| import contextlib |
| import os |
| import sys |
| import tracemalloc |
| import unittest |
| from unittest.mock import patch |
| from test.script_helper import assert_python_ok, assert_python_failure |
| from test import support |
| try: |
| import threading |
| except ImportError: |
| threading = None |
| |
| EMPTY_STRING_SIZE = sys.getsizeof(b'') |
| |
| def get_frames(nframe, lineno_delta): |
| frames = [] |
| frame = sys._getframe(1) |
| for index in range(nframe): |
| code = frame.f_code |
| lineno = frame.f_lineno + lineno_delta |
| frames.append((code.co_filename, lineno)) |
| lineno_delta = 0 |
| frame = frame.f_back |
| if frame is None: |
| break |
| return tuple(frames) |
| |
| def allocate_bytes(size): |
| nframe = tracemalloc.get_traceback_limit() |
| bytes_len = (size - EMPTY_STRING_SIZE) |
| frames = get_frames(nframe, 1) |
| data = b'x' * bytes_len |
| return data, tracemalloc.Traceback(frames) |
| |
| def create_snapshots(): |
| traceback_limit = 2 |
| |
| raw_traces = [ |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| |
| (2, (('a.py', 5), ('b.py', 4))), |
| |
| (66, (('b.py', 1),)), |
| |
| (7, (('<unknown>', 0),)), |
| ] |
| snapshot = tracemalloc.Snapshot(raw_traces, traceback_limit) |
| |
| raw_traces2 = [ |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| |
| (2, (('a.py', 5), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (5000, (('a.py', 5), ('b.py', 4))), |
| |
| (400, (('c.py', 578),)), |
| ] |
| snapshot2 = tracemalloc.Snapshot(raw_traces2, traceback_limit) |
| |
| return (snapshot, snapshot2) |
| |
| def frame(filename, lineno): |
| return tracemalloc._Frame((filename, lineno)) |
| |
| def traceback(*frames): |
| return tracemalloc.Traceback(frames) |
| |
| def traceback_lineno(filename, lineno): |
| return traceback((filename, lineno)) |
| |
| def traceback_filename(filename): |
| return traceback_lineno(filename, 0) |
| |
| |
| class TestTracemallocEnabled(unittest.TestCase): |
| def setUp(self): |
| if tracemalloc.is_tracing(): |
| self.skipTest("tracemalloc must be stopped before the test") |
| |
| tracemalloc.start(1) |
| |
| def tearDown(self): |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| |
| def test_get_tracemalloc_memory(self): |
| data = [allocate_bytes(123) for count in range(1000)] |
| size = tracemalloc.get_tracemalloc_memory() |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(size, 0) |
| |
| tracemalloc.clear_traces() |
| size2 = tracemalloc.get_tracemalloc_memory() |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(size2, 0) |
| self.assertLessEqual(size2, size) |
| |
| def test_get_object_traceback(self): |
| tracemalloc.clear_traces() |
| obj_size = 12345 |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| traceback = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj) |
| self.assertEqual(traceback, obj_traceback) |
| |
| def test_set_traceback_limit(self): |
| obj_size = 10 |
| |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| self.assertRaises(ValueError, tracemalloc.start, -1) |
| |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| tracemalloc.start(10) |
| obj2, obj2_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| traceback = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj2) |
| self.assertEqual(len(traceback), 10) |
| self.assertEqual(traceback, obj2_traceback) |
| |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| tracemalloc.start(1) |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| traceback = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj) |
| self.assertEqual(len(traceback), 1) |
| self.assertEqual(traceback, obj_traceback) |
| |
| def find_trace(self, traces, traceback): |
| for trace in traces: |
| if trace[1] == traceback._frames: |
| return trace |
| |
| self.fail("trace not found") |
| |
| def test_get_traces(self): |
| tracemalloc.clear_traces() |
| obj_size = 12345 |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| |
| traces = tracemalloc._get_traces() |
| trace = self.find_trace(traces, obj_traceback) |
| |
| self.assertIsInstance(trace, tuple) |
| size, traceback = trace |
| self.assertEqual(size, obj_size) |
| self.assertEqual(traceback, obj_traceback._frames) |
| |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| self.assertEqual(tracemalloc._get_traces(), []) |
| |
| def test_get_traces_intern_traceback(self): |
| # dummy wrappers to get more useful and identical frames in the traceback |
| def allocate_bytes2(size): |
| return allocate_bytes(size) |
| def allocate_bytes3(size): |
| return allocate_bytes2(size) |
| def allocate_bytes4(size): |
| return allocate_bytes3(size) |
| |
| # Ensure that two identical tracebacks are not duplicated |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| tracemalloc.start(4) |
| obj_size = 123 |
| obj1, obj1_traceback = allocate_bytes4(obj_size) |
| obj2, obj2_traceback = allocate_bytes4(obj_size) |
| |
| traces = tracemalloc._get_traces() |
| |
| trace1 = self.find_trace(traces, obj1_traceback) |
| trace2 = self.find_trace(traces, obj2_traceback) |
| size1, traceback1 = trace1 |
