blob: c5a7973ddadd298fb7a3ec55fed217771df1a3a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/span_join_operator_table.h"
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/base/string_splitter.h"
#include "perfetto/base/string_utils.h"
#include "perfetto/base/string_view.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/sqlite_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
namespace {
constexpr char kTsColumnName[] = "ts";
constexpr char kDurColumnName[] = "dur";
bool IsRequiredColumn(const std::string& name) {
return name == kTsColumnName || name == kDurColumnName;
base::Optional<std::string> HasDuplicateColumns(
const std::vector<Table::Column>& cols) {
std::set<std::string> names;
for (const auto& col : cols) {
if (names.count( > 0)
return base::nullopt;
} // namespace
SpanJoinOperatorTable::SpanJoinOperatorTable(sqlite3* db, const TraceStorage*)
: db_(db) {}
void SpanJoinOperatorTable::RegisterTable(sqlite3* db,
const TraceStorage* storage) {
Table::Register<SpanJoinOperatorTable>(db, storage, "span_join",
/* read_write */ false,
/* requires_args */ true);
Table::Register<SpanJoinOperatorTable>(db, storage, "span_left_join",
/* read_write */ false,
/* requires_args */ true);
Table::Register<SpanJoinOperatorTable>(db, storage, "span_outer_join",
/* read_write */ false,
/* requires_args */ true);
util::Status SpanJoinOperatorTable::Init(int argc,
const char* const* argv,
Schema* schema) {
// argv[0] - argv[2] are SQLite populated fields which are always present.
if (argc < 5)
return util::Status("SPAN_JOIN: expected at least 2 args");
TableDescriptor t1_desc;
auto status = TableDescriptor::Parse(
std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(argv[3])), &t1_desc);
if (!status.ok())
return status;
TableDescriptor t2_desc;
status = TableDescriptor::Parse(
std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(argv[4])), &t2_desc);
if (!status.ok())
return status;
// Check that the partition columns match between the two tables.
if (t1_desc.partition_col == t2_desc.partition_col) {
partitioning_ = t1_desc.IsPartitioned()
? PartitioningType::kSamePartitioning
: PartitioningType::kNoPartitioning;
if (partitioning_ == PartitioningType::kNoPartitioning && IsOuterJoin()) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: Outer join not supported for no partition tables");
} else if (t1_desc.IsPartitioned() && t2_desc.IsPartitioned()) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: mismatching partitions between the two tables; "
"(partition %s in table %s, partition %s in table %s)",
} else {
if (IsOuterJoin()) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: Outer join not supported for mixed partitioned tables");
partitioning_ = PartitioningType::kMixedPartitioning;
status = CreateTableDefinition(t1_desc, IsOuterJoin(), &t1_defn_);
if (!status.ok())
return status;
status =
CreateTableDefinition(t2_desc, IsOuterJoin() || IsLeftJoin(), &t2_defn_);
if (!status.ok())
return status;
std::vector<Table::Column> cols;
// Ensure the shared columns are consistently ordered and are not
// present twice in the final schema
cols.emplace_back(Column::kTimestamp, kTsColumnName, ColumnType::kLong);
cols.emplace_back(Column::kDuration, kDurColumnName, ColumnType::kLong);
if (partitioning_ != PartitioningType::kNoPartitioning)
cols.emplace_back(Column::kPartition, partition_col(), ColumnType::kLong);
CreateSchemaColsForDefn(t1_defn_, &cols);
CreateSchemaColsForDefn(t2_defn_, &cols);
if (auto opt_dupe_col = HasDuplicateColumns(cols)) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: column %s present in both tables %s and %s",
std::vector<size_t> primary_keys = {Column::kTimestamp};
if (partitioning_ != PartitioningType::kNoPartitioning)
*schema = Schema(cols, primary_keys);
return util::OkStatus();
void SpanJoinOperatorTable::CreateSchemaColsForDefn(
const TableDefinition& defn,
std::vector<Table::Column>* cols) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < defn.columns().size(); i++) {
const auto& n = defn.columns()[i].name();
if (IsRequiredColumn(n) || n == defn.partition_col())
ColumnLocator* locator = &global_index_to_column_locator_[cols->size()];
locator->defn = &defn;
locator->col_index = i;
cols->emplace_back(cols->size(), n, defn.columns()[i].type());
std::unique_ptr<Table::Cursor> SpanJoinOperatorTable::CreateCursor() {
return std::unique_ptr<SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor>(new Cursor(this, db_));
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::BestIndex(const QueryConstraints&, BestIndexInfo*) {
// TODO(lalitm): figure out cost estimation.
