blob: 4f972ffd91cf195b6fd45d242e0751fbaa835880 [file] [log] [blame]
Miscellaneous utility functions -- anything that doesn't fit into
one of the other * modules."""
# created 1999/03/08, Greg Ward
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys, os, string, re, shutil
from distutils.errors import *
from distutils.spawn import spawn
def get_platform ():
"""Return a string that identifies the current platform. This is used
mainly to distinguish platform-specific build directories and
platform-specific built distributions. Typically includes the OS name
and version and the architecture (as supplied by 'os.uname()'),
although the exact information included depends on the OS; eg. for IRIX
the architecture isn't particularly important (IRIX only runs on SGI
hardware), but for Linux the kernel version isn't particularly
Examples of returned values:
linux-alpha (?)
For non-POSIX platforms, currently just returns 'sys.platform'.
if != "posix" or not hasattr(os, 'uname'):
# XXX what about the architecture? NT is Intel or Alpha,
# Mac OS is M68k or PPC, etc.
return sys.platform
# Try to distinguish various flavours of Unix
(osname, host, release, version, machine) = os.uname()
osname = string.lower(osname)
if osname[:5] == "linux":
# At least on Linux/Intel, 'machine' is the processor --
# i386, etc.
# XXX what about Alpha, SPARC, etc?
return "%s-%s" % (osname, machine)
elif osname[:5] == "sunos":
if release[0] >= "5": # SunOS 5 == Solaris 2
osname = "solaris"
release = "%d.%s" % (int(release[0]) - 3, release[2:])
# fall through to standard osname-release-machine representation
elif osname[:4] == "irix": # could be "irix64"!
return "%s-%s" % (osname, release)
return "%s-%s-%s" % (osname, release, machine)
# get_platform ()
def convert_path (pathname):
"""Return 'pathname' as a name that will work on the native filesystem,
i.e. split it on '/' and put it back together again using the current
directory separator. Needed because filenames in the setup script are
always supplied in Unix style, and have to be converted to the local
convention before we can actually use them in the filesystem. Raises
ValueError if 'pathname' is absolute (starts with '/') or contains
local directory separators (unless the local separator is '/', of
if os.sep == '/':
return pathname
if pathname[0] == '/':
raise ValueError, "path '%s' cannot be absolute" % pathname
if pathname[-1] == '/':
raise ValueError, "path '%s' cannot end with '/'" % pathname
paths = string.split(pathname, '/')
return apply(os.path.join, paths)
# convert_path ()
def change_root (new_root, pathname):
"""Return 'pathname' with 'new_root' prepended. If 'pathname' is
relative, this is equivalent to "os.path.join(new_root,pathname)".
Otherwise, it requires making 'pathname' relative and then joining the
two, which is tricky on DOS/Windows and Mac OS.
if == 'posix':
if not os.path.isabs(pathname):
return os.path.join(new_root, pathname)
return os.path.join(new_root, pathname[1:])
elif == 'nt':
(drive, path) = os.path.splitdrive(pathname)
if path[0] == '\\':
path = path[1:]
return os.path.join(new_root, path)
elif == 'mac':
if not os.path.isabs(pathname):
return os.path.join(new_root, pathname)
# Chop off volume name from start of path
elements = string.split(pathname, ":", 1)
pathname = ":" + elements[1]
return os.path.join(new_root, pathname)
raise DistutilsPlatformError, \
"nothing known about platform '%s'" %
_environ_checked = 0
def check_environ ():
"""Ensure that 'os.environ' has all the environment variables we
guarantee that users can use in config files, command-line options,
etc. Currently this includes:
HOME - user's home directory (Unix only)
PLAT - description of the current platform, including hardware
and OS (see 'get_platform()')
global _environ_checked
if _environ_checked:
if == 'posix' and not os.environ.has_key('HOME'):
import pwd
os.environ['HOME'] = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[5]
if not os.environ.has_key('PLAT'):
os.environ['PLAT'] = get_platform()
_environ_checked = 1
def subst_vars (str, local_vars):
"""Perform shell/Perl-style variable substitution on 'string'. Every
occurrence of '$' followed by a name, or a name enclosed in braces, is
considered a variable. Every variable is substituted by the value
found in the 'local_vars' dictionary, or in 'os.environ' if it's not in
'local_vars'. 'os.environ' is first checked/ augmented to guarantee
that it contains certain values: see '_check_environ()'. Raise
ValueError for any variables not found in either 'local_vars' or
def _subst (match, local_vars=local_vars):
var_name =
if local_vars.has_key(var_name):
return str(local_vars[var_name])
return os.environ[var_name]
return re.sub(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', _subst, str)
# subst_vars ()
def grok_environment_error (exc, prefix="error: "):
"""Generate a useful error message from an EnvironmentError (IOError or
OSError) exception object. Handles Python 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 styles, and
does what it can to deal with exception objects that don't have a
filename (which happens when the error is due to a two-file operation,
such as 'rename()' or 'link()'. Returns the error message as a string
prefixed with 'prefix'.
