blob: c1a8834921ed9f0620e80a5c85fcbac43b12f1cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// This file contains tests and benchmarks.
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
#include <google/protobuf/testing/googletest.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
// This declares an unsigned long long integer literal in a portable way.
// (The original macro is way too big and ruins my formatting.)
#undef ULL
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
namespace {
// ===================================================================
// Data-Driven Test Infrastructure
// TEST_1D and TEST_2D are macros I'd eventually like to see added to
// gTest. These macros can be used to declare tests which should be
// run multiple times, once for each item in some input array. TEST_1D
// tests all cases in a single input array. TEST_2D tests all
// combinations of cases from two arrays. The arrays must be statically
// defined such that the GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE() macro works on them. Example:
// int kCases[] = {1, 2, 3, 4}
// TEST_1D(MyFixture, MyTest, kCases) {
// EXPECT_GT(kCases_case, 0);
// }
// This test iterates through the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 and tests that
// they are all grater than zero. In case of failure, the exact case
// which failed will be printed. The case type must be printable using
// ostream::operator<<.
class FIXTURE##_##NAME##_DD : public FIXTURE { \
protected: \
template <typename CaseType> \
void DoSingleCase(const CaseType& CASES##_case); \
}; \
for (int i = 0; i < GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE(CASES); i++) { \
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() \
<< #CASES " case #" << i << ": " << CASES[i]); \
DoSingleCase(CASES[i]); \
} \
} \
template <typename CaseType> \
void FIXTURE##_##NAME##_DD::DoSingleCase(const CaseType& CASES##_case)
class FIXTURE##_##NAME##_DD : public FIXTURE { \
protected: \
template <typename CaseType1, typename CaseType2> \
void DoSingleCase(const CaseType1& CASES1##_case, \
const CaseType2& CASES2##_case); \
}; \
for (int i = 0; i < GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE(CASES1); i++) { \
for (int j = 0; j < GOOGLE_ARRAYSIZE(CASES2); j++) { \
SCOPED_TRACE(testing::Message() \
<< #CASES1 " case #" << i << ": " << CASES1[i] << ", " \
<< #CASES2 " case #" << j << ": " << CASES2[j]); \
DoSingleCase(CASES1[i], CASES2[j]); \
} \
} \
} \
template <typename CaseType1, typename CaseType2> \
void FIXTURE##_##NAME##_DD::DoSingleCase(const CaseType1& CASES1##_case, \
const CaseType2& CASES2##_case)
// ===================================================================
class CodedStreamTest : public testing::Test {
static const int kBufferSize = 1024 * 64;
static uint8 buffer_[kBufferSize];
uint8 CodedStreamTest::buffer_[CodedStreamTest::kBufferSize];
// We test each operation over a variety of block sizes to insure that
// we test cases where reads or writes cross buffer boundaries, cases
// where they don't, and cases where there is so much buffer left that
// we can use special optimized paths that don't worry about bounds
// checks.
const int kBlockSizes[] = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 32, 1024};
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Varint tests.
struct VarintCase {
uint8 bytes[10]; // Encoded bytes.
int size; // Encoded size, in bytes.
uint64 value; // Parsed value.
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VarintCase& c) {
return os << c.value;
VarintCase kVarintCases[] = {
// 32-bit values
{{0x00} , 1, 0},
{{0x01} , 1, 1},
{{0x7f} , 1, 127},
{{0xa2, 0x74}, 2, (0x22 << 0) | (0x74 << 7)}, // 14882
{{0xbe, 0xf7, 0x92, 0x84, 0x0b}, 5, // 2961488830
(0x3e << 0) | (0x77 << 7) | (0x12 << 14) | (0x04 << 21) |
(ULL(0x0b) << 28)},
// 64-bit
{{0xbe, 0xf7, 0x92, 0x84, 0x1b}, 5, // 7256456126
(0x3e << 0) | (0x77 << 7) | (0x12 << 14) | (0x04 << 21) |
(ULL(0x1b) << 28)},
{{0x80, 0xe6, 0xeb, 0x9c, 0xc3, 0xc9, 0xa4, 0x49}, 8, // 41256202580718336
(0x00 << 0) | (0x66 << 7) | (0x6b << 14) | (0x1c << 21) |
(ULL(0x43) << 28) | (ULL(0x49) << 35) | (ULL(0x24) << 42) |
(ULL(0x49) << 49)},
// 11964378330978735131
{{0x9b, 0xa8, 0xf9, 0xc2, 0xbb, 0xd6, 0x80, 0x85, 0xa6, 0x01}, 10,
(0x1b << 0) | (0x28 << 7) | (0x79 << 14) | (0x42 << 21) |
(ULL(0x3b) << 28) | (ULL(0x56) << 35) | (ULL(0x00) << 42) |
(ULL(0x05) << 49) | (ULL(0x26) << 56) | (ULL(0x01) << 63)},
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadVarint32, kVarintCases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kVarintCases_case.bytes, kVarintCases_case.size);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint32 value;
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32>(kVarintCases_case.value), value);
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, input.ByteCount());
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadTag, kVarintCases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kVarintCases_case.bytes, kVarintCases_case.size);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint32 expected_value = static_cast<uint32>(kVarintCases_case.value);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_value, coded_input.ReadTag());
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.LastTagWas(expected_value + 1));
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, input.ByteCount());
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, ExpectTag, kVarintCases) {
// Leave one byte at the beginning of the buffer so we can read it
// to force the first buffer to be loaded.
