blob: e34d55b85d11272cfdc7b12c2dafea4fab982be8 [file] [log] [blame]
import unittest
import pickle
import cPickle
import pickletools
import copy_reg
from test.test_support import TestFailed, have_unicode, TESTFN, \
# Tests that try a number of pickle protocols should have a
# for proto in protocols:
# kind of outer loop.
assert pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL == cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL == 2
protocols = range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1)
# Return True if opcode code appears in the pickle, else False.
def opcode_in_pickle(code, pickle):
for op, dummy, dummy in pickletools.genops(pickle):
if op.code == code:
return True
return False
# Return the number of times opcode code appears in pickle.
def count_opcode(code, pickle):
n = 0
for op, dummy, dummy in pickletools.genops(pickle):
if op.code == code:
n += 1
return n
# We can't very well test the extension registry without putting known stuff
# in it, but we have to be careful to restore its original state. Code
# should do this:
# e = ExtensionSaver(extension_code)
# try:
# fiddle w/ the extension registry's stuff for extension_code
# finally:
# e.restore()
class ExtensionSaver:
# Remember current registration for code (if any), and remove it (if
# there is one).
def __init__(self, code):
self.code = code
if code in copy_reg._inverted_registry:
self.pair = copy_reg._inverted_registry[code]
copy_reg.remove_extension(self.pair[0], self.pair[1], code)
self.pair = None
# Restore previous registration for code.
def restore(self):
code = self.code
curpair = copy_reg._inverted_registry.get(code)
if curpair is not None:
copy_reg.remove_extension(curpair[0], curpair[1], code)
pair = self.pair
if pair is not None:
copy_reg.add_extension(pair[0], pair[1], code)
class C:
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__)
import __main__
__main__.C = C
C.__module__ = "__main__"
class myint(int):
def __init__(self, x):
self.str = str(x)
class initarg(C):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.a = a
self.b = b
def __getinitargs__(self):
return self.a, self.b
class metaclass(type):
class use_metaclass(object):
__metaclass__ = metaclass
# DATA0 .. DATA2 are the pickles we expect under the various protocols, for
# the object returned by create_data().
# break into multiple strings to avoid confusing font-lock-mode
DATA0 = """(lp1
""" + \
a""" + \
""" + \
""" + \
# Disassembly of DATA0.
DATA0_DIS = """\
0: ( MARK
1: l LIST (MARK at 0)
2: p PUT 1
5: I INT 0
9: L LONG 1L
13: a APPEND
14: F FLOAT 2.0
17: a APPEND
18: c GLOBAL '__builtin__ complex'
39: p PUT 2
42: ( MARK
43: F FLOAT 3.0
46: F FLOAT 0.0
49: t TUPLE (MARK at 42)
51: p PUT 3
54: a APPEND
55: I INT 1
58: a APPEND
59: I INT -1
63: a APPEND
64: I INT 255
69: a APPEND
70: I INT -255
76: a APPEND
77: I INT -256
83: a APPEND
84: I INT 65535
91: a APPEND
92: I INT -65535
100: a APPEND
101: I INT -65536
109: a APPEND
110: I INT 2147483647
122: a APPEND
123: I INT -2147483647
136: a APPEND
137: I INT -2147483648
150: a APPEND
151: ( MARK
152: S STRING 'abc'
159: p PUT 4
162: g GET 4
165: ( MARK
166: i INST '__main__ C' (MARK at 165)
178: p PUT 5
181: ( MARK
182: d DICT (MARK at 181)
183: p PUT 6
186: S STRING 'foo'
193: p PUT 7
196: I INT 1
199: s SETITEM
200: S STRING 'bar'
207: p PUT 8
210: I INT 2
213: s SETITEM
214: b BUILD
215: g GET 5
218: t TUPLE (MARK at 151)
219: p PUT 9
222: a APPEND
223: g GET 9
226: a APPEND
227: I INT 5
230: a APPEND
231: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 0
DATA1 = (']q\x01(K\x00L1L\nG@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
