blob: 3d734cd2dc05f9a404fac5ea1595f1208617865e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/time.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/commit_data_request.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/data_source_descriptor.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/observable_events.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/shared_memory_abi.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_config.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_stats.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/tracing_service.h"
#include "src/tracing/core/id_allocator.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
} // namespace base
class Consumer;
class DataSourceConfig;
class Producer;
class SharedMemory;
class SharedMemoryArbiterImpl;
class TraceBuffer;
class TraceConfig;
class TracePacket;
// The tracing service business logic.
class TracingServiceImpl : public TracingService {
struct DataSourceInstance;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultShmSize = 256 * 1024ul;
static constexpr size_t kMaxShmSize = 32 * 1024 * 1024ul;
static constexpr uint32_t kDataSourceStopTimeoutMs = 5000;
static constexpr uint8_t kSyncMarker[] = {0x82, 0x47, 0x7a, 0x76, 0xb2, 0x8d,
0x42, 0xba, 0x81, 0xdc, 0x33, 0x32,
0x6d, 0x57, 0xa0, 0x79};
// The implementation behind the service endpoint exposed to each producer.
class ProducerEndpointImpl : public TracingService::ProducerEndpoint {
uid_t uid,
const std::string& producer_name,
bool in_process,
bool smb_scraping_enabled);
~ProducerEndpointImpl() override;
// TracingService::ProducerEndpoint implementation.
void RegisterDataSource(const DataSourceDescriptor&) override;
void UnregisterDataSource(const std::string& name) override;
void RegisterTraceWriter(uint32_t writer_id,
uint32_t target_buffer) override;
void UnregisterTraceWriter(uint32_t writer_id) override;
void CommitData(const CommitDataRequest&, CommitDataCallback) override;
void SetSharedMemory(std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory>);
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> CreateTraceWriter(BufferID) override;
SharedMemoryArbiter* GetInProcessShmemArbiter() override;
void NotifyFlushComplete(FlushRequestID) override;
void NotifyDataSourceStarted(DataSourceInstanceID) override;
void NotifyDataSourceStopped(DataSourceInstanceID) override;
SharedMemory* shared_memory() const override;
size_t shared_buffer_page_size_kb() const override;
void ActivateTriggers(const std::vector<std::string>&) override;
void OnTracingSetup();
void SetupDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID, const DataSourceConfig&);
void StartDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID, const DataSourceConfig&);
void StopDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID);
void Flush(FlushRequestID, const std::vector<DataSourceInstanceID>&);
void OnFreeBuffers(const std::vector<BufferID>& target_buffers);
void ClearIncrementalState(const std::vector<DataSourceInstanceID>&);
bool is_allowed_target_buffer(BufferID buffer_id) const {
return allowed_target_buffers_.count(buffer_id);
base::Optional<BufferID> buffer_id_for_writer(WriterID writer_id) const {
const auto it = writers_.find(writer_id);
if (it != writers_.end())
return it->second;
return base::nullopt;
friend class TracingServiceImpl;
friend class TracingServiceImplTest;
friend class TracingIntegrationTest;
ProducerEndpointImpl(const ProducerEndpointImpl&) = delete;
ProducerEndpointImpl& operator=(const ProducerEndpointImpl&) = delete;
ProducerID const id_;
const uid_t uid_;
TracingServiceImpl* const service_;
base::TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
Producer* producer_;
std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory> shared_memory_;
size_t shared_buffer_page_size_kb_ = 0;
SharedMemoryABI shmem_abi_;
size_t shmem_size_hint_bytes_ = 0;
const std::string name_;
bool in_process_;
bool smb_scraping_enabled_;
// Set of the global target_buffer IDs that the producer is configured to
// write into in any active tracing session.
std::set<BufferID> allowed_target_buffers_;
// Maps registered TraceWriter IDs to their target buffers as registered by
// the producer. Note that producers aren't required to register their
// writers, so we may see commits of chunks with WriterIDs that aren't
// contained in this map. However, if a producer does register a writer, the
// service will prevent the writer from writing into any other buffer than
// the one associated with it here. The BufferIDs stored in this map are
// untrusted, so need to be verified against |allowed_target_buffers_|
// before use.
std::map<WriterID, BufferID> writers_;
// This is used only in in-process configurations.
// SharedMemoryArbiterImpl methods themselves are thread-safe.
std::unique_ptr<SharedMemoryArbiterImpl> inproc_shmem_arbiter_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProducerEndpointImpl> weak_ptr_factory_; // Keep last.