| size2, traceback2 = trace2 |
| self.assertEqual(traceback2, traceback1) |
| self.assertIs(traceback2, traceback1) |
| |
| def test_get_traced_memory(self): |
| # Python allocates some internals objects, so the test must tolerate |
| # a small difference between the expected size and the real usage |
| max_error = 2048 |
| |
| # allocate one object |
| obj_size = 1024 * 1024 |
| tracemalloc.clear_traces() |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| size, peak_size = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory() |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(size, obj_size) |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(peak_size, size) |
| |
| self.assertLessEqual(size - obj_size, max_error) |
| self.assertLessEqual(peak_size - size, max_error) |
| |
| # destroy the object |
| obj = None |
| size2, peak_size2 = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory() |
| self.assertLess(size2, size) |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(size - size2, obj_size - max_error) |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(peak_size2, peak_size) |
| |
| # clear_traces() must reset traced memory counters |
| tracemalloc.clear_traces() |
| self.assertEqual(tracemalloc.get_traced_memory(), (0, 0)) |
| |
| # allocate another object |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| size, peak_size = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory() |
| self.assertGreaterEqual(size, obj_size) |
| |
| # stop() also resets traced memory counters |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| self.assertEqual(tracemalloc.get_traced_memory(), (0, 0)) |
| |
| def test_clear_traces(self): |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(123) |
| traceback = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj) |
| self.assertIsNotNone(traceback) |
| |
| tracemalloc.clear_traces() |
| traceback2 = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj) |
| self.assertIsNone(traceback2) |
| |
| def test_is_tracing(self): |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| self.assertFalse(tracemalloc.is_tracing()) |
| |
| tracemalloc.start() |
| self.assertTrue(tracemalloc.is_tracing()) |
| |
| def test_snapshot(self): |
| obj, source = allocate_bytes(123) |
| |
| # take a snapshot |
| snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
| |
| # write on disk |
| snapshot.dump(support.TESTFN) |
| self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN) |
| |
| # load from disk |
| snapshot2 = tracemalloc.Snapshot.load(support.TESTFN) |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot2.traces, snapshot.traces) |
| |
| # tracemalloc must be tracing memory allocations to take a snapshot |
| tracemalloc.stop() |
| with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: |
| tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
| self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), |
| "the tracemalloc module must be tracing memory " |
| "allocations to take a snapshot") |
| |
| def test_snapshot_save_attr(self): |
| # take a snapshot with a new attribute |
| snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
| snapshot.test_attr = "new" |
| snapshot.dump(support.TESTFN) |
| self.addCleanup(support.unlink, support.TESTFN) |
| |
| # load() should recreates the attribute |
| snapshot2 = tracemalloc.Snapshot.load(support.TESTFN) |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot2.test_attr, "new") |
| |
| def fork_child(self): |
| if not tracemalloc.is_tracing(): |
| return 2 |
| |
| obj_size = 12345 |
| obj, obj_traceback = allocate_bytes(obj_size) |
| traceback = tracemalloc.get_object_traceback(obj) |
| if traceback is None: |
| return 3 |
| |
| # everything is fine |
| return 0 |
| |
| @unittest.skipUnless(hasattr(os, 'fork'), 'need os.fork()') |
| def test_fork(self): |
| # check that tracemalloc is still working after fork |
| pid = os.fork() |
| if not pid: |
| # child |
| exitcode = 1 |
| try: |
| exitcode = self.fork_child() |
| finally: |
| os._exit(exitcode) |
| else: |
| pid2, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0) |
| self.assertTrue(os.WIFEXITED(status)) |
| exitcode = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) |
| self.assertEqual(exitcode, 0) |
| |
| |
| class TestSnapshot(unittest.TestCase): |
| maxDiff = 4000 |
| |
| def test_create_snapshot(self): |
| raw_traces = [(5, (('a.py', 2),))] |
| |
| with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: |
| stack.enter_context(patch.object(tracemalloc, 'is_tracing', |
| return_value=True)) |
| stack.enter_context(patch.object(tracemalloc, 'get_traceback_limit', |
| return_value=5)) |
| stack.enter_context(patch.object(tracemalloc, '_get_traces', |
| return_value=raw_traces)) |
| |
| snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot() |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot.traceback_limit, 5) |
| self.assertEqual(len(snapshot.traces), 1) |
| trace = snapshot.traces[0] |
| self.assertEqual(trace.size, 5) |
| self.assertEqual(len(trace.traceback), 1) |
