blob: ff4ad0aab3cf12a2398a2a9f5a2998f8965860f6 [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
namespace Google.Protobuf.Reflection
/// <summary>
/// Extra information provided by generated code when initializing a message or file descriptor.
/// These are constructed as required, and are not long-lived. Hand-written code should
/// never need to use this type.
/// </summary>
public sealed class GeneratedCodeInfo
private static readonly string[] EmptyNames = new string[0];
private static readonly GeneratedCodeInfo[] EmptyCodeInfo = new GeneratedCodeInfo[0];
/// <summary>
/// Irrelevant for file descriptors; the CLR type for the message for message descriptors.
/// </summary>
public Type ClrType { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Irrelevant for file descriptors; the parser for message descriptors.
/// </summary>
public MessageParser Parser { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Irrelevant for file descriptors; the CLR property names (in message descriptor field order)
/// for fields in the message for message descriptors.
/// </summary>
public string[] PropertyNames { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Irrelevant for file descriptors; the CLR property "base" names (in message descriptor oneof order)
/// for oneofs in the message for message descriptors. It is expected that for a oneof name of "Foo",
/// there will be a "FooCase" property and a "ClearFoo" method.
/// </summary>
public string[] OneofNames { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The reflection information for types within this file/message descriptor. Elements may be null
/// if there is no corresponding generated type, e.g. for map entry types.
/// </summary>
public GeneratedCodeInfo[] NestedTypes { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// The CLR types for enums within this file/message descriptor.
/// </summary>
public Type[] NestedEnums { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Creates a GeneratedCodeInfo for a message descriptor, with nested types, nested enums, the CLR type, property names and oneof names.
/// Each array parameter may be null, to indicate a lack of values.
/// The parameter order is designed to make it feasible to format the generated code readably.
/// </summary>
public GeneratedCodeInfo(Type clrType, MessageParser parser, string[] propertyNames, string[] oneofNames, Type[] nestedEnums, GeneratedCodeInfo[] nestedTypes)
NestedTypes = nestedTypes ?? EmptyCodeInfo;
NestedEnums = nestedEnums ?? ReflectionUtil.EmptyTypes;
ClrType = clrType;
Parser = parser;
PropertyNames = propertyNames ?? EmptyNames;
OneofNames = oneofNames ?? EmptyNames;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a GeneratedCodeInfo for a file descriptor, with only types and enums.
/// </summary>
public GeneratedCodeInfo(Type[] nestedEnums, GeneratedCodeInfo[] nestedTypes)
: this(null, null, null, null, nestedEnums, nestedTypes)