// The implementation behind the service endpoint exposed to each consumer.
class ConsumerEndpointImpl : public TracingService::ConsumerEndpoint {
uid_t uid);
~ConsumerEndpointImpl() override;
void NotifyOnTracingDisabled();
base::WeakPtr<ConsumerEndpointImpl> GetWeakPtr();
// TracingService::ConsumerEndpoint implementation.
void EnableTracing(const TraceConfig&, base::ScopedFile) override;
void ChangeTraceConfig(const TraceConfig& cfg) override;
void StartTracing() override;
void DisableTracing() override;
void ReadBuffers() override;
void FreeBuffers() override;
void Flush(uint32_t timeout_ms, FlushCallback) override;
void Detach(const std::string& key) override;
void Attach(const std::string& key) override;
void GetTraceStats() override;
void ObserveEvents(uint32_t enabled_event_types) override;
// If |observe_data_source_instances == true|, will queue a task to notify
// the consumer about the state change.
void OnDataSourceInstanceStateChange(const ProducerEndpointImpl&,
const DataSourceInstance&);
friend class TracingServiceImpl;
ConsumerEndpointImpl(const ConsumerEndpointImpl&) = delete;
ConsumerEndpointImpl& operator=(const ConsumerEndpointImpl&) = delete;
// Returns a pointer to an ObservableEvents object that the caller can fill
// and schedules a task to send the ObservableEvents to the consumer.
ObservableEvents* AddObservableEvents();
base::TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
TracingServiceImpl* const service_;
Consumer* const consumer_;
uid_t const uid_;
TracingSessionID tracing_session_id_ = 0;
// Whether the consumer is interested in DataSourceInstance state change
// events.
uint32_t enabled_observable_event_types_ = ObservableEventType::kNone;
// ObservableEvents that will be sent to the consumer. If set, a task to
// flush the events to the consumer has been queued.
std::unique_ptr<ObservableEvents> observable_events_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ConsumerEndpointImpl> weak_ptr_factory_; // Keep last.
explicit TracingServiceImpl(std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory::Factory>,
~TracingServiceImpl() override;
// Called by ProducerEndpointImpl.
void DisconnectProducer(ProducerID);
void RegisterDataSource(ProducerID, const DataSourceDescriptor&);
void UnregisterDataSource(ProducerID, const std::string& name);
void CopyProducerPageIntoLogBuffer(ProducerID,
uint16_t num_fragments,
uint8_t chunk_flags,
bool chunk_complete,
const uint8_t* src,
size_t size);
void ApplyChunkPatches(ProducerID,
const std::vector<CommitDataRequest::ChunkToPatch>&);
void NotifyFlushDoneForProducer(ProducerID, FlushRequestID);
void NotifyDataSourceStarted(ProducerID, const DataSourceInstanceID);
void NotifyDataSourceStopped(ProducerID, const DataSourceInstanceID);
void ActivateTriggers(ProducerID, const std::vector<std::string>& triggers);
// Called by ConsumerEndpointImpl.
bool DetachConsumer(ConsumerEndpointImpl*, const std::string& key);
bool AttachConsumer(ConsumerEndpointImpl*, const std::string& key);
void DisconnectConsumer(ConsumerEndpointImpl*);
bool EnableTracing(ConsumerEndpointImpl*,
const TraceConfig&,
void ChangeTraceConfig(ConsumerEndpointImpl*, const TraceConfig&);
bool StartTracing(TracingSessionID);
void DisableTracing(TracingSessionID, bool disable_immediately = false);
void Flush(TracingSessionID tsid,
uint32_t timeout_ms,
void FlushAndDisableTracing(TracingSessionID);
void ReadBuffers(TracingSessionID, ConsumerEndpointImpl*);
void FreeBuffers(TracingSessionID);
// Service implementation.
std::unique_ptr<TracingService::ProducerEndpoint> ConnectProducer(
uid_t uid,
const std::string& producer_name,
size_t shared_memory_size_hint_bytes = 0,
bool in_process = false,
ProducerSMBScrapingMode smb_scraping_mode =
ProducerSMBScrapingMode::kDefault) override;
std::unique_ptr<TracingService::ConsumerEndpoint> ConnectConsumer(
uid_t) override;
// Set whether SMB scraping should be enabled by default or not. Producers can
// override this setting for their own SMBs.
void SetSMBScrapingEnabled(bool enabled) override {
smb_scraping_enabled_ = enabled;
// Exposed mainly for testing.
size_t num_producers() const { return producers_.size(); }
ProducerEndpointImpl* GetProducer(ProducerID) const;
uint32_t override_data_source_test_timeout_ms_for_testing = 0;
friend class TracingServiceImplTest;
friend class TracingIntegrationTest;
struct RegisteredDataSource {
ProducerID producer_id;
DataSourceDescriptor descriptor;
// Represents an active data source for a tracing session.