| self.assertEqual(trace.traceback[0].filename, 'a.py') |
| self.assertEqual(trace.traceback[0].lineno, 2) |
| |
| def test_filter_traces(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| filter1 = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "b.py") |
| filter2 = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "a.py", 2) |
| filter3 = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "a.py", 5) |
| |
| original_traces = list(snapshot.traces._traces) |
| |
| # exclude b.py |
| snapshot3 = snapshot.filter_traces((filter1,)) |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot3.traces._traces, [ |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (2, (('a.py', 5), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (7, (('<unknown>', 0),)), |
| ]) |
| |
| # filter_traces() must not touch the original snapshot |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot.traces._traces, original_traces) |
| |
| # only include two lines of a.py |
| snapshot4 = snapshot3.filter_traces((filter2, filter3)) |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot4.traces._traces, [ |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (10, (('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4))), |
| (2, (('a.py', 5), ('b.py', 4))), |
| ]) |
| |
| # No filter: just duplicate the snapshot |
| snapshot5 = snapshot.filter_traces(()) |
| self.assertIsNot(snapshot5, snapshot) |
| self.assertIsNot(snapshot5.traces, snapshot.traces) |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot5.traces, snapshot.traces) |
| |
| self.assertRaises(TypeError, snapshot.filter_traces, filter1) |
| |
| def test_snapshot_group_by_line(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| tb_0 = traceback_lineno('<unknown>', 0) |
| tb_a_2 = traceback_lineno('a.py', 2) |
| tb_a_5 = traceback_lineno('a.py', 5) |
| tb_b_1 = traceback_lineno('b.py', 1) |
| tb_c_578 = traceback_lineno('c.py', 578) |
| |
| # stats per file and line |
| stats1 = snapshot.statistics('lineno') |
| self.assertEqual(stats1, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_b_1, 66, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a_2, 30, 3), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_0, 7, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a_5, 2, 1), |
| ]) |
| |
| # stats per file and line (2) |
| stats2 = snapshot2.statistics('lineno') |
| self.assertEqual(stats2, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a_5, 5002, 2), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_c_578, 400, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a_2, 30, 3), |
| ]) |
| |
| # stats diff per file and line |
| statistics = snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot, 'lineno') |
| self.assertEqual(statistics, [ |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_a_5, 5002, 5000, 2, 1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_c_578, 400, 400, 1, 1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_b_1, 0, -66, 0, -1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_0, 0, -7, 0, -1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_a_2, 30, 0, 3, 0), |
| ]) |
| |
| def test_snapshot_group_by_file(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| tb_0 = traceback_filename('<unknown>') |
| tb_a = traceback_filename('a.py') |
| tb_b = traceback_filename('b.py') |
| tb_c = traceback_filename('c.py') |
| |
| # stats per file |
| stats1 = snapshot.statistics('filename') |
| self.assertEqual(stats1, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_b, 66, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a, 32, 4), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_0, 7, 1), |
| ]) |
| |
| # stats per file (2) |
| stats2 = snapshot2.statistics('filename') |
| self.assertEqual(stats2, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a, 5032, 5), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_c, 400, 1), |
| ]) |
| |
| # stats diff per file |
| diff = snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot, 'filename') |
| self.assertEqual(diff, [ |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_a, 5032, 5000, 5, 1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_c, 400, 400, 1, 1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_b, 0, -66, 0, -1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb_0, 0, -7, 0, -1), |
| ]) |
| |
| def test_snapshot_group_by_traceback(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| |
| # stats per file |
| tb1 = traceback(('a.py', 2), ('b.py', 4)) |
| tb2 = traceback(('a.py', 5), ('b.py', 4)) |
| tb3 = traceback(('b.py', 1)) |
| tb4 = traceback(('<unknown>', 0)) |
| stats1 = snapshot.statistics('traceback') |
| self.assertEqual(stats1, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb3, 66, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb1, 30, 3), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb4, 7, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb2, 2, 1), |
| ]) |
| |
| # stats per file (2) |
| tb5 = traceback(('c.py', 578)) |
| stats2 = snapshot2.statistics('traceback') |
