blob: 4fa17df5878b563f55093de120dd633766bf863e [file] [log] [blame]
.. _module-pw_crypto:
A set of safe (read: easy to use, hard to misuse) crypto APIs.
.. attention::
This module is under construction.
The following crypto services are provided by this module.
1. Digesting a message with `SHA256`_.
2. Verifying a digital signature signed with `ECDSA`_ over the NIST P256 curve.
3. Many more to come ...
1. Obtaining a oneshot digest.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_crypto/sha256.h"
std::byte digest[32];
Status status = pw::crypto::sha256::Digest(message, digest);
2. Digesting a long, potentially non-contiguous message.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_crypto/sha256.h"
std::byte digest[32];
auto h = pw::crypto::sha256::Sha256();
while (/* chunk ← Get next chunk of message */) {
Status status = h.Final(digest);
1. Verifying a digital signature signed with ECDSA over the NIST P256 curve.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_crypto/sha256.h"
std::byte digest[32];
auto status = pw::crypto::sha256::Digest(message, digest);
if (!status.ok()) {
// handle errors.
bool valid = pw::crypto::ecdsa::VerifyP256Signature(public_key, digest, signature).ok();
2. Verifying a digital signature signed with ECDSA over the NIST P256 curve, with a long and/or non-contiguous message.
.. code-block:: cpp
#include "pw_crypto/sha256.h"
std::byte digest[32];
auto h = pw::crypto::sha256::Sha256();
while (/* chunk ← Get the next chunk of message */) {
auto status = h.Final(digest);
bool valid = status.ok() && pw::crypto::ecdsa::VerifyP256Signature(public_key, digest, signature).ok();
The crypto services offered by pw_crypto can be backed by different backend crypto libraries. For now only Mbed TLS is supported, others are under construction.
Mbed TLS
.. code-block:: sh
# Install and configure MbedTLS
pw package install mbedtls
gn gen out --args='dir_pw_third_party_mbedtls="//.environment/packages/mbedtls" pw_crypto_SHA256_BACKEND="//pw_crypto:sha256_mbedtls" pw_crypto_ECDSA_BACKEND="//pw_crypto:ecdsa_mbedtls"'
ninja -C out
Size Reports
Below are size reports for each crypto service. These may vary from across different configurations.
.. include:: size_report