buffer_[0] = '\0';
memcpy(buffer_ + 1, kVarintCases_case.bytes, kVarintCases_case.size);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
// Read one byte to force coded_input.Refill() to be called. Otherwise,
// ExpectTag() will return a false negative.
uint8 dummy;
coded_input.ReadRaw(&dummy, 1);
EXPECT_EQ((uint)'\0', (uint)dummy);
uint32 expected_value = static_cast<uint32>(kVarintCases_case.value);
// ExpectTag() produces false negatives for large values.
if (kVarintCases_case.size <= 2) {
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.ExpectTag(expected_value + 1));
} else {
if (kVarintCases_case.size <= 2) {
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size + 1, input.ByteCount());
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(1, input.ByteCount());
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadVarint64, kVarintCases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kVarintCases_case.bytes, kVarintCases_case.size);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint64 value;
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.value, value);
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, input.ByteCount());
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, WriteVarint32, kVarintCases, kBlockSizes) {
if (kVarintCases_case.value > ULL(0x00000000FFFFFFFF)) {
// Skip this test for the 64-bit values.
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedOutputStream coded_output(&output);
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, coded_output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, output.ByteCount());
memcmp(buffer_, kVarintCases_case.bytes, kVarintCases_case.size));
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, WriteVarint64, kVarintCases, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedOutputStream coded_output(&output);
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, coded_output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintCases_case.size, output.ByteCount());
memcmp(buffer_, kVarintCases_case.bytes, kVarintCases_case.size));
// This test causes gcc 3.3.5 (and earlier?) to give the cryptic error:
// "sorry, unimplemented: `method_call_expr' not supported by dump_expr"
#if !defined(__GNUC__) || __GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 3)
int32 kSignExtendedVarintCases[] = {
0, 1, -1, 1237894, -37895138
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, WriteVarint32SignExtended,
kSignExtendedVarintCases, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedOutputStream coded_output(&output);
if (kSignExtendedVarintCases_case < 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(10, coded_output.ByteCount());
} else {
EXPECT_LE(coded_output.ByteCount(), 5);
if (kSignExtendedVarintCases_case < 0) {
EXPECT_EQ(10, output.ByteCount());
} else {
EXPECT_LE(output.ByteCount(), 5);
// Read value back in as a varint64 and insure it matches.
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint64 value;
EXPECT_EQ(kSignExtendedVarintCases_case, static_cast<int64>(value));
EXPECT_EQ(output.ByteCount(), input.ByteCount());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Varint failure test.
struct VarintErrorCase {
uint8 bytes[12];
int size;
bool can_parse;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VarintErrorCase& c) {
return os << "size " << c.size;
const VarintErrorCase kVarintErrorCases[] = {
// Control case. (Insures that there isn't something else wrong that
// makes parsing always fail.)
{{0x00}, 1, true},
// No input data.
{{}, 0, false},
// Input ends unexpectedly.
{{0xf0, 0xab}, 2, false},
// Input ends unexpectedly after 32 bits.
{{0xf0, 0xab, 0xc9, 0x9a, 0xf8, 0xb2}, 6, false},
// Longer than 10 bytes.
{{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01},
11, false},
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadVarint32Error, kVarintErrorCases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kVarintErrorCases_case.bytes, kVarintErrorCases_case.size);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, kVarintErrorCases_case.size,
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint32 value;
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintErrorCases_case.can_parse, coded_input.ReadVarint32(&value));
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadVarint64Error, kVarintErrorCases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kVarintErrorCases_case.bytes, kVarintErrorCases_case.size);
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, kVarintErrorCases_case.size,
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint64 value;
EXPECT_EQ(kVarintErrorCases_case.can_parse, coded_input.ReadVarint64(&value));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// VarintSize
struct VarintSizeCase {
uint64 value;
int size;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const VarintSizeCase& c) {
return os << c.value;
VarintSizeCase kVarintSizeCases[] = {
{0u, 1},
{1u, 1},
{127u, 1},
{128u, 2},
{758923u, 3},
{4000000000u, 5},
{ULL(41256202580718336), 8},
{ULL(11964378330978735131), 10},
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, VarintSize32, kVarintSizeCases) {
if (kVarintSizeCases_case.value > 0xffffffffu) {
// Skip 64-bit values.