return SQLITE_OK;
const TableDefinition& defn,
const QueryConstraints& qc,
sqlite3_value** argv) {
std::vector<std::string> constraints;
for (size_t i = 0; i < qc.constraints().size(); i++) {
const auto& cs = qc.constraints()[i];
auto col_name = GetNameForGlobalColumnIndex(defn, cs.iColumn);
if (col_name == "")
if (col_name == kTsColumnName || col_name == kDurColumnName) {
// We don't support constraints on ts or duration in the child tables.
PERFETTO_DFATAL("ts or duration constraints on child tables");
auto op = sqlite_utils::OpToString(cs.op);
auto value = sqlite_utils::SqliteValueAsString(argv[i]);
constraints.emplace_back("`" + col_name + "`" + op + value);
return constraints;
util::Status SpanJoinOperatorTable::CreateTableDefinition(
const TableDescriptor& desc,
bool emit_shadow_slices,
SpanJoinOperatorTable::TableDefinition* defn) {
if (desc.partition_col == kTsColumnName ||
desc.partition_col == kDurColumnName) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: partition column cannot be any of {ts, dur} for table %s",;
auto cols = sqlite_utils::GetColumnsForTable(db_,;
uint32_t required_columns_found = 0;
uint32_t ts_idx = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t dur_idx = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t partition_idx = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) {
auto col = cols[i];
if (IsRequiredColumn( {
if (col.type() != Table::ColumnType::kLong &&
col.type() != Table::ColumnType::kUnknown) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: Invalid type for column %s in table %s",,;
if ( == kTsColumnName) {
ts_idx = i;
} else if ( == kDurColumnName) {
dur_idx = i;
} else if ( == desc.partition_col) {
partition_idx = i;
if (required_columns_found != 2) {
return util::ErrStatus(
"SPAN_JOIN: Missing one of columns {ts, dur} in table %s",;
} else if (desc.IsPartitioned() && partition_idx >= cols.size()) {
return util::ErrStatus("SPAN_JOIN: Missing partition column %s in table %s",
PERFETTO_DCHECK(ts_idx < cols.size());
PERFETTO_DCHECK(dur_idx < cols.size());
*defn = TableDefinition(, desc.partition_col, std::move(cols),
emit_shadow_slices, ts_idx, dur_idx, partition_idx);
return util::OkStatus();
std::string SpanJoinOperatorTable::GetNameForGlobalColumnIndex(
const TableDefinition& defn,
int global_column) {
size_t col_idx = static_cast<size_t>(global_column);
if (col_idx == Column::kTimestamp)
return kTsColumnName;
else if (col_idx == Column::kDuration)
return kDurColumnName;
else if (col_idx == Column::kPartition &&
partitioning_ != PartitioningType::kNoPartitioning)
return defn.partition_col().c_str();
const auto& locator = global_index_to_column_locator_[col_idx];
if (locator.defn != &defn)
return "";
return defn.columns()[locator.col_index].name().c_str();
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor::Cursor(SpanJoinOperatorTable* table, sqlite3* db)
: Table::Cursor(table),
t1_(table, &table->t1_defn_, db),
t2_(table, &table->t2_defn_, db),
table_(table) {}
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor::Filter(const QueryConstraints& qc,
sqlite3_value** argv) {
int err = t1_.Initialize(qc, argv);
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
return err;
err = t2_.Initialize(qc, argv);
if (err != SQLITE_OK)
return err;
// Step the partitioned table to allow for us to look into it below.
