| """ |
| dialog for building tkinter accelerator key bindings |
| """ |
| from Tkinter import * |
| import tkMessageBox |
| import string, os |
| |
| class GetKeysDialog(Toplevel): |
| def __init__(self,parent,title,action,currentKeySequences): |
| """ |
| action - string, the name of the virtual event these keys will be |
| mapped to |
| currentKeys - list, a list of all key sequence lists currently mapped |
| to virtual events, for overlap checking |
| """ |
| Toplevel.__init__(self, parent) |
| self.configure(borderwidth=5) |
| self.resizable(height=FALSE,width=FALSE) |
| self.title(title) |
| self.transient(parent) |
| self.grab_set() |
| self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.Cancel) |
| self.parent = parent |
| self.action=action |
| self.currentKeySequences=currentKeySequences |
| self.result='' |
| self.keyString=StringVar(self) |
| self.keyString.set('') |
| self.SetModifiersForPlatform() |
| self.modifier_vars = [] |
| for modifier in self.modifiers: |
| variable = StringVar(self) |
| variable.set('') |
| self.modifier_vars.append(variable) |
| self.CreateWidgets() |
| self.LoadFinalKeyList() |
| self.withdraw() #hide while setting geometry |
| self.update_idletasks() |
| self.geometry("+%d+%d" % |
| ((parent.winfo_rootx()+((parent.winfo_width()/2) |
| -(self.winfo_reqwidth()/2)), |
| parent.winfo_rooty()+((parent.winfo_height()/2) |
| -(self.winfo_reqheight()/2)) )) ) #centre dialog over parent |
| self.deiconify() #geometry set, unhide |
| self.wait_window() |
| |
| def CreateWidgets(self): |
| frameMain = Frame(self,borderwidth=2,relief=SUNKEN) |
| frameMain.pack(side=TOP,expand=TRUE,fill=BOTH) |
| frameButtons=Frame(self) |
| frameButtons.pack(side=BOTTOM,fill=X) |
| self.buttonOk = Button(frameButtons,text='Ok', |
| width=8,command=self.Ok) |
| self.buttonOk.grid(row=0,column=0,padx=5,pady=5) |
| self.buttonCancel = Button(frameButtons,text='Cancel', |
| width=8,command=self.Cancel) |
| self.buttonCancel.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=5,pady=5) |
| self.frameKeySeqBasic = Frame(frameMain) |
| self.frameKeySeqAdvanced = Frame(frameMain) |
| self.frameControlsBasic = Frame(frameMain) |
| self.frameHelpAdvanced = Frame(frameMain) |
| self.frameKeySeqAdvanced.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=NSEW,padx=5,pady=5) |
| self.frameKeySeqBasic.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=NSEW,padx=5,pady=5) |
| self.frameKeySeqBasic.lift() |
| self.frameHelpAdvanced.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=NSEW,padx=5) |
| self.frameControlsBasic.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=NSEW,padx=5) |
| self.frameControlsBasic.lift() |
| self.buttonLevel = Button(frameMain,command=self.ToggleLevel, |
| text='Advanced Key Binding Entry >>') |
| self.buttonLevel.grid(row=2,column=0,stick=EW,padx=5,pady=5) |
| labelTitleBasic = Label(self.frameKeySeqBasic, |
| text="New keys for '"+self.action+"' :") |
| labelTitleBasic.pack(anchor=W) |
| labelKeysBasic = Label(self.frameKeySeqBasic,justify=LEFT, |
| textvariable=self.keyString,relief=GROOVE,borderwidth=2) |
| labelKeysBasic.pack(ipadx=5,ipady=5,fill=X) |
| self.modifier_checkbuttons = {} |
| column = 0 |
| for modifier, variable in zip(self.modifiers, self.modifier_vars): |
| label = self.modifier_label.get(modifier, modifier) |
| check=Checkbutton(self.frameControlsBasic, |
| command=self.BuildKeyString, |
| text=label,variable=variable,onvalue=modifier,offvalue='') |
| check.grid(row=0,column=column,padx=2,sticky=W) |
| self.modifier_checkbuttons[modifier] = check |
| column += 1 |
