blob: b81f04a5c9b8ed02105c2f9e52bab0d1f664f315 [file] [log] [blame]
# Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Class for decoding protocol buffer primitives.
Contains the logic for decoding every logical protocol field type
from one of the 5 physical wire types.
__author__ = ' (Will Robinson)'
import struct
from google.protobuf import message
from google.protobuf.internal import input_stream
from google.protobuf.internal import wire_format
# Note that much of this code is ported from //net/proto/ProtocolBuffer, and
# that the interface is strongly inspired by WireFormat from the C++ proto2
# implementation.
class Decoder(object):
"""Decodes logical protocol buffer fields from the wire."""
def __init__(self, s):
"""Initializes the decoder to read from s.
s: An immutable sequence of bytes, which must be accessible
via the Python buffer() primitive (i.e., buffer(s)).
self._stream = input_stream.InputStream(s)
def EndOfStream(self):
"""Returns true iff we've reached the end of the bytes we're reading."""
return self._stream.EndOfStream()
def Position(self):
"""Returns the 0-indexed position in |s|."""
return self._stream.Position()
def ReadFieldNumberAndWireType(self):
"""Reads a tag from the wire. Returns a (field_number, wire_type) pair."""
tag_and_type = self.ReadUInt32()
return wire_format.UnpackTag(tag_and_type)
def SkipBytes(self, bytes):
"""Skips the specified number of bytes on the wire."""
# Note that the Read*() methods below are not exactly symmetrical with the
# corresponding Encoder.Append*() methods. Those Encoder methods first
# encode a tag, but the Read*() methods below assume that the tag has already
# been read, and that the client wishes to read a field of the specified type
# starting at the current position.
def ReadInt32(self):
"""Reads and returns a signed, varint-encoded, 32-bit integer."""
return self._stream.ReadVarint32()
def ReadInt64(self):
"""Reads and returns a signed, varint-encoded, 64-bit integer."""
return self._stream.ReadVarint64()
def ReadUInt32(self):
"""Reads and returns an signed, varint-encoded, 32-bit integer."""
return self._stream.ReadVarUInt32()
def ReadUInt64(self):
"""Reads and returns an signed, varint-encoded,64-bit integer."""
return self._stream.ReadVarUInt64()
def ReadSInt32(self):
"""Reads and returns a signed, zigzag-encoded, varint-encoded,
32-bit integer."""
return wire_format.ZigZagDecode(self._stream.ReadVarUInt32())
def ReadSInt64(self):
"""Reads and returns a signed, zigzag-encoded, varint-encoded,
64-bit integer."""
return wire_format.ZigZagDecode(self._stream.ReadVarUInt64())
def ReadFixed32(self):
"""Reads and returns an unsigned, fixed-width, 32-bit integer."""
return self._stream.ReadLittleEndian32()
def ReadFixed64(self):
"""Reads and returns an unsigned, fixed-width, 64-bit integer."""
return self._stream.ReadLittleEndian64()
def ReadSFixed32(self):
"""Reads and returns a signed, fixed-width, 32-bit integer."""
value = self._stream.ReadLittleEndian32()
if value >= (1 << 31):
value -= (1 << 32)
return value
def ReadSFixed64(self):
"""Reads and returns a signed, fixed-width, 64-bit integer."""
value = self._stream.ReadLittleEndian64()
if value >= (1 << 63):
value -= (1 << 64)
return value
def ReadFloat(self):
"""Reads and returns a 4-byte floating-point number."""
serialized = self._stream.ReadString(4)
return struct.unpack('f', serialized)[0]
def ReadDouble(self):
"""Reads and returns an 8-byte floating-point number."""
serialized = self._stream.ReadString(8)
return struct.unpack('d', serialized)[0]
def ReadBool(self):
"""Reads and returns a bool."""
i = self._stream.ReadVarUInt32()
return bool(i)
def ReadEnum(self):
"""Reads and returns an enum value."""
return self._stream.ReadVarUInt32()
def ReadString(self):
"""Reads and returns a length-delimited string."""
length = self._stream.ReadVarUInt32()
return self._stream.ReadString(length)
def ReadBytes(self):
"""Reads and returns a length-delimited byte sequence."""
return self.ReadString()
def ReadMessageInto(self, msg):
"""Calls msg.MergeFromString() to merge
length-delimited serialized message data into |msg|.
REQUIRES: The decoder must be positioned at the serialized "length"
prefix to a length-delmiited serialized message.
POSTCONDITION: The decoder is positioned just after the
serialized message, and we have merged those serialized
contents into |msg|.
length = self._stream.ReadVarUInt32()
sub_buffer = self._stream.GetSubBuffer(length)
num_bytes_used = msg.MergeFromString(sub_buffer)
if num_bytes_used != length:
raise message.DecodeError(
'Submessage told to deserialize from %d-byte encoding, '
'but used only %d bytes' % (length, num_bytes_used))
def ReadGroupInto(self, expected_field_number, group):
"""Calls group.MergeFromString() to merge
END_GROUP-delimited serialized message data into |group|.
We'll raise an exception if we don't find an END_GROUP
tag immediately after the serialized message contents.
REQUIRES: The decoder is positioned just after the START_GROUP
tag for this group.
POSTCONDITION: The decoder is positioned just after the
END_GROUP tag for this group, and we have merged
the contents of the group into |group|.
sub_buffer = self._stream.GetSubBuffer() # No a priori length limit.
num_bytes_used = group.MergeFromString(sub_buffer)
if num_bytes_used < 0:
raise message.DecodeError('Group message reported negative bytes read.')
field_number, field_type = self.ReadFieldNumberAndWireType()
if field_type != wire_format.WIRETYPE_END_GROUP:
raise message.DecodeError('Group message did not end with an END_GROUP.')
if field_number != expected_field_number:
raise message.DecodeError('END_GROUP tag had field '
'number %d, was expecting field number %d' % (
field_number, expected_field_number))
# We're now positioned just after the END_GROUP tag. Perfect.