Query* step_now = t1_.IsPartitioned() ? &t1_ : &t2_;
next_stepped_ = step_now == &t1_ ? &t2_ : &t1_;
auto res = step_now->Step();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
// Forward the unpartitioned table to reflect the partition of the partitoined
// table.
if (table_->partitioning_ == PartitioningType::kMixedPartitioning) {
// If we emit shadow slices, we need to step because the first slice will
// be a full partition shadow slice that we need to skip.
if (step_now->definition()->emit_shadow_slices()) {
res = step_now->StepToNextPartition();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
res = next_stepped_->StepToPartition(step_now->partition());
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
// Otherwise, find an overlapping span.
return Next();
bool SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor::IsOverlappingSpan() {
if (!t1_.IsRealSlice() && !t2_.IsRealSlice()) {
return false;
} else if (t1_.partition() != t2_.partition()) {
return false;
} else if (t1_.ts_end() <= t2_.ts_start() || t2_.ts_end() <= t1_.ts_start()) {
return false;
return true;
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor::Next() {
// TODO: Propagate error msg to the table.
auto res = next_stepped_->Step();
if (res.is_err())
return res.err_code;
while (true) {
if (t1_.Eof() || t2_.Eof()) {
if (table_->partitioning_ != PartitioningType::kMixedPartitioning)
return SQLITE_OK;
auto* partitioned = t1_.IsPartitioned() ? &t1_ : &t2_;
auto* unpartitioned = t1_.IsPartitioned() ? &t2_ : &t1_;
if (partitioned->Eof())
return SQLITE_OK;
res = partitioned->StepToNextPartition();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
res = unpartitioned->StepToPartition(partitioned->partition());
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
int64_t partition = std::max(t1_.partition(), t2_.partition());
res = t1_.StepToPartition(partition);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
res = t2_.StepToPartition(t1_.partition());
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
if (t1_.partition() != t2_.partition())
auto ts = std::max(t1_.ts_start(), t2_.ts_start());
res = t1_.StepUntil(ts);
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
res = t2_.StepUntil(t1_.ts_start());
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
// If we're in the case where we have shadow slices on both tables, try
// and forward the earliest table and see what happens. IsOverlappingSpan()
// will double check that we have at least one non-real slice now.
// Note: if we don't do this, we end up in an infinite loop because all
// the code above will not change anything because these shadow slices will
// be overlapping.
if (!t1_.IsRealSlice() && !t2_.IsRealSlice()) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(t1_.partition() == t2_.partition());
// If the table is not partitioned, partition() will return the partition
// the table was set to have by StepToPartition().
auto t1_partition =
t1_.IsPartitioned() ? t1_.CursorPartition() : t1_.partition();
auto t2_partition =
t2_.IsPartitioned() ? t2_.CursorPartition() : t2_.partition();
Query* stepped;
if (t1_partition == t2_partition) {
stepped = t1_.ts_end() <= t2_.ts_end() ? &t1_ : &t2_;
} else {
stepped = t1_partition <= t2_partition ? &t1_ : &t2_;
res = stepped->Step();
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_err()))
return res.err_code;
else if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(res.is_eof()))
if (IsOverlappingSpan())
next_stepped_ = t1_.ts_end() <= t2_.ts_end() ? &t1_ : &t2_;
return SQLITE_OK;
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor::Eof() {
return t1_.Eof() || t2_.Eof();
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::Cursor::Column(sqlite3_context* context, int N) {
if (N == Column::kTimestamp) {
auto max_ts = std::max(t1_.ts_start(), t2_.ts_start());
sqlite3_result_int64(context, static_cast<sqlite3_int64>(max_ts));
} else if (N == Column::kDuration) {
auto max_start = std::max(t1_.ts_start(), t2_.ts_start());