struct DataSourceInstance {
DataSourceInstance(DataSourceInstanceID id,
const DataSourceConfig& cfg,
const std::string& ds_name,
bool notify_on_start,
bool notify_on_stop,
bool handles_incremental_state_invalidation)
: instance_id(id),
handles_incremental_state_invalidation) {}
DataSourceInstance(const DataSourceInstance&) = delete;
DataSourceInstance& operator=(const DataSourceInstance&) = delete;
DataSourceInstanceID instance_id;
DataSourceConfig config;
std::string data_source_name;
bool will_notify_on_start;
bool will_notify_on_stop;
bool handles_incremental_state_clear;
enum DataSourceInstanceState {
DataSourceInstanceState state = CONFIGURED;
struct PendingFlush {
std::set<ProducerID> producers;
ConsumerEndpoint::FlushCallback callback;
explicit PendingFlush(decltype(callback) cb) : callback(std::move(cb)) {}
// Holds the state of a tracing session. A tracing session is uniquely bound
// a specific Consumer. Each Consumer can own one or more sessions.
struct TracingSession {
enum State {
TracingSession(TracingSessionID, ConsumerEndpointImpl*, const TraceConfig&);
size_t num_buffers() const { return buffers_index.size(); }
uint32_t delay_to_next_write_period_ms() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(write_period_ms > 0);
return write_period_ms -
(base::GetWallTimeMs().count() % write_period_ms);
uint32_t flush_timeout_ms() {
uint32_t timeout_ms = config.flush_timeout_ms();
return timeout_ms ? timeout_ms : kDefaultFlushTimeoutMs;
PacketSequenceID GetPacketSequenceID(ProducerID producer_id,
WriterID writer_id) {
auto key = std::make_pair(producer_id, writer_id);
auto it = packet_sequence_ids.find(key);
if (it != packet_sequence_ids.end())
return it->second;
// We shouldn't run out of sequence IDs (producer ID is 16 bit, writer IDs
// are limited to 1024).
static_assert(kMaxPacketSequenceID > kMaxProducerID * kMaxWriterID,
"PacketSequenceID value space doesn't cover service "
"sequence ID and all producer/writer ID combinations!");
PERFETTO_DCHECK(last_packet_sequence_id < kMaxPacketSequenceID);
PacketSequenceID sequence_id = ++last_packet_sequence_id;
packet_sequence_ids[key] = sequence_id;
return sequence_id;
DataSourceInstance* GetDataSourceInstance(
ProducerID producer_id,
DataSourceInstanceID instance_id) {
for (auto& inst_kv : data_source_instances) {
if (inst_kv.first != producer_id ||
inst_kv.second.instance_id != instance_id) {
return &inst_kv.second;
return nullptr;
bool AllDataSourceInstancesStopped() {
for (const auto& inst_kv : data_source_instances) {
if (inst_kv.second.state != DataSourceInstance::STOPPED)
return false;
return true;
const TracingSessionID id;
// The consumer that started the session.
// Can be nullptr if the consumer detached from the session.
ConsumerEndpointImpl* consumer_maybe_null;
// Unix uid of the consumer. This is valid even after the consumer detaches
// and does not change for the entire duration of the session. It is used to
// prevent that a consumer re-attaches to a session from a different uid.
uid_t const consumer_uid;
// The list of triggers this session received while alive and the time they
// were received at. This is used to insert 'fake' packets back to the
// consumer so they can tell when some event happened. The order matches the
// order they were received.
struct TriggerInfo {
uint64_t boot_time_ns;
std::string trigger_name;
std::string producer_name;
uid_t producer_uid;
std::vector<TriggerInfo> received_triggers;
// The trace config provided by the Consumer when calling
// EnableTracing(), plus any updates performed by ChangeTraceConfig.
TraceConfig config;
// List of data source instances that have been enabled on the various
// producers for this tracing session.
// TODO(rsavitski): at the time of writing, the map structure is unused
// (even when the calling code has a key). This is also an opportunity to
// consider an alternative data type, e.g. a map of vectors.
std::multimap<ProducerID, DataSourceInstance> data_source_instances;
// For each Flush(N) request, keeps track of the set of producers for which
// we are still awaiting a NotifyFlushComplete(N) ack.
std::map<FlushRequestID, PendingFlush> pending_flushes;
// Maps a per-trace-session buffer index into the corresponding global
// BufferID (shared namespace amongst all consumers). This vector has as
// many entries as |config.buffers_size()|.
std::vector<BufferID> buffers_index;
std::map<std::pair<ProducerID, WriterID>, PacketSequenceID>
PacketSequenceID last_packet_sequence_id = kServicePacketSequenceID;
// When the last snapshots (clock, stats, sync marker) were emitted into
// the output stream.