# Disassembly of DATA1.
DATA1_DIS = """\
1: q BINPUT 1
3: ( MARK
4: K BININT1 0
6: L LONG 1L
10: G BINFLOAT 2.0
19: c GLOBAL '__builtin__ complex'
40: q BINPUT 2
42: ( MARK
43: G BINFLOAT 3.0
52: G BINFLOAT 0.0
61: t TUPLE (MARK at 42)
63: q BINPUT 3
65: K BININT1 1
67: J BININT -1
72: K BININT1 255
74: J BININT -255
79: J BININT -256
84: M BININT2 65535
87: J BININT -65535
92: J BININT -65536
97: J BININT 2147483647
102: J BININT -2147483647
107: J BININT -2147483648
112: ( MARK
118: q BINPUT 4
120: h BINGET 4
122: ( MARK
123: c GLOBAL '__main__ C'
135: q BINPUT 5
137: o OBJ (MARK at 122)
138: q BINPUT 6
141: q BINPUT 7
143: ( MARK
149: q BINPUT 8
151: K BININT1 1
158: q BINPUT 9
160: K BININT1 2
162: u SETITEMS (MARK at 143)
163: b BUILD
164: h BINGET 6
166: t TUPLE (MARK at 112)
167: q BINPUT 10
169: h BINGET 10
171: K BININT1 5
173: e APPENDS (MARK at 3)
174: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 1
DATA2 = ('\x80\x02]q\x01(K\x00\x8a\x01\x01G@\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
# Disassembly of DATA2.
DATA2_DIS = """\
0: \x80 PROTO 2
3: q BINPUT 1
5: ( MARK
6: K BININT1 0
8: \x8a LONG1 1L
11: G BINFLOAT 2.0
20: c GLOBAL '__builtin__ complex'
41: q BINPUT 2
43: G BINFLOAT 3.0
52: G BINFLOAT 0.0
61: \x86 TUPLE2
63: q BINPUT 3
65: K BININT1 1
67: J BININT -1
72: K BININT1 255
74: J BININT -255
79: J BININT -256
84: M BININT2 65535
87: J BININT -65535
92: J BININT -65536
97: J BININT 2147483647
102: J BININT -2147483647
107: J BININT -2147483648
112: ( MARK
118: q BINPUT 4
120: h BINGET 4
122: ( MARK
123: c GLOBAL '__main__ C'
135: q BINPUT 5
137: o OBJ (MARK at 122)
138: q BINPUT 6
141: q BINPUT 7
143: ( MARK
149: q BINPUT 8
151: K BININT1 1
158: q BINPUT 9
160: K BININT1 2
162: u SETITEMS (MARK at 143)
163: b BUILD
164: h BINGET 6
166: t TUPLE (MARK at 112)
167: q BINPUT 10
169: h BINGET 10
171: K BININT1 5
173: e APPENDS (MARK at 5)
174: . STOP
highest protocol among opcodes = 2
def create_data():
c = C() = 1 = 2
x = [0, 1L, 2.0, 3.0+0j]
# Append some integer test cases at cPickle.c's internal size
# cutoffs.
uint1max = 0xff
uint2max = 0xffff
int4max = 0x7fffffff
x.extend([1, -1,
uint1max, -uint1max, -uint1max-1,
uint2max, -uint2max, -uint2max-1,
int4max, -int4max, -int4max-1])
y = ('abc', 'abc', c, c)
return x
class AbstractPickleTests(unittest.TestCase):
# Subclass must define self.dumps, self.loads, self.error.
_testdata = create_data()
def setUp(self):
def test_misc(self):
# test various datatypes not tested by testdata
for proto in protocols:
x = myint(4)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
x = (1, ())
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
x = initarg(1, x)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
# XXX test __reduce__ protocol?
def test_roundtrip_equality(self):
expected = self._testdata
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(expected, proto)
got = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(expected, got)
def test_load_from_canned_string(self):
expected = self._testdata
for canned in DATA0, DATA1, DATA2:
got = self.loads(canned)
self.assertEqual(expected, got)
# There are gratuitous differences between pickles produced by
# pickle and cPickle, largely because cPickle starts PUT indices at
# 1 and pickle starts them at 0. See XXX comment in cPickle's put2() --
# there's a comment with an exclamation point there whose meaning
# is a mystery. cPickle also suppresses PUT for objects with a refcount
# of 1.
def dont_test_disassembly(self):
from cStringIO import StringIO
from pickletools import dis
for proto, expected in (0, DATA0_DIS), (1, DATA1_DIS):
s = self.dumps(self._testdata, proto)
filelike = StringIO()
dis(s, out=filelike)
got = filelike.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(expected, got)
def test_recursive_list(self):
l = []
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(l, proto)
x = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(len(x), 1)
self.assert_(x is x[0])
def test_recursive_dict(self):
d = {}
d[1] = d
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(d, proto)
x = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x.keys(), [1])
self.assert_(x[1] is x)
def test_recursive_inst(self):
i = C()
i.attr = i
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(i, 2)
x = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(dir(x), dir(i))
self.assert_(x.attr is x)
def test_recursive_multi(self):
l = []
d = {1:l}
i = C()
i.attr = d
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(l, proto)
x = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(len(x), 1)
self.assertEqual(dir(x[0]), dir(i))
self.assertEqual(x[0].attr.keys(), [1])
self.assert_(x[0].attr[1] is x)
def test_garyp(self):
self.assertRaises(self.error, self.loads, 'garyp')
def test_insecure_strings(self):
insecure = ["abc", "2 + 2", # not quoted
#"'abc' + 'def'", # not a single quoted string
"'abc", # quote is not closed
"'abc\"", # open quote and close quote don't match
"'abc' ?", # junk after close quote
"'\\'", # trailing backslash
# some tests of the quoting rules
for s in insecure:
buf = "S" + s + "\012p0\012."
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.loads, buf)
if have_unicode:
def test_unicode(self):
endcases = [u'', u'<\\u>', u'<\\\u1234>', u'<\n>',
u'<\\>', u'<\\\U00012345>']
for proto in protocols:
for u in endcases:
p = self.dumps(u, proto)
u2 = self.loads(p)
self.assertEqual(u2, u)
def test_unicode_high_plane(self):
t = u'\U00012345'
for proto in protocols:
p = self.dumps(t, proto)
t2 = self.loads(p)
self.assertEqual(t2, t)
def test_ints(self):
import sys
for proto in protocols:
n = sys.maxint
while n:
for expected in (-n, n):
s = self.dumps(expected, proto)
n2 = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(expected, n2)
n = n >> 1
def test_maxint64(self):
maxint64 = (1L << 63) - 1
data = 'I' + str(maxint64) + '\n.'
got = self.loads(data)
self.assertEqual(got, maxint64)
# Try too with a bogus literal.
data = 'I' + str(maxint64) + 'JUNK\n.'
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.loads, data)
def test_long(self):
for proto in protocols:
# 256 bytes is where LONG4 begins.
for nbits in 1, 8, 8*254, 8*255, 8*256, 8*257:
nbase = 1L << nbits
for npos in nbase-1, nbase, nbase+1:
for n in npos, -npos:
pickle = self.dumps(n, proto)
got = self.loads(pickle)
self.assertEqual(n, got)
# Try a monster. This is quadratic-time in protos 0 & 1, so don't
# bother with those.
nbase = long("deadbeeffeedface", 16)
nbase += nbase << 1000000
for n in nbase, -nbase:
p = self.dumps(n, 2)
got = self.loads(p)
self.assertEqual(n, got)
def test_float(self):
test_values = [0.0, 4.94e-324, 1e-310, 7e-308, 6.626e-34, 0.1, 0.5,
3.14, 263.44582062374053, 6.022e23, 1e30]
test_values = test_values + [-x for x in test_values]
for proto in protocols:
for value in test_values:
pickle = self.dumps(value, proto)
got = self.loads(pickle)
self.assertEqual(value, got)
@run_with_locale('LC_ALL', 'de_DE', 'fr_FR')
def test_float_format(self):
# make sure that floats are formatted locale independent
self.assertEqual(self.dumps(1.2)[0:3], 'F1.')