auto min_end = std::min(t1_.ts_end(), t2_.ts_end());
PERFETTO_DCHECK(min_end > max_start);
auto dur = min_end - max_start;
sqlite3_result_int64(context, static_cast<sqlite3_int64>(dur));
} else if (N == Column::kPartition &&
table_->partitioning_ != PartitioningType::kNoPartitioning) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(table_->partitioning_ ==
PartitioningType::kMixedPartitioning ||
t1_.partition() == t2_.partition());
auto partition = t1_.IsPartitioned() ? t1_.partition() : t2_.partition();
sqlite3_result_int64(context, static_cast<sqlite3_int64>(partition));
} else {
size_t index = static_cast<size_t>(N);
const auto& locator = table_->global_index_to_column_locator_[index];
if (locator.defn == t1_.definition())
t1_.ReportSqliteResult(context, locator.col_index);
t2_.ReportSqliteResult(context, locator.col_index);
return SQLITE_OK;
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::Query(SpanJoinOperatorTable* table,
const TableDefinition* definition,
sqlite3* db)
: defn_(definition), db_(db), table_(table) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(!defn_->IsPartitioned() ||
defn_->partition_idx() < defn_->columns().size());
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::~Query() = default;
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::Initialize(const QueryConstraints& qc,
sqlite3_value** argv) {
*this = Query(table_, definition(), db_);
sql_query_ = CreateSqlQuery(
table_->ComputeSqlConstraintsForDefinition(*defn_, qc, argv));
return PrepareRawStmt();
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::StepRet SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::Step() {
sqlite3_stmt* stmt = stmt_.get();
// In this loop, we will try and find the slice to from the cursor.
// Terminology: "Shadow slices" are slices which fill in the gaps between real
// slices from the underlying cursor in each partition (if any).
// For queries which don't need "shadow slices", we simply return non-zero
// duration slices from the underlying cursor.
do {
if (mode_ == Mode::kShadowSlice) {
// If we're out of slices in the cursor, this shadow slice will be the
// final slice.
if (cursor_eof_) {
mode_ = Mode::kRealSlice;
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kEof);
// Look ahead to see if the cursor changes partition (if the cursor is
// partitioned). If so, then we need to fill the gap between the ts == 0
// and the start of that slice. Otherwise after this slice, we have the
// real slice from the cursor.
if (!defn_->IsPartitioned() || partition_ == CursorPartition()) {
mode_ = Mode::kRealSlice;
ts_start_ = CursorTs();
ts_end_ = ts_start_ + CursorDur();
} else if (IsFullPartitionShadowSlice()) {
mode_ = Mode::kShadowSlice;
ts_start_ = 0;
ts_end_ = CursorTs();
partition_ = CursorPartition();
} else {
mode_ = Mode::kShadowSlice;
ts_start_ = 0;
ts_end_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
int res;
if (defn_->IsPartitioned()) {
auto partition_idx = static_cast<int>(defn_->partition_idx());
// Fastforward through any rows with null partition keys.
int row_type;
do {
res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
row_type = sqlite3_column_type(stmt, partition_idx);
} while (res == SQLITE_ROW && row_type == SQLITE_NULL);
} else {
res = sqlite3_step(stmt);
if (res == SQLITE_ROW) {
// After every row, there will be a shadow slice so emit that if we need
// to do so. Otherwise, just emit the underlying slice.
if (defn_->emit_shadow_slices()) {
mode_ = Mode::kShadowSlice;
ts_start_ = ts_end_;
ts_end_ = !defn_->IsPartitioned() || partition_ == CursorPartition()
? CursorTs()
: std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
} else {
mode_ = Mode::kRealSlice;
ts_start_ = CursorTs();
ts_end_ = ts_start_ + CursorDur();
if (defn_->IsPartitioned())
partition_ = CursorPartition();
} else if (res == SQLITE_DONE) {
cursor_eof_ = true;
if (!defn_->emit_shadow_slices())
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kEof);
// Close off the remainder of this partition with a shadow slice.
