blob: 6094462890e10138ad4b5fd9ba2a662ef776dc51 [file] [log] [blame]
\section{Standard Module \sectcode{whrandom}}
This module implements a Wichmann-Hill pseudo-random number generator
class that is also named \code{whrandom}. Instances of the
\code{whrandom} class have the following methods:
\renewcommand{\indexsubitem}{(in module whrandom)}
Chooses a random element from the non-empty sequence \var{seq} and returns it.
\begin{funcdesc}{randint}{a\, b}
Returns a random integer \var{N} such that \code{\var{a}<=\var{N}<=\var{b}}.
Returns the next random floating point number in the range [0.0 ... 1.0).
\begin{funcdesc}{seed}{x\, y\, z}
Initializes the random number generator from the integers
When the module is first imported, the random number is initialized
using values derived from the current time.
\begin{funcdesc}{uniform}{a\, b}
Returns a random real number \var{N} such that \code{\var{a}<=\var{N}<\var{b}}.
When imported, the \code{whrandom} module also creates an instance of
the \code{whrandom} class, and makes the methods of that instance
available at the module level. Therefore one can write either
\code{N = whrandom.random()} or:
generator = whrandom.whrandom()
N = generator.random()