| import sys |
| import types |
| import unittest |
| import inspect |
| import datetime |
| |
| from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest |
| |
| from test import inspect_fodder as mod |
| from test import inspect_fodder2 as mod2 |
| |
| # Functions tested in this suite: |
| # ismodule, isclass, ismethod, isfunction, istraceback, isframe, iscode, |
| # isbuiltin, isroutine, getmembers, getdoc, getfile, getmodule, |
| # getsourcefile, getcomments, getsource, getclasstree, getargspec, |
| # getargvalues, formatargspec, formatargvalues, currentframe, stack, trace |
| # isdatadescriptor |
| |
| modfile = mod.__file__ |
| if modfile.endswith(('c', 'o')): |
| modfile = modfile[:-1] |
| |
| import __builtin__ |
| |
| try: |
| 1/0 |
| except: |
| tb = sys.exc_traceback |
| |
| git = mod.StupidGit() |
| |
| class IsTestBase(unittest.TestCase): |
| predicates = set([inspect.isbuiltin, inspect.isclass, inspect.iscode, |
| inspect.isframe, inspect.isfunction, inspect.ismethod, |
| inspect.ismodule, inspect.istraceback]) |
| |
| def istest(self, predicate, exp): |
| obj = eval(exp) |
| self.failUnless(predicate(obj), '%s(%s)' % (predicate.__name__, exp)) |
| |
| for other in self.predicates - set([predicate]): |
| self.failIf(other(obj), 'not %s(%s)' % (other.__name__, exp)) |
| |
| class TestPredicates(IsTestBase): |
| def test_thirteen(self): |
| count = len(filter(lambda x:x.startswith('is'), dir(inspect))) |
| # Doc/lib/libinspect.tex claims there are 13 such functions |
| expected = 13 |
| err_msg = "There are %d (not %d) is* functions" % (count, expected) |
| self.assertEqual(count, expected, err_msg) |
| |
| def test_excluding_predicates(self): |
| self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, 'sys.exit') |
| self.istest(inspect.isbuiltin, '[].append') |
| self.istest(inspect.isclass, 'mod.StupidGit') |
| self.istest(inspect.iscode, 'mod.spam.func_code') |
| self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'tb.tb_frame') |
| self.istest(inspect.isfunction, 'mod.spam') |
| self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'mod.StupidGit.abuse') |
| self.istest(inspect.ismethod, 'git.argue') |
| self.istest(inspect.ismodule, 'mod') |
| self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'tb') |
| self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.closed') |
| self.istest(inspect.isdatadescriptor, '__builtin__.file.softspace') |
| if hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType'): |
| self.istest(inspect.isgetsetdescriptor, |
| 'type(tb.tb_frame).f_locals') |
| else: |
| self.failIf(inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(type(tb.tb_frame).f_locals)) |
| if hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType'): |
| self.istest(inspect.ismemberdescriptor, 'datetime.timedelta.days') |
| else: |
| self.failIf(inspect.ismemberdescriptor(datetime.timedelta.days)) |
| |
| def test_isroutine(self): |
| self.assert_(inspect.isroutine(mod.spam)) |
| self.assert_(inspect.isroutine([].count)) |
| |
| class TestInterpreterStack(IsTestBase): |
| def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
| unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) |
| |
| git.abuse(7, 8, 9) |
| |
| def test_abuse_done(self): |
| self.istest(inspect.istraceback, 'git.ex[2]') |
| self.istest(inspect.isframe, 'mod.fr') |
| |
| def test_stack(self): |
| self.assert_(len(mod.st) >= 5) |
| self.assertEqual(mod.st[0][1:], |
| (modfile, 16, 'eggs', [' st = inspect.stack()\n'], 0)) |
| self.assertEqual(mod.st[1][1:], |
| (modfile, 9, 'spam', [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0)) |
| self.assertEqual(mod.st[2][1:], |
| (modfile, 43, 'argue', [' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0)) |
| self.assertEqual(mod.st[3][1:], |
| (modfile, 39, 'abuse', [' self.argue(a, b, c)\n'], 0)) |
| |
| def test_trace(self): |
| self.assertEqual(len(git.tr), 3) |
| self.assertEqual(git.tr[0][1:], (modfile, 43, 'argue', |
| [' spam(a, b, c)\n'], 0)) |
| self.assertEqual(git.tr[1][1:], (modfile, 9, 'spam', |
| [' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0)) |
| self.assertEqual(git.tr[2][1:], (modfile, 18, 'eggs', |
| [' q = y / 0\n'], 0)) |
| |
| def test_frame(self): |
| args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr) |
| self.assertEqual(args, ['x', 'y']) |
| self.assertEqual(varargs, None) |
| self.assertEqual(varkw, None) |
| self.assertEqual(locals, {'x': 11, 'p': 11, 'y': 14}) |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals), |
| '(x=11, y=14)') |
| |
| def test_previous_frame(self): |
| args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr.f_back) |
| self.assertEqual(args, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ['e', ['f']]]) |
| self.assertEqual(varargs, 'g') |
| self.assertEqual(varkw, 'h') |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals), |
| '(a=7, b=8, c=9, d=3, (e=4, (f=5,)), *g=(), **h={})') |
| |
| class GetSourceBase(unittest.TestCase): |
| # Subclasses must override. |
| fodderFile = None |
| |
| def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
| unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) |
| |
| self.source = file(inspect.getsourcefile(self.fodderFile)).read() |
| |
| def sourcerange(self, top, bottom): |
| lines = self.source.split("\n") |
