blob: 32f87fb0af9e2f6996093f601629cbad016ed7dd [file] [log] [blame]
.. default-domain:: cpp
.. highlight:: sh
.. _chapter-pw-rpc-nanopb:
``pw_rpc`` can generate services which encode/decode RPC requests and responses
as nanopb message structs.
To enable nanopb code generation, add ``nanopb_rpc`` as a generator to your
Pigweed target's ``pw_protobuf_GENERATORS`` list. Refer to
:ref:`chapter-pw-protobuf-compiler` for additional information.
.. code::
# my_target/target_toolchains.gni
defaults = {
pw_protobuf_GENERATORS = [
"nanopb_rpc", # Enable RPC codegen
Define a ``pw_proto_library`` containing the .proto file defining your service
(and optionally other related protos), then depend on the ``_nanopb_rpc``
version of that library in the code implementing the service.
.. code::
# chat/
pw_proto_library("chat_protos") {
sources = [ "chat_protos/chat_service.proto" ]
# Library that implements the ChatService.
pw_source_set("chat_service") {
sources = [
public_deps = [ ":chat_protos_nanopb_rpc" ]
A C++ header file is generated for each input .proto file, with the ``.proto``
extension replaced by ``.rpc.pb.h``. For example, given the input file
``chat_protos/chat_service.proto``, the generated header file will be placed
at the include path ``"chat_protos/chat_service.rpc.pb.h"``.
Generated code API
Take the following RPC service as an example.
.. code:: protobuf
// chat/chat_protos/chat_service.proto
syntax = "proto3";
service ChatService {
// Returns information about a chatroom.
rpc GetRoomInformation(RoomInfoRequest) returns (RoomInfoResponse) {}
// Lists all of the users in a chatroom. The response is streamed as there
// may be a large amount of users.
rpc ListUsersInRoom(ListUsersRequest) returns (stream ListUsersResponse) {}
// Uploads a file, in chunks, to a chatroom.
rpc UploadFile(stream UploadFileRequest) returns (UploadFileResponse) {}
// Sends messages to a chatroom while receiving messages from other users.
rpc Chat(stream ChatMessage) returns (stream ChatMessage) {}
A C++ class is generated for each service in the .proto file. The class is
located within a special ``generated`` sub-namespace of the file's package.
The generated class is a base class which must be derived to implement the
service's methods. The base class is templated on the derived class.
.. code:: c++
#include "chat_protos/chat_service.rpc.pb.h"
class ChatService final : public generated::ChatService<ChatService> {
// Implementations of the service's RPC methods; see below.
Unary RPC
A unary RPC is implemented as a function which takes in the RPC's request struct
and populates a response struct to send back, with a status indicating whether
the request succeeded.
.. code:: c++
pw::Status GetRoomInformation(pw::rpc::ServerContext& ctx,
const RoomInfoRequest& request,
RoomInfoResponse& response);
Server streaming RPC
A server streaming RPC receives the client's request message alongside a
``ServerWriter``, used to stream back responses.
.. code:: c++
void ListUsersInRoom(pw::rpc::ServerContext& ctx,
const ListUsersRequest& request,
pw::rpc::ServerWriter<ListUsersResponse>& writer);
The ``ServerWriter`` object is movable, and remains active until it is manually
closed or goes out of scope. The writer has a simple API to return responses:
.. cpp:function:: Status ServerWriter::Write(const T& response)
Writes a single response message to the stream. The returned status indicates
whether the write was successful.
.. cpp:function:: void ServerWriter::Finish(Status status = Status::OK)
Closes the stream and sends back the RPC's overall status to the client.
Once a ``ServerWriter`` has been closed, all future ``Write`` calls will fail.
.. attention::
Make sure to use ``std::move`` when passing the ``ServerWriter`` around to
avoid accidentally closing it and ending the RPC.
Client streaming RPC
.. attention::
``pw_rpc`` does not yet support client streaming RPCs.
Bidirectional streaming RPC
.. attention::
``pw_rpc`` does not yet support bidirectional streaming RPCs.