blob: 8ab8e56cb26a03e7d3c3bb596e595bba475c93de [file] [log] [blame]
# Non human-editable files are binary
**.dsp = BIN
**.dsw = BIN
**.mk = BIN
**.sln = BIN
**.vcproj = BIN
**.vsprops = BIN
**.aif = BIN
**.au = BIN
**.bmp = BIN
**.db = BIN
**.exe = BIN
**.icns = BIN
**.gif = BIN
**.ico = BIN
**.info = BIN
**.jpg = BIN
**.pck = BIN
**.png = BIN
**.psd = BIN
**.tar = BIN
**.xar = BIN
**.zip = BIN
Lib/email/test/data/msg_26.txt = BIN
Lib/test/sndhdrdata/sndhdr.* = BIN
Lib/test/decimaltestdata/*.decTest = BIN
Doc/make.bat = CRLF
Tools/buildbot/*.bat = CRLF
Tools/msi/ = CRLF
PC/VS7.1/*.bat = CRLF
PC/VS8.0/*.bat = CRLF
# All other files (which presumably are human-editable) are "native".
# This must be the last rule!
** = native
native = LF