| self.assertEqual(stats2, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb2, 5002, 2), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb5, 400, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb1, 30, 3), |
| ]) |
| |
| # stats diff per file |
| diff = snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot, 'traceback') |
| self.assertEqual(diff, [ |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb2, 5002, 5000, 2, 1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb5, 400, 400, 1, 1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb3, 0, -66, 0, -1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb4, 0, -7, 0, -1), |
| tracemalloc.StatisticDiff(tb1, 30, 0, 3, 0), |
| ]) |
| |
| self.assertRaises(ValueError, |
| snapshot.statistics, 'traceback', cumulative=True) |
| |
| def test_snapshot_group_by_cumulative(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| tb_0 = traceback_filename('<unknown>') |
| tb_a = traceback_filename('a.py') |
| tb_b = traceback_filename('b.py') |
| tb_a_2 = traceback_lineno('a.py', 2) |
| tb_a_5 = traceback_lineno('a.py', 5) |
| tb_b_1 = traceback_lineno('b.py', 1) |
| tb_b_4 = traceback_lineno('b.py', 4) |
| |
| # per file |
| stats = snapshot.statistics('filename', True) |
| self.assertEqual(stats, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_b, 98, 5), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a, 32, 4), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_0, 7, 1), |
| ]) |
| |
| # per line |
| stats = snapshot.statistics('lineno', True) |
| self.assertEqual(stats, [ |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_b_1, 66, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_b_4, 32, 4), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a_2, 30, 3), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_0, 7, 1), |
| tracemalloc.Statistic(tb_a_5, 2, 1), |
| ]) |
| |
| def test_trace_format(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| trace = snapshot.traces[0] |
| self.assertEqual(str(trace), 'a.py:2: 10 B') |
| traceback = trace.traceback |
| self.assertEqual(str(traceback), 'a.py:2') |
| frame = traceback[0] |
| self.assertEqual(str(frame), 'a.py:2') |
| |
| def test_statistic_format(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| stats = snapshot.statistics('lineno') |
| stat = stats[0] |
| self.assertEqual(str(stat), |
| 'b.py:1: size=66 B, count=1, average=66 B') |
| |
| def test_statistic_diff_format(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| stats = snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot, 'lineno') |
| stat = stats[0] |
| self.assertEqual(str(stat), |
| 'a.py:5: size=5002 B (+5000 B), count=2 (+1), average=2501 B') |
| |
| def test_slices(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| self.assertEqual(snapshot.traces[:2], |
| (snapshot.traces[0], snapshot.traces[1])) |
| |
| traceback = snapshot.traces[0].traceback |
| self.assertEqual(traceback[:2], |
| (traceback[0], traceback[1])) |
| |
| def test_format_traceback(self): |
| snapshot, snapshot2 = create_snapshots() |
| def getline(filename, lineno): |
| return ' <%s, %s>' % (filename, lineno) |
| with unittest.mock.patch('tracemalloc.linecache.getline', |
| side_effect=getline): |
| tb = snapshot.traces[0].traceback |
| self.assertEqual(tb.format(), |
| [' File "a.py", line 2', |
| ' <a.py, 2>', |
| ' File "b.py", line 4', |
| ' <b.py, 4>']) |
| |
| self.assertEqual(tb.format(limit=1), |
| [' File "a.py", line 2', |
| ' <a.py, 2>']) |
| |
| self.assertEqual(tb.format(limit=-1), |
| []) |
| |
| |
| class TestFilters(unittest.TestCase): |
| maxDiff = 2048 |
| |
| def test_filter_attributes(self): |
| # test default values |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "abc") |
| self.assertEqual(f.inclusive, True) |
| self.assertEqual(f.filename_pattern, "abc") |
| self.assertIsNone(f.lineno) |
| self.assertEqual(f.all_frames, False) |
| |
| # test custom values |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "test.py", 123, True) |
| self.assertEqual(f.inclusive, False) |
| self.assertEqual(f.filename_pattern, "test.py") |
| self.assertEqual(f.lineno, 123) |
| self.assertEqual(f.all_frames, True) |
| |
| # parameters passed by keyword |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(inclusive=False, filename_pattern="test.py", lineno=123, all_frames=True) |
| self.assertEqual(f.inclusive, False) |
| self.assertEqual(f.filename_pattern, "test.py") |
| self.assertEqual(f.lineno, 123) |
| self.assertEqual(f.all_frames, True) |
| |
| # read-only attribute |
| self.assertRaises(AttributeError, setattr, f, "filename_pattern", "abc") |
| |
| def test_filter_match(self): |
| # filter without line number |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "abc") |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 0)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 5)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 10)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 0)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 5)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 10)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "abc") |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 0)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 5)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 10)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 0)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 5)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 10)) |
