blob: f2c1ecd9d20ab068017bf0221afe180875d426a1 [file] [log] [blame]
% howto.cls for the Python documentation
[1998/02/25 Document class (Python HOWTO)]
% Change the options here to get a different set of basic options, This
% is where to add things like "a4paper" or "10pt".
% Optional packages:
% If processing of these documents fails at your TeX installation,
% these may be commented out (independently) to make things work.
% These are both supplied with the current version of the teTeX
% distribution.
% The "fancyhdr" package makes nicer page footers reasonable to
% implement, and is used to put the chapter and section information in
% the footers.
% The "times" package makes the default font the PostScript Times
% font, which makes for smaller PostScript and a font that more people
% like.
\RequirePackage{fancyhdr}\typeout{Using fancier footers than usual.}
\RequirePackage{times}\typeout{Using times fonts instead of Computer Modern.}
% Required package:
% This gives us all the Python-specific markup that we really want.
% This should come last. Do not change this.
% need to do one of these....
% Change the title page to look a bit better, and fit in with the
% fncychap ``Bjarne'' style a bit better.
/Author (\@author)
/Title (\@title)
{\rm\Huge\HeaderFamily \@title} \par
{\em\large\HeaderFamily \@release} \par
{\Large\HeaderFamily \@author} \par
\@date \par
\@authoraddress \par
\parskip = 0mm
% Fix the theindex environment to add an entry to the Table of
% Contents; this is much nicer than just having to jump to the end of
% the book and flip around, especially with multiple indexes.
\pagestyle{normal}} % start this way; change for
\pagenumbering{arabic} % ToC & chapters