def test_reduce(self):
def test_getinitargs(self):
def test_metaclass(self):
a = use_metaclass()
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(a, proto)
b = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(a.__class__, b.__class__)
def test_structseq(self):
import time
import os
t = time.localtime()
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(t, proto)
u = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(t, u)
if hasattr(os, "stat"):
t = os.stat(os.curdir)
s = self.dumps(t, proto)
u = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(t, u)
if hasattr(os, "statvfs"):
t = os.statvfs(os.curdir)
s = self.dumps(t, proto)
u = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(t, u)
# Tests for protocol 2
def test_proto(self):
build_none = pickle.NONE + pickle.STOP
for proto in protocols:
expected = build_none
if proto >= 2:
expected = pickle.PROTO + chr(proto) + expected
p = self.dumps(None, proto)
self.assertEqual(p, expected)
oob = protocols[-1] + 1 # a future protocol
badpickle = pickle.PROTO + chr(oob) + build_none
except ValueError, detail:
"unsupported pickle protocol"))
else:"expected bad protocol number to raise ValueError")
def test_long1(self):
x = 12345678910111213141516178920L
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(pickle.LONG1, s), proto >= 2)
def test_long4(self):
x = 12345678910111213141516178920L << (256*8)
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(pickle.LONG4, s), proto >= 2)
def test_short_tuples(self):
# Map (proto, len(tuple)) to expected opcode.
expected_opcode = {(0, 0): pickle.TUPLE,
(0, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
(0, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
(0, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
(0, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
(1, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
(1, 1): pickle.TUPLE,
(1, 2): pickle.TUPLE,
(1, 3): pickle.TUPLE,
(1, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
(2, 0): pickle.EMPTY_TUPLE,
(2, 1): pickle.TUPLE1,
(2, 2): pickle.TUPLE2,
(2, 3): pickle.TUPLE3,
(2, 4): pickle.TUPLE,
a = ()
b = (1,)
c = (1, 2)
d = (1, 2, 3)
e = (1, 2, 3, 4)
for proto in protocols:
for x in a, b, c, d, e:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y, (proto, x, s, y))
expected = expected_opcode[proto, len(x)]
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
def test_singletons(self):
# Map (proto, singleton) to expected opcode.
expected_opcode = {(0, None): pickle.NONE,
(1, None): pickle.NONE,
(2, None): pickle.NONE,
(0, True): pickle.INT,
(1, True): pickle.INT,
(2, True): pickle.NEWTRUE,
(0, False): pickle.INT,
(1, False): pickle.INT,
(2, False): pickle.NEWFALSE,
for proto in protocols:
for x in None, False, True:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assert_(x is y, (proto, x, s, y))
expected = expected_opcode[proto, x]
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(expected, s), True)
def test_newobj_tuple(self):
x = MyTuple([1, 2, 3]) = 42 = "hello"
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(tuple(x), tuple(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
def test_newobj_list(self):
x = MyList([1, 2, 3]) = 42 = "hello"
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
def test_newobj_generic(self):
for proto in protocols:
for C in myclasses:
B = C.__base__
x = C(C.sample) = 42
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
detail = (proto, C, B, x, y, type(y))
self.assertEqual(B(x), B(y), detail)
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__, detail)