base::TimeMillis last_snapshot_time = {};
// Whether we mirrored the trace config back to the trace output yet.
bool did_emit_config = false;
// Whether we put the system info into the trace output yet.
bool did_emit_system_info = false;
// The number of received triggers we've emitted into the trace output.
size_t num_triggers_emitted_into_trace = 0;
// Initial clock snapshot, captured at trace start time (when state goes
// to TracingSession::STARTED). Emitted into the trace when the consumer
// first begins reading the trace.
std::vector<TracePacket> initial_clock_snapshot_;
State state = DISABLED;
// If the consumer detached the session, this variable defines the key used
// for identifying the session later when reattaching.
std::string detach_key;
// This is set when the Consumer calls sets |write_into_file| == true in the
// TraceConfig. In this case this represents the file we should stream the
// trace packets into, rather than returning it to the consumer via
// OnTraceData().
base::ScopedFile write_into_file;
uint32_t write_period_ms = 0;
uint64_t max_file_size_bytes = 0;
uint64_t bytes_written_into_file = 0;
TracingServiceImpl(const TracingServiceImpl&) = delete;
TracingServiceImpl& operator=(const TracingServiceImpl&) = delete;
DataSourceInstance* SetupDataSource(const TraceConfig::DataSource&,
const TraceConfig::ProducerConfig&,
const RegisteredDataSource&,
// Returns the next available ProducerID that is not in |producers_|.
ProducerID GetNextProducerID();
// Returns a pointer to the |tracing_sessions_| entry or nullptr if the
// session doesn't exists.
TracingSession* GetTracingSession(TracingSessionID);
// Returns a pointer to the |tracing_sessions_| entry, matching the given
// uid and detach key, or nullptr if no such session exists.
TracingSession* GetDetachedSession(uid_t, const std::string& key);
// Update the memory guard rail by using the latest information from the
// shared memory and trace buffers.
void UpdateMemoryGuardrail();
void StartDataSourceInstance(ProducerEndpointImpl* producer,
TracingSession* tracing_session,
DataSourceInstance* instance);
void SnapshotSyncMarker(std::vector<TracePacket>*);
void SnapshotClocks(std::vector<TracePacket>*, bool set_root_timestamp);
void SnapshotStats(TracingSession*, std::vector<TracePacket>*);
TraceStats GetTraceStats(TracingSession* tracing_session);
void MaybeEmitTraceConfig(TracingSession*, std::vector<TracePacket>*);
void MaybeEmitSystemInfo(TracingSession*, std::vector<TracePacket>*);
void MaybeEmitReceivedTriggers(TracingSession*, std::vector<TracePacket>*);
void OnFlushTimeout(TracingSessionID, FlushRequestID);
void OnDisableTracingTimeout(TracingSessionID);
void DisableTracingNotifyConsumerAndFlushFile(TracingSession*);
void PeriodicFlushTask(TracingSessionID, bool post_next_only);
void CompleteFlush(TracingSessionID tsid,
ConsumerEndpoint::FlushCallback callback,
bool success);
void ScrapeSharedMemoryBuffers(TracingSession* tracing_session,
ProducerEndpointImpl* producer);
void PeriodicClearIncrementalStateTask(TracingSessionID, bool post_next_only);
TraceBuffer* GetBufferByID(BufferID);
void OnStartTriggersTimeout(TracingSessionID tsid);
base::TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<SharedMemory::Factory> shm_factory_;
ProducerID last_producer_id_ = 0;
DataSourceInstanceID last_data_source_instance_id_ = 0;
TracingSessionID last_tracing_session_id_ = 0;
FlushRequestID last_flush_request_id_ = 0;
uid_t uid_ = 0;
// Buffer IDs are global across all consumers (because a Producer can produce
// data for more than one trace session, hence more than one consumer).
IdAllocator<BufferID> buffer_ids_;
std::multimap<std::string /*name*/, RegisteredDataSource> data_sources_;
std::map<ProducerID, ProducerEndpointImpl*> producers_;
std::set<ConsumerEndpointImpl*> consumers_;
std::map<TracingSessionID, TracingSession> tracing_sessions_;
std::map<BufferID, std::unique_ptr<TraceBuffer>> buffers_;
bool smb_scraping_enabled_ = false;
bool lockdown_mode_ = false;
uint32_t min_write_period_ms_ = 100; // Overridable for testing.
uint8_t sync_marker_packet_[32]; // Lazily initialized.
size_t sync_marker_packet_size_ = 0;
// Stats.
uint64_t chunks_discarded_ = 0;
uint64_t patches_discarded_ = 0;
weak_ptr_factory_; // Keep at the end.
} // namespace perfetto