| return "\n".join(lines[top-1:bottom]) + "\n" |
| |
| def assertSourceEqual(self, obj, top, bottom): |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getsource(obj), |
| self.sourcerange(top, bottom)) |
| |
| class TestRetrievingSourceCode(GetSourceBase): |
| fodderFile = mod |
| |
| def test_getclasses(self): |
| classes = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isclass) |
| self.assertEqual(classes, |
| [('FesteringGob', mod.FesteringGob), |
| ('MalodorousPervert', mod.MalodorousPervert), |
| ('ParrotDroppings', mod.ParrotDroppings), |
| ('StupidGit', mod.StupidGit)]) |
| tree = inspect.getclasstree([cls[1] for cls in classes], 1) |
| self.assertEqual(tree, |
| [(mod.ParrotDroppings, ()), |
| (mod.StupidGit, ()), |
| [(mod.MalodorousPervert, (mod.StupidGit,)), |
| [(mod.FesteringGob, (mod.MalodorousPervert, |
| mod.ParrotDroppings)) |
| ] |
| ] |
| ]) |
| |
| def test_getfunctions(self): |
| functions = inspect.getmembers(mod, inspect.isfunction) |
| self.assertEqual(functions, [('eggs', mod.eggs), |
| ('spam', mod.spam)]) |
| |
| def test_getdoc(self): |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(mod), 'A module docstring.') |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(mod.StupidGit), |
| 'A longer,\n\nindented\n\ndocstring.') |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getdoc(git.abuse), |
| 'Another\n\ndocstring\n\ncontaining\n\ntabs') |
| |
| def test_getcomments(self): |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod), '# line 1\n') |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod.StupidGit), '# line 20\n') |
| |
| def test_getmodule(self): |
| # Check actual module |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod), mod) |
| # Check class (uses __module__ attribute) |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit), mod) |
| # Check a method (no __module__ attribute, falls back to filename) |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit.abuse), mod) |
| # Do it again (check the caching isn't broken) |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(mod.StupidGit.abuse), mod) |
| # Check a builtin |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(str), sys.modules["__builtin__"]) |
| # Check filename override |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getmodule(None, modfile), mod) |
| |
| def test_getsource(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(git.abuse, 29, 39) |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod.StupidGit, 21, 46) |
| |
| def test_getsourcefile(self): |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(mod.spam), modfile) |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(git.abuse), modfile) |
| |
| def test_getfile(self): |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getfile(mod.StupidGit), mod.__file__) |
| |
| def test_getmodule_recursion(self): |
| from new import module |
| name = '__inspect_dummy' |
| m = sys.modules[name] = module(name) |
| m.__file__ = "<string>" # hopefully not a real filename... |
| m.__loader__ = "dummy" # pretend the filename is understood by a loader |
| exec "def x(): pass" in m.__dict__ |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(m.x.func_code), '<string>') |
| del sys.modules[name] |
| inspect.getmodule(compile('a=10','','single')) |
| |
| class TestDecorators(GetSourceBase): |
| fodderFile = mod2 |
| |
| def test_wrapped_decorator(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.wrapped, 14, 17) |
| |
| def test_replacing_decorator(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.gone, 9, 10) |
| |
| class TestOneliners(GetSourceBase): |
| fodderFile = mod2 |
| def test_oneline_lambda(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a one-line lambda function. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.oll, 25, 25) |
| |
| def test_threeline_lambda(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a three-line lambda function, |
| # where the second and third lines are _not_ indented. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.tll, 28, 30) |
| |
| def test_twoline_indented_lambda(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a two-line lambda function, |
| # where the second line _is_ indented. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.tlli, 33, 34) |
| |
| def test_onelinefunc(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a regular one-line function. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.onelinefunc, 37, 37) |
| |
| def test_manyargs(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a regular function where |
| # the arguments are on two lines and _not_ indented and |
| # the body on the second line with the last arguments. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.manyargs, 40, 41) |
| |
| def test_twolinefunc(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a regular function where |
| # the body is on two lines, following the argument list and |
| # continued on the next line by a \\. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.twolinefunc, 44, 45) |
| |
| def test_lambda_in_list(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a one-line lambda function |
| # defined in a list, indented. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.a[1], 49, 49) |
| |
