blob: 3864fcfbc9eb3784ddae444871eba8e171392d6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
// Here we have a hand-written lexer. At first you might ask yourself,
// "Hand-written text processing? Is Kenton crazy?!" Well, first of all,
// yes I am crazy, but that's beside the point. There are actually reasons
// why I ended up writing this this way.
// The traditional approach to lexing is to use lex to generate a lexer for
// you. Unfortunately, lex's output is ridiculously ugly and difficult to
// integrate cleanly with C++ code, especially abstract code or code meant
// as a library. Better parser-generators exist but would add dependencies
// which most users won't already have, which we'd like to avoid. (GNU flex
// has a C++ output option, but it's still ridiculously ugly, non-abstract,
// and not library-friendly.)
// The next approach that any good software engineer should look at is to
// use regular expressions. And, indeed, I did. I have code which
// implements this same class using regular expressions. It's about 200
// lines shorter. However:
// - Rather than error messages telling you "This string has an invalid
// escape sequence at line 5, column 45", you get error messages like
// "Parse error on line 5". Giving more precise errors requires adding
// a lot of code that ends up basically as complex as the hand-coded
// version anyway.
// - The regular expression to match a string literal looks like this:
// kString = new RE("(\"([^\"\\\\]|" // non-escaped
// "\\\\[abfnrtv?\"'\\\\0-7]|" // normal escape
// "\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F])*\"|" // hex escape
// "\'([^\'\\\\]|" // Also support single-quotes.
// "\\\\[abfnrtv?\"'\\\\0-7]|"
// "\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F])*\')");
// Verifying the correctness of this line noise is actually harder than
// verifying the correctness of ConsumeString(), defined below. I'm not
// even confident that the above is correct, after staring at it for some
// time.
// - PCRE is fast, but there's still more overhead involved than the code
// below.
// - Sadly, regular expressions are not part of the C standard library, so
// using them would require depending on some other library. For the
// open source release, this could be really annoying. Nobody likes
// downloading one piece of software just to find that they need to
// download something else to make it work, and in all likelihood
// people downloading Protocol Buffers will already be doing so just
// to make something else work. We could include a copy of PCRE with
// our code, but that obligates us to keep it up-to-date and just seems
// like a big waste just to save 200 lines of code.
// On a similar but unrelated note, I'm even scared to use ctype.h.
// Apparently functions like isalpha() are locale-dependent. So, if we used
// that, then if this code is being called from some program that doesn't
// have its locale set to "C", it would behave strangely. We can't just set
// the locale to "C" ourselves since we might break the calling program that
// way, particularly if it is multi-threaded. WTF? Someone please let me
// (Kenton) know if I'm missing something here...
// I'd love to hear about other alternatives, though, as this code isn't
// exactly pretty.
#include <google/protobuf/io/tokenizer.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
namespace {
// As mentioned above, I don't trust ctype.h due to the presence of "locales".
// So, I have written replacement functions here. Someone please smack me if
// this is a bad idea or if there is some way around this.
// These "character classes" are designed to be used in template methods.
// For instance, Tokenizer::ConsumeZeroOrMore<Whitespace>() will eat
// whitespace.
// Note: No class is allowed to contain '\0', since this is used to mark end-
// of-input and is handled specially.
class NAME { \
public: \
static inline bool InClass(char c) { \
return EXPRESSION; \
} \
CHARACTER_CLASS(Whitespace, c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' ||
c == '\r' || c == '\v');
CHARACTER_CLASS(Unprintable, c < ' ' && c != '\0');
CHARACTER_CLASS(Digit, '0' <= c && c <= '9');
CHARACTER_CLASS(OctalDigit, '0' <= c && c <= '7');
CHARACTER_CLASS(HexDigit, ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
('a' <= c && c <= 'f') ||
('A' <= c && c <= 'F'));
CHARACTER_CLASS(Letter, ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
(c == '_'));
CHARACTER_CLASS(Alphanumeric, ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
(c == '_'));
CHARACTER_CLASS(Escape, c == 'a' || c == 'b' || c == 'f' || c == 'n' ||
c == 'r' || c == 't' || c == 'v' || c == '\\' ||
c == '?' || c == '\'' || c == '\"');
// Given a char, interpret it as a numeric digit and return its value.
