blob: 33ce4d49a14933b10f815b1808d3c599f3c96a8f [file] [log] [blame]
Subject: Dynamic Linking under HP-UX
From: "C. Derek Fields" <>
Date: Thu, 08 Sep 94 14:14:07 -0400
There are two important points. First, the python executable must be
linked with the -E option to explicitly export all symbols. This
works with the vanilla interpreter, but I am not sure how friendly it
will be when I try to embed the interpreter in a larger application.
It may be necessary to hand tune the exports using the -e option.
Anyway, the additional flag to $(CC) is "-Wl,-E", which passes the -E
flag to the compiler. My link line (from an actual run) looks like
cc config.o -Wl,-E libModules.a ../Python/libPython.a ../Objects/libObjects.a ../Parser/libParser.a -lm -ldld -o python
Second, the dynamic module must be compiled with the +z option to make
it position independent and then linked into a shared library:
ld -b -o <modName> <object list>
The -b tells the linker to produce a shared library.