| labelFnAdvice=Label(self.frameControlsBasic,justify=LEFT, |
| text="Select the desired modifier\n"+ |
| "keys above, and final key\n"+ |
| "from the list on the right.") |
| labelFnAdvice.grid(row=1,column=0,columnspan=4,padx=2,sticky=W) |
| self.listKeysFinal=Listbox(self.frameControlsBasic,width=15,height=10, |
| selectmode=SINGLE) |
| self.listKeysFinal.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>',self.FinalKeySelected) |
| self.listKeysFinal.grid(row=0,column=4,rowspan=4,sticky=NS) |
| scrollKeysFinal=Scrollbar(self.frameControlsBasic,orient=VERTICAL, |
| command=self.listKeysFinal.yview) |
| self.listKeysFinal.config(yscrollcommand=scrollKeysFinal.set) |
| scrollKeysFinal.grid(row=0,column=5,rowspan=4,sticky=NS) |
| self.buttonClear=Button(self.frameControlsBasic, |
| text='Clear Keys',command=self.ClearKeySeq) |
| self.buttonClear.grid(row=2,column=0,columnspan=4) |
| labelTitleAdvanced = Label(self.frameKeySeqAdvanced,justify=LEFT, |
| text="Enter new binding(s) for '"+self.action+"' :\n"+ |
| "(will not be checked for validity)") |
| labelTitleAdvanced.pack(anchor=W) |
| self.entryKeysAdvanced=Entry(self.frameKeySeqAdvanced, |
| textvariable=self.keyString) |
| self.entryKeysAdvanced.pack(fill=X) |
| labelHelpAdvanced=Label(self.frameHelpAdvanced,justify=LEFT, |
| text="Key bindings are specified using tkinter key id's as\n"+ |
| "in these samples: <Control-f>, <Shift-F2>, <F12>,\n" |
| "<Control-space>, <Meta-less>, <Control-Alt-Shift-x>.\n\n"+ |
| "'Emacs style' multi-keystroke bindings are specified as\n"+ |
| "follows: <Control-x><Control-y> or <Meta-f><Meta-g>.\n\n"+ |
| "Multiple separate bindings for one action should be\n"+ |
| "separated by a space, eg., <Alt-v> <Meta-v>." ) |
| labelHelpAdvanced.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=NSEW) |
| |
| def SetModifiersForPlatform(self): |
| """Determine list of names of key modifiers for this platform. |
| |
| The names are used to build Tk bindings -- it doesn't matter if the |
| keyboard has these keys, it matters if Tk understands them. The |
| order is also important: key binding equality depends on it, so |
| config-keys.def must use the same ordering. |
| """ |
| import sys |
| if sys.platform == 'darwin' and sys.executable.count('.app'): |
| self.modifiers = ['Shift', 'Control', 'Option', 'Command'] |
| else: |
| self.modifiers = ['Control', 'Alt', 'Shift'] |
| self.modifier_label = {'Control': 'Ctrl'} |
| |
| def ToggleLevel(self): |
| if self.buttonLevel.cget('text')[:8]=='Advanced': |
| self.ClearKeySeq() |
| self.buttonLevel.config(text='<< Basic Key Binding Entry') |
| self.frameKeySeqAdvanced.lift() |
| self.frameHelpAdvanced.lift() |
| self.entryKeysAdvanced.focus_set() |
| else: |
| self.ClearKeySeq() |
| self.buttonLevel.config(text='Advanced Key Binding Entry >>') |
| self.frameKeySeqBasic.lift() |
| self.frameControlsBasic.lift() |
| |
| def FinalKeySelected(self,event): |
| self.BuildKeyString() |
| |
| def BuildKeyString(self): |
| keyList=[] |
| modifiers=self.GetModifiers() |
| finalKey=self.listKeysFinal.get(ANCHOR) |
| if modifiers: modifiers[0]='<'+modifiers[0] |
| keyList=keyList+modifiers |
| if finalKey: |
| if (not modifiers) and (finalKey not |
| in self.alphanumKeys+self.punctuationKeys): |
| finalKey='<'+self.TranslateKey(finalKey) |
| else: |
| finalKey=self.TranslateKey(finalKey) |
| keyList.append(finalKey+'>') |
| keyStr=string.join(keyList,'-') |
| self.keyString.set(keyStr) |
| |
| def GetModifiers(self): |
| modList = [variable.get() for variable in self.modifier_vars] |
| return filter(None, modList) |
| |
