blob: 8579213985f2cc903831d7cf84fc942877cb7718 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/status.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/trace_blob_view.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class TraceConfig_Decoder;
class TracePacket_Decoder;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
namespace trace_processor {
class PacketSequenceState;
struct TimestampedTracePiece;
class TraceProcessorContext;
// This file contains helper and base class templates for
// ProtoTraceTokenizer/Parser modules. A module implements support for a subset
// of features of the TracePacket proto format. Modules inherit from
// ProtoImporterModuleBase, and should be instantiated using the
// ProtoImporterModule<> wrapper template in trace_processor_context.h.
// To add and integrate a new module:
// (1) Add MyModule as a subclass of ProtoImporterModuleBase<IsEnabled>,
// defining the TokenizePacket() and/or ParsePacket() methods.
// Typically, a build-time macro will inform the value of IsEnabled.
// See ftrace_module.h for an example.
// (2) Add a member of type std::unique_ptr<ProtoImporterModule<MyModule>> to
// TraceProcessorContext (trace_processor_context.h) and init it from
// TraceProcessorImpl() and appropriate tests.
// (3) Add an include of my_module.h and calls to your module's TokenizePacket /
// ParsePacket methods in ProtoTraceTokenizer and/or ProtoTraceParser
// (proxying via the wrapper).
class ModuleResult {
// Allow auto conversion from util::Status to Handled / Error result.
ModuleResult(util::Status status)
: ignored_(false),
error_(status.ok() ? base::nullopt
: base::make_optional(status.message())) {}
// Constructs a result that indicates the module ignored the packet and is
// deferring the handling of the packet to other modules.
static ModuleResult Ignored() { return ModuleResult(true); }
// Constructs a result that indicates the module handled the packet. Other
// modules will not be notified about the packet.
static ModuleResult Handled() { return ModuleResult(false); }
// Constructs a result that indicates an error condition while handling the
// packet. Other modules will not be notified about the packet.
static ModuleResult Error(const std::string& message) {
return ModuleResult(message);
bool ignored() const { return ignored_; }
bool ok() const { return !error_.has_value(); }
const std::string& message() const { return *error_; }
util::Status ToStatus() const {
if (error_)
return util::Status(*error_);
return util::OkStatus();
explicit ModuleResult(bool ignored) : ignored_(ignored) {}
explicit ModuleResult(const std::string& error)
: ignored_(false), error_(error) {}
bool ignored_;
base::Optional<std::string> error_;
// Wrapper class for a module. This wrapper allows modules to be disabled
// disabled at compile time to remove support for its features from the trace
// processor.
// The trace processor will instantiate enabled modules for each
// TraceProcessorContext. The tokenizer and parser notify individual modules
// about trace data by calling their respective methods via the wrapper class.
// If the module is enabled, the wrapper will forward the call to the module
// implementation. This way, we avoid virtual methods, so that calling any of
// the module's methods is zero overhead - they can be inlined by the compiler
// at callsites directly.
template <class ModuleType>
class ProtoImporterModule {
ProtoImporterModule(TraceProcessorContext* context) {
if (ModuleType::kEnabled)
impl_.reset(new ModuleType(context));
// ModuleType may specify methods with the signatures below.
// ProtoImporterModule<ModuleType> acts as a wrapper for these methods.
// ModuleType only needs to specify the methods that
// ProtoTraceParser/Tokenizer actually calls on the respective module.
// Wraps ModuleType::TokenizePacket(). If the module is disabled, compiles
// into a noop in optimized builds. Called by ProtoTraceTokenizer for each
// TracePacket during the tokenization stage, i.e. before sorting. If this
// returns a result other than ModuleResult::Ignored(), tokenization of the
// packet will be aborted after the module.