# Register a type with copy_reg, with extension code extcode. Pickle
# an object of that type. Check that the resulting pickle uses opcode
# (EXT[124]) under proto 2, and not in proto 1.
def produce_global_ext(self, extcode, opcode):
e = ExtensionSaver(extcode)
copy_reg.add_extension(__name__, "MyList", extcode)
x = MyList([1, 2, 3]) = 42 = "hello"
# Dump using protocol 1 for comparison.
s1 = self.dumps(x, 1)
self.assert_(__name__ in s1)
self.assert_("MyList" in s1)
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(opcode, s1), False)
y = self.loads(s1)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
# Dump using protocol 2 for test.
s2 = self.dumps(x, 2)
self.assert_(__name__ not in s2)
self.assert_("MyList" not in s2)
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(opcode, s2), True)
y = self.loads(s2)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
def test_global_ext1(self):
self.produce_global_ext(0x00000001, pickle.EXT1) # smallest EXT1 code
self.produce_global_ext(0x000000ff, pickle.EXT1) # largest EXT1 code
def test_global_ext2(self):
self.produce_global_ext(0x00000100, pickle.EXT2) # smallest EXT2 code
self.produce_global_ext(0x0000ffff, pickle.EXT2) # largest EXT2 code
self.produce_global_ext(0x0000abcd, pickle.EXT2) # check endianness
def test_global_ext4(self):
self.produce_global_ext(0x00010000, pickle.EXT4) # smallest EXT4 code
self.produce_global_ext(0x7fffffff, pickle.EXT4) # largest EXT4 code
self.produce_global_ext(0x12abcdef, pickle.EXT4) # check endianness
def test_list_chunking(self):
n = 10 # too small to chunk
x = range(n)
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
num_appends = count_opcode(pickle.APPENDS, s)
self.assertEqual(num_appends, proto > 0)
n = 2500 # expect at least two chunks when proto > 0
x = range(n)
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
num_appends = count_opcode(pickle.APPENDS, s)
if proto == 0:
self.assertEqual(num_appends, 0)
self.failUnless(num_appends >= 2)
def test_dict_chunking(self):
n = 10 # too small to chunk
x = dict.fromkeys(range(n))
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
num_setitems = count_opcode(pickle.SETITEMS, s)
self.assertEqual(num_setitems, proto > 0)
n = 2500 # expect at least two chunks when proto > 0
x = dict.fromkeys(range(n))
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(x, y)
num_setitems = count_opcode(pickle.SETITEMS, s)
if proto == 0:
self.assertEqual(num_setitems, 0)
self.failUnless(num_setitems >= 2)
def test_simple_newobj(self):
x = object.__new__(SimpleNewObj) # avoid __init__ = 666
for proto in protocols:
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(opcode_in_pickle(pickle.NEWOBJ, s), proto >= 2)
y = self.loads(s) # will raise TypeError if __init__ called
self.assertEqual(, 666)
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
def test_newobj_list_slots(self):
x = SlotList([1, 2, 3]) = 42 = "hello"
s = self.dumps(x, 2)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(list(x), list(y))
self.assertEqual(x.__dict__, y.__dict__)
def test_reduce_overrides_default_reduce_ex(self):
for proto in 0, 1, 2:
x = REX_one()
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 0)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 1)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._reduce_called, 0)
def test_reduce_ex_called(self):
for proto in 0, 1, 2:
x = REX_two()
self.assertEqual(x._proto, None)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._proto, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._proto, None)
def test_reduce_ex_overrides_reduce(self):
for proto in 0, 1, 2:
x = REX_three()
self.assertEqual(x._proto, None)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._proto, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._proto, None)
def test_reduce_ex_calls_base(self):
for proto in 0, 1, 2:
x = REX_four()
self.assertEqual(x._proto, None)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._proto, proto)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._proto, proto)
def test_reduce_calls_base(self):
for proto in 0, 1, 2:
x = REX_five()
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 0)
s = self.dumps(x, proto)
self.assertEqual(x._reduce_called, 1)
y = self.loads(s)
self.assertEqual(y._reduce_called, 1)
def test_reduce_bad_iterator(self):
# Issue4176: crash when 4th and 5th items of __reduce__()
# are not iterators
class C(object):
def __reduce__(self):
# 4th item is not an iterator
return list, (), None, [], None
class D(object):
def __reduce__(self):
# 5th item is not an iterator
return dict, (), None, None, []