# check for Python 1.5.2-style {IO,OS}Error exception objects
if hasattr(exc, 'filename') and hasattr(exc, 'strerror'):
if exc.filename:
error = prefix + "%s: %s" % (exc.filename, exc.strerror)
# two-argument functions in posix module don't
# include the filename in the exception object!
error = prefix + "%s" % exc.strerror
error = prefix + str(exc[-1])
return error
# Needed by 'split_quoted()'
_wordchars_re = re.compile(r'[^\\\'\"%s ]*' % string.whitespace)
_squote_re = re.compile(r"'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'")
_dquote_re = re.compile(r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"')
def split_quoted (s):
"""Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and
backslashes. In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those
spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string.
Single and double quotes are equivalent, and the quote characters can
be backslash-escaped. The backslash is stripped from any two-character
escape sequence, leaving only the escaped character. The quote
characters are stripped from any quoted string. Returns a list of
# This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it
# doesn't require character-by-character examination. It was a little
# bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though...
s = string.strip(s)
words = []
pos = 0
while s:
m = _wordchars_re.match(s, pos)
end = m.end()
if end == len(s):
if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now
words.append(s[:end]) # we definitely have a word delimiter
s = string.lstrip(s[end:])
pos = 0
elif s[end] == '\\': # preserve whatever is being escaped;
# will become part of the current word
s = s[:end] + s[end+1:]
pos = end+1
if s[end] == "'": # slurp singly-quoted string
m = _squote_re.match(s, end)
elif s[end] == '"': # slurp doubly-quoted string
m = _dquote_re.match(s, end)
raise RuntimeError, \
"this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]
if m is None:
raise ValueError, \
"bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]
(beg, end) = m.span()
s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:]
pos = m.end() - 2
if pos >= len(s):
return words
# split_quoted ()
def execute (func, args, msg=None, verbose=0, dry_run=0):
"""Perform some action that affects the outside world (eg. by writing
to the filesystem). Such actions are special because they are disabled
by the 'dry_run' flag, and announce themselves if 'verbose' is true.
This method takes care of all that bureaucracy for you; all you have to
do is supply the function to call and an argument tuple for it (to
embody the "external action" being performed), and an optional message
to print.
# Generate a message if we weren't passed one
if msg is None:
msg = "%s%s" % (func.__name__, `args`)
if msg[-2:] == ',)': # correct for singleton tuple
msg = msg[0:-2] + ')'
# Print it if verbosity level is high enough
if verbose:
print msg
# And do it, as long as we're not in dry-run mode
if not dry_run:
apply(func, args)
# execute()
def strtobool (val):
"""Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0).
True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values
are 'n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', and '0'. Raises ValueError if
'val' is anything else.
val = string.lower(val)
if val in ('y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', '1'):
return 1
elif val in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0'):
return 0
raise ValueError, "invalid truth value %s" % `val`