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, VarintSize64, kVarintSizeCases) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fixed-size int tests
struct Fixed32Case {
uint8 bytes[sizeof(uint32)]; // Encoded bytes.
uint32 value; // Parsed value.
struct Fixed64Case {
uint8 bytes[sizeof(uint64)]; // Encoded bytes.
uint64 value; // Parsed value.
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Fixed32Case& c) {
return os << "0x" << hex << c.value << dec;
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Fixed64Case& c) {
return os << "0x" << hex << c.value << dec;
Fixed32Case kFixed32Cases[] = {
{{0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x90}, 0x90abcdefu},
{{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78}, 0x78563412u},
Fixed64Case kFixed64Cases[] = {
{{0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x90, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78}, ULL(0x7856341290abcdef)},
{{0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88}, ULL(0x8877665544332211)},
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadLittleEndian32, kFixed32Cases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kFixed32Cases_case.bytes, sizeof(kFixed32Cases_case.bytes));
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint32 value;
EXPECT_EQ(kFixed32Cases_case.value, value);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(uint32), input.ByteCount());
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, ReadLittleEndian64, kFixed64Cases, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kFixed64Cases_case.bytes, sizeof(kFixed64Cases_case.bytes));
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
uint64 value;
EXPECT_EQ(kFixed64Cases_case.value, value);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(uint64), input.ByteCount());
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, WriteLittleEndian32, kFixed32Cases, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedOutputStream coded_output(&output);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(uint32), coded_output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(uint32), output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(buffer_, kFixed32Cases_case.bytes, sizeof(uint32)));
TEST_2D(CodedStreamTest, WriteLittleEndian64, kFixed64Cases, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedOutputStream coded_output(&output);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(uint64), coded_output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(uint64), output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(buffer_, kFixed64Cases_case.bytes, sizeof(uint64)));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Raw reads and writes
const char kRawBytes[] = "Some bytes which will be writted and read raw.";
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, ReadRaw, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kRawBytes, sizeof(kRawBytes));
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
char read_buffer[sizeof(kRawBytes)];
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadRaw(read_buffer, sizeof(kRawBytes)));
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(kRawBytes, read_buffer, sizeof(kRawBytes)));
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kRawBytes), input.ByteCount());
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, WriteRaw, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayOutputStream output(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedOutputStream coded_output(&output);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_output.WriteRaw(kRawBytes, sizeof(kRawBytes)));
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kRawBytes), coded_output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(kRawBytes), output.ByteCount());
EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(buffer_, kRawBytes, sizeof(kRawBytes)));
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, ReadString, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kRawBytes, sizeof(kRawBytes));
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
string str;
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, strlen(kRawBytes)));
EXPECT_EQ(kRawBytes, str);
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(kRawBytes), input.ByteCount());
// Check to make sure ReadString doesn't crash on impossibly large strings.
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, ReadStringImpossiblyLarge, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
string str;
// Try to read a gigabyte.
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 1 << 30));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Skip
const char kSkipTestBytes[] =
"<Before skipping><To be skipped><After skipping>";
const char kSkipOutputTestBytes[] =
"-----------------<To be skipped>----------------";
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, SkipInput, kBlockSizes) {
memcpy(buffer_, kSkipTestBytes, sizeof(kSkipTestBytes));
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
string str;
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, strlen("<Before skipping>")));
EXPECT_EQ("<Before skipping>", str);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.Skip(strlen("<To be skipped>")));
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, strlen("<After skipping>")));
EXPECT_EQ("<After skipping>", str);
EXPECT_EQ(strlen(kSkipTestBytes), input.ByteCount());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Limits
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, BasicLimit, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_input.PushLimit(8);
// Read until we hit the limit.
uint32 value;
EXPECT_EQ(8, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(4, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(12, input.ByteCount());
// Test what happens when we push two limits where the second (top) one is
// shorter.
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, SmallLimitOnTopOfBigLimit, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
CodedInputStream::Limit limit1 = coded_input.PushLimit(8);
EXPECT_EQ(8, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
CodedInputStream::Limit limit2 = coded_input.PushLimit(4);
uint32 value;
// Read until we hit limit2, the top and shortest limit.
EXPECT_EQ(4, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
// Read until we hit limit1.
EXPECT_EQ(4, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
// No more limits.
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(12, input.ByteCount());
// Test what happens when we push two limits where the second (top) one is
// longer. In this case, the top limit is shortened to match the previous
// limit.