mode_ = Mode::kShadowSlice;
ts_start_ = ts_end_;
ts_end_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
} else {
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kError, res);
} while (ts_start_ == ts_end_);
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kRow);
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::StepToNextPartition() {
auto current_partition = partition_;
while (partition_ <= current_partition) {
auto res = Step();
if (!res.is_row())
return res;
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kRow);
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::StepToPartition(int64_t target_partition) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(partition_ <= target_partition);
if (defn_->IsPartitioned()) {
while (partition_ < target_partition) {
if (IsFullPartitionShadowSlice() &&
(cursor_eof_ || target_partition < CursorPartition())) {
partition_ = target_partition;
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kRow);
auto res = Step();
if (!res.is_row())
return res;
} else if (/* !defn_->IsPartitioned() && */ partition_ < target_partition) {
int res = PrepareRawStmt();
if (res != SQLITE_OK)
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kError, res);
partition_ = target_partition;
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kRow);
SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::StepRet SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::StepUntil(
int64_t timestamp) {
auto partition = partition_;
while (partition_ == partition && ts_end_ <= timestamp) {
auto res = Step();
if (!res.is_row())
return res;
return StepRet(StepRet::Code::kRow);
std::string SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::CreateSqlQuery(
const std::vector<std::string>& cs) const {
std::vector<std::string> col_names;
for (const Table::Column& c : defn_->columns()) {
col_names.push_back("`" + + "`");
std::string sql = "SELECT " + base::Join(col_names, ", ");
sql += " FROM " + defn_->name();
if (!cs.empty()) {
sql += " WHERE " + base::Join(cs, " AND ");
sql += " ORDER BY ";
sql += defn_->IsPartitioned()
? base::Join({"`" + defn_->partition_col() + "`", "ts"}, ", ")
: "ts";
sql += ";";
PERFETTO_DLOG("%s", sql.c_str());
return sql;
int SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::PrepareRawStmt() {
sqlite3_stmt* stmt = nullptr;
int err =
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db_, sql_query_.c_str(),
static_cast<int>(sql_query_.size()), &stmt, nullptr);
ts_start_ = 0;
ts_end_ = 0;
partition_ = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest();
cursor_eof_ = false;
mode_ = Mode::kRealSlice;
return err;
void SpanJoinOperatorTable::Query::ReportSqliteResult(sqlite3_context* context,
size_t index) {
if (mode_ != Mode::kRealSlice) {
sqlite3_stmt* stmt = stmt_.get();
int idx = static_cast<int>(index);
switch (sqlite3_column_type(stmt, idx)) {
sqlite3_result_int64(context, sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, idx));
sqlite3_result_double(context, sqlite3_column_double(stmt, idx));
// TODO(lalitm): note for future optimizations: if we knew the addresses
// of the string intern pool, we could check if the string returned here
// comes from the pool, and pass it as non-transient.
const auto kSqliteTransient =
auto ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(stmt, idx));
sqlite3_result_text(context, ptr, -1, kSqliteTransient);
std::string name,
std::string partition_col,
std::vector<Table::Column> cols,
bool emit_shadow_slices,
uint32_t ts_idx,
uint32_t dur_idx,
uint32_t partition_idx)
: name_(std::move(name)),
partition_idx_(partition_idx) {}
util::Status SpanJoinOperatorTable::TableDescriptor::Parse(
const std::string& raw_descriptor,
SpanJoinOperatorTable::TableDescriptor* descriptor) {
// Descriptors have one of the following forms:
// table_name [PARTITIONED column_name]
// Find the table name.
base::StringSplitter splitter(raw_descriptor, ' ');
if (!splitter.Next())
return util::ErrStatus("SPAN_JOIN: Missing table name");
descriptor->name = splitter.cur_token();
if (!splitter.Next())
return util::OkStatus();
if (strcasecmp(splitter.cur_token(), "PARTITIONED") != 0)
return util::ErrStatus("SPAN_JOIN: Invalid token");
if (!splitter.Next())
return util::ErrStatus("SPAN_JOIN: Missing partitioning column");
descriptor->partition_col = splitter.cur_token();
return util::OkStatus();
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto