets
# Root proto targets (to force discovery of intermediate proto targets).
# These targets are marked public.
proto_targets = [
# Path for the protobuf sources in the standalone build.
buildtools_protobuf_src = '//buildtools/protobuf/src'
# The directory where the generated perfetto_build_flags.h will be copied into.
buildflags_dir = 'include/perfetto/base/build_configs/bazel'
# Internal equivalents for third-party libraries that the upstream project
# depends on.
external_deps = {
'//gn:default_deps': [],
'//gn:jsoncpp': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.jsoncpp'],
'//gn:linenoise': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.linenoise'],
'//gn:protobuf_full': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.protobuf_full'],
'//gn:protobuf_lite': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.protobuf_lite'],
'//gn:protoc_lib': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.protoc_lib'],
'//gn:protoc': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.protoc'],
'//gn:sqlite': [
'//gn:zlib': ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.zlib'],
'//src/trace_processor/metrics:gen_merged_sql_metrics': [[
gn_utils.GEN_VERSION_TARGET: ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.deps.version_header'],
def gen_sql_metrics(target):
label = BazelLabel(get_bazel_label_name(, 'genrule')
label.srcs += [re.sub('^//', '', x) for x in sorted(target.inputs)]
label.outs += target.outputs
label.cmd = r'$(location gen_merged_sql_metrics_py) --cpp_out=$@ $(SRCS)'
label.exec_tools += [':gen_merged_sql_metrics_py']
return [label]
def gen_version_header(target):
label = BazelLabel(get_bazel_label_name(, 'genrule')
label.srcs += [re.sub('^//', '', x) for x in sorted(target.inputs)]
label.outs += target.outputs
label.cmd = r'$(location gen_version_header_py)'
label.cmd += r' --cpp_out=$@ --changelog=$(location CHANGELOG)'
label.exec_tools += [':gen_version_header_py']
return [label]
def gen_cc_metrics_descriptor(target):
label = BazelLabel(
get_bazel_label_name(, 'perfetto_cc_proto_descriptor')
label.deps += [':' + get_bazel_label_name(x) for x in target.proto_deps]
label.outs += target.outputs
return [label]
custom_actions = {
gn_utils.GEN_VERSION_TARGET: gen_version_header,
'//src/trace_processor/metrics:gen_merged_sql_metrics': gen_sql_metrics,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End of configuration.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Error(Exception):
class BazelLabel(object):
def __init__(self, name, type):
self.comment = None = name
self.type = type
self.visibility = []
self.srcs = []
self.hdrs = []
self.deps = []
self.external_deps = [] = []
self.exec_tools = []
self.outs = []
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return <
raise TypeError('\'<\' not supported between instances of \'%s\' and \'%s\''
% (type(self).__name__, type(other).__name__))
def __str__(self):
"""Converts the object into a Bazel Starlark label."""
res = ''
res += ('# GN target: %s\n' % self.comment) if self.comment else ''
res += '%s(\n' % self.type
any_deps = len(self.deps) + len(self.external_deps) > 0
ORD = [
'name','srcs', 'hdrs', 'visibility', 'deps', 'outs', 'cmd', 'tools',
hasher = lambda x: sum((99,) + tuple(ord(c) for c in x))
key_sorter = lambda kv: ORD.index(kv[0]) if kv[0] in ORD else hasher(kv[0])
for k, v in sorted(iteritems(self.__dict__), key=key_sorter):
if k in ('type', 'comment',
'external_deps') or v is None or (v == [] and
(k != 'deps' or not any_deps)):
res += ' %s = ' % k
if isinstance(v, basestring):
if v.startswith('PERFETTO_CONFIG.'):
res += '%s,\n' % v
res += '"%s",\n' % v
elif isinstance(v, bool):
res += '%s,\n' % v
elif isinstance(v, list):
res += '[\n'
if k == 'deps' and len(self.external_deps) > 1:
indent = ' '
indent = ' '
for entry in sorted(v):
if entry.startswith('PERFETTO_CONFIG.'):
res += '%s %s,\n' % (indent, entry)
res += '%s "%s",\n' % (indent, entry)
res += '%s]' % indent
if k == 'deps' and self.external_deps:
res += ' + %s' % self.external_deps[0]
for edep in self.external_deps[1:]:
if isinstance(edep, list):
res += ' + [\n'
for inner_dep in edep:
res += ' "%s",\n' % inner_dep
res += ' ]'
res += ' +\n%s%s' % (indent, edep)
res += ',\n'
raise Error('Unsupported value %s', type(v))
res += ')\n\n'
return res
# Public visibility for targets in Bazel.
def get_bazel_label_name(gn_name):
"""Converts a GN target name into a Bazel label name.