// This supports any number base up to 36.
inline int DigitValue(char digit) {
if ('0' <= digit && digit <= '9') return digit - '0';
if ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'z') return digit - 'a' + 10;
if ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'Z') return digit - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
// Inline because it's only used in one place.
inline char TranslateEscape(char c) {
switch (c) {
case 'a': return '\a';
case 'b': return '\b';
case 'f': return '\f';
case 'n': return '\n';
case 'r': return '\r';
case 't': return '\t';
case 'v': return '\v';
case '\\': return '\\';
case '?': return '\?'; // Trigraphs = :(
case '\'': return '\'';
case '"': return '\"';
// We expect escape sequences to have been validated separately.
default: return '?';
} // anonymous namespace
ErrorCollector::~ErrorCollector() {}
// ===================================================================
Tokenizer::Tokenizer(ZeroCopyInputStream* input,
ErrorCollector* error_collector)
: input_(input),
comment_style_(CPP_COMMENT_STYLE) {
current_.line = 0;
current_.column = 0;
current_.type = TYPE_START;
Tokenizer::~Tokenizer() {
// If we had any buffer left unread, return it to the underlying stream
// so that someone else can read it.
if (buffer_size_ > buffer_pos_) {
input_->BackUp(buffer_size_ - buffer_pos_);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal helpers.
void Tokenizer::NextChar() {
// Update our line and column counters based on the character being
// consumed.
if (current_char_ == '\n') {
column_ = 0;
} else if (current_char_ == '\t') {
column_ += kTabWidth - column_ % kTabWidth;
} else {
// Advance to the next character.
if (buffer_pos_ < buffer_size_) {
current_char_ = buffer_[buffer_pos_];
} else {
void Tokenizer::Refresh() {
if (read_error_) {
current_char_ = '\0';
// If we're in a token, append the rest of the buffer to it.
if (token_start_ >= 0 && token_start_ < buffer_size_) {
current_.text.append(buffer_ + token_start_, buffer_size_ - token_start_);
token_start_ = 0;
const void* data = NULL;
buffer_ = NULL;
buffer_pos_ = 0;
do {
if (!input_->Next(&data, &buffer_size_)) {
// end of stream (or read error)
buffer_size_ = 0;
read_error_ = true;
current_char_ = '\0';
} while (buffer_size_ == 0);
buffer_ = static_cast<const char*>(data);
current_char_ = buffer_[0];
inline void Tokenizer::StartToken() {
token_start_ = buffer_pos_;
current_.type = TYPE_START; // Just for the sake of initializing it.
current_.line = line_;
current_.column = column_;
inline void Tokenizer::EndToken() {
// Note: The if() is necessary because some STL implementations crash when
// you call string::append(NULL, 0), presumably because they are trying to
// be helpful by detecting the NULL pointer, even though there's nothing
// wrong with reading zero bytes from NULL.
if (buffer_pos_ != token_start_) {
current_.text.append(buffer_ + token_start_, buffer_pos_ - token_start_);
token_start_ = -1;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods that consume characters.
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline bool Tokenizer::LookingAt() {
return CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_);
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline bool Tokenizer::TryConsumeOne() {
if (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
inline bool Tokenizer::TryConsume(char c) {
if (current_char_ == c) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline void Tokenizer::ConsumeZeroOrMore() {
while (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
template<typename CharacterClass>
inline void Tokenizer::ConsumeOneOrMore(const char* error) {
if (!CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_)) {
} else {
do {
} while (CharacterClass::InClass(current_char_));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods that read whole patterns matching certain kinds of tokens
// or comments.
void Tokenizer::ConsumeString(char delimiter) {
while (true) {
switch (current_char_) {
case '\0':
case '\n': {
AddError("String literals cannot cross line boundaries.");
case '\\': {
// An escape sequence.
if (TryConsumeOne<Escape>()) {
// Valid escape sequence.