ModuleResult TokenizePacket(
const protos::pbzero::TracePacket_Decoder& decoder,
TraceBlobView* packet,
int64_t packet_timestamp,
PacketSequenceState* state) {
if (ModuleType::kEnabled) {
return impl_->TokenizePacket(decoder, packet, packet_timestamp, state);
return ModuleResult::Ignored();
// Wraps ModuleType::ParsePacket(). If the module is disabled, compiles into a
// noop in optimized builds. Called by ProtoTraceParser for each non-ftrace
// TracePacket after the sorting stage. If this returns a result other than
// ModuleResult::Ignored(), parsing of the packet will be aborted after the
// module.
ModuleResult ParsePacket(const protos::pbzero::TracePacket_Decoder& decoder,
const TimestampedTracePiece& ttp) {
if (ModuleType::kEnabled)
return impl_->ParsePacket(decoder, ttp);
return ModuleResult::Ignored();
// Wraps ModuleType::ParseTraceConfig(). If the module is disabled, compiles
// into a noop in optimized builds. Called by ProtoTraceParser for trace
// config packets after the sorting stage.
ModuleResult ParseTraceConfig(
const protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_Decoder& decoder) {
if (ModuleType::kEnabled)
return impl_->ParseTraceConfig(decoder);
return ModuleResult::Ignored();
// For FtraceModule only. Wraps ModuleType::ParseFtracePacket(). If the module
// is disabled, compiles into a noop in optimized builds. Called by
// ProtoTraceParser for each ftrace TracePacket after the sorting stage.
// Ftrace packets are handled specially here because they are sorted in
// separate queues per CPU. If this returns a result other than
// ModuleResult::Ignored(), parsing of the packet will be aborted after the
// module.
ModuleResult ParseFtracePacket(uint32_t cpu,
const TimestampedTracePiece& ttp) {
if (ModuleType::kEnabled)
return impl_->ParseFtracePacket(cpu, ttp);
return ModuleResult::Ignored();
// Only initialized if the module is enabled.
std::unique_ptr<ModuleType> impl_;
// Base class for a proto trace module that can be disabled at compile time.
// Typically, a build-time macro will inform the value of IsEnabled.
template <int IsEnabled>
class ProtoImporterModuleBase {
static constexpr bool kEnabled = static_cast<bool>(IsEnabled);
explicit ProtoImporterModuleBase(TraceProcessorContext* context)
: context_(context) {}
~ProtoImporterModuleBase() {}
// See ProtoTraceModule<> for the public methods subclasses may implement.
TraceProcessorContext* context_;
// This is a new module superclass that allows registering modules at runtime.
// To add and integrate a new module:
// (1) Add MyModule as a subclass of NewProtoImporterModule,
// overriding the TokenizePacket(), ParsePacket() and/or ParseTraceConfig()
// methods.
// (2) In the constructor call the RegisterForField method for every field
// that the module knows how to handle.
// See GraphicsEventModule for an example.
// TODO(b/141459049): Rename this to ProtoImporterModule after all modules
// are based on it.
class NewProtoImporterModule {
virtual ~NewProtoImporterModule();
// Called by ProtoTraceTokenizer during the tokenization stage, i.e. before
// sorting. It's called for each TracePacket that contains fields for which
// the module was registered. If this returns a result other than
// ModuleResult::Ignored(), tokenization of the packet will be aborted after
// the module.
virtual ModuleResult TokenizePacket(
const protos::pbzero::TracePacket_Decoder&,
TraceBlobView* packet,
int64_t packet_timestamp,
uint32_t field_id);
// Called by ProtoTraceParser after the sorting stage for each non-ftrace
// TracePacket that contains fields for which the module was registered.
virtual void ParsePacket(const protos::pbzero::TracePacket_Decoder&,
const TimestampedTracePiece&,
uint32_t field_id);
// Called by ProtoTraceParser for trace config packets after the sorting
// stage, on all existing modules.
virtual void ParseTraceConfig(const protos::pbzero::TraceConfig_Decoder&);
void RegisterForField(uint32_t field_id, TraceProcessorContext*);
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto