blob: b74391423d463bb0677f742e1264c4833d85eb32 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "perfetto/config/data_source_config.proto";
import "perfetto/config/data_source_descriptor.proto";
import "perfetto/common/commit_data_request.proto";
package perfetto.protos;
// IPC interface definition for the producer port of the tracing service.
service ProducerPort {
// Called once only after establishing the connection with the Service.
// The service replies sending the shared memory file descriptor in reply.
rpc InitializeConnection(InitializeConnectionRequest)
returns (InitializeConnectionResponse) {}
// Advertises a data source.
rpc RegisterDataSource(RegisterDataSourceRequest)
returns (RegisterDataSourceResponse) {}
// Unregisters a previously registered data source.
rpc UnregisterDataSource(UnregisterDataSourceRequest)
returns (UnregisterDataSourceResponse) {}
// Sent by the client to request the service to:
// 1) Move some chunks from the shmem buffer into the logging buffer.
// 2) Patch the content of some chunks previously moved.
// 3) Acknowledge a Flush() request.
rpc CommitData(protos.CommitDataRequest) returns (CommitDataResponse) {}
// Sent by the client in response to a StopDataSource message, when a data
// source is succesfully stopped. This is expected only for data sources that
// set the DataSourceDescriptor.will_notify_on_stop flag when registering.
rpc NotifyDataSourceStopped(NotifyDataSourceStoppedRequest)
returns (NotifyDataSourceStoppedResponse) {}
// This is a backchannel to get asynchronous commands / notifications back
// from the Service.
rpc GetAsyncCommand(GetAsyncCommandRequest)
returns (stream GetAsyncCommandResponse) {}
// Arguments for rpc InitializeConnection().
message InitializeConnectionRequest {
// Defines the granularity of the tracing pages. Must be an integer multiple
// of 4096. See tradeoff considerations in shared_memory_abi.h.
optional uint32 shared_buffer_page_size_bytes = 1;
// Optional. Provides a hint to the tracing service about the suggested size
// of the shared memory buffer. The service is not required to respect this
// and might return a smaller buffer.
optional uint32 shared_memory_size_hint_bytes = 2;
// Required to match the producer config set by the service to the correct
// producer.
optional string producer_name = 3;
message InitializeConnectionResponse {
// This message provides the shared memory buffer FD (not a proto field).
// Arguments for rpc RegisterDataSource().
message RegisterDataSourceRequest {
optional protos.DataSourceDescriptor data_source_descriptor = 1;
message RegisterDataSourceResponse {
// Only set in case of errors, when |data_source_id| == 0.
optional string error = 1;
// Arguments for rpc UnregisterDataSource().
message UnregisterDataSourceRequest {
// The name of the data source to unregister, as previously passed in
// ||.
optional string data_source_name = 1;
message UnregisterDataSourceResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc CommitData().
// See commit_data_request.proto for CommitDataRequest. That has its own file
// because it is used also as input to generate the C++ classes in tracing/core
// via tools/
message CommitDataResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc NotifyDataSourceStoppedRequest().
message NotifyDataSourceStoppedRequest {
// ID of the data source that has successfully stopped.
optional uint64 data_source_id = 1;
message NotifyDataSourceStoppedResponse {}
// Arguments for rpc GetAsyncCommand().
message GetAsyncCommandRequest {}
message GetAsyncCommandResponse {
message StartDataSource {
optional uint64 new_instance_id = 1;
optional protos.DataSourceConfig config = 2;
message StopDataSource { optional uint64 instance_id = 1; }
// This message also transports the file descriptor for the shared memory
// buffer.
message SetupTracing { optional uint32 shared_buffer_page_size_kb = 1; }
message Flush {
// The instance id (i.e. StartDataSource.new_instance_id) of the data
// sources to flush.
repeated uint64 data_source_ids = 1;
// A monotonic counter generated by the service. The producer is simply
// expected to copy this value back into the CommitDataRequest, so the
// service can tell when the data for this flush has been committed.
optional uint64 request_id = 2;
oneof cmd {
StartDataSource start_data_source = 1;
StopDataSource stop_data_source = 2;
SetupTracing setup_tracing = 3;
// id == 4 was teardown_tracing, never implemented.
Flush flush = 5;