} else if (TryConsumeOne<OctalDigit>()) {
// Possibly followed by two more octal digits, but these will
// just be consumed by the main loop anyway so we don't need
// to do so explicitly here.
} else if (TryConsume('x') || TryConsume('X')) {
if (!TryConsumeOne<HexDigit>()) {
AddError("Expected hex digits for escape sequence.");
// Possibly followed by another hex digit, but again we don't care.
} else {
AddError("Invalid escape sequence in string literal.");
default: {
if (current_char_ == delimiter) {
Tokenizer::TokenType Tokenizer::ConsumeNumber(bool started_with_zero,
bool started_with_dot) {
bool is_float = false;
if (started_with_zero && (TryConsume('x') || TryConsume('X'))) {
// A hex number (started with "0x").
ConsumeOneOrMore<HexDigit>("\"0x\" must be followed by hex digits.");
} else if (started_with_zero && LookingAt<Digit>()) {
// An octal number (had a leading zero).
if (LookingAt<Digit>()) {
AddError("Numbers starting with leading zero must be in octal.");
} else {
// A decimal number.
if (started_with_dot) {
is_float = true;
} else {
if (TryConsume('.')) {
is_float = true;
if (TryConsume('e') || TryConsume('E')) {
is_float = true;
TryConsume('-') || TryConsume('+');
ConsumeOneOrMore<Digit>("\"e\" must be followed by exponent.");
if (allow_f_after_float_ && (TryConsume('f') || TryConsume('F'))) {
is_float = true;
if (LookingAt<Letter>()) {
AddError("Need space between number and identifier.");
} else if (current_char_ == '.') {
if (is_float) {
"Already saw decimal point or exponent; can't have another one.");
} else {
AddError("Hex and octal numbers must be integers.");
return is_float ? TYPE_FLOAT : TYPE_INTEGER;
void Tokenizer::ConsumeLineComment() {
while (current_char_ != '\0' && current_char_ != '\n') {
void Tokenizer::ConsumeBlockComment() {
int start_line = line_;
int start_column = column_ - 2;
while (true) {
while (current_char_ != '\0' &&
current_char_ != '*' &&
current_char_ != '/') {
if (TryConsume('*') && TryConsume('/')) {
// End of comment.
} else if (TryConsume('/') && current_char_ == '*') {
// Note: We didn't consume the '*' because if there is a '/' after it
// we want to interpret that as the end of the comment.
"\"/*\" inside block comment. Block comments cannot be nested.");
} else if (current_char_ == '\0') {
AddError("End-of-file inside block comment.");
start_line, start_column, " Comment started here.");
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
bool Tokenizer::Next() {
TokenType last_token_type = current_.type;
// Did we skip any characters after the last token?
bool skipped_stuff = false;
while (!read_error_) {
if (TryConsumeOne<Whitespace>()) {
} else if (comment_style_ == CPP_COMMENT_STYLE && TryConsume('/')) {
// Starting a comment?
if (TryConsume('/')) {
} else if (TryConsume('*')) {
} else {
// Oops, it was just a slash. Return it.
current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
current_.text = "/";
current_.line = line_;
current_.column = column_ - 1;
return true;
} else if (comment_style_ == SH_COMMENT_STYLE && TryConsume('#')) {
} else if (LookingAt<Unprintable>() || current_char_ == '\0') {
AddError("Invalid control characters encountered in text.");
// Skip more unprintable characters, too. But, remember that '\0' is
// also what current_char_ is set to after EOF / read error. We have
// to be careful not to go into an infinite loop of trying to consume
// it, so make sure to check read_error_ explicitly before consuming
// '\0'.
while (TryConsumeOne<Unprintable>() ||
(!read_error_ && TryConsume('\0'))) {
// Ignore.