| def test_anonymous(self): |
| # Test inspect.getsource with a lambda function defined |
| # as argument to another function. |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.anonymous, 55, 55) |
| |
| class TestBuggyCases(GetSourceBase): |
| fodderFile = mod2 |
| |
| def test_with_comment(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.with_comment, 58, 59) |
| |
| def test_multiline_sig(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.multiline_sig[0], 63, 64) |
| |
| def test_nested_class(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.func69().func71, 71, 72) |
| |
| def test_one_liner_followed_by_non_name(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.func77, 77, 77) |
| |
| def test_one_liner_dedent_non_name(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.cls82.func83, 83, 83) |
| |
| def test_with_comment_instead_of_docstring(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.func88, 88, 90) |
| |
| def test_method_in_dynamic_class(self): |
| self.assertSourceEqual(mod2.method_in_dynamic_class, 95, 97) |
| |
| # Helper for testing classify_class_attrs. |
| def attrs_wo_objs(cls): |
| return [t[:3] for t in inspect.classify_class_attrs(cls)] |
| |
| class TestClassesAndFunctions(unittest.TestCase): |
| def test_classic_mro(self): |
| # Test classic-class method resolution order. |
| class A: pass |
| class B(A): pass |
| class C(A): pass |
| class D(B, C): pass |
| |
| expected = (D, B, A, C) |
| got = inspect.getmro(D) |
| self.assertEqual(expected, got) |
| |
| def test_newstyle_mro(self): |
| # The same w/ new-class MRO. |
| class A(object): pass |
| class B(A): pass |
| class C(A): pass |
| class D(B, C): pass |
| |
| expected = (D, B, C, A, object) |
| got = inspect.getmro(D) |
| self.assertEqual(expected, got) |
| |
| def assertArgSpecEquals(self, routine, args_e, varargs_e = None, |
| varkw_e = None, defaults_e = None, |
| formatted = None): |
| args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(routine) |
| self.assertEqual(args, args_e) |
| self.assertEqual(varargs, varargs_e) |
| self.assertEqual(varkw, varkw_e) |
| self.assertEqual(defaults, defaults_e) |
| if formatted is not None: |
| self.assertEqual(inspect.formatargspec(args, varargs, varkw, defaults), |
| formatted) |
| |
| def test_getargspec(self): |
| self.assertArgSpecEquals(mod.eggs, ['x', 'y'], formatted = '(x, y)') |
| |
| self.assertArgSpecEquals(mod.spam, |
| ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', ['e', ['f']]], |
| 'g', 'h', (3, (4, (5,))), |
| '(a, b, c, d=3, (e, (f,))=(4, (5,)), *g, **h)') |
| |
| def test_getargspec_method(self): |
| class A(object): |
| def m(self): |
| pass |
| self.assertArgSpecEquals(A.m, ['self']) |
| |
| def test_getargspec_sublistofone(self): |
| def sublistOfOne((foo,)): return 1 |
| self.assertArgSpecEquals(sublistOfOne, [['foo']]) |
| |
| def fakeSublistOfOne((foo)): return 1 |
| self.assertArgSpecEquals(fakeSublistOfOne, ['foo']) |
| |
| def test_classify_oldstyle(self): |
| class A: |
| def s(): pass |
| s = staticmethod(s) |
| |
| def c(cls): pass |
| c = classmethod(c) |
| |
| def getp(self): pass |
| p = property(getp) |
| |
| def m(self): pass |
| |
| def m1(self): pass |
| |
| datablob = '1' |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| class B(A): |
| def m(self): pass |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| |
| class C(A): |
| def m(self): pass |
| def c(self): pass |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| class D(B, C): |
| def m1(self): pass |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', D) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| # Repeat all that, but w/ new-style classes. |
| def test_classify_newstyle(self): |
| class A(object): |
| |
| def s(): pass |
| s = staticmethod(s) |
| |
| def c(cls): pass |
| c = classmethod(c) |
| |
| def getp(self): pass |
| p = property(getp) |
| |
| def m(self): pass |
| |
| def m1(self): pass |
| |
| datablob = '1' |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(A) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| class B(A): |
| |
| def m(self): pass |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(B) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'class method', A) in attrs, 'missing class method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| |
| class C(A): |
| |
| def m(self): pass |
| def c(self): pass |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(C) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', A) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| class D(B, C): |
| |
| def m1(self): pass |
| |
| attrs = attrs_wo_objs(D) |
| self.assert_(('s', 'static method', A) in attrs, 'missing static method') |
| self.assert_(('c', 'method', C) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('p', 'property', A) in attrs, 'missing property') |
| self.assert_(('m', 'method', B) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('m1', 'method', D) in attrs, 'missing plain method') |
| self.assert_(('datablob', 'data', A) in attrs, 'missing data') |
| |
| def test_main(): |
| run_unittest(TestDecorators, TestRetrievingSourceCode, TestOneliners, |
| TestBuggyCases, |
| TestInterpreterStack, TestClassesAndFunctions, TestPredicates) |
| |
| if __name__ == "__main__": |
| test_main() |