TEST_1D(CodedStreamTest, BigLimitOnTopOfSmallLimit, kBlockSizes) {
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_), kBlockSizes_case);
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
CodedInputStream::Limit limit1 = coded_input.PushLimit(4);
EXPECT_EQ(4, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
CodedInputStream::Limit limit2 = coded_input.PushLimit(8);
uint32 value;
// Read until we hit limit2. Except, wait! limit1 is shorter, so
// we end up hitting that first, despite having 4 bytes to go on
// limit2.
EXPECT_EQ(4, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
// OK, popped limit2, now limit1 is on top, which we've already hit.
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
// No more limits.
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
EXPECT_EQ(8, input.ByteCount());
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, ExpectAtEnd) {
// Test ExpectAtEnd(), which is based on limits.
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_input.PushLimit(4);
uint32 value;
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, NegativeLimit) {
// Check what happens when we push a negative limit.
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_input.PushLimit(-1234);
// BytesUntilLimit() returns -1 to mean "no limit", which actually means
// "the limit is INT_MAX relative to the beginning of the stream".
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, NegativeLimitAfterReading) {
// Check what happens when we push a negative limit.
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_input.PushLimit(-64);
// BytesUntilLimit() returns -1 to mean "no limit", which actually means
// "the limit is INT_MAX relative to the beginning of the stream".
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, OverflowLimit) {
// Check what happens when we push a limit large enough that its absolute
// position is more than 2GB into the stream.
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_input.PushLimit(INT_MAX);
// BytesUntilLimit() returns -1 to mean "no limit", which actually means
// "the limit is INT_MAX relative to the beginning of the stream".
EXPECT_EQ(-1, coded_input.BytesUntilLimit());
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, TotalBytesLimit) {
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
coded_input.SetTotalBytesLimit(16, -1);
string str;
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 16));
vector<string> errors;
ScopedMemoryLog error_log;
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 1));
errors = error_log.GetMessages(ERROR);
ASSERT_EQ(1, errors.size());
"A protocol message was rejected because it was too big", errors[0]);
coded_input.SetTotalBytesLimit(32, -1);
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 16));
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, TotalBytesLimitNotValidMessageEnd) {
// total_bytes_limit_ is not a valid place for a message to end.
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
// Set both total_bytes_limit and a regular limit at 16 bytes.
coded_input.SetTotalBytesLimit(16, -1);
CodedInputStream::Limit limit = coded_input.PushLimit(16);
// Read 16 bytes.
string str;
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 16));
// Read a tag. Should fail, but report being a valid endpoint since it's
// a regular limit.
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.ReadTag());
// Pop the limit.
// Read a tag. Should fail, and report *not* being a valid endpoint, since
// this time we're hitting the total bytes limit.
EXPECT_EQ(0, coded_input.ReadTag());
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, RecursionLimit) {
ArrayInputStream input(buffer_, sizeof(buffer_));
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
// This is way too much testing for a counter.
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 1
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 2
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 3
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 4
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 5
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 6
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 5
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 6
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 5
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 4
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 3
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 4
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 5
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 4
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 3
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 2
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 1
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 0
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 0
coded_input.DecrementRecursionDepth(); // 0
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 1
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 2
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 3
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 4
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 5
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 6
EXPECT_FALSE(coded_input.IncrementRecursionDepth()); // 7
class ReallyBigInputStream : public ZeroCopyInputStream {
ReallyBigInputStream() : backup_amount_(0), buffer_count_(0) {}
~ReallyBigInputStream() {}
// implements ZeroCopyInputStream ----------------------------------
bool Next(const void** data, int* size) {
// We only expect BackUp() to be called at the end.
EXPECT_EQ(0, backup_amount_);
switch (buffer_count_++) {
case 0:
*data = buffer_;
*size = sizeof(buffer_);
return true;
case 1:
// Return an enormously large buffer that, when combined with the 1k
// returned already, should overflow the total_bytes_read_ counter in
// CodedInputStream. Note that we'll only read the first 1024 bytes
// of this buffer so it's OK that we have it point at buffer_.
*data = buffer_;
*size = INT_MAX;
return true;
return false;
void BackUp(int count) {
backup_amount_ = count;
bool Skip(int count) { GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented."; return false; }
int64 ByteCount() const { GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented."; return 0; }
int backup_amount_;
char buffer_[1024];
int64 buffer_count_;
TEST_F(CodedStreamTest, InputOver2G) {
// CodedInputStream should gracefully handle input over 2G and call
// input.BackUp() with the correct number of bytes on destruction.
ReallyBigInputStream input;
vector<string> errors;
ScopedMemoryLog error_log;
CodedInputStream coded_input(&input);
string str;
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 512));
EXPECT_TRUE(coded_input.ReadString(&str, 1024));
errors = error_log.GetMessages(ERROR);
EXPECT_EQ(INT_MAX - 512, input.backup_amount_);
EXPECT_EQ(0, errors.size());
// ===================================================================
} // namespace
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google