} else {
// Reading some sort of token.
if (TryConsumeOne<Letter>()) {
current_.type = TYPE_IDENTIFIER;
} else if (TryConsume('0')) {
current_.type = ConsumeNumber(true, false);
} else if (TryConsume('.')) {
// This could be the beginning of a floating-point number, or it could
// just be a '.' symbol.
if (TryConsumeOne<Digit>()) {
// It's a floating-point number.
if (last_token_type == TYPE_IDENTIFIER && !skipped_stuff) {
// We don't accept syntax like "blah.123".
error_collector_->AddError(line_, column_ - 2,
"Need space between identifier and decimal point.");
current_.type = ConsumeNumber(false, true);
} else {
current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
} else if (TryConsumeOne<Digit>()) {
current_.type = ConsumeNumber(false, false);
} else if (TryConsume('\"')) {
current_.type = TYPE_STRING;
} else if (TryConsume('\'')) {
current_.type = TYPE_STRING;
} else {
current_.type = TYPE_SYMBOL;
return true;
skipped_stuff = true;
// EOF
current_.type = TYPE_END;
current_.line = line_;
current_.column = column_;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Token-parsing helpers. Remember that these don't need to report
// errors since any errors should already have been reported while
// tokenizing. Also, these can assume that whatever text they
// are given is text that the tokenizer actually parsed as a token
// of the given type.
bool Tokenizer::ParseInteger(const string& text, uint64 max_value,
uint64* output) {
// Sadly, we can't just use strtoul() since it is only 32-bit and strtoull()
// is non-standard. I hate the C standard library. :(
// return strtoull(text.c_str(), NULL, 0);
const char* ptr = text.c_str();
int base = 10;
if (ptr[0] == '0') {
if (ptr[1] == 'x') {
// This is hex.
base = 16;
ptr += 2;
} else {
// This is octal.
base = 8;
uint64 result = 0;
for (; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
int digit = DigitValue(*ptr);
GOOGLE_LOG_IF(DFATAL, digit < 0 || digit >= base)
<< " Tokenizer::ParseInteger() passed text that could not have been"
" tokenized as an integer: " << CEscape(text);
if (digit > max_value || result > (max_value - digit) / base) {
// Overflow.
return false;
result = result * base + digit;
*output = result;
return true;
double Tokenizer::ParseFloat(const string& text) {
const char* start = text.c_str();
char* end;
double result = NoLocaleStrtod(start, &end);
// "1e" is not a valid float, but if the tokenizer reads it, it will
// report an error but still return it as a valid token. We need to
// accept anything the tokenizer could possibly return, error or not.
if (*end == 'e' || *end == 'E') {
if (*end == '-' || *end == '+') ++end;
// If the Tokenizer had allow_f_after_float_ enabled, the float may be
// suffixed with the letter 'f'.
if (*end == 'f' || *end == 'F') {
GOOGLE_LOG_IF(DFATAL, end - start != text.size() || *start == '-')
<< " Tokenizer::ParseFloat() passed text that could not have been"
" tokenized as a float: " << CEscape(text);
return result;
void Tokenizer::ParseString(const string& text, string* output) {
// Reminder: text[0] is always the quote character. (If text is
// empty, it's invalid, so we'll just return.)
if (text.empty()) {
<< " ParseString::ParseString() passed text that could not have been"
" tokenized as a string: " << CEscape(text);
// Loop through the string copying characters to "output" and
// interpreting escape sequences. Note that any invalid escape
// sequences or other errors were already reported while tokenizing.
// In this case we do not need to produce valid results.
for (const char* ptr = text.c_str() + 1; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) {
if (*ptr == '\\' && ptr[1] != '\0') {
// An escape sequence.
if (OctalDigit::InClass(*ptr)) {
// An octal escape. May one, two, or three digits.
int code = DigitValue(*ptr);
if (OctalDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = code * 8 + DigitValue(*ptr);
if (OctalDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = code * 8 + DigitValue(*ptr);
} else if (*ptr == 'x') {
// A hex escape. May zero, one, or two digits. (The zero case
// will have been caught as an error earlier.)
int code = 0;
if (HexDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = DigitValue(*ptr);
if (HexDigit::InClass(ptr[1])) {
code = code * 16 + DigitValue(*ptr);
} else {
// Some other escape code.
} else if (*ptr == text[0]) {
// Ignore quote matching the starting quote.
} else {
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google