# Protocol 0 is less strict and also accept iterables.
for proto in 0, 1, 2:
self.dumps(C(), proto)
except (AttributeError, pickle.PickleError, cPickle.PickleError):
self.dumps(D(), proto)
except (AttributeError, pickle.PickleError, cPickle.PickleError):
# Test classes for reduce_ex
class REX_one(object):
_reduce_called = 0
def __reduce__(self):
self._reduce_called = 1
return REX_one, ()
# No __reduce_ex__ here, but inheriting it from object
class REX_two(object):
_proto = None
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
self._proto = proto
return REX_two, ()
# No __reduce__ here, but inheriting it from object
class REX_three(object):
_proto = None
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
self._proto = proto
return REX_two, ()
def __reduce__(self):
raise TestFailed, "This __reduce__ shouldn't be called"
class REX_four(object):
_proto = None
def __reduce_ex__(self, proto):
self._proto = proto
return object.__reduce_ex__(self, proto)
# Calling base class method should succeed
class REX_five(object):
_reduce_called = 0
def __reduce__(self):
self._reduce_called = 1
return object.__reduce__(self)
# This one used to fail with infinite recursion
# Test classes for newobj
class MyInt(int):
sample = 1
class MyLong(long):
sample = 1L
class MyFloat(float):
sample = 1.0
class MyComplex(complex):
sample = 1.0 + 0.0j
class MyStr(str):
sample = "hello"
class MyUnicode(unicode):
sample = u"hello \u1234"
class MyTuple(tuple):
sample = (1, 2, 3)
class MyList(list):
sample = [1, 2, 3]
class MyDict(dict):
sample = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
myclasses = [MyInt, MyLong, MyFloat,
MyStr, MyUnicode,
MyTuple, MyList, MyDict]
class SlotList(MyList):
__slots__ = ["foo"]
class SimpleNewObj(object):
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
# raise an error, to make sure this isn't called
raise TypeError("SimpleNewObj.__init__() didn't expect to get called")
class AbstractPickleModuleTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dump_closed_file(self):
import os
f = open(TESTFN, "w")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.module.dump, 123, f)
def test_load_closed_file(self):
import os
f = open(TESTFN, "w")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.module.dump, 123, f)
def test_highest_protocol(self):
# Of course this needs to be changed when HIGHEST_PROTOCOL changes.
self.assertEqual(self.module.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, 2)
def test_callapi(self):
from cStringIO import StringIO
f = StringIO()
# With and without keyword arguments
self.module.dump(123, f, -1)
self.module.dump(123, file=f, protocol=-1)
self.module.dumps(123, -1)
self.module.dumps(123, protocol=-1)
self.module.Pickler(f, -1)
self.module.Pickler(f, protocol=-1)
class AbstractPersistentPicklerTests(unittest.TestCase):
# This class defines persistent_id() and persistent_load()
# functions that should be used by the pickler. All even integers
# are pickled using persistent ids.
def persistent_id(self, object):
if isinstance(object, int) and object % 2 == 0:
self.id_count += 1
return str(object)
return None
def persistent_load(self, oid):
self.load_count += 1
object = int(oid)
assert object % 2 == 0
return object
def test_persistence(self):
self.id_count = 0
self.load_count = 0
L = range(10)
self.assertEqual(self.loads(self.dumps(L)), L)
self.assertEqual(self.id_count, 5)
self.assertEqual(self.load_count, 5)
def test_bin_persistence(self):
self.id_count = 0
self.load_count = 0
L = range(10)
self.assertEqual(self.loads(self.dumps(L, 1)), L)
self.assertEqual(self.id_count, 5)
self.assertEqual(self.load_count, 5)