| \section{\module{thread} --- |
| Multiple threads of control} |
| |
| \declaremodule{builtin}{thread} |
| \modulesynopsis{Create multiple threads of control within one interpreter.} |
| |
| |
| This module provides low-level primitives for working with multiple |
| threads (a.k.a.\ \dfn{light-weight processes} or \dfn{tasks}) --- multiple |
| threads of control sharing their global data space. For |
| synchronization, simple locks (a.k.a.\ \dfn{mutexes} or \dfn{binary |
| semaphores}) are provided. |
| \index{light-weight processes} |
| \index{processes, light-weight} |
| \index{binary semaphores} |
| \index{semaphores, binary} |
| |
| The module is optional. It is supported on Windows, Linux, SGI |
| IRIX, Solaris 2.x, as well as on systems that have a \POSIX{} thread |
| (a.k.a. ``pthread'') implementation. For systems lacking the \module{thread} |
| module, the \refmodule[dummythread]{dummy_thread} module is available. |
| It duplicates this module's interface and can be |
| used as a drop-in replacement. |
| \index{pthreads} |
| \indexii{threads}{\POSIX} |
| |
| It defines the following constant and functions: |
| |
| \begin{excdesc}{error} |
| Raised on thread-specific errors. |
| \end{excdesc} |
| |
| \begin{datadesc}{LockType} |
| This is the type of lock objects. |
| \end{datadesc} |
| |
| \begin{funcdesc}{start_new_thread}{function, args\optional{, kwargs}} |
| Start a new thread and return its identifier. The thread executes the function |
| \var{function} with the argument list \var{args} (which must be a tuple). The |
| optional \var{kwargs} argument specifies a dictionary of keyword arguments. |
| When the function returns, the thread silently exits. When the function |
| terminates with an unhandled exception, a stack trace is printed and |
| then the thread exits (but other threads continue to run). |
| \end{funcdesc} |
| |
| \begin{funcdesc}{interrupt_main}{} |
| Raise a KeyboardInterrupt in the main thread. A subthread can use this |
| function to interrupt the main thread. |
| \versionadded{2.3} |
| \end{funcdesc} |
| |
| \begin{funcdesc}{exit}{} |
| Raise the \exception{SystemExit} exception. When not caught, this |
| will cause the thread to exit silently. |
| \end{funcdesc} |
| |
| %\begin{funcdesc}{exit_prog}{status} |
| %Exit all threads and report the value of the integer argument |
| %\var{status} as the exit status of the entire program. |
| %\strong{Caveat:} code in pending \keyword{finally} clauses, in this thread |
| %or in other threads, is not executed. |
| %\end{funcdesc} |
| |
| \begin{funcdesc}{allocate_lock}{} |
| Return a new lock object. Methods of locks are described below. The |
| lock is initially unlocked. |
| \end{funcdesc} |
| |
| \begin{funcdesc}{get_ident}{} |
| Return the `thread identifier' of the current thread. This is a |
| nonzero integer. Its value has no direct meaning; it is intended as a |
| magic cookie to be used e.g. to index a dictionary of thread-specific |
| data. Thread identifiers may be recycled when a thread exits and |
| another thread is created. |
| \end{funcdesc} |
| |
| |
| Lock objects have the following methods: |
| |
| \begin{methoddesc}[lock]{acquire}{\optional{waitflag}} |
| Without the optional argument, this method acquires the lock |
| unconditionally, if necessary waiting until it is released by another |
| thread (only one thread at a time can acquire a lock --- that's their |
| reason for existence), and returns \code{None}. If the integer |
| \var{waitflag} argument is present, the action depends on its |
| value: if it is zero, the lock is only acquired if it can be acquired |
| immediately without waiting, while if it is nonzero, the lock is |
| acquired unconditionally as before. If an argument is present, the |
| return value is \code{True} if the lock is acquired successfully, |
| \code{False} if not. |
| \end{methoddesc} |
| |
| \begin{methoddesc}[lock]{release}{} |
| Releases the lock. The lock must have been acquired earlier, but not |
| necessarily by the same thread. |
| \end{methoddesc} |
| |
| \begin{methoddesc}[lock]{locked}{} |
| Return the status of the lock:\ \code{True} if it has been acquired by |
| some thread, \code{False} if not. |
| \end{methoddesc} |
| |
| \strong{Caveats:} |
| |
| \begin{itemize} |
| \item |
| Threads interact strangely with interrupts: the |
| \exception{KeyboardInterrupt} exception will be received by an |
| arbitrary thread. (When the \refmodule{signal}\refbimodindex{signal} |
| module is available, interrupts always go to the main thread.) |
| |
| \item |
| Calling \function{sys.exit()} or raising the \exception{SystemExit} |
| exception is equivalent to calling \function{exit()}. |
| |
| \item |
| Not all built-in functions that may block waiting for I/O allow other |
| threads to run. (The most popular ones (\function{time.sleep()}, |
| \method{\var{file}.read()}, \function{select.select()}) work as |
| expected.) |
| |
| \item |
| It is not possible to interrupt the \method{acquire()} method on a lock |
| --- the \exception{KeyboardInterrupt} exception will happen after the |
| lock has been acquired. |
| |
| \item |
| When the main thread exits, it is system defined whether the other |
| threads survive. On SGI IRIX using the native thread implementation, |
| they survive. On most other systems, they are killed without |
| executing \keyword{try} ... \keyword{finally} clauses or executing |
| object destructors. |
| \indexii{threads}{IRIX} |
| |
| \item |
| When the main thread exits, it does not do any of its usual cleanup |
| (except that \keyword{try} ... \keyword{finally} clauses are honored), |
| and the standard I/O files are not flushed. |
| |
| \end{itemize} |