blob: ded7fab666a1a9de346c2c0f92a903aa2655a603 [file] [log] [blame]
Python Misc subdirectory
This directory contains files that wouldn't fit in elsewhere. Some
documents are only of historic importance.
Files found here
ACKS Acknowledgements
AIX-NOTES Notes for building Python on AIX
BeOS-NOTES Notes for building on BeOS replacement for BeOS, see BeOS-NOTES
cheatsheet Quick summary of Python by Ken Manheimer Script to find a value for sys.maxrecursionlimit
gdbinit Handy stuff to put in your .gdbinit file, if you use gdb
HISTORY News from previous releases -- oldest last
HPUX-NOTES Notes about dynamic loading under HP-UX GNU indent profile approximating my C style
NEWS News for this release (for some meaning of "this")
Porting Mini-FAQ on porting to new platforms
PURIFY.README Information for Purify users UNIX man page for the python interpreter
python-mode.el Emacs mode for editing Python programs
README The file you're reading now
RFD Request For Discussion about a Python newsgroup
RPM (Old) tools to build RPMs
setuid-prog.c C helper program for set-uid Python scripts
vgrindefs Python configuration for vgrind (a generic pretty printer)