| |
| # filter with line number > 0 |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "abc", 5) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 0)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 5)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 10)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 0)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 5)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 10)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "abc", 5) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 0)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 5)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 10)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 0)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 5)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 10)) |
| |
| # filter with line number 0 |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "abc", 0) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 0)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 5)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 10)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 0)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 5)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("12356", 10)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "abc", 0) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_frame("abc", 0)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 5)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("abc", 10)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 0)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 5)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_frame("12356", 10)) |
| |
| def test_filter_match_filename(self): |
| def fnmatch(inclusive, filename, pattern): |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(inclusive, pattern) |
| return f._match_frame(filename, 0) |
| |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(True, "abc", "abc")) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(True, "12356", "abc")) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(True, "<unknown>", "abc")) |
| |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(False, "abc", "abc")) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(False, "12356", "abc")) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(False, "<unknown>", "abc")) |
| |
| def test_filter_match_filename_joker(self): |
| def fnmatch(filename, pattern): |
| filter = tracemalloc.Filter(True, pattern) |
| return filter._match_frame(filename, 0) |
| |
| # empty string |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abc', '')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('', 'abc')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('', '')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('', '*')) |
| |
| # no * |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abc', 'abc')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abc', 'abcd')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abc', 'def')) |
| |
| # a* |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abc', 'a*')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abc', 'abc*')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abc', 'b*')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abc', 'abcd*')) |
| |
| # a*b |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abc', 'a*c')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abcdcx', 'a*cx')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abb', 'a*c')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abcdce', 'a*cx')) |
| |
| # a*b*c |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abcde', 'a*c*e')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('abcbdefeg', 'a*bd*eg')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abcdd', 'a*c*e')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('abcbdefef', 'a*bd*eg')) |
| |
| # replace .pyc and .pyo suffix with .py |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.pyc', 'a.py')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.pyo', 'a.py')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.py', 'a.pyc')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.py', 'a.pyo')) |
| |
| if os.name == 'nt': |
| # case insensitive |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('aBC', 'ABc')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('aBcDe', 'Ab*dE')) |
| |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.pyc', 'a.PY')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.PYO', 'a.py')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.py', 'a.PYC')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch('a.PY', 'a.pyo')) |
| else: |
| # case sensitive |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('aBC', 'ABc')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('aBcDe', 'Ab*dE')) |
| |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('a.pyc', 'a.PY')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('a.PYO', 'a.py')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('a.py', 'a.PYC')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch('a.PY', 'a.pyo')) |
| |
| if os.name == 'nt': |
| # normalize alternate separator "/" to the standard separator "\" |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(r'a/b', r'a\b')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(r'a\b', r'a/b')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(r'a/b\c', r'a\b/c')) |
| self.assertTrue(fnmatch(r'a/b/c', r'a\b\c')) |
| else: |
| # there is no alternate separator |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(r'a/b', r'a\b')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(r'a\b', r'a/b')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(r'a/b\c', r'a\b/c')) |
| self.assertFalse(fnmatch(r'a/b/c', r'a\b\c')) |
| |
| def test_filter_match_trace(self): |
| t1 = (("a.py", 2), ("b.py", 3)) |
| t2 = (("b.py", 4), ("b.py", 5)) |
| t3 = (("c.py", 5), ('<unknown>', 0)) |
| unknown = (('<unknown>', 0),) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "b.py", all_frames=True) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "b.py", all_frames=False) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "b.py", all_frames=True) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "b.py", all_frames=False) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<unknown>", all_frames=False) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(True, "<unknown>", all_frames=True) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| f = tracemalloc.Filter(False, "<unknown>", all_frames=True) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t1)) |
| self.assertTrue(f._match_traceback(t2)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(t3)) |
| self.assertFalse(f._match_traceback(unknown)) |
| |
| |
| class TestCommandLine(unittest.TestCase): |
| def test_env_var_disabled_by_default(self): |
| # not tracing by default |
| code = 'import tracemalloc; print(tracemalloc.is_tracing())' |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok('-c', code) |
| stdout = stdout.rstrip() |
| self.assertEqual(stdout, b'False') |
| |
| def test_env_var_ignored_with_E(self): |
| """PYTHON* environment variables must be ignored when -E is present.""" |
| code = 'import tracemalloc; print(tracemalloc.is_tracing())' |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok('-E', '-c', code, PYTHONTRACEMALLOC='1') |
| stdout = stdout.rstrip() |
| self.assertEqual(stdout, b'False') |
| |
| def test_env_var_enabled_at_startup(self): |
| # tracing at startup |
| code = 'import tracemalloc; print(tracemalloc.is_tracing())' |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok('-c', code, PYTHONTRACEMALLOC='1') |
| stdout = stdout.rstrip() |
| self.assertEqual(stdout, b'True') |
| |
| def test_env_limit(self): |
| # start and set the number of frames |
| code = 'import tracemalloc; print(tracemalloc.get_traceback_limit())' |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok('-c', code, PYTHONTRACEMALLOC='10') |
| stdout = stdout.rstrip() |
| self.assertEqual(stdout, b'10') |
| |
| def test_env_var_invalid(self): |
| for nframe in (-1, 0, 2**30): |
| with self.subTest(nframe=nframe): |
| with support.SuppressCrashReport(): |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_failure( |
| '-c', 'pass', |
| PYTHONTRACEMALLOC=str(nframe)) |
| self.assertIn(b'PYTHONTRACEMALLOC: invalid ' |
| b'number of frames', |
| stderr) |
| |
| def test_sys_xoptions(self): |
| for xoptions, nframe in ( |
| ('tracemalloc', 1), |
| ('tracemalloc=1', 1), |
| ('tracemalloc=15', 15), |
| ): |
| with self.subTest(xoptions=xoptions, nframe=nframe): |
| code = 'import tracemalloc; print(tracemalloc.get_traceback_limit())' |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_ok('-X', xoptions, '-c', code) |
| stdout = stdout.rstrip() |
| self.assertEqual(stdout, str(nframe).encode('ascii')) |
| |
| def test_sys_xoptions_invalid(self): |
| for nframe in (-1, 0, 2**30): |
| with self.subTest(nframe=nframe): |
| with support.SuppressCrashReport(): |
| args = ('-X', 'tracemalloc=%s' % nframe, '-c', 'pass') |
| ok, stdout, stderr = assert_python_failure(*args) |
| self.assertIn(b'-X tracemalloc=NFRAME: invalid ' |
| b'number of frames', |
| stderr) |
| |
| def test_pymem_alloc0(self): |
| # Issue #21639: Check that PyMem_Malloc(0) with tracemalloc enabled |
| # does not crash. |
| code = 'import _testcapi; _testcapi.test_pymem_alloc0(); 1' |
| assert_python_ok('-X', 'tracemalloc', '-c', code) |
| |
| |
| def test_main(): |
| support.run_unittest( |
| TestTracemallocEnabled, |
| TestSnapshot, |
| TestFilters, |
| TestCommandLine, |
| ) |
| |
| if __name__ == "__main__": |
| test_main() |