If target is in the public target list, returns only the GN target name,
e.g.: //src/ipc:perfetto_ipc -> perfetto_ipc
Otherwise, in the case of an intermediate target, returns a mangled path.
e.g.: //include/perfetto/base:base -> include_perfetto_base_base.
if gn_name in default_targets:
return gn_utils.label_without_toolchain(gn_name).split(':')[1]
return gn_utils.label_to_target_name_with_path(gn_name)
def gen_proto_labels(target):
""" Generates the xx_proto_library label for proto targets.
Bazel requires that each protobuf-related target is modeled with two labels:
1. A plugin-agnostic target that defines only the .proto sources and their
2. A plugin-dependent target (e.g. cc_library, cc_protozero_library) that has
only a dependency on 1 and does NOT refer to any .proto sources.
assert (target.type == 'proto_library')
def get_sources_label(target_name):
return re.sub('_(lite|zero|cpp|ipc|source_set|descriptor)$', '',
get_bazel_label_name(target_name)) + '_protos'
sources_label_name = get_sources_label(
# Generates 1.
sources_label = BazelLabel(sources_label_name, 'perfetto_proto_library')
sources_label.comment =
assert (all(x.startswith('//') for x in target.sources))
assert (all(x.endswith('.proto') for x in target.sources))
sources_label.srcs = sorted([x[2:] for x in target.sources]) # Strip //.
deps = [
':' + get_sources_label(x)
for x in target.proto_deps
# This is to avoid a dependency-on-self in the case where
# protos/perfetto/ipc:ipc depends on protos/perfetto/ipc:cpp and both
# targets resolve to "protos_perfetto_ipc_protos".
if get_sources_label(x) != sources_label_name
sources_label.deps = sorted(deps)
# In Bazel, proto_paths are not a supported concept becauase strong dependency
# checking is enabled. Instead, we need to depend on the target which includes
# the proto we want to depend on.
# For example, we include the proto_path |buildtools_protobuf_src| because we
# want to depend on the "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" proto file. This
# will be exposed by the |protobuf_descriptor_proto| dep.
if buildtools_protobuf_src in target.proto_paths:
sources_label.external_deps = [
if in proto_targets:
sources_label.visibility = PUBLIC_VISIBILITY
sources_label.visibility = ['PERFETTO_CONFIG.proto_library_visibility']
# For 'source_set' plugins, we don't want to generate any plugin-dependent
# targets so just return the label of the proto sources only.
if target.proto_plugin == 'source_set':
return [sources_label]
# Generates 2.
if target.proto_plugin == 'proto':
plugin_label_type = 'perfetto_cc_proto_library'
elif target.proto_plugin == 'protozero':
plugin_label_type = 'perfetto_cc_protozero_library'
elif target.proto_plugin == 'cppgen':
plugin_label_type = 'perfetto_cc_protocpp_library'
elif target.proto_plugin == 'ipc':
plugin_label_type = 'perfetto_cc_ipc_library'
elif target.proto_plugin == 'descriptor':
plugin_label_type = 'perfetto_proto_descriptor'
raise Error('Unknown proto plugin: %s' % target.proto_plugin)
plugin_label_name = get_bazel_label_name(
plugin_label = BazelLabel(plugin_label_name, plugin_label_type)
plugin_label.comment =
plugin_label.deps += [':' + sources_label_name]
# When using the cppgen plugin we need to pass down also the transitive deps.
# For instance consider foo.proto including common.proto. The generated
# will #include "common.gen.h". Hence the generated cc_protocpp_library
# rule need to pass down the dependency on the target that generates
# common.gen.{cc,h}. This is not needed for protozero because protozero
# headers are fully hermetic deps-wise and use only on forward declarations.
if target.proto_deps and target.proto_plugin in ('cppgen', 'ipc'):
plugin_label.deps += [
':' + get_bazel_label_name(x) for x in target.proto_deps
if target.proto_plugin == 'descriptor':
plugin_label.outs = [plugin_label_name + '.bin']
return [sources_label, plugin_label]
def gen_target(gn_target):
if gn_target.type == 'proto_library':
return gen_proto_labels(gn_target)
elif gn_target.type == 'action':
if in custom_actions:
return custom_actions[](gn_target)
elif re.match('.*gen_cc_.*_descriptor$',
return gen_cc_metrics_descriptor(gn_target)
return []
elif gn_target.type == 'group':
return []
elif gn_target.type == 'executable':
bazel_type = 'perfetto_cc_binary'
elif gn_target.type == 'shared_library':
bazel_type = 'perfetto_cc_binary'
vars['linkshared'] = True
elif gn_target.type == 'static_library':
bazel_type = 'perfetto_cc_library'
elif gn_target.type == 'source_set':
bazel_type = 'filegroup'
raise Error('target type not supported: %s' % gn_target.type)
label = BazelLabel(get_bazel_label_name(, bazel_type)
label.comment =
raw_srcs = [x[2:] for x in gn_target.sources]
if bazel_type == 'perfetto_cc_library':
label.srcs = [x for x in raw_srcs if not x.startswith('include')]
label.hdrs = [x for x in raw_srcs if x.startswith('include')]
