blob: 14602cefc1c705bd6a541559ab8b010cce1de18b [file] [log] [blame]
:mod:`packaging.pypi` --- Interface to projects indexes
.. module:: packaging.pypi
:synopsis: Low-level and high-level APIs to query projects indexes.
Packaging queries PyPI to get information about projects or download them. The
low-level facilities used internally are also part of the public API designed to
be used by other tools.
The :mod:`packaging.pypi` package provides those facilities, which can be
used to access information about Python projects registered at indexes, the
main one being PyPI, located ad
There is two ways to retrieve data from these indexes: a screen-scraping
interface called the "simple API", and XML-RPC. The first one uses HTML pages
located under, the second one makes XML-RPC
requests to All functions and classes also work
with other indexes such as mirrors, which typically implement only the simple
Packaging provides a class that wraps both APIs to provide full query and
download functionality: :class:`packaging.pypi.client.ClientWrapper`. If you
want more control, you can use the underlying classes
:class:`packaging.pypi.simple.Crawler` and :class:`packaging.pypi.xmlrpc.Client`
to connect to one specific interface.
:mod:`packaging.pypi.client` --- High-level query API
.. module:: packaging.pypi.client
:synopsis: Wrapper around :mod;`packaging.pypi.xmlrpc` and
:mod:`packaging.pypi.simple` to query indexes.
This module provides a high-level API to query indexes and search
for releases and distributions. The aim of this module is to choose the best
way to query the API automatically, either using XML-RPC or the simple index,
with a preference toward the latter.
.. class:: ClientWrapper
Instances of this class will use the simple interface or XML-RPC requests to
query indexes and return :class:`packaging.pypi.dist.ReleaseInfo` and
:class:`packaging.pypi.dist.ReleasesList` objects.
.. method:: find_projects
.. method:: get_release
.. method:: get_releases
:mod:`packaging.pypi.base` --- Base class for index crawlers
.. module:: packaging.pypi.base
:synopsis: Base class used to implement crawlers.
.. class:: BaseClient(prefer_final, prefer_source)
Base class containing common methods for the index crawlers or clients. One
method is currently defined:
.. method:: download_distribution(requirements, temp_path=None, \
prefer_source=None, prefer_final=None)
Download a distribution from the last release according to the
requirements. If *temp_path* is provided, download to this path,
otherwise, create a temporary directory for the download. If a release is
found, the full path to the downloaded file is returned.