blob: d629da4c3742817772232d8d0391d50004f5f817 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Interface for manipulating databases of descriptors.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
// Abstract interface for a database of descriptors.
// This is useful if you want to create a DescriptorPool which loads
// descriptors on-demand from some sort of large database. If the database
// is large, it may be inefficient to enumerate every .proto file inside it
// calling DescriptorPool::BuildFile() for each one. Instead, a DescriptorPool
// can be created which wraps a DescriptorDatabase and only builds particular
// descriptors when they are needed.
class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT DescriptorDatabase {
inline DescriptorDatabase() {}
virtual ~DescriptorDatabase();
// Find a file by file name. Fills in in *output and returns true if found.
// Otherwise, returns false, leaving the contents of *output undefined.
virtual bool FindFileByName(const string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output) = 0;
// Find the file that declares the given fully-qualified symbol name.
// If found, fills in *output and returns true, otherwise returns false
// and leaves *output undefined.
virtual bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output) = 0;
// Find the file which defines an extension extending the given message type
// with the given field number. If found, fills in *output and returns true,
// otherwise returns false and leaves *output undefined. containing_type
// must be a fully-qualified type name.
virtual bool FindFileContainingExtension(const string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output) = 0;
// A DescriptorDatabase into which you can insert files manually.
// FindFileContainingSymbol() is fully-implemented. When you add a file, its
// symbols will be indexed for this purpose.
// FindFileContainingExtension() is mostly-implemented. It works if and only
// if the original FieldDescriptorProto defining the extension has a
// fully-qualified type name in its "extendee" field (i.e. starts with a '.').
// If the extendee is a relative name, SimpleDescriptorDatabase will not
// attempt to resolve the type, so it will not know what type the extension is
// extending. Therefore, calling FindFileContainingExtension() with the
// extension's containing type will never actually find that extension. Note
// that this is an unlikely problem, as all FileDescriptorProtos created by the
// protocol compiler (as well as ones created by calling
// FileDescriptor::CopyTo()) will always use fully-qualified names for all
// types. You only need to worry if you are constructing FileDescriptorProtos
// yourself, or are calling compiler::Parser directly.
class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT SimpleDescriptorDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
// Adds the FileDescriptorProto to the database, making a copy. The object
// can be deleted after Add() returns.
void Add(const FileDescriptorProto& file);
// Adds the FileDescriptorProto to the database and takes ownership of it.
void AddAndOwn(const FileDescriptorProto* file);
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
// Helpers to recursively add particular descriptors and all their contents
// to the by-symbol and by-extension tables.
void AddMessage(const string& path,
const DescriptorProto& message_type,
const FileDescriptorProto* file);
void AddField(const string& path,
const FieldDescriptorProto& field,
const FileDescriptorProto* file);
void AddEnum(const string& path,
const EnumDescriptorProto& enum_type,
const FileDescriptorProto* file);
void AddService(const string& path,
const ServiceDescriptorProto& service,
const FileDescriptorProto* file);
vector<const FileDescriptorProto*> files_to_delete_;
map<string, const FileDescriptorProto*> files_by_name_;
map<string, const FileDescriptorProto*> files_by_symbol_;
map<pair<string, int>, const FileDescriptorProto*> files_by_extension_;
// A DescriptorDatabase that fetches files from a given pool.
class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT DescriptorPoolDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
DescriptorPoolDatabase(const DescriptorPool& pool);
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
const DescriptorPool& pool_;
// A DescriptorDatabase that wraps two or more others. It first searches the
// first database and, if that fails, tries the second, and so on.
class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT MergedDescriptorDatabase : public DescriptorDatabase {
// Merge just two databases. The sources remain property of the caller.
MergedDescriptorDatabase(DescriptorDatabase* source1,
DescriptorDatabase* source2);
// Merge more than two databases. The sources remain property of the caller.
// The vector may be deleted after the constructor returns but the
// DescriptorDatabases need to stick around.
MergedDescriptorDatabase(const vector<DescriptorDatabase*>& sources);
// implements DescriptorDatabase -----------------------------------
bool FindFileByName(const string& filename,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
bool FindFileContainingSymbol(const string& symbol_name,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
bool FindFileContainingExtension(const string& containing_type,
int field_number,
FileDescriptorProto* output);
vector<DescriptorDatabase*> sources_;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google