# Most Perfetto libraries cannot by dynamically linked as they would
# cause ODR violations.
label.__dict__['linkstatic'] = True
label.srcs = raw_srcs
if in public_targets:
label.visibility = ['//visibility:public']
if gn_target.type in gn_utils.LINKER_UNIT_TYPES:
# |source_sets| contains the transitive set of source_set deps.
for trans_dep in gn_target.source_set_deps:
name = ':' + get_bazel_label_name(trans_dep)
if name.startswith(
':include_perfetto_') and gn_target.type != 'executable':
label.hdrs += [name]
label.srcs += [name]
for dep in sorted(gn_target.deps):
if dep.startswith('//gn:'):
assert (dep in external_deps), dep
if dep in external_deps:
assert (isinstance(external_deps[dep], list))
label.external_deps += external_deps[dep]
label.deps += [':' + get_bazel_label_name(dep)]
label.deps += [':' + get_bazel_label_name(x) for x in gn_target.proto_deps]
# All items starting with : need to be sorted to the end of the list.
# However, Python makes specifying a comparator function hard so cheat
# instead and make everything start with : sort as if it started with |
# As | > all other normal ASCII characters, this will lead to all : targets
# starting with : to be sorted to the end.
label.srcs = sorted(label.srcs, key=lambda x: x.replace(':', '|'))
label.deps = sorted(label.deps)
label.hdrs = sorted(label.hdrs)
return [label]
def gen_target_str(gn_target):
return ''.join(str(x) for x in gen_target(gn_target))
def generate_build(gn_desc, targets, extras):
gn = gn_utils.GnParser(gn_desc)
project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
tool_name = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(__file__), project_root)
res = '''
# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This file is automatically generated by {}. Do not edit.
load("@perfetto_cfg//:perfetto_cfg.bzl", "PERFETTO_CONFIG")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"])
# Public targets need to be computed at the beginning (to figure out the
# intermediate deps) but printed at the end (because declaration order matters
# in Bazel).
public_str = ''
for target_name in sorted(public_targets):
target = gn.get_target(target_name)
public_str += gen_target_str(target)
res += '''
# ##############################################################################
# Internal targets
# ##############################################################################
# Generate the other non-public targets.
for target_name in sorted(set(default_targets) - set(public_targets)):
target = gn.get_target(target_name)
res += gen_target_str(target)
# Generate all the intermediate targets.
for target in sorted(itervalues(gn.all_targets)):
if in default_targets or in gn.proto_libs:
res += gen_target_str(target)
res += '''
# ##############################################################################
# Proto libraries
# ##############################################################################
# Force discovery of explicilty listed root proto targets.
for target_name in sorted(proto_targets):
# Generate targets for the transitive set of proto targets.
# TODO explain deduping here.
labels = {}
for target in sorted(itervalues(gn.proto_libs)):
for label in gen_target(target):
# Ensure that if the existing target has public visibility, we preserve
# that in the new label; this ensures that we don't accidentaly reduce
# the visibility of targets which are meant to be public.
existing_label = labels.get(
if existing_label and existing_label.visibility == PUBLIC_VISIBILITY:
label.visibility = PUBLIC_VISIBILITY
labels[] = label
res += ''.join(str(x) for x in sorted(itervalues(labels)))
res += '''
# ##############################################################################
# Public targets
# ##############################################################################
res += public_str
res += '# Content from BUILD.extras\n\n'
res += extras
# Check for ODR violations
for target_name in default_targets + proto_targets:
checker = gn_utils.ODRChecker(gn, target_name)
return res
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate BUILD from a GN description.')
help='Don\'t keep the generated files',
help='GN description ' +
'(e.g., gn desc out --format=json --all-toolchains "//*"')
help='Standalone Perfetto repository to generate a GN description',
help='Extra targets to include at the end of the BUILD file',
default=os.path.join(gn_utils.repo_root(), 'BUILD.extras'),
help='BUILD file to create',
default=os.path.join(gn_utils.repo_root(), 'BUILD'),
help='Proto BUILD file to create',
default=os.path.join(gn_utils.repo_root(), 'protos', 'BUILD'),
help='Targets to include in the BUILD file (e.g., "//:perfetto_tests")')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.desc:
with open(args.desc) as f:
desc = json.load(f)
desc = gn_utils.create_build_description(gn_args, args.repo_root)
out_files = []
# Generate the main BUILD file.
with open(args.extras, 'r') as extra_f:
extras =
contents = generate_build(desc, args.targets or default_targets, extras)
out_files.append(args.output + '.swp')
with open(out_files[-1], 'w') as out_f:
# Generate the build flags file.
out_files.append(os.path.join(buildflags_dir, 'perfetto_build_flags.h.swp'))
gn_utils.gen_buildflags(gn_args, out_files[-1])
return gn_utils.check_or_commit_generated_files(out_files, args.check_only)
if __name__ == '__main__':