blob: 15c9139396e8d502878cf18bb181ba67347cccf1 [file] [log] [blame]
import {_TextDecoder, _TextEncoder} from 'custom_utils';
import {Adb, AdbMsg, AdbStream, CmdType} from './adb_interfaces';
const textEncoder = new _TextEncoder();
const textDecoder = new _TextDecoder();
export const VERSION_WITH_CHECKSUM = 0x01000000;
export const VERSION_NO_CHECKSUM = 0x01000001;
export const DEFAULT_MAX_PAYLOAD_BYTES = 256 * 1024;
export enum AdbState {
// Authentication steps, see AdbOverWebUsb's handleAuthentication().
enum AuthCmd {
TOKEN = 1,
// This class is a basic TypeScript implementation of adb that only supports
// shell commands. It is used to send the start tracing command to the connected
// android device, and to automatically pull the trace after the end of the
// recording. It works through the webUSB API. A brief description of how it
// works is the following:
// - The connection with the device is initiated by findAndConnect, which shows
// a dialog with a list of connected devices. Once one is selected the
// authentication begins. The authentication has to pass different steps, as
// described in the "handeAuthentication" method.
// - AdbOverWebUsb tracks the state of the authentication via a state machine
// (see AdbState).
// - A Message handler loop is executed to keep receiving the messages.
// - All the messages received from the device are passed to "onMessage" that is
// implemented as a state machine.
// - When a new shell is established, it becomes an AdbStream, and is kept in
// the "streams" map. Each time a message from the device is for a specific
// previously opened stream, the "onMessage" function will forward it to the
// stream (identified by a number).
export class AdbOverWebUsb implements Adb {
state: AdbState = AdbState.DISCONNECTED;
streams = new Map<number, AdbStream>();
devProps = '';
key?: CryptoKeyPair;
onConnected = () => {};
// Devices after Dec 2017 don't use checksum. This will be auto-detected
// during the connection.
useChecksum = true;
private lastStreamId = 0;
private dev: USBDevice|undefined;
private usbReadEndpoint = -1;
private usbWriteEpEndpoint = -1;
private filter = {
classCode: 255, // USB vendor specific code
subclassCode: 66, // Android vendor specific subclass
protocolCode: 1 // Adb protocol
async findDevice() {
return navigator.usb.requestDevice({filters: [this.filter]});
async getPairedDevices() {
return navigator.usb.getDevices();
async connect(device: USBDevice): Promise<void> { = device;
this.useChecksum = true;
this.key = await AdbOverWebUsb.initKey();
await; // The reset is done so that we can claim the
// device before adb server can.
const {configValue, usbInterfaceNumber, endpoints} =
this.usbReadEndpoint = this.findEndpointNumber(endpoints, 'in');
this.usbWriteEpEndpoint = this.findEndpointNumber(endpoints, 'out');
console.assert(this.usbReadEndpoint >= 0 && this.usbWriteEpEndpoint >= 0);
await this.startAuthentication();
// This will start a message handler loop.
// The promise will be resolved after the handshake.
return new Promise<void>((resolve, _) => this.onConnected = resolve);
async startAuthentication() {
// USB connected, now let's authenticate.
const VERSION =
this.state = AdbState.AUTH_STEP1;
await this.send('CNXN', VERSION, this.maxPayload, 'host:1:UsbADB');
findInterfaceAndEndpoint() {
if (! throw Error('Device not set');
for (const config of {
for (const interface_ of config.interfaces) {
for (const alt of interface_.alternates) {
if (alt.interfaceClass === this.filter.classCode &&
alt.interfaceSubclass === this.filter.subclassCode &&
alt.interfaceProtocol === this.filter.protocolCode) {
return {
configValue: config.configurationValue,
usbInterfaceNumber: interface_.interfaceNumber,
endpoints: alt.endpoints
} // if (alternate)
} // for (interface.alternates)
} // for (configuration.interfaces)
} // for (configurations)
throw Error('Cannot find interfaces and endpoints');
endpoints: USBEndpoint[], direction: 'out'|'in', type = 'bulk'): number {
const ep =
endpoints.find((ep) => ep.type === type && ep.direction === direction);
if (ep) return ep.endpointNumber;
throw Error(`Cannot find ${direction} endpoint`);
receiveDeviceMessages() {
// TODO(nicomazz): find the best (and correct) way to stop this.
try {
this.recv().then(msg => {
} catch (e) {
// Then the usb connection is not available anymore, the recv will throw
// an exception here.
// TODO(nicomazz): Propagate this unconnected state to the UI.
console.log('exception on recv: ', e);
async onMessage(msg: AdbMsg) {
if (!this.key) throw Error('ADB key not initialized');
if (msg.cmd === 'AUTH' && msg.arg0 === AuthCmd.TOKEN) {
} else if (msg.cmd === 'CNXN') {
[AdbState.AUTH_STEP2, AdbState.AUTH_STEP3].includes(this.state));
this.state = AdbState.CONNECTED;
} else if (this.state === AdbState.CONNECTED && [
].indexOf(msg.cmd) >= 0) {
const stream = this.streams.get(msg.arg1);
if (!stream) {
console.warn(`Received message ${msg} for unknown stream ${msg.arg1}`);
} else {
console.error(`Unexpected message `, msg, ` in state ${this.state}`);
async handleAuthentication(msg: AdbMsg) {
if (!this.key) throw Error('ADB key not initialized');
console.assert(msg.cmd === 'AUTH' && msg.arg0 === AuthCmd.TOKEN);
const token =;
if (this.state === AdbState.AUTH_STEP1) {
// During this step, we send back the token received signed with our
// private key. If the device has previously received our public key, the
// dialog will not be displayed. Otherwise we will receive another message
// ending up in AUTH_STEP3.
this.state = AdbState.AUTH_STEP2;
const signedToken =
await signAdbTokenWithPrivateKey(this.key.privateKey, token);
this.send('AUTH', AuthCmd.SIGNATURE, 0, new Uint8Array(signedToken));
console.assert(this.state === AdbState.AUTH_STEP2);
// During this step, we send our public key. The dialog will appear, and
// if the user chooses to remember our public key, it will be
// saved, so that the next time we will only pass through AUTH_STEP1.
this.state = AdbState.AUTH_STEP3;
const encodedPubKey = await encodePubKey(this.key.publicKey);
this.send('AUTH', AuthCmd.RSAPUBLICKEY, 0, encodedPubKey);
private handleConnectedMessage(msg: AdbMsg) {
console.assert(msg.cmd === 'CNXN');
this.maxPayload = msg.arg1;
this.devProps = textDecoder.decode(;
const deviceVersion = msg.arg0;
if (![VERSION_WITH_CHECKSUM, VERSION_NO_CHECKSUM].includes(deviceVersion)) {
console.error('Version ', msg.arg0, ' not really supported!');
this.useChecksum = deviceVersion === VERSION_WITH_CHECKSUM;
this.state = AdbState.CONNECTED;
// This will resolve the promise returned by "onConnect"
this.onConnected = () => {};
shell(cmd: string): Promise<AdbStream> {
return this.openStream('shell:' + cmd);
openStream(svc: string): Promise<AdbStream> {
const stream = new AdbStreamImpl(this, ++this.lastStreamId);
this.streams.set(stream.localStreamId, stream);
this.send('OPEN', stream.localStreamId, 0, svc);
// The stream will resolve this promise once it receives the
// acknowledgement message from the device.
return new Promise<AdbStream>((resolve, _) => {
stream.onConnect = () => resolve(stream);
async send(
cmd: CmdType, arg0: number, arg1: number, data?: Uint8Array|string) {
await this.sendMsg(AdbMsgImpl.create(
{cmd, arg0, arg1, data, useChecksum: this.useChecksum}));
// The header and the message data must be sent consecutively. Using 2 awaits
// Another message can interleave after the first header has been sent,
// resulting in something like [header1] [header2] [data1] [data2];
// In this way we are waiting both promises to be resolved before continuing.
async sendMsg(msg: AdbMsgImpl) {
const sendPromises = [this.sendRaw(msg.encodeHeader())];
if ( > 0) sendPromises.push(this.sendRaw(;
await Promise.all(sendPromises);
async recv(): Promise<AdbMsg> {
const res = await this.recvRaw(ADB_MSG_SIZE);
console.assert(res.status === 'ok');
const msg = AdbMsgImpl.decodeHeader(!);
let bytesLeft = msg.dataLen;
let bytesReceived = 0;
while (bytesLeft > 0) {
const resp = await this.recvRaw(bytesLeft);
for (let i = 0; i <!.byteLength; i++) {[bytesReceived++] =!.getUint8(i);
bytesLeft -=!.byteLength;
if (this.useChecksum) {
console.assert(AdbOverWebUsb.checksum( === msg.dataChecksum);
return msg;
static async initKey(): Promise<CryptoKeyPair> {
const KEY_SIZE = 2048;
const keySpec = {
name: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5',
modulusLength: KEY_SIZE,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]),
hash: {name: 'SHA-1'},
const key = await crypto.subtle.generateKey(
keySpec, /*extractable=*/ true, ['sign', 'verify']);
return key;
static checksum(data: Uint8Array): number {
let res = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.byteLength; i++) res += data[i];
return res & 0xFFFFFFFF;
sendRaw(buf: Uint8Array): Promise<USBOutTransferResult> {
console.assert(buf.length <= this.maxPayload);
if (! throw Error('Device not set');
return, buf.buffer);
recvRaw(dataLen: number): Promise<USBInTransferResult> {
if (! throw Error('Device not set');
return, dataLen);
enum AdbStreamState {
// An AdbStream is instantiated after the creation of a shell to the device.
// Thanks to this, we can send commands and receive their output. Messages are
// received in the main adb class, and are forwarded to an instance of this
// class based on a stream id match. Also streams have an initialization flow:
// 1. WAITING_INITIAL_OKAY: waiting for first "OKAY" message. Once received,
// the next state will be "CONNECTED".
// 2. CONNECTED: ready to receive or send messages.
// 3. WRITING: this is needed because we must receive an ack after sending
// each message (so, before sending the next one). For this reason, many
// subsequent "write" calls will result in different messages in the
// writeQueue. After each new acknowledgement ('OKAY') a new one will be
// sent. When the queue is empty, the state will return to CONNECTED.
// 4. CLOSED: entered when the device closes the stream or close() is called.
// For shell commands, the stream is closed after the command completed.
export class AdbStreamImpl implements AdbStream {
private adb: AdbOverWebUsb;
localStreamId: number;
private remoteStreamId = -1;
private state: AdbStreamState = AdbStreamState.WAITING_INITIAL_OKAY;
private writeQueue: Uint8Array[] = [];
private sendInProgress = false;
onData: AdbStreamReadCallback = (_, __) => {};
onConnect = () => {};
onClose = () => {};
constructor(adb: AdbOverWebUsb, localStreamId: number) {
this.adb = adb;
this.localStreamId = localStreamId;
close() {
console.assert(this.state === AdbStreamState.CONNECTED);
if (this.writeQueue.length > 0) {
console.error(`Dropping ${
this.writeQueue.length} queued messages due to stream closing.`);
this.writeQueue = [];
this.adb.send('CLSE', this.localStreamId, this.remoteStreamId);
async write(msg: string|Uint8Array) {
const raw = (typeof msg === 'string') ? textEncoder.encode(msg) : msg;
if (this.sendInProgress ||
this.state === AdbStreamState.WAITING_INITIAL_OKAY) {
console.assert(this.state === AdbStreamState.CONNECTED);
this.sendInProgress = true;
await this.adb.send('WRTE', this.localStreamId, this.remoteStreamId, raw);
private doClose() {
this.state = AdbStreamState.CLOSED;
onMessage(msg: AdbMsgImpl) {
console.assert(msg.arg1 === this.localStreamId);
if (this.state === AdbStreamState.WAITING_INITIAL_OKAY &&
msg.cmd === 'OKAY') {
this.remoteStreamId = msg.arg0;
this.state = AdbStreamState.CONNECTED;
if (msg.cmd === 'WRTE') {
this.adb.send('OKAY', this.localStreamId, this.remoteStreamId);
if (msg.cmd === 'OKAY') {
this.sendInProgress = false;
const queuedMsg = this.writeQueue.shift();
if (queuedMsg !== undefined) this.write(queuedMsg);
if (msg.cmd === 'CLSE') {
`Unexpected stream msg ${msg.toString()} in state ${this.state}`);
interface AdbStreamReadCallback {
(str: string, raw: Uint8Array): void;
const ADB_MSG_SIZE = 6 * 4; // 6 * int32.
export class AdbMsgImpl implements AdbMsg {
cmd: CmdType;
arg0: number;
arg1: number;
data: Uint8Array;
dataLen: number;
dataChecksum: number;
useChecksum: boolean;
cmd: CmdType, arg0: number, arg1: number, dataLen: number,
dataChecksum: number, useChecksum = false) {
console.assert(cmd.length === 4);
this.cmd = cmd;
this.arg0 = arg0;
this.arg1 = arg1;
this.dataLen = dataLen; = new Uint8Array(dataLen);
this.dataChecksum = dataChecksum;
this.useChecksum = useChecksum;
static create({cmd, arg0, arg1, data, useChecksum = true}: {
cmd: CmdType; arg0: number; arg1: number;
data?: Uint8Array | string;
useChecksum?: boolean;
}): AdbMsgImpl {
const encodedData = this.encodeData(data);
const msg =
new AdbMsgImpl(cmd, arg0, arg1, encodedData.length, 0, useChecksum); = encodedData;
return msg;
get dataStr() {
return textDecoder.decode(;
toString() {
return `${this.cmd} [${this.arg0},${this.arg1}] ${this.dataStr}`;
// A brief description of the message can be found here:
// struct amessage {
// uint32_t command; // command identifier constant
// uint32_t arg0; // first argument
// uint32_t arg1; // second argument
// uint32_t data_length;// length of payload (0 is allowed)
// uint32_t data_check; // checksum of data payload
// uint32_t magic; // command ^ 0xffffffff
// };
static decodeHeader(dv: DataView): AdbMsgImpl {
console.assert(dv.byteLength === ADB_MSG_SIZE);
const cmd = textDecoder.decode(dv.buffer.slice(0, 4)) as CmdType;
const cmdNum = dv.getUint32(0, true);
const arg0 = dv.getUint32(4, true);
const arg1 = dv.getUint32(8, true);
const dataLen = dv.getUint32(12, true);
const dataChecksum = dv.getUint32(16, true);
const cmdChecksum = dv.getUint32(20, true);
console.assert(cmdNum === (cmdChecksum ^ 0xFFFFFFFF));
return new AdbMsgImpl(cmd, arg0, arg1, dataLen, dataChecksum);
encodeHeader(): Uint8Array {
const buf = new Uint8Array(ADB_MSG_SIZE);
const dv = new DataView(buf.buffer);
const cmdBytes: Uint8Array = textEncoder.encode(this.cmd);
const rawMsg = AdbMsgImpl.encodeData(;
const checksum = this.useChecksum ? AdbOverWebUsb.checksum(rawMsg) : 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) dv.setUint8(i, cmdBytes[i]);
dv.setUint32(4, this.arg0, true);
dv.setUint32(8, this.arg1, true);
dv.setUint32(12, rawMsg.byteLength, true);
dv.setUint32(16, checksum, true);
dv.setUint32(20, dv.getUint32(0, true) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF, true);
return buf;
static encodeData(data?: Uint8Array|string): Uint8Array {
if (data === undefined) return new Uint8Array([]);
if (typeof data === 'string') return textEncoder.encode(data + '\0');
return data;
function base64StringToArray(s: string) {
const decoded = atob(s.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'));
return [...decoded].map(char => char.charCodeAt(0));
// RSA Public keys are encoded in a rather unique way. It's a base64 encoded
// struct of 524 bytes in total as follows (see
// libcrypto_utils/android_pubkey.c):
// typedef struct RSAPublicKey {
// // Modulus length. This must be ANDROID_PUBKEY_MODULUS_SIZE.
// uint32_t modulus_size_words;
// // Precomputed montgomery parameter: -1 / n[0] mod 2^32
// uint32_t n0inv;
// // RSA modulus as a little-endian array.
// uint8_t modulus[ANDROID_PUBKEY_MODULUS_SIZE];
// // Montgomery parameter R^2 as a little-endian array of little-endian
// words. uint8_t rr[ANDROID_PUBKEY_MODULUS_SIZE];
// // RSA modulus: 3 or 65537
// uint32_t exponent;
// } RSAPublicKey;
// However, the Montgomery params (n0inv and rr) are not really used, see
// comment in android_pubkey_decode() ("Note that we don't extract the
// montgomery parameters...")
async function encodePubKey(key: CryptoKey) {
const expPubKey = await crypto.subtle.exportKey('jwk', key);
const nArr = base64StringToArray(expPubKey.n as string).reverse();
const eArr = base64StringToArray(expPubKey.e as string).reverse();
const arr = new Uint8Array(3 * 4 + 2 * MODULUS_SIZE_BYTES);
const dv = new DataView(arr.buffer);
dv.setUint32(0, MODULUS_SIZE_BYTES / 4, true);
// The Mongomery params (n0inv and rr) are not computed.
dv.setUint32(4, 0 /*n0inv*/, true);
// Modulus
for (let i = 0; i < MODULUS_SIZE_BYTES; i++) dv.setUint8(8 + i, nArr[i]);
// rr:
for (let i = 0; i < MODULUS_SIZE_BYTES; i++) {
dv.setUint8(8 + MODULUS_SIZE_BYTES + i, 0 /*rr*/);
// Exponent
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
dv.setUint8(8 + (2 * MODULUS_SIZE_BYTES) + i, eArr[i]);
return btoa(String.fromCharCode( Uint8Array(dv.buffer))) +
' perfetto@webusb';
// TODO(nicomazz): This token signature will be useful only when we save the
// generated keys. So far, we are not doing so. As a consequence, a dialog is
// displayed every time a tracing session is started.
// The reason why it has not already been implemented is that the standard
// crypto.subtle.sign function assumes that the input needs hashing, which is
// not the case for ADB, where the 20 bytes token is already hashed.
// A solution to this is implementing a custom private key signature with a js
// implementation of big integers. Maybe, wrapping the key like in the following
// CL can work:
async function signAdbTokenWithPrivateKey(
_privateKey: CryptoKey, token: Uint8Array): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
// This function is not implemented.
return token.buffer;