| import msilib,os,win32com,tempfile,sys
| certname = None
| from config import *
| Win64 = "amd64" in PCBUILD
| mod_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["ProgramFiles"], "Common Files", "Merge Modules")
| msi = None
| if len(sys.argv)==2:
| msi = sys.argv[1]
| if Win64:
| modules = ["Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86_x64.msm", "policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86_x64.msm"]
| if not msi: msi = "python-%s.amd64.msi" % full_current_version
| else:
| modules = ["Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm","policy_9_0_Microsoft_VC90_CRT_x86.msm"]
| if not msi: msi = "python-%s.msi" % full_current_version
| for i, n in enumerate(modules):
| modules[i] = os.path.join(mod_dir, n)
| def merge(msi, feature, rootdir, modules):
| cab_and_filecount = []
| # Step 1: Merge databases, extract cabfiles
| m = msilib.MakeMerge2()
| m.OpenLog("merge.log")
| print "Opened Log"
| m.OpenDatabase(msi)
| print "Opened DB"
| for module in modules:
| print module
| m.OpenModule(module,0)
| print "Opened Module",module
| m.Merge(feature, rootdir)
| print "Errors:"
| for e in m.Errors:
| print e.Type, e.ModuleTable, e.DatabaseTable
| print " Modkeys:",
| for s in e.ModuleKeys: print s,
| print
| print " DBKeys:",
| for s in e.DatabaseKeys: print s,
| print
| cabname = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".cab")
| m.ExtractCAB(cabname)
| cab_and_filecount.append((cabname, len(m.ModuleFiles)))
| m.CloseModule()
| m.CloseDatabase(True)
| m.CloseLog()
| # Step 2: Add CAB files
| i = msilib.MakeInstaller()
| db = i.OpenDatabase(msi, win32com.client.constants.msiOpenDatabaseModeTransact)
| v = db.OpenView("SELECT LastSequence FROM Media")
| v.Execute(None)
| maxmedia = -1
| while 1:
| r = v.Fetch()
| if not r: break
| seq = r.IntegerData(1)
| if seq > maxmedia:
| maxmedia = seq
| print "Start of Media", maxmedia
| for cabname, count in cab_and_filecount:
| stream = "merged%d" % maxmedia
| msilib.add_data(db, "Media",
| [(maxmedia+1, maxmedia+count, None, "#"+stream, None, None)])
| msilib.add_stream(db, stream, cabname)
| os.unlink(cabname)
| maxmedia += count
| # The merge module sets ALLUSERS to 1 in the property table.
| # This is undesired; delete that
| v = db.OpenView("DELETE FROM Property WHERE Property='ALLUSERS'")
| v.Execute(None)
| v.Close()
| db.Commit()
| merge(msi, "SharedCRT", "TARGETDIR", modules)
| # certname (from config.py) should be (a substring of)
| # the certificate subject, e.g. "Python Software Foundation"
| if certname:
| os.system('signtool sign /n "%s" /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll %s' % (certname, msi))