| def ClearKeySeq(self): |
| self.listKeysFinal.select_clear(0,END) |
| self.listKeysFinal.yview(MOVETO, '0.0') |
| for variable in self.modifier_vars: |
| variable.set('') |
| self.keyString.set('') |
| |
| def LoadFinalKeyList(self): |
| #these tuples are also available for use in validity checks |
| self.functionKeys=('F1','F2','F2','F4','F5','F6','F7','F8','F9', |
| 'F10','F11','F12') |
| self.alphanumKeys=tuple(string.ascii_lowercase+string.digits) |
| self.punctuationKeys=tuple('~!@#%^&*()_-+={}[]|;:,.<>/?') |
| self.whitespaceKeys=('Tab','Space','Return') |
| self.editKeys=('BackSpace','Delete','Insert') |
| self.moveKeys=('Home','End','Page Up','Page Down','Left Arrow', |
| 'Right Arrow','Up Arrow','Down Arrow') |
| #make a tuple of most of the useful common 'final' keys |
| keys=(self.alphanumKeys+self.punctuationKeys+self.functionKeys+ |
| self.whitespaceKeys+self.editKeys+self.moveKeys) |
| apply(self.listKeysFinal.insert, |
| (END,)+keys) |
| |
| def TranslateKey(self,key): |
| #translate from key list value to tkinter key-id |
| translateDict={'~':'asciitilde','!':'exclam','@':'at','#':'numbersign', |
| '%':'percent','^':'asciicircum','&':'ampersand','*':'asterisk', |
| '(':'parenleft',')':'parenright','_':'underscore','-':'minus', |
| '+':'plus','=':'equal','{':'braceleft','}':'braceright', |
| '[':'bracketleft',']':'bracketright','|':'bar',';':'semicolon', |
| ':':'colon',',':'comma','.':'period','<':'less','>':'greater', |
| '/':'slash','?':'question','Page Up':'Prior','Page Down':'Next', |
| 'Left Arrow':'Left','Right Arrow':'Right','Up Arrow':'Up', |
| 'Down Arrow': 'Down'} |
| if key in translateDict.keys(): |
| key=translateDict[key] |
| key='Key-'+key |
| return key |
| |
| def Ok(self, event=None): |
| if self.KeysOk(): |
| self.result=self.keyString.get() |
| self.destroy() |
| |
| def Cancel(self, event=None): |
| self.result='' |
| self.destroy() |
| |
| def KeysOk(self): |
| #simple validity check |
| keysOk=1 |
| keys=self.keyString.get() |
| keys.strip() |
| finalKey=self.listKeysFinal.get(ANCHOR) |
| modifiers=self.GetModifiers() |
| keySequence=keys.split()#make into a key sequence list for overlap check |
| if not keys: #no keys specified |
| tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Key Sequence Error', |
| message='No keys specified.') |
| keysOk=0 |
| elif not keys.endswith('>'): #no final key specified |
| tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Key Sequence Error', |
| message='No final key specified.') |
| keysOk=0 |
| elif (not modifiers) and (finalKey in |
| self.alphanumKeys+self.punctuationKeys): |
| #modifier required |
| tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Key Sequence Error', |
| message='No modifier key(s) specified.') |
| keysOk=0 |
| elif (modifiers==['Shift']) and (finalKey not |
| in self.functionKeys+('Tab',)): |
| #shift alone is only a useful modifier with a function key |
| tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Key Sequence Error', |
| message='Shift alone is not a useful modifier '+ |
| 'when used with this final key key.') |
| keysOk=0 |
| elif keySequence in self.currentKeySequences: #keys combo already in use |
| tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Key Sequence Error', |
| message='This key combination is already in use.') |
| keysOk=0 |
| return keysOk |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| #test the dialog |
| root=Tk() |
| def run(): |
| keySeq='' |
| dlg=GetKeysDialog(root,'Get Keys','find-again',[]) |
| print dlg.result |
| Button(root,text='Dialog',command=